Mak Megahertz

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Mak Megahertz
Hero Factory Staff
Occupation DJ
Status Unknown
Location Makuhero City

Mak Megahertz is the DJ and talk show host on the Hero Factory FM radio segment "Mak in the Morning".


At some point after his creation, Mak Megahertz became a talk show host on Hero Factory FM. He also has a family, as he has family in Jupiter Valley.

Megahertz started segments with Nathaniel Zib to go over recent calls sent to the Call Center, and many times goes to Zed Clickstart who reports live from field missions with Hero teams. After many tries, Megahertz managed to get Alpha 1 Team on-air, but they were shortly called away.

William Furno appeared on the show doing a Training Sphere simulation on planet Fabulox 18, and caused Furno to fail the mission. Once, Megahertz called Preston Stormer 'old', and was threatened by Stormer before having the hard-of-hearing Sid Asimo on the show.

Gargantuan Smash appeared on the show, disappointing Megahertz with his interview content, where he states that he does poetry.

Deuce Carter and Oscar Flint appeared on the show, discussing their former days under Thelonious Fox, and Fox's disappearance. During the conversation, Megahertz told the two Heroes rumors about Fox being a member of the Hero Recon Team.

Once, the presidents of the Hero Factory fan club appeared with twelve heavily armed guards. Megahertz at one point was de-atomized by Calvin Metric on air, and had to be re-assembled.

Tibor Terrel appeared on the show to release the first trailer for his new movie, Hero Factory The Musical much to Megahertz's disgust. Recon Team agent 'Smith' once appeared on the show to discuss the threat levels of various villains with Megahertz.

Natalie Breez appeared twice in a row on the show, once to discuss her being a female Hero and her missions, and one to debunk any romance between her and Furno or Mark Surge. At the end of the first interview, Megahertz was ripped apart by Stormer for comments about him, but reassembled.

For a special episode, Megahertz went mobile for a tour of Hero Factory, and started in the Call Center. Putting a call by a person from a mutant panda-ravaged Tarek village, Megahertz hung up after he reported he liked the ads most of the radio station. In Mission Control, Megahertz talked to Sturgeon Pinhead, a mission manager, and expressed his disbelief at his last name. Climbing into a transport chute, Megahertz got stuck. Trent Mulligan filled in for Megahertz talking to Boz Freeman at the Assembly Tower. Megahertz had to direct Mulligan in what he should say due to Mulligan's terrible interview skills. Megahertz stated his plan to make a final episode, where he will look back on some of the year's highlights, when water eventually rushed through the chute, pulling Megahertz down with it. It is unknown if he survived the descent. He did 12 broacasts in his segment before he disappeared.

Abilities and Traits

Megahertz is blatantly unaware of any situations that surround him, and cares about nothing other than good material for his talk show. He thinks highly of himself, and detests those who think negatively or judge his show.




Staff of Hero Factory
Akiyama Makuro | Aldous Witch (formerly) | Big Joe | Lucy | Nathaniel Zib | Quadal | Mak Megahertz