Plasma Blowtorch

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Parent Page: Weapons

Plasma Blowtorch
Status Confiscated
User(s) Nitroblast
Functionality Cutting
Shooting plasma

The Plasma Blowtorch, or simply Plasma torch,[FO:MSG] was a tool that was used by Nitroblast prior to him being locked up by the Hero Factory.


The blowtorch could be used to cut through almost anything by emitting a high-powered stream of plasma, or to fire bolts of plasma. The blowtorch was connected by a tube to a spiked tank with fuel cells on Nitroblast's back.

Set Information

Set 2194 Nitroblast, released in early 2011, includes the Plasma Blowtorch, which is comprised of two of the set's 57 pieces.

See also

Villains Black Hole Orb Staff | Acid Blasters | Radioactive Sludge Shooter | Crusher Claw | Nebula Gas Cannon | Biohazard Gas Shooter | Meteor Blaster | Lava Blaster | Turbine Drill | Plasma Blowtorch | Lava Sphere Shooter | Razor Sabre Mace Staff | Magma Blades | Toxic Jets | Shredding Claw | Poison Plasma Gun | Shooting Volt Blaster | Razor Disc Slicer | Wing Blades | Hero Core Remover Tool | Plasma Shooter | Rotating Flame Staff | Wrecking Mace | Fanged Frost Blade | Dual Sword Staff
See full list