Hero Core Remover Tool

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Parent Page: Weapons

Hero Core Remover Tool
Status Confiscated
User(s) Core Hunter
Functionality Removing Hero Cores
Siphoning energy

In order to acquire the Hero Cores from his victims, Core Hunter used a special Hero Core Remover Tool, also called the Core-removal tool.[FO:MSG, p. 57][FO:MSG, p. 103]


The Hero Core Remover Tool is designed like other equipment in Core Hunter's arsenal, with the intent for a streamlined and efficient usage. The Remover Tool surgically extracts the Hero Core from fallen Heroes by using its claws; with the razor sharpness and precision engineering of the tool, the Core is not destroyed in the harvest, allowing Core Hunter to preserve the Core successfully and add it to his collection. The weapon can also absorb energy from objects.[SM1]


Its ability to absorb energy was central to Arctur's plan to get the Doom Box destroyed. When Core Hunter activated the Doom Box, Natalie Breez used the Hero Core Remover Tool to absorb the Doom Box's energy, ending the Doom Box's threat. However, the tool became supercharged and could fire gigantic energy bursts, harnessing the immense energy of the Doom Box. Core Hunter then defeated every Hero with this weapon but Mark Surge, who used his Electricity Shooter to push the power back at Core Hunter, causing his body to fold in on itself before it vanished.[SM1] However, when Core Hunter somehow reappeared, the Remover Tool somehow reappeared as well, but without the Doom Box's energies.[FO:MSG]

Example Usage

In The Doom Box, Core Hunter fired the Hero Core Removal Tool at Surge after it was supercharged with power.

Set Information

The Hero Core Remover Tool is composed of 9 pieces, and included in set 6222 CORE HUNTER, released in late 2012.

External links

Villains Black Hole Orb Staff | Acid Blasters | Radioactive Sludge Shooter | Crusher Claw | Nebula Gas Cannon | Biohazard Gas Shooter | Meteor Blaster | Lava Blaster | Turbine Drill | Plasma Blowtorch | Lava Sphere Shooter | Razor Sabre Mace Staff | Magma Blades | Toxic Jets | Shredding Claw | Poison Plasma Gun | Shooting Volt Blaster | Razor Disc Slicer | Wing Blades | Hero Core Remover Tool | Plasma Shooter | Rotating Flame Staff | Wrecking Mace | Fanged Frost Blade | Dual Sword Staff
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