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This is a combiner model in early 2011, portraying a non-canon 2.0 Hero-like being.


Set Information

The model is created by combining pieces of 2065 Furno 2.0 and 2067 Evo 2.0. It uses # of the two sets' pieces. The instructions for the model were on


The model comes with a yellow helmet, gunmetal gray headgear, and purple Hero Core. It also has two armor pieces that have the two sets' names on them.

HERO FACTORY Combiner Models
2010 Lucas Valor
2011 "Hero Combiner 1" | "Hero Combiner 2" | "Hero Combiner 3" | "Hero Combiner 4" | "Hero Combiner 5" | "Hero Combiner 6" | Makuro-X1
2012 "Villain Combiner 1" | "Villain Combiner 2" | "Villain Combiner 3" | "Villain Combiner 4" | "Villain Combiner 5" | "Villain Combiner 6" | "Villain Combiner 7" | "Villain Combiner 8" | "Villain Combiner 9" | "Unique Hero Factory Hero" | "Unique Hero Factory Villain"
2013 "Ultimate Furno" | "Ultimate Rocka" | "Ultimate Bulk" | "Ultimate Breez" | "Ultimate Surge" | "Ultimate Stormer" | "Ultimate Evo"
2014 Powered-Up Evo XL Machine | "Hero Combi Model 1" | "Beast Combi Model 1" | "Hero Combi Model 2" | "Hero Combi Model 3" | "Beast Combi Model 2"