In the perennial struggles between Heroes and Villains, the two sides combat using a variety of Weapons.
Dual Fold-out Blades
Triple Bladed Bear Claw
Wrist-mounted Blades
Preston Stormer's 3.0 animal weapon, retractable blades that fold out for attack.
Jimi Stringer's 3.0 weapon, a claw based on a black bear, with an attached blade, and equipped plasma gun.
Dunkan Bulk's 3.0 weapon, a set of blades attached to his wrist, designed to complement his two-handed fighting style.
Plasma Bow
Double Bladed Tiger Claw
Double Claw Combo Tool
William Furno's 3.0 weapon, which could be used for both melee and ranged combat. It can also grab like a pincer, and split into two blades that can be thrown like boomerangs.
Julius Nex's 3.0 weapon, a twin-bladed claw based on the sabre-toothed tiger.
Daniel Rocka's 3.0 weapon, a lion claw combined with extended blades. When Rocka became an XL Hero, he got a different version of the weapon.
Brain Attack
Flaming Fire Sword
Fire Shield
Piercing saber used by William Furno in his XL form, capable of burning through the toughest of substances.
Fiery shield carried by William Furno in his XL armor.
Plasma Sword/Plasma Blade
360° Spinning Razor Shield
A new blade weapon wielded by Daniel Rocka. Possesses enough power to cut through all types of rock, and can be controlled by Rocka's Brain Attack helmet.
A shield used by Daniel Rocka, a sharp rotating barrier which he can control with his Brain Attack helmet.
High Speed Laser Drill
High-Impact Shield
A new, laser-based drill wielded by Dunkan Bulk which slices through rock at tremendous speeds.
Powerful, resistant shield carried by Dunkan Bulk, designed to be easy to carry, but still durable and damage deflecting.
Bow Staff
Spinning Razor Saw Shield
Collapsible staff carried by Natalie Breez, which can also fire energy blasts.
A new serrated shield carried by Natalie Breez, which can also be used offensively.
Vortex Staff
Spinning melee weapon used by Nathan Evo, with a special sheath for attachment.
Small knife carried by Nathan Evo.
Rotating Lightning Blades
Nano Alloy Sword
Spinning melee weapon used by Mark Surge, which can also fire electricity.
Powerful sword wielded by Preston Stormer, with attached Ice Fangs.
Ice Hero Shield
Ice Missile Launcher
Special shield used by Preston Stormer with ice elements.
Back-mounted missile launchers equipped to Preston Stormer's armor.
Invasion From Below
Laser Guns
Fire Chain
Small blasters that shoot lasers and were carried by the Heroes. They can defeat a Jumper in one shot, but they are useless against giant mutated Jumpers due to these Jumpers' tougher armor plating. There are three known kinds of the blasters. One looks like a pistol. The second shoots green plasma goo. The third is a longer version of the first one that can be used as a melee combat weapon to hit Crystal Beasts and as a shield to block their physical strikes.[Episode 11] It is also called a "Double Shooter".(shown in 44029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER's set description in LEGOshop.com) Known Users: Preston Stormer, William Furno, Daniel Rocka, Natalie Breez, Nathan Evo, Dunkan Bulk, Mark Surge
An energized chain used by Heroes. There are two different versions of the chain, which can be distinguished by their handles. The one used by Natalie Breez is called an "Electro Chain",(shown in 44020 FLYER Beast vs. BREEZ's set description in LEGOshop.com) and the one used by William Furno and Nathan Evo is called a "Laser Lasso".(shown in 44021 SPLITTER Beast vs. FURNO & EVO's set description in LEGOshop.com) Antropolis City's construction site has a kind of chain similar to the Laser Lasso.[Episode 11] Known Users: William Furno, Nathan Evo, Natalie Breez
A handheld wrench tool carried by Daniel Rocka.
A hammer carried by Daniel Rocka.
Fire Sword
Fire Extinguisher
A burning sword carried by William Furno. It is similar to the Flaming Fire Sword.
A fire extinguisher carried by William Furno.
Buzz Saw
A small bladed tool carried by Nathan Evo.
A spear carried by Preston Stormer.
Other Heroes
Merrick's Tool
Merrick's Claw
Blaster weapon used by commander of the Recon Team, Merrick Fortis. It has been referred to as his "good old trustworthy".
A claw used by Merrick Fortis after recieving a 3.0 upgrade, to assist in rock climbing on Quatros.
Combined Element 1
Combined Element 2
The first of the Combined Elements used by the Recon Team, developed by Fortis after observing Mission: Savage Planet.
The second of the Combined Elements used by the Recon Team, developed by Fortis after observing Mission: Savage Planet.
Combined Element 3
Combined Element 4
The third of the Combined Elements used by the Recon Team, developed by Fortis after observing Mission: Savage Planet. A variation of Nex's 3.0 weapon.
The fourth of the Combined Elements used by the Recon Team, developed by Fortis after observing Mission: Savage Planet.
Rotating Flame Staff
Dual Sword Staff
A spinning flame blade used by Pyrox and his fellow members of his species, which can also act as a flamethrower. Disappeared when the creatures got freed from the Brains.
A double-sided bladed staff used by Aquagon and his fellow members of his species, which can split into two individual sabers called Sea Blades. Disappeared when the creatures got freed from the Brains.
Fanged Frost Blade
Wrecking Mace
Massive serrated blade carried by Frost Beast and his fellow members of his species. Disappeared when the creatures got freed from the Brains.
A massive swinging mace wielded by Ogrum and his fellow members of his species, used as a destructive melee weapon. Disappeared when the creatures got freed from the Brains.
See also
External links