Daniel Rocka
"You were overconfident, but we all got our bruises as a result of the breakout. You don't need to try hard to impress your teammates. We all know what you can do."
― Preston Stormer, Collision Course
Parent Page: Characters
Daniel Rocka | ||||||
3.0 B BA IFB
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Hero 2.0 | ||||||
Daniel Rocka[note 1] is a young Hero from Hero Factory who was built in the upgraded style. Rocka is also a rookie member of the Alpha 1 Team and a member of the Hero Recon Team.
At some point, Daniel Rocka was built in the Assembly Tower using the 2.0 Upgrade.[Episode 6] His design was based off of William Furno, in the hopes of producing another successful and powerful rookie. After his creation, Rocka began spending large amounts of time in the Training Sphere, completing hundreds of missions in it.[Bios] He also became friends with the Alpha 1 Team, and eventually joined their Rookie 1 division. However, he is also a secretly a member of the Hero Recon Team, unbeknownst to his comrades.[FO:MSG, p. 36][Episode 9] Rocka and Furno had the most villain captures, despite Furno worked way longer than him. Furno developed his jealousy of Rocka.[Episode 6] Preston Stormer sees great potential in Rocka.[SM3]
Savage Planet

After another successful mission, when Rocka was using his Drop Ship to return to the Hero Factory, Rocka was planning to play Roboball and dunking on Furno. However, Professor Nathaniel Zib called Rocka because the Factory received a distress call from an exiled professor from the Hero Factory Aldous Witch on the planet Quatros. Rocka was nearby, so he volunteered to go assist him; Zib instructed him to wait for backup, but Rocka disregarded the orders, and communication was soon disrupted between them due to something on Quatros. Upon arriving, Rocka discovered that planet has changed, so he reported it to Zib. He then found Witch's damaged space ship, which he deduced to have crashed days ago. Rocka was attacked by a Fangz hound, though the beast quickly abandoned the fight. Tailing the hound, he discovered that the distress call was a trap, and Professor Witch, now a villain called the Witch Doctor, sent two Fangz hounds to assault him. The Fangz injured and deactivated Rocka.
Five other members of the Alpha 1 Team, Furno, Stormer, Julius Nex, Dunkan Bulk, and Jimi Stringer, who were given new armor, weapons, and abilities in order to endure the jungle environment, set out to recover their missing teammate. The team arrived on Quatros and discovered the wounded Rocka. Rocka was healed by Nex using a Hero Cell device. Rocka told his fellow Heroes about what happened to him.[C6] Rocka was outfitted with new lion armor, made by Zib (shown in the July-August 2011 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine) and choosing the animal because of the gold motif matching his previous armor, and Rocka got the armor from his fellow Heroes' Drop Ship. During the journey to find the Witch Doctor, Rocka continually clashed with Furno, who perceived the rookie to be too headstrong.

When the group encountered a teleportation tunnel capable of letting three of them cross to the temple sector, where the Witch Doctor was, Nex stated that the tunnel is not active anymore, could only take three Heroes in a charge, and could take days to recharge. Stormer assigned Rocka and Furno each to lead a three-man cell to work out their rivalry. Stormer assigned Furno to lead Stringer and Nex, and Rocka to lead Bulk and Stormer himself. Rocka chose to take the teleporter, despite Furno's protests, and Furno chose to go through a ravine, over giant tree branches. Rocka's unit used the teleporter to get to the temple, but it rearranged them in a smaller form. The Heroes discovered this when they encountered and evaded a Fangz. Since Rocka's unit could not use the teleporter to restore their size at this time, Rocka decided that he and his team could do some reconaissance until they would become able to restore to their size. Rocka's unit was found by the Fangz, but they drove it off. The Heroes felt the planet shaking, and Rocka deduced that it is missing its Quaza. They told Furno's unit, Zib, and Quadal what happened.[Episode 6]
Rocka's unit discovered a corrupt Quaza spike attached to a Raw-Jaw's back. They deduced that Witch Doctor is using the spikes to control his enslaved animals.[C7] Rocka's unit evaded the Raw-Jaw. They discovered a temple. Bulk asked Zib to decipher the temple's hieroglyphics. After trying his best to decipher the hieroglyphics, Zib theorized to the Heroes that returning the planet's Quaza to its core could save it from dying. The Witch Doctor noticed the Heroes, so he and his enslaved Fangz hound tried to find them. Rocka bought some time by defeating the Fangz. However, two more enslaved Fangz chased the Heroes. Rocka and Bulk were captured in a crate by the Witch Doctor. The two were eventually rescued by Stringer and Nex. Stringer and Nex used the Hero Cell device to rewire the teleporter, and then Rocka's unit used the teleporter to restore to size.
After the six Heroes regrouped, Furno made a plan for his fellow Heroes on how to defeat the Witch Doctor and his animal slaves in the temple sector. Rocka tried to fight the Witch Doctor, but the Witch Doctor used his Skull Staff to swat him to the temple. Rocka witnessed Stormer fighting the Witch Doctor, so he went inside the temple and started planning a way to help Stormer defeat the Witch Doctor. After Furno and Nex went inside the temple during a fight against the Raw-Jaw, they noticed Rocka. Rocka told the Heroes what he was doing. Furno devised a method for Rocka to be able to defeat the Witch Doctor, using ancient armor pieces found in the temple to increase the rookie's size and strength. Witch Doctor engaged the rookie in a fight and eventually gained the upper hand, but his Skull Staff was taken by Stormer and broken,[Episode 7] eliminating his source of power. Rocka punched Witch Doctor in the torso to defeat him. While the planet was breaking apart, Witch Doctor told the Heroes about it.[C7] Furno worked with Bulk to return Witch's stolen supply of Quaza to the planet, preventing it from exploding, and saving them all. With Witch arrested, the team returned to their ships to travel back to the Hero Factory. Stormer congraduated Rocka and Furno for their actions in the missions. When Stormer told Furno that he did a good job, Rocka asked Stormer if he did as well because of his actions in the mission, but two grateful Fangz came to see them off and interrupted the conversation, displaying affection towards Rocka by licking him.[Episode 7] The six Heroes headed back to the Hero Factory with Witch Doctor.[C7]

Rocka received a new form and armor before a mission to capture the villain Voltix, which Rocka and Furno were able to perform successfully. However, when delivering Voltix to the villain containment area of the Hero Factory, the villain revealed that he had let himself be captured, and triggered Von Nebula's Black Hole Orb Staff to generate a black hole that allowed all captured villains to escape in a mass breakout. Rocka and Furno, with Stormer, Stringer, Mark Surge, and Nathan Evo joining them, tried to stop the villains from escaping. During the fight, Voltix told Rocka that he tricked him into capturing him and then shot two beams of electricity from horn-like devices on his head at Rocka, but Rocka used his Crossbow to defend himself. After Voltix got away, Rocka noticed Fire Lord and Jetbug preparing to attack Stringer while Stringer was fighting Splitface, so Rocka used his Hex Energy Shield to protect Stringer from Fire Lord and Jetbug, but the impact from the two villains knocked the two Heroes away from Splitface. The two Heroes witnessed the three villains getting away. The six Heroes failed when all of the villains escaped. They, along with many other Heroes and many Hero Factory staff members, attended a meeting with Zib about the villains being on the loose. The rest of Alpha 1 Team received new sets of armor as well, in order to track down the escaped villains on solo missions. All members of the Alpha 1 Team got a new kind of Hero Cuffs, which can fly and seek out their target. Rocka was secretly tasked by the Hero Recon Team with protecting the Black Hole Orb Staff, though his refusal to go on a sole recapturing mission attracted the attention of Zib. Zib suspiciously asked Rocka who gave him his assignment, but he rushed to help the other Heroes with their solo missions. Rocka went to guard the Black Hole Staff.
Once the rest of the Heroes had been dispatched, the villain Black Phantom took over the Hero Factory with the help of his drone minion called Arachnix, activating the building's force field called the Fail-Safe Shield to ensure that no Heroes could come to the rescue. Rocka was about to touch the now-useless Black Hole Staff when this happened and caught his attention, worrying him.[Episode 8]
Rocka tried to open the doors in the villain containment area, but he failed. He was able to contact Zib, who claimed that the Hero Factory staff is doing a Core Breach Drill, while Rocka did not know that Zib was forced to lie to him about this by Black Phantom. After Zib was done with his message, Rocka did not believe him and got suspicious about it. Rocka climbed onto a deactivated elevator shaft to get out of the room. Using his knowledge as a member of the Recon Team, Rocka was able to stay in contact with Zib over a restricted frequency. Zib asked Rocka how did he do this, but Rocka told him to not think about it and to tell him what is really going on at Mission Control. Zib answered Rocka the truth, warned him about Black Phantom modifying the Hero Assembly Tower, and told Rocka about the override controls for the Fail-Safe Shield, which can disable it. Rocka revealed that he knows that the override controls are in Akiyama Makuro's office before Zib could answer that, surprising Zib and making him suspicious about how did Rocka knew this before Rocka interrupted by hanging up.
While attempting to reach the office through an elevator shaft, Rocka was spotted by a motion sensor, which alerted Black Phantom, so Black Phantom activated the elevator shaft to try to crush Rocka and sent Arachnix to stop him. Rocka broke through the bottom of the elevator shaft to survive from it. He was attacked by the self-replicating drone. Rocka tried to contact Zib about his current situation, but Zib could not respond because Black Phantom deactivated him. Despite being overwhelmed by the self-replicating drone, Rocka managed to break free, destroy all of Arachnix's duplicates, and reach the office door, which was locked with a slide puzzle-based switch, much to Rocka's chagrin. Rocka eventually rearranged the puzzle switch into the shape of Hero Factory's insignia, allowing him into the office. Rocka used the override controls to deactivate the Fail-Safe Shield while he noticed Stormer, Furno, Surge, and Evo arriving at the road bridge to the Hero Factory. Rocka also noticed Black Phantom starting to use the Assembly Tower to destroy the factory. Once Rocka was done turning the shield off, he contacted Stormer to have hismelf and the other Heroes come inside quickly. Rocka ran to the Assembly Tower.

Rocka regrouped with his four fellow teammates near the locked entrance of the Assembly Tower. Here, Rocka told the Heroes what happened since the Heroes left the Hero Factory building to recapture their assigned villains. The Heroes became curious on how Rocka was able to avoid Black Phantom, avoided the building's interior defenses, and lower the shield all by himself, so Rocka revealed that he has been operating as a member of the Hero Recon Team. Surge asked Rocka if the HRT is accepting applications, but Evo deactivated the lock on the entrance, so Stormer cut Surge off because he wanted his fellow Heroes to stop Black Phantom first. The team entered the Assembly Tower and noticing Black Phantom, who reworked it to enhance his own power, getting raised by the tower's cranes to the top of the tower. Furno noticed that Black Phantom was using his energy to trigger a chain reaction that could destroy the entire Hero Factory. The Heroes followed Black Phantom up to the top of it to try to cut him away from the tower's power core. He sent Arachnix to fight the Heroes. Arachnix self-replicated to make a swarm and went to do so. The Heroes fought the drones on the floor of the tower. Rocka, after destroying some of the drones, climbed up the assembly equipment to take on Black Phantom himself. Black Phantom tried to hit him with his Razor Sabre Mace Staff, but Rocka grabbed the mace part of the weapon and then threw the weapon to the floor. Black Phantom noticed Rocka's abnormal moves. He said to him that he is absorbing the tower's power to destroy the Hero Factory. Rocka tried to hit Black Phantom, but Black Phantom used his enhanced power to resist Rocka's hits. Once Rocka got on Black Phantom's back and the Heroes destroyed all of the drones, Stormer ordered Rocka to unplug Black Phantom from the cables that were feeding power to him, but Evo, acting on a gut instinct, said to instead plug Black Phantom in even more. Stormer, trusting Evo's instincts, gave his support to Evo's plan. Rocka did this, successfully overloading Black Phantom with power and allowing Rocka to restrain Black Phantom with a pair of Hero Cuffs.[Episode 9] Since that time, Rocka was upset about how Black Phantom was a tough challenge to him, so he became restless and determined to impress his teammates.[SM3] When the five Heroes were leaving the tower, they were reunited with Stringer, who came late with the recapturing Voltix.
After the mission, Rocka and his fellow Heroes met with Zib in Mission Control. Rocka revealed to his fellow Heroes that he is from the Hero Recon Team. Zib told Rocka his suspicions during the mission. Rocka apologized for deceiving him. He explained his mission. Makuro appeared and join in the conversation. Zib revealed that while Hero Factory was on lockdown, a single file containing the plans for the Hero Factory itself had been sent to an unknown outside location, meaning villains elsewhere could duplicate the Hero Factory for their own nefarious purposes, worrying the Heroes and frustrating Rocka.[Episode 9]
The Doom Box
During the hunt for the Doom Box, Rocka was contacted by Stormer about a lead in stopping Core Hunter, given to him by Arctur. Rocka traveled to Asteroid J-54 and met Splitface, who was incarcerated by Surge. From Splitface, Rocka learned about Deneb's Doom Box map and the planet on which the Doom Box was forged. Going there, Rocka briefly met Arctur and was instructed to wait until the other Heroes arrived.
Shortly after this, Rocka noticed Core Hunter on the planet, carrying all three pieces of the Doom Box. After Stormer, Furno, Bulk, Stringer, Surge, Natalie Breez, and Arctur arrived, Rocka found and reunited with them. The seven Heroes found Core Hunter. Rocka helped Stormer goad Core Hunter into activating the Doom Box. This casued Core Hunter to try to kill Stormer, but Arctur got in the way and got killed instead. Core Hunter assembled the box and it began to expand. Per Arctur's plan, Breez used the villain's Hero Core Remover Tool and it absorbed the Doom Box's energies, rendering it harmless. However it gave Core Hunter unlimited power which he used to defeat all the Heroes save Surge, who reflected the energy back at Core Hunter, causing his body to fold onto itself and vanish. The Heroes picked up the Doom Box and left, logging Arctur as the sole casualty, and continued with Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em.[SM1]
Brain Attack
At some point, due to Core Hunter and villain like him being able to steal Hero Cores from Heroes, Rocka designed the Hero Core Locking Clamps with the help of Zib.[FO:MSG, p. 84]
Attack on Makuhero City
Rocka, Stormer, Furno, Bulk, Surge, Evo, and Breez were attending a publicity event where they met with Makuhero City's citizens. Zib recalled the seven Heroes when he detected a large army of Brain-controlled creatures about to invade the city. Rocka was upgraded into new armor and went with Alpha 1 to confront the monsters.
Rocka was also instrumental during the attack on Makuhero City for developing and distributing Hero Recon Bikes to his comrades, which helped the Heroes gain a needed speed advantage.[FO:MSG, p. 71]

During the battle, Rocka usually fought many Brain-possessed Dune Crawlers, including Scarox.[TBW] He and his fellow Heroes discovered how to remove the Brains from their hosts, so they used the Brains' weak spot to remove the Brains from many creatures to free and turn them back to normal. Then, a male dragon named Dragon Bolt appeared in the sky, attacked the Heroes, and flew into Hero Factory. While the others returned to the factory to locate the missing Surge, Rocka pursued the dragon, tracking him to a storage center. After encountering Dragon Bolt, Dragon Bolt disarmed Rocka, overwhelming him. Rocka went to hide in a room in the storage bay and discovered a massive jetpack. He donned the jetpack and used it to battle the dragon. Rocka pushed Dragon Bolt out of the Hero Factory building and then flew after him. During their aerial fight in the city, Rocka jumped out of the jetpack, putting it in auto-pilot and landed on Dragon Bolt's back and knocked the Brain off him. The dragon ate the Brain in revenge. Rocka then rode Dragon Bolt to the ground, and he let the city's people observe hime. Rocka and the other Heroes started cleaning up the city.[Episode 10]

Collision Course
Rocka was modifying Hero Factory's sensor relays to secretly try to impress his teammates. However, Breez called him to a meeting held by Stormer. Breez kept calling Rocka through his communicator, but Rocka turned it off to stop getting distracted by it. When Breez finally found Rocka, Rocka explained his intent, annoying Breez. Breez impatiently told Rocka to go to the meeting, and then they finally went to the meeting, preventing Rocka from finishing modifying the sensor relays by calibrating a danger scanner on them. After the meeting, where the aftermath of Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em was discussed, the sensors glitched because of Rocka's incomplete process in modifying the sensor relays. After everyone left the meeting room, Stormer talked to Rocka about the glitching sensors and lectured him on how to use his skills wisely. Breez and Stormer detected that the Valiant was in trouble, on a collision course for the Hero Factory, so Stormer sent Breez and Rocka on a scouting mission in the Valiant. Rocka and Breez took personal rocket packs, which Rocka made, to fly there. Reaching the Valiant, Rocka burst into the hull, followed by Breez. The two Heroes split up, and Rocka began to look around for the ship's engineering section.
Rocka found the ship's auxiliary control room on the way. After using his hacking skills to break a computer firewall there, Rocka was ambushed by several Brains. Escaping them, he made it to the engineering section and took out two Brain-controlled workers guarding it, before discovering twenty more infected workers in the room. Recognizing he was outnumbered, Rocka snuck to the room's catwalk and threw his shield to the catwalk's two thick power cables to cut them. He expected the cables to create a flash of electricity and sound an alarm, which would convince the workers in the room to do a mass evacuation from it, but it did not happen. This got the workers' attention, so they discovered Rocka and threatened to shoot at him. However, Rocka took out some and threatened to blow up the Valiant by stabbing the engineering section's computer console that controlled the power flow. The Brains' swarm leader, who possessed Kirch, arrived and told Rocka that right after Rocka fled from the auxiliary control room, Kirch and his Brain comrades rerouted the room's power to the ship's auxiliary control room because he knew Rocka was coming to the engine room. He used the little remaining bit of the engineering room's power to knock Rocka unconscious, keeping him as a hostage. When ten of the workers went to defend the auxiliary control room, Rocka freed himself and fought the other ten, but Kirch captured him again. Rocka heard Evo announce he and his fellow Heroes in Drop Ships had arrived. Rocka managed to escape Kirch, as the swarm leader began using the Valiant to fire on Evo and the Drop Ships. Rocka ran auxiliary control when Bulk and Furno arrived, forcing the standoff on the Valiant resulting in the Brains being incinerated. Rocka, Breez, Stormer, Bulk, Furno, and the Captain of the Valiant, Aquax, managed to save the Valiant from careening into the sun. Rocka returned to the Hero Factory.
When Breez was training with Rammers, Rocka was overseeing this. When Breez said that she was upset about being tricked by Xera during the mission, Rocka cheered her up.[SM3]
Robot Rampage
Rocka stayed inside the Hero Factory while Bulk and Furno journeyed to Tranquis VII to save Stringer. Stormer had Rocka and Evo take care of a group of pirates, who were piloting four space ships and fighting Bulk and Furno on Bulk and Furno's journey. Rocka acquired satellite imagery of the city of Tranquis for Stormer.
After Bulk and Furno's mission was successful, Rocka arrived to the planet along with Stormer, Evo, Breez, Nex, and a dozen other Heroes to help Stringer, Bulk, and Furno, capture a swarm of the Brains and clean up the city after the destruction caused by the Brains. Rocka and Evo checked on Project Sunstorm after it was destroyed by Karter.[SM4]
It is unknown what Rocka was doing during Mission: Mirror World.
Invasion from Below
Rocka, Stormer, Furno, Bulk, Surge, and Breez went to Antropolis City in a Drop Ship to help Evo fight the Jumpers. the Heroes brought their Remote Builder to build three Battle Machines. Rocka used the Remote Builder to build Stormer the Stormer Freeze Machine, Furno the Furno Jet Machine, and himself the Rocka Stealth Machine.
Rocka used the Stealth Machine to fight the Jumpers. During the time, after Furno was captured by a mutated Jumper called a Jaw Beast, Rocka used the Stealth Machine to save Furno by blasting the beast to make it let go of Furno. After hearing Breez about the Jumpers communicating, Rocka caught one of the Jumpers that he was fighting to analyze it. Rocka saw that Breez was right about the Jumpers communicating, but before he could analyze any further, the Jumper broke free and tried to attack Rocka, forcing Rocka to escape. After Stormer and Furno were kidnapped by mutated Jumpers and were taken underground, Rocka and the other four Heroes went underground to rescue their friends.
Rocka took in charge of the four Heroes. He discovered three construction workers imprisoned in the Jumpers' cocoons. Rocka and the other Heroes freed them, and then he told the construction workers to quickly get back to the surface for safety. Rocka told Evo to make five new Battle Machines that can adapt to underground. Evo made Rocka a smaller battle machine called the Rocka Crawler and a larger one called the Surge & Rocka Combat Machine. Rocka found a unhatched Jumper cocoon and used the Crawler to investigate it, but a Jumper came out of the cocoon and attacked Rocka. However, Rocka used his Battle Machine to defeat the Jumper. After the other Battle Machines were built, the five Heroes traveled underground, but Rocka and Surge were taken by a cave with a magnetic pull and where magnetic rocks are floating around, getting separated from the others.
Rocka and Surge's Battle Machines were magentically attracted to the rocks, trapping the machines. Rocka was attacked by a mutated Jumper called a Tunneler Beast. Rocka tried to use his gun to fight the beast, but the gun was magnetically attracted to the rock his Battle Machine was stuck on. Surge used the Combat Machine to save Rocka by blasting the beast. The Crawler was caught in the magnetic pull of two rocks, forcing Rocka to get out of there. He was chased by another Tunneler Beast, but he was helped out by Surge, who brought him to Rocka's cockpit in the Combat Machine. They worked together to use the machine to fight more Jumpers until a rock destroyed Surge's cockpit and then Surge was captured by another Tunneler Beast, making Rocka use the plane half of the Combat Machine to chase after it.
Rocka went to the Queen Beast's nest and tried to fight the queen, but the queen knocked the plane half off the air. Rocka managed to get out of the plane half before it got destroyed by a pool of acid. Rocka, Bulk, and Evo fought the Jumpers, but when Breez used her ability to communicate with animals to talk to the queen out of the invasion, she discovered that Jumpers mistakenly thought that the city's people were attacking them when the construction workers accidentally awakened the Jumpers, so she told Rocka, Bulk, and Evo to lay down their weapons, so the Jumpers would no longer see them as a threat. After Breez convinced the queen to end the invasion, the queen gave the four Heroes Stormer, Furno, and Surge back. However, after a Jumper accidentally used one of the Heroes' laser guns to damage the nest and kill a few fellow unhatched Jumpers, the queen noticed, so she got angry and mistakenly thought that she and her kind have been betrayed by the Heroes, so she attacked the Heroes. However, when Stormer tried to save Bulk from the queen, he unintentionally damaged the nest more while all of the Jumpers disappeared. The seven Heroes used Evo's Battle Machine called the Evo Spider Machine to get out of the Jumpers' lair and back to the surface.
The Heroes had the city's people close up the tunnel leading to the underground lair and build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it. When the Heroes are leaving with their Drop Ship and heading home, they do not notice that there is a Jumper, who is contained in an unhatched cocoon, being placed in the ship for an unknown reason, so the Heroes are accidentally bringing the Jumper along.[Episode 11]
Alternate Universes
Reality 11275.6
When the Alpha 1 Team was defeated by the Legion of Darkness long ago, Rocka never existed. However, since the Legion of Darkness and their fellow villains in Von Nebula City are recently defeated, Rocka would likely be created.[SM5]
Abilities and Traits
Rocka's outlook is very much like a younger Furno's; he is extremely self-assured and headstrong, willing to immediately take on a challenge without a thought to his own limitations. This sometimes makes him act without thinking, which can get him into trouble, like getting too close to a villain, and he is impulsive.[MtH] This confidence caused him to clash with Furno, but the two eventually settled their differences.[Episode 6][Episode 7] Rocka is cool-headed and tough. His experience in the training sphere has given him a diverse skillset. As a member of the Recon Team, he is also skilled in secrecy and espionage teachings. Rocka is also very fast[Rocka 3.0 LEGOshop.com description] and very acrobatic,[SM3] which he learned from the Recon Team, while other people do not see this as a regular skill set that non-HRT Heroes do.[Episode 9]
Rocka specializes in technology, and excels in developing new software applications and devices, like the Hero Core Locking Clamps, Hero Recon Bikes,[FO:MSG] and personal rocket packs, which were used to get to the Valiant. He can also hack into security systems, as he can hack through and shut down a computer firewall.[SM3] Rocka is good at collecting data and intelligence, and analyzing the enemy’s strategy, strengths, and weaknesses.
During Mission: Invasion From Below, when Stormer and Furno were kidnapped by the Jumpers, Rocka became a deputy leader of the remaining members of the Alpha 1 Team in Antropolis City until Stormer and Furno were saved.[Episode 11]
Since Rocka is a member of the Hero Recon Team, he can turn his Breakout Hero Core a little to make a holographic projection that shows the HRT's logo.[Episode 9]
Armor and Tools
In his 2.0 form, Rocka carried a Multi-Tool Ice Shield.[Episode 6] He was slightly taller than a 1.0 Hero.
As part of his 3.0 upgrade, Rocka possessed the raw strength of a lion.[FO:MSG, p. 36][Product info] He bore a double-claw combo tool as his 3.0 weapon.
He was temporarily armored with ancient armor pieces on Quatros to become Rocka XL, making him taller and stronger than a normal 3.0 Hero, but has since stopped using these pieces. The XL form made Rocka strong enough to fight the Witch Doctor.[Episode 7] When he was using his XL form, he also got a double-bladed claw combo tool and a launcher that looks and functions like a Meteor Blaster.
Before the Breakout, Rocka got an upgrade, where he was given reinforced armor[HiA] and a helmet with a heat vision scope, also called an infrared vision scope,[FO:MSG] as well as new weapons: a Crossbow with an attached spear launcher and an attached bandolier of spears, and a weaker version of the Hex Energy Shield, which he could use for both defense and melee combat. He was also equipped with a new set of Hero Cuffs, which can fly and seek out their target. Rocka became slightly taller than his 2.0 form, as he was at the same height as Furno, Breez, and Bulk's Breakout forms.
During the Brains' attack on Makuhero City, Rocka was given new armor, a Plasma Sword and a 360° Spinning Razor Shield; the weapons can be controlled telekinetically through his helmet.[SM3] His armor included Hero Core Locking Clamps, which boosted the power of and protected his Hero Core, as well as a protective visor with night vision. He became slightly shorter than his Breakout form. He was at the same height as Bulk, Breez, and Evo's Brain Attack forms, and slightly shorter than Stormer and Surge's Brain Attack forms. Rocka has an equipment port, which contains a small device called a laser torch.[SM3]
He was additionally equipped with a jetpack to take on the Brain-possessed Dragon Bolt; the jetpack features numerous offensive capabilities as well as enhanced sensory displays. He is nicknamed "Jet Rocka" by Daniela Capricorn because of the jetpack.(Dragon Bolt vs Jet Rocka!)
During Mission: Invasion From Below, Rocka got upgraded with new compact armor that allows him to pilot a Battle Machine. Rocka had the Rocka Stealth Machine, Rocka Crawler, and the Surge & Rocka Combat Machine. Rocka controlled the small jet half of the Combat Machine. Rocka lost all of the machines during his fights against the Jumpers.[Episode 11] He also had a laser gun, a wrench, and a sledgehammer.
Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats
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Set Information
Rocka Sets | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2143 Rocka 3.0, which featured Rocka, was released in the summer of 2011, as part of the canister wave. This set contains 30 pieces, including a transparent green armor piece decorated with the name "Rocka 3.0" and a lion pattern. The set is slightly taller than the other 3.0 sets. Parts from this set could be used with parts from 2145 Stormer 3.0 to build a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. Rocka 3.0's canister's lid has a printed code underneath it that could unlock Rocka's part of a version of an online game called Creep Crushers, called Jungle Crushers, in the HeroPad section of the Hero Factory website.
Rocka was also released in the same year in a large boxed set, 2282 Rocka XL. There are 174 pieces in this set, including two of the aforementioned printed armor piece and a gold sphere. A launcher, which is the same in design as the Meteor Blaster, in his right hand can fire the sphere when the sides are squeezed. Rocka XL's right forearm is longer than his left for an unknown reason, and his claw weapon is on his left arm rather than his right, like his normal set, for an unknown reason.
Another set featuring the character, 6202 ROCKA, which is medium-sized, was released in early 2012. Comprising 55 pieces, this set features a ball shooter and shield, as well as a redesigned Hero Core containing a code which, when entered into an online game called Breakout on HeroFactory.com, will give the player 300 points. Rocka's gun-holding left forearm is shorter than his right for some reason. Parts from Rocka can be combined with parts from 6203 BLACK PHANTOM to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from Hero Factory website.
44002 ROCKA, which is small, was released as part of the early 2013 "Brain Attack" wave. This 43-piece set includes a plasma blade sword, a spinning razor shield, and a new visor element that can open or close over Rocka's new helmet. Like the other Hero sets in this wave, the set also includes locking clamps to secure the Hero Core, which is the same style as the previous series and includes a printed code for 400 game points in an online game called Brain Attack. The set is as tall as Rocka 3.0. Parts from the Brain Attack set can be combined with parts from 44003 SCAROX to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.
Another set called 44014 JET ROCKA, which is large, was released in the summer of 2013. It contains 290 pieces, 43 of which are used to build Jet Rocka, and other pieces to build the jetpack. Rocka in this set is taller than his regular Brain Attack set, 44010 STORMER, 44008 SURGE, and the Breakout Rocka set, but slightly shorter than 44000 FURNO XL. This form never appeared in the known canon for an unknown reason, so it is non-canon. Like the smaller Rocka set, Jet Rocka has a Hero Core with a printed code underneath it that provides 3000 points in the Brain Attack game.

Rocka was released in 3 sets in 2014. The first one was released at the beginning of 2014 (though delayed until March for North America for an unknown reason) while the other two in summer 2014. He is included in 44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine in early 2014. In this set, Rocka has a gun, a wrench, and a sledgehammer. He is also included in 44023 ROCKA Crawler in summer 2014. In that set, Rocka has a click shooter, which represents his laser gun. He is included in 44028 SURGE & ROCKA Combat Machine in summer 2014. In this set, Rocka has the click shooter. While Rocka wears gunmetal gray chest armor in sets 44019 and 44023, he wears silver chest armor in set 44028. However, in this set's packaging, he wears gunmetal gray chest armor.
"Rocka always had the heart of a lion. Now Professor Zib has crafted armor and hardware to match!"
― LEGO Club Magazine, July-August 2011
"I hope you learned a lesson about paying attention and taking your time."
"I sure did! And I bet I learned it faster than any of the other Heroes!"
― Preston Stormer and Rocka, Breakout
"You know this isn't going to work right?"
"It seems to be working fine so far."
"Do you know how many would-be galactic conquerors Hero Factory deals with every week? It's what we do."
― Rocka and a Brain-controlled Kirch, Collision Course
- Rocka was voiced by Tom Kenny in the second five of the first ten Hero Factory television episodes. InInvasion from Below, Rocka was voiced by Christopher Smith.
- Rocka is the only known member of the Alpha 1 Team to not have a promotional nickname or signature.
- According to the July-August 2011 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine, while Rocka is a new rookie of the Alpha 1 Team, he is also said to be an "old friend" of them.
- In Episode 6: Savage Planet Part 1, Rocka's 2.0 form is based on his 3.0 set because the 2.0 form never had its own set while in the comics, the 2.0 form looks different.
- In Rocka's 2011 sets, his eyes are shown in the helmet's mouth hole. In the Savage Planet episodes, Rocka's 3.0 helmet is smaller and adjusted to match his eyeline.
- Rocka likes to think about milk with chocolate powder when someone mentions it.[Episode 6]
- Although Rocka XL's set features a blaster, he was never seen using it in Episode 7: Savage Planet Part 2 or Comic 7: Savage Planet 2.
- In Rocka's Breakout set, he has a silver hand and uneven forearms, but in the Breakout episodes, he has gold hands and even forearms with gold armor pieces.
- According to Rocka's normal Brain Attack form's set's Lego.com description, his Brain Attack equipment was given to him by the Hero Recon Team. However, in Episode 10: Brain Attack, Zib gave Rocka the equipment.
- Rocka's Jet form was never shown in Episode 10 for an unknown, and he can use his normal Brain Attack form to wear the jetpack.
- According to Daniela Capricorn in Dragon Bolt vs Jet Rocka!, Rocka is considered to be Makuhero City's "crowd favorite", and it is implied that Capricorn has a special fondess with Rocka.
- Since Rocka was never a 1.0 Hero, his Breakout helmet in his 2012 set is an original design with a heat vision scope. His Brain Attack and Invasion From Below helmets are based on that one, but without the heat vision scope.
- According to early story documents, Rocka was originally intended to be Merrick Fortis, the leader of the Hero Recon Team, in disguise.[BZPower - Rocka is Fortis and other reveals (October 5, 2024)]
Books | Comics | Online | Multimedia |
Secret Mission
DK Readers Guides Activity Promotional Newspapers
Stories Animations |
Television Online Games
- ↑ Rocka's name was first identified as "Daniel Rocka" in the credits of some copies of the Savage Planet DVD, the iTunes version of the direct-to-video movie, and later in Episode 10: Brain Attack and Episode 11: Invasion From Below.
See also
External links
- 2143 Rocka 3.0 (instructions)
- 2282 Rocka XL (instructions)
- 6202 ROCKA (instructions)
- 44002 ROCKA (instructions)
- 44014 JET ROCKA (instructions)
- Rocka's Bio on HeroFactory.com in 2011-2012 (archived)
- Rocka's Bio on HeroFactory.com in 2014 (archived)
Heroes of Hero Factory | ||
Alpha 1 Team (Stormer) |
Heroes | Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez |
Rookies | Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka | |
Alpha 1 Team (Thresher) |
Heroes | Thresher (retired) |
Rookies | Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue) | |
Recon Team | Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka | |
Delta 9 Team | Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise | |
Other | Core Hunter (rogue) |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Mid-2011 | |||||
Small | 2143 Rocka 3.0 | 2144 Nex 3.0 | 2145 Stormer 3.0 | 2182 Bulk 3.0 | 2183 Stringer 3.0 | 2191 Furno 3.0 | ||||
Medium | 2231 Waspix | 2232 Raw-Jaw | 2233 Fangz | ||||
Large | 2236 Scorpio | 2282 Rocka XL | 2283 Witch Doctor | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Early 2012 | |||||
Small | 6200 Evo | 6201 Toxic Reapa | 6216 Jawblade | 6217 Surge | 6228 Thornraxx | ||||
Medium | 6202 Rocka | 6218 Splitface | 6227 Breez | 6293 Furno | ||||
Large | 6203 Black Phantom | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Early 2013 | |||||
Small | 44002 Rocka | 44003 Scarox | 44004 Bulk | 44006 Breez | ||||
Medium | 44001 Pyrox | 44005 Bruizer | 44007 Ogrum | ||||
Large | 44000 Furno XL | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Mid-2013 | |||||
Small | 44012 Evo | 44013 Aquagon | ||||
Medium | 44008 Surge | 44010 Stormer | 44011 Frost Beast | ||||
Large | 44009 Dragon Bolt | 44014 Jet Rocka | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Early 2014 | |||||
Small | 44015 Evo Walker | 44016 Jaw Beast vs. Stormer | ||||
Medium | 44017 Stormer Freeze Machine | 44018 Furno Jet Machine | 44019 Rocka Stealth Machine | 44020 Flyer Beast vs. Breez | ||||
Large | 44021 Splitter Beast vs. Furno & Evo | 44022 Evo XL Machine | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Mid-2014 | |||||
Small | 44023 Rocka Crawler | 44024 Tunneler Beast vs. Surge | ||||
Medium | 44025 Bulk Drill Machine | 44026 Crystal Beast vs. Bulk | 44027 Breez Flea Machine | ||||
Large | 44028 Surge & Rocka Combat Machine | 44029 Queen Beast vs. Furno, Evo & Stormer | ||||
see full list |