Meteor Blaster

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Parent Page: Weapons

Meteor Blaster
Status All Confiscated
User(s) Various
Functionality Launching projectiles

The Meteor Blaster, or Meteor Shooter,(Hero Factory FM) was a weapon used by criminals, favored due to its low cost and versatility.

Various models of the Meteor Blaster exist, including the Dartshooter, the Phlinger, and the Lobber.


Meteor Blaster
Villain Customization Status
XPlode Had both a standard version and a version with a silver blade attached. The silver blade has red stripes. The bladed version could be held by both hands Confiscated
Rotor Had both a standard version and a pistol version Confiscated
Corroder Shoulder mounted Confiscated
Thunder None Confiscated
Meltdown Used a modified version known as the Radioactive Sludge Shooter; shoots radioactive sludge as ammunition Confiscated
Vapor Carried two modified launchers known as Vapor Launchers; fires tube-fed corrosive gas ammunition Confiscated


Rotor using a Meteor Blaster

The Meteor Blaster could use virtually any object as a powerful projectile. Explosive orbs and energy spheres could also be shot from the blaster, but these present an additional price that only the most successful criminals can afford. Villains were known to modify the blaster to suit their own preferences.

There are many variations of the Meteor Blaster, and some of them are also used by the Heroes. They include:

Example Usage

In Episode 4: Von Nebula, four members of Von Nebula's Gang used their Meteor Blasters to attack the Alpha 1 Team in New Stellac City.

Set Information

Meteor Blasters are included in the sets 7147 XPlode, 7156 Corroder, 7157 Thunder, 7162 Rotor, and 7179 Bulk and Vapour. They can be fired by squeezing both sides of the weapon. Set 7148 Meltdown has a modified version of the Meteor Blaster, the Radioactive Sludge Shooter.

Some of other Hero Factory sets come with various kinds of Meteor Blasters. The 2011 sets use the same design as the 2010 ones, but the sets from the other set years use a new design, where it is slightly shorter and the top piece has a new design. Some sets after 2011 have versions of the Meteor Blaster where a bottom piece from this design is used as a top piece.


  • The Meteor Blasters resemble Thornax Launchers from BIONICLE Generation 1.
  • While Furno Bike's Plasma Blasters, the Witch Doctor's gun, Rocka XL's gun, Plasma Guns, Poison Plasma Gun, Shooting Volt Shooter, Plasma Shooter, and Arachnix are not called "Meteor Blasters" in their sets' descriptions,, and Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook, they are implied to be variations of the Meteor Blaster.
  • The Scorpio's tail guns and Thornraxx's mandibles look and function like Meteor Blasters. The Scorpio can shoot spheres of pure Quaza, and Thornraxx can shoot venom.

See also

External links

Villains Black Hole Orb Staff | Acid Blasters | Radioactive Sludge Shooter | Crusher Claw | Nebula Gas Cannon | Biohazard Gas Shooter | Meteor Blaster | Lava Blaster | Turbine Drill | Plasma Blowtorch | Lava Sphere Shooter | Razor Sabre Mace Staff | Magma Blades | Toxic Jets | Shredding Claw | Poison Plasma Gun | Shooting Volt Blaster | Razor Disc Slicer | Wing Blades | Hero Core Remover Tool | Plasma Shooter | Rotating Flame Staff | Wrecking Mace | Fanged Frost Blade | Dual Sword Staff
See full list