Turbine Drill

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Parent Page: Weapons

Turbine Drill
Status Confiscated
User(s) Drilldozer
Functionality Drilling
Melee combat

The Turbine Drill, or multi-tooth turbine-powered drill,[FO:MSG] was a tool wielded by Drilldozer. During the conflict at Tanker Station 22, Natalie Breez disarmed Drilldozer, relieving him of the Turbine Drill.


The Turbine Drill is powered by a turbine. It has a neutronium core that is surrounded by depleted uranium teeth, making it dangerously radioactive. The drill has multiple teeth. Use of it makes a large radius of shrapnel around it. The drill is extremely heavy and hard to control. It has a tube that connected it to Drilldozer's right upper arm armor.

Example Usage

Drilldozer used the Turbine Drill in Episode 5: Ordeal of Fire to create an underground tunnel and sneak up on the Alpha 1 Team.

Set Information

Set 2192 Drilldozer, released in early 2011, includes the Turbine Drill. The drill piece attaches to Drilldozer's arm via several connector pieces, and has a tube running from it to his shoulder.


  • In Episode 5, when the Fire Villains surround and fire upon Mark Surge, the Turbine Drill is seen projecting a blast like a Meteor Blaster. However, this is most likely a blooper or a mistake as the Drill is not used for such a purpose outside of this brief instance.

See also

External links

Villains Black Hole Orb Staff | Acid Blasters | Radioactive Sludge Shooter | Crusher Claw | Nebula Gas Cannon | Biohazard Gas Shooter | Meteor Blaster | Lava Blaster | Turbine Drill | Plasma Blowtorch | Lava Sphere Shooter | Razor Sabre Mace Staff | Magma Blades | Toxic Jets | Shredding Claw | Poison Plasma Gun | Shooting Volt Blaster | Razor Disc Slicer | Wing Blades | Hero Core Remover Tool | Plasma Shooter | Rotating Flame Staff | Wrecking Mace | Fanged Frost Blade | Dual Sword Staff
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