Shortcut: 44017+44019


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Hero Combi Model 2
Combiner Model
Component sets 44017 STORMER Freeze Machine
44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine
Release date January 2014 (IN)
March 2014 (NA)
Pieces #

This is a combiner model in early 2014, portraying a non-canon Battle Machine.

Set Information

The model is created by combining pieces of Battle Machines from 44017 STORMER Freeze Machine and 44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine. It uses # of the two sets' pieces. The instructions for the model were on The two sets, along with the other six early 2014 sets, were released in January 2014 in Europe, Australia/New Zealand and Asia, but their release date was held back until March in North America for an unknown reason.

The set contains five mini-figures, Hero Preston Stormer and Hero Daniel Rocka, two red and black Jumpers, and an orange and black Jumper. Stormer has a communication device. Rocka has a sledgehammer and a wrench. Each of the Heroes has a gun.


The model features the Stormer Freeze Machine's detachable orange cockpit with opening transparent blue visor. There is also an opening mechanism with three appendages that can cover the bottom of the cockpit. Each of the two appendages on the sides of the cockpit has a black clipping piece that can contain one of the gadgets that Rocka is holding with his hands.

The model's right arm has a Plasma Gun, which is a Goo Shooter, a variation of the Plasma Gun, in the story. The model's left arm has a version of the Rocka Stealth Machine's Grab Claw. Like the other Grab Claw, this one has four translucent green claws that can move forwards and backwards. It can rotate by turning a black knob on the back of the weapon. Each of the model's arms has a different printed armor piece. The model has two detachable opening transparent canisters: one green and one blue. The green one is attached to the back of the model and has a bandolier that attaches the canister to the model's left arm's printed armor piece. The blue one can be carried by the Grab Claw by using the Grab Claw's translucent green rod piece. Each of the model's upper arms has two finger-like pieces that can move forwards and backwards.

The Heroes' guns can be contained on side of the model's right thigh. The model's left thigh contains a flick-fire missile launcher, which can launch two missiles.


  • In the Invasion From Below game, the model is called the "Stormer Blizzard Machine", probably because Stormer is seen piloting the machine.

External links (for now)

HERO FACTORY Combiner Models
2010 Lucas Valor
2011 Hero Combiner 1 | Hero Combiner 2 | Hero Combiner 3 | Hero Combiner 4 | Hero Combiner 5 | Hero Combiner 6 | Makuro-X1
2012 Villain Combiner 1 | Villain Combiner 2 | Villain Combiner 3 | Villain Combiner 4 | Villain Combiner 5 | Villain Combiner 6 | Villain Combiner 7 | Villain Combiner 8 | Villain Combiner 9 | Unique Hero Factory Hero | Unique Hero Factory Villain
2013 Ultimate Furno XL | Ultimate Rocka | Ultimate Bulk | Ultimate Breez | Ultimate Surge | Ultimate Stormer | Ultimate Evo
2014 Powered-Up Evo XL Machine | Hero Combi Model 1 | Beast Combi Model 1 | Hero Combi Model 2 | Hero Combi Model 3 | Beast Combi Model 2