Natalie Breez

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"The only time Breez struggles to keep it together is when innocent victims are attacked or simply caught in the middle of the battle between good and evil. It goes to the Core of who she is – Breez believes it is her duty to protect those who are not strong enough to protect themselves."
Akiyama Makuro,

Parent Page: Characters

Natalie Breez
Hero 1.0
Hero Team Alpha 1 Team, Rookie 1 division
Weapons Energized Dual Boomerangs
Status Functional, upgraded

Natalie Breez is a young and experienced Hero at the Hero Factory and the only female member of Alpha 1 Team.[BA!]



Blueprints for Natalie Breez

Breez was created in the Hero Factory. She was the first Hero, and one of the first Heroes, created with an experimental program that linked her with the natural world.[FO:MSG] She was assigned to a rookie team with Mark Surge and William Furno. The three were placed under the command of the Alpha 1 Team, led by Preston Stormer.

At one time, Breez and the other members of the Alpha 1 Team chased fuel smugglers in the Faraday Belt. The team survived and completed the mission.(Hero Factory FM)

Breez was interviewed by Mak Megahertz twice in his show called Hero Factory FM, in his segment called Mak in the Morning. The first interview happened two months after the mission in the Faraday Belt.

At one time, Breez, Furno, and Surge stopped a living asteroid from hitting the Hero Factory. During the time, they discovered that someone used a remotely-controlled micromotor on the asteroid to make it do this. After the asteroid was stopped, the rookies went to find where the micromotor's control signal came from, so the heroes would the one responsible for the attack.(To Serve and to Protect - Mission: Rescue )

Rise of the Rookies

Trials of Furno

Breez and Surge in the Hero Factory, watching Furno, Stormer, Jimi Stringer, and Dunkan Bulk fighting XPlode and Rotor in a mission in Merak 9. The mission became unsatisfactory when the villains escaped. When the two rookies noticed Stormer upsetting Furno about it, the rookies complained to Nathaniel Zib about Stormer being tough on Furno, but Zib, annoyed by their antics, told them to go somewhere and leave him alone. The rookies did what he said and went to do a task that kept them busy. When Furno and Stormer came back from the mission, Stormer told the rookies to go train. Surge wanted to protest because he and Breez just did their busy task, but Breez quietly convinced him to go along with it. When Furno was training in a Training Sphere by replaying the mission in a simulator for hours, Breez and Surge advised him not to overwork himself just to impress Stormer. Later, Stormer came in to ask Breez and Surge where Furno is. Breez and Surge led Stormer to the Training Sphere, where Furno was exhausted from his training. Breez and Surge watched Furno getting recharged in the Quaza Chamber. After Stormer assigned Furno to come with him to do a training mission, Breez insisted that she and Surge would join Furno with the training mission. Surge wanted to protest, but Breez silently told him to go along with it.

Stormer later took the rookie Heroes out to the training mission, but they received a call to aid an explosives plant that was being raided by XPlode and Rotor on Lemus 2. When the Heroes got there, Stormer was knocked unconscious, and Breez tended to him while Furno apprehended Rotor and Surge fended off XPlode.[Episode 1]

Core Crisis

Breez firing her Energized Dual Boomerangs

The villain Corroder attacked the construction site of Penitentiary 1331 in Tantalus 5, and Breez went there from repairing the factory on Lemus 2 with Surge, Dunkan Bulk, and Jimi Stringer. Breez took the injured workers to a medical unit while the others fought Corroder. Furno eventually arrived to fight Corroder, and Breez later returned in the Drop Ship. Furno used her arrival to bluff Corroder, claiming that it was full of Heroes, which drove the villain off.[C2] Breez used a device called the Levitation Unit to help Bulk get out of a pile of girders that Corroder used to trap him earlier.[Episode 2]

The Enemy Within

At one time, a new energy drink company named Robo-Jolt asked Breez to appear in a commercial for them.

Stormer took Breez and the other rookies with him to investigate an alarm at Mekron City, meeting with his ally, the Police Chief Drax. However, Drax was infected with nanobots, and attacked Stormer and his allies. After they subdued Drax, Meltdown arrived, and infected Stormer with the same nanobots.

At Hero Factory, Stormer's mind was taken over by the nanobots, and he went rogue. To find a rare mineral needed to make a cure for him, Breez went with Surge, Stringer, and Bulk to Lunar Tratix to find the mineral. However, when the Heroes arrived, they encountered a female Tratix Reptoid, which attacked them. Bulk told Breez to start using her scanning device to find the mineral while he and the other will distract the Reptoid. Breez found the mineral and planned to dig it out when the Reptoid was about to eat Surge. Breez used her ability to talk to the Reptoid. She told her to stop attacking her and the other Heroes, making her let go of Surge. Breez then told the Reptoid to dig up the mineral.[C3] She also learned that the Reptoid is a female.

After the Heroes went back to the Hero Factory, they cured Stormer. Breez told the Heroes about how she was able to stop the Reptoid to stop attacking her and her fellow Heroes.[Episode 3]

Von Nebula

After the Alpha 1 Heroes went to New Stellac City, and while they were fighting Thunder and Corroder, Breez, Furno, and Surge were practicing using Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings in Hero Factory's Mission Control, unintentionally annoying Zib, who was helping the veteran Heroes. The rookies got out of control with the Rings, but Quadal stopped them. The rookies started watching the fight. After Stormer got hit by Thunder through the use of the Nebula Gas Cannon, Zib and Quadal said to the rookies that the cannon used nebula gases. Zib was trying to look for available Heroes to help the Alpha 1 Team veteran Heroes, but he found that he had not other choice but to send the rookies. He reluctantly assigned the rookies with the task. Zib gave each of the rookies a Particle Separator and told them what they can do. He had the rookies elect their own leader since they did not have one during this mission. The rookies elected Furno to be their team leader, surprising and enlightening Furno.

The rookies used Hero Pods to get to New Stellac City. During the trip, Furno theorized that there is a connection between an old mission of Thresher's and the new mission. Zib used an archived footage to show the rookies the old mission, and Furno used the footage to tell his fellow rookies the mission. Furno talked about Thresher getting hurt by a giant robot, a Hero named Von Ness fleeing in cowardice, and Stormer defeating the drone.

After the rookies arrived at the city, Breez used her scanner to find the veteran Heroes. She noticed a signature from the nebula gases through the scanner. She and her fellow rookies were ambushed by Thunder and Corroder. The rookies prepared to fight the villains, but the villains were later joined by XPlode and Meltdown, who came in meteors. The villains used their Meteor Blasters to attack the rookies, but the Alpha 1 team saved them. The two teams took cover behind the interior wall of a crator and worked together to battle the criminals by shooting at them. However, a black hole appeared over the sky and stripped away the Heroes' weapons and gadgets. The Heroes did a "Hero Link", where they grabbed each other's forearms to avoid getting dragged in. However, Stormer did not link up with the other Heroes because he saw someone in the black hole and believed it had to be Von Ness. The mastermind behind the recent events, Von Ness, revealed himself to the Heroes. He declared that he is no longer Von Nebula and became a villain called Von Nebula. Stormer told his fellow Heroes to fight the other villains, who revealed to be Von Nebula's henchmen while Stormer goes fight Von Nebula himself. After Stormer went inside the black hole, Furno said the same thing to his fellow Heroes while following Stormer to help him. The other Heroes sought cover until the villains' ammunition supply was exhausted. They used their Particle Separators to resist the attacks. When the villain ran out of ammunition, the Heroes retaliated. After Stringer and Bulk knocked out Meltdown and Thunder, respectively, Breez and Surge knocked out Corroder. However, XPlode was still not empty, so the four Heroes used their Particle Separators again to resist XPlode's final assault with Explosive Spikes. This allowed Stringer to knock out XPlode. The Heroes captured the villains. Surge showed to Breez and Bulk that the attack turned his head backwards while he as using his Particle Seperator. Breez told him to reactivate the device to put his head to its current position while she and Bulk laughed at Surge's condition. Soon afterwards, Furno and Stormer returned, having trapped Von Nebula in his Black Hole Orb Staff and destroyed his black hole base.[C4]

After the six Heroes returned to Hero Factory with the villains and the staff, they were interviewed by a reporter named Daniela Capricorn. The veteran Heroes gave credit to the rookies for the success of the mission.[Episode 4]

In some of her early missions, Breez always tended the wounded or evacuated civilian robots off-planet.[FO:MSG]

Ordeal of Fire

Stormer took Breez, Surge, and Furno to Tanker Station 22 to counter an attack by the Fire Lord and his gang. Breez, Furno, and Stormer fought Drilldozer, but Drilldozer is immune to their 1.0 weapons, so the three Heroes had to fall back. Drilldozer shot an energy blast at the Heroes to try to attack them. She supervised evacuation procedures of the civilian workers while the others held off the attackers. While Breez and her fellow Heroes were attempting to evacuate the last group of workers, the Fire Lord surrounded the group with his minions. Surge broke off, and drew the criminals away, giving Breez and the others time to escape. Stormer convinced Akiyama Makuro to give the three an upgrade to save Surge. The Heroes were successfully upgraded, and trained in a training sphere to control their new forms.

Breez's upgrade

The Heroes eventually returned to Tanker Station 22, and confronted the villains. Breez and Furno pursued Nitroblast and Drilldozer while Stormer took on the Fire Lord. Furno received an alert from Surge warning them to take cover right before Jetbug blasted through the station wall in the villains' ship. In the resulting explosion, one of Breez's weapons got caught on Furno's. As they tried to separate, Drilldozer attacked them. A Hero Pod, containing rookies Nathan Evo and Julius Nex, arrived. Using the momentary distraction, Breez and Furno stunned Drilldozer for a short moment. Nex then separated the two. When the five Heroes continued to fight the three villains, Breez found a Drilldozer's weakspot and hit it to defeat him. She then Hero-Cuffed him.

Breez participated in the final assault on Fire Lord, but was knocked down by the powered-up villain leader. Surge arrived in the villains' ship, which he had commandeered from Jetbug, and defeated the Fire Lord. The team escorted the criminals back to Hero Factory. After Surge received an upgrade, Breez presented him with his Ice Spear Blaster at the ceremony honoring his bravery.[Episode 5]

Breez's upgrade was later perfected.[Episode 6]

Breez was present when Professor Aldous Witch was exiled from Hero Factory after trying to get a Hero Core through forbidden means.[Episode 6]

Savage Planet

It is unknown what Breez had been doing during Mission: Savage Planet.


It was unknown what Breez was doing when the Breakout in the Hero Factory building happened. She was assigned to track down the insectoid, Thornraxx, to apprehend him in his Hive Planet, and got new armor and weapons to do the mission.[FO:MSG]

The Doom Box

Thornraxx was still on the loose. Later, Breez was assembled with Alpha 1 by Nathaniel Zib for a Delta-Red priority mission: to stop the villainous Core Hunter from assembling the Doom Box. After watching previous mission logs relating to Core Hunter, the team split up. Bulk and Breez went to an unnamed criminal planet and met Geb. Posing as smugglers, they asked him to store something, and Geb led them in the vault where Core Hunter's duplicate had stored the Doom Box fragment. Core Hunter arrived and used anti-gravity disks to send Geb flying and retrieve the fragment. Bulk fired his Missile Launcher, but Core Hunter was saved by Arctur. After Arctur told Core Hunter to get to a Duradium mine to get the second piece of the Doom Box, he disappeared. Breez tried to attack Core Hunter, but Bulk stopped her by using the Missile Launcher to blast Core Hunter away from her because he did not want her to have her Hero Core removed by Core Hunter. As Bulk and Breez chased Core Hunter, the villain then had many villains in Geb's place attack Bulk and Breez, allowing himself to escape. The Heroes defeated the villains, but Breez's right arm got slightly damaged during the right. After Zib repaired Breez's arm, she and Bulk went to Surge and Stringer's location in a ship graveyard and met with Stormer and Furno. Stormer sent Breez find and disable Core Hunter's ship. Breez found the ship and disabled it by removing and twisting the fuel processor for the ship's engine, damaging the fuel processor. Breez reunited with her four fellow Heroes and Stringer when the five Heroes found the villain himself close to assembling the Doom Box. Impulsively, Surge shocked him and the Doom Box was re-formed. However, Arctur broke it and teleported Core Hunter to where the Doom Box was forged, the only place it could truly be activated. Arctur then explained his plan to have Core Hunter assemble the box and then have his Hero Core Remover Tool absorb the Doom Box's energies, rendering it harmless. Once Alpha 1 got there, they met with Rocka, and then Arctur led them into the depths. They confronted Core Hunter and goaded him into activating the Doom Box, causing Core Hunter to try to kill Stormer, but Arctur got in the way and got fatally wounded by Core Hunter instead. As the Doom Box turned transparent, Arctur told the Heroes to use the Hero Core Remover Tool on it and then Stormer told Breez to do it, so Breez jumped toward Core Hunter, grabbed the Hero Core Remover Tool, and used its power to absorb the Doom Box's energy, ending its threat. However, this left Core Hunter extremely powerful, and he defeated all the Heroes save Surge, who reflected Core Hunter's energies back at the villain, making his body fold in on itself and vanish. Breez and the Heroes then returned to Hero Factory with the Doom Box, despite Arctur dying due to the attack by Core Hunter.[SM1]

Breez went to find and fight Thornraxx again. Knowing that Thornraxx would go to his Hive Planet, Breez managed to get there before him. Thornraxx was enraged to find a Hero on his planet, and Thornraxx threw himself at her, filled with rage. She had a tough fight against him. She used his rage against him, and managed to spin into space and use her Hero Cuffs to capture him. She brought Thornraxx back to the Hero Factory.[FO:MSG] Breez did not satisfied with the fight because of how difficult it was and she did not feel she made a difference in fighting.[SM3, p. 20]

Brain Attack

Attack on Makuhero City

Breez in her new armor

Breez, Bulk, Furno, Stormer, Surge, Evo, and Rocka attended an Alpha 1 publicity event in Makuhero City where Surge told her about how he hates attending such functions. The Heroes received an alert from Hero Factory and rushed to there, where Zib revealed there have been planetwide disturbances, and now an army is massing to attack Makuhero City. Breez and her teammates were given armor upgrades, with Breez being the last to get her Brain Attack form and weapons.[TBW]

After Evo left to fight enemies in the city's sewers, and when Furno told Surge to guard the entrance to the Factory and this order upset Surge, Breez wanted to cheer Surge up, but she avoided wasting time and went out to the streets along with the other four Heroes. When Breez, Stormer, Furno, Rocka, and Bulk arrived at one of the streets, they found Brains controlling monsters. Stormer asked Breez to talk to the animals, but when Breez saw an Ogre knocking over a car, she became afraid to talk to the animals. Breez began to fight the monsters. During the battle, Breez usually fought many Brain-possessed ogres, including Ogrum.[TBW] An ogre bound her in vines, allowing a Brain-possesedd Dune Crawler to finish Breez, but Breez cut herself out of the vines, pushed the Done Crawler away, and used the vines to wrap the ogre up. After Bulk realized the Brains' weak point, which is the second red spike, Breez freed several of the beasts from of the Brains and defeated the Brains.

Breez, Stormer, Furno, Rocka, and Bulk got attacked by a Brain-possessed Dragon called Dragon Bolt. After the dragon smashed into the Hero Factory building, the five Heroes, along with Evo, rushed to there to stop him and find Surge. Rocka dealt with Dragon Bolt while the rest found Surge, controlled by a Brain, creating an army of Blank Heroes. Breez fought the army off before going to stop Surge from making more Blank Heroes to destroy the Hero Factory. After Breez stopped Surge, this made Surge attack her. Breez tried to convince him to use his willpower to resist the Brain's control, but Surge could not hear Breez. Breez managed to free him from the Brain. Breez had Surge shut down the drones. Zib told the six Heroes that all of the Brains are defeated and the animals are leaving for their homelands. The Heroes went to repair the city, starting with the plaza, where they saw Rocka letting people observe Dragon Bolt, who was freed from his Brain. During the cleanup, Breez saw Surge finding he liked being with civilians now.[Episode 10]

Collision Course

Breez was sent to find Rocka for Stormer's meeting discussing the end of apprehending criminals from the Breakout. She felt annoyed about Rocka being hard to find. Breez discovered him near the sensor relays and told him to go to the meeting. After the meeting, Breez went to train alone with Rammers in a training room, but was almost injured when she was saved by Furno, who shut down the program and criticized her recklessness. Breez explained that she wanted to be good enough to be a Hero while thinking about her fight against Thornraxx, so Furno cheered her up and told her to go ask Stormer for a mission to help herself.

Breez asked Stormer to give her an assignment. Stormer assigned her to monitor deep-space communication, picking up a signal from Captain Aquax of the Valiant that indicated trouble. After the Valiant changed course to collide directly with Hero Factory, Breez and Rocka were assigned by Stormer with a scouting mission in the Valiant. They were given their Brain Attack weapons and Rocka's personal rocket packs. Breez and Rocka used the rocket packs to get to the Valiant. They breached the hull and entered.

Breez detected organic lifeforms, and Rocka sent her to the bridge to talk to Aquax. Breez met Xera, who claimed that Brains had infested the ship and that he was on the run from them, reminding Breez of the Heroes' previous encounter with the Brains. Xera told Breez to enter the vents. There, Breez encountered a Brain, who attacked her, but managed to defeat it. Breez found and reawakened a hundred crew members that were not controlled by the Brains and were sleeping in the hangar bay. Breez told the crew members to go fight the Brains. She told two of the crew members to go use two shuttlecraft to go to the Hero Factory to warn them about the Brains.

Breez met with Stormer, who arrived inside the ship. Aquax, who was possessed by a Brain, and two more Brains confronted Breez and Stormer, as Aquax planned to have his fellow Brains possess the two Heroes. The Brains' swarm leader, who possessed Kirch, tried to tell Aquax to stand down and told the two Heroes that he has Rocka as a hostage. Xera saved the Heroes from Aquax and his two fellow Brains. Stormer and Breez were discussing a plan to go to the ship's auxiliary control to take back the ship, but Xera attacked Stormer and knocked him unconscious, explaining his secret allegiance with the Brains. He also explained that he only had Breez enter the vents because he was leading her to a trap by the Brain in the vents. Xera then mentioned that he tried to stop Breez from freeing the non-infected crew members, but he was too late. He also revealed that he only saved Breez and Stormer because Aquax was out of line with the swarm leader. Xera explained that the Brains would make a perfect social order. Breez was waiting for Stormer to wake up, but Xera noticed this and tried to destroy him and Breez, but Breez attacked and defeated him.

After Stormer woke up, he and Breez went to the auxiliary control room and fought some Brains along the way. During the fight, Stormer was impressed by Breez's great fighting skills, but Breez did not notice a Brain about to attack her from behind, so Stormer protected Breez from the Brain. Stormer told Breez to not try to impress him. He also told Breez to think of a strategy when she fights. Breez got angry at Stormer at first, but Stormer told her that he is already impressed, enlightening her. Stormer went to control the auxiliary control room while he had Breez go to the bridge to stop the Valiant's attack on a group of Heroes, who were piloting Drop Ships, commanded by Evo, and whose arrival freed Rocka from Kirch. Bulk and Furno then arrived to help their fellow Heroes fight the Brains. Stormer and Rocka forced all of the Brains to abandon their hosts and then flee. The Brains were incinerated while trying to escape. Breez and her allies stopped the Valiant from colliding with the sun of Makuhero City's system. Breez then returned to Hero Factory.

When she was training with Rammers again, with Rocka overseeing the training this time, she was frustrated about Xera tricking her, but Rocka cheered her up.[SM3]

Robot Rampage

After Furno's, Bulk's, and Stringer's fight against the Brains on Tranquis VII, Breez, Stormer, Rocka, Evo, Nex, and twelve other Heroes went to the planet to help the three Heroes put the Brains in stasis and clean up Tranquis, the capital city of the planet.[SM4]

Mirror World

Stormer brought Breez, Furno, and Bulk to a meeting which was about them testing a new power source in a generator and having to stay near the generator in case of emergencies. On the next day, when the Heroes tested the generator, it malfunctioned shortly after the test began, a result of sabotage by the villain Karter, forcing the Heroes to stay behind in the chamber and contain the overloaded energy. They were enveloped by a beam of light from the energy and woke up in an abandoned warehouse. After Breez realized they had been spatially displaced, Bulk made her and the other Heroes realize they were at the same coordinates as they were before. They used the Histotron at the local university called Makuhero City, which was strangely renamed "Von Nebula University", to get a record of past events and Stormer deduced that they had been transported to an alternate universe where Von Ness helped the Black Phantom destroy the Hero Factory in its early days. Wanting to meet a group of versions of the Heroes' enemies called the Citadel, who was in charge of the city and they may think have the alternate version of the generator, the Alpha Team started breaking up crimes and calling themselves a crime group. After stopping many Citadel villains, including Splitface and Jawblade, they met XT4 and arranged a meeting with Von Nebula.

The Heroes entered the Citadel and met with the inner circle. Stormer demanded unconditional surrender, but the four were sent by Von Nebula to jail in response, so Von Nebula would have Voltix interrogate the Heroes. However, the inner circle's guards and bounty hunters called the Jolters were sending the Heroes to jail, and the Heroes broke free from them and defeated them. The Heroes arranged a breakout of the alternate reality Heroes held in the Citadel's prison, starting with and meeting Furno's counterpart. Stormer had the alternate reality Heroes fight the inner circle. The prime reality Heroes went to find the generator, but after Breez used a computer to locate the Citadel's testing laboratory, which the Heroes believed has the generator, the city were then besieged by an army of Brains, though Breez noticed they were not focused on controlling the city's residents. Hearing the Brains blasting the roof, the Heroes investigated the situation and saw Von Nebula had allied with them. The Brains found the Heroes and knocked them unconscious. Von Nebula had the team imprisoned, and Stormer's mind read by the Brains for information. Stormer escaped his cell and broke Alpha Team out.

The Heroes forced Core Hunter to help them get rid of two Brains who were blocking their way to the laboratory. After Stormer defeated the two Brains and then Furno knocked Core Hunter unconscious, the Heroes found the generator, but they discovered that it is missing half of an Amelium cylinder, which is needed for the generator to work. Von Nebula appeared and showed that he claimed the missing half, and demanded an alliance against the Brains. Von Nebula gave the Heroes the missing half to show that he has the alternate version of Makuro hostage. Von Nebula brought Stormer to Makuro while Breez, Furno, and Bulk guarded the generator. After Stormer convinced Makuro to help him and Von Nebula fight the Brains, Makuro made a low-emission beta wave device to stun the Brains. The Brains realized Von Nebula's betrayal and began to attack the inner circle and the Heroes again, but were attacked in turn by the parallel reality's Heroes. After the both versions of Stormer made Von Nebula disappear, the two groups of Heroes defeated the Brains. After Furno and Bulk made the generator work, the prime reality Heroes conversed with alternate Stormer, alternate Furno, and alternate Makuro, who are planning to recreate the alternate Hero Factory. The prime reality Heroes activated the generator and used it to return home.

Back in their reality, the Heroes found and interrogated Perjast, learning that Karter was behind the prime reality's generator's sabotage. Breez came up with an idea, and the Heroes rigged a trap where they caught Karter phoning his contact, who was the overall leader of the Galactic Conspiracy. Stormer grabbed the communicator and threatened the contact, but Karter was killed from afar by the contact. Breez later talked to Stormer at a viewport in the Hero Factory about the parallel paths of the Von Nebulas and what a future alternate her might be like before Breez left Stormer.[SM5]

Invasion From Below

Breez got upgraded with a form designed to use Battle Machines. When the Jumpers attacked Antropolis City and Evo was fighting them, Breez, Stormer, Furno, Rocka, Bulk, and Surge used their Drop Ship to come to the city, where they helped Evo with the fight. After the Heroes used the Remote Builder to make three new Battle Machines, Breez helped the heroes out by taking on a Flyer Beast. During this part of the fight, she used her Fire Chain to ride the beast. She discovered that the Jumpers could communicate, so she told her teammates about it before she chained the Flyer Beast to a building. After Stormer was taken by a Jaw Beast to their underground lair, Breez called the Hero Factory for reinforcements. After Furno were also taken by the Jumpers to their underground lair, Breez told her remaining teammates in the city that she called the Hero Factory for backup, and many Heroes carrived at the city in Drop Ships as the backup to fight the Jumpers in the city while she and her four teammates went underground to rescue her comrades.

During their journey, the Heroes discovered captured three construction worker robots trapped in the Jumpers' cocoons, so the Heroes freed them before Rocka told the workers to get out of the underground lair. Breez discovered ancient wall carvings and told the others to check them out, but her advice was ignored as they proceeded because they desperately wanted to save Stormer and Furno. Rocka had Evo build Breez a Battle Machine called the Breez Flea Machine. Breez used the machine to go through the tunnels. She, Bulk, and Evo were separated from Rocka and Surge by a cave with magnetic rocks. Breez, Bulk, and Evo fell into the crystal cavern.

They discovered the workers' lost drill. When the Heroes traveled through the cavern, a group of Jumpers attacked the Heroes. During the fight, the Heroes defeated a Crystal Beast. Breez lost her machine when it fell into a pool of acid, which destroyed it. Breez had Evo use the Evo Spider Machine to destroy a bridge. Evo did so, preventing the Jumpers from coming after the three Heroes.

When the Heroes arrived at the Queen Beast's nest, Breez noticed that the queen has Surge in a cocoon, and then told her fellow Heroes about it. Her fellow Heroes, reunited with Rocka, tried to defeat the queen, but the queen resisted their attacks. Breez discovered that the queen also has Stormer and Furno in cocoons. She tried to tell her three fellow Heroes to force the queen to stop fighting by aiming their weapons on a web thread that supported the queen's nest, but her teammates damaged the nest, making some unhatched Jumpers in cocoons fall into a pool of acid, killing them. The queen got angry and called reinforcements to defeat the Heroes. Breez told the Heroes to let her talk to the queen. Evo supported the idea. Breez communicated successfully to the queen and convinced her that it was a mistake to disturb her kind and promised her that Breez and the Heroes will close up the tunnel leading to the underground lair to leave them alone in peace. Breez told her fellow Heroes to lay down their weapons to convince the Jumpers to stop fighting them. After the Heroes did so, Breez told the queen to end the invasion, so the queen recalled all of her children to do so. The Heroes and the Jumpers made peace with each other, and the queen gave the four Heroes their three comrades back. However, just when the Heroes were about to leave, one of the baby jumpers accidentally triggered one of the Heroes' laser guns, damaging the nest. The Queen Beast noticed, so she got angry and mistakenly thought that the Heroes had betrayed her, so she attacked them again. The queen shot an energy blast at Breez, though Breez survived the blast easily. Stormer unintentionally damaged the nest while the Jumpers disappeared. The seven Heroes used the Evo Spider Machine to get out of the Jumpers' lair and back to the surface.

The Heroes had the city's people close up the tunnel leading to the underground lair and build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it. When the Heroes are leaving with their Drop Ship and heading home, they do not notice that there is a Jumper, who is contained in an unhatched cocoon, being placed in the ship for an unknown reason, so the Heroes are accidentally bringing the Jumper along.[Episode 11]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

When the Alpha 1 Team was defeated by the Legion of Darkness long ago, Breez never existed. However, since the Legion of Darkness and their fellow villains in Von Nebula City are recently defeated, Breez would likely be created.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

Breez has a talent for remaining cool and collected under pressure. However, she can work too hard because she wants to impress her fellow teammates.[SM3] She cares deeply for innocent lives everywhere, but she frequently insists that she has no romantic interest in any of her teammates, and that their job as Heroes is what is most important to her.(Hero Factory FM)[Episode 5] She is confident in her own ability and refuses to be protected by others.[Episode 5] Diplomatic in nature, Breez is a fierce fighter when it comes to defending innocents, and will go out of her way to ensure citizen safety during missions. She is skilled in communication and negotiation.[BA!] She is also very clever and very good at getting out of difficult situations.[MtH] Breez is good at using technology.[SM3]

Breez has the ability to communicate with all known types of animals, specifically about 1,800 species,[Episode 3] due to a program in her Hero Core, which also allows her to sense disturbances in nature in a planetary environment.[FO:MSG, p. 13] She can use this ability to talk to the animals out of their hostile actions. However, she can have a hard time communicating with animals that are strong-willed, like the Queen Beast.[Episode 11] She cannot talk to animals that are possessed by Brains out of their invasion because of the Brains.[TBW] Her teammates tease her that she may be ‘the missing link’ between the Alpha 1 Team and their villains.

In some of her early missions, she always tended the wounded or evacuated civilian robots off-planet.[Episode 2][FO:MSG]

She is very fast[HFPM] and agile, and has very fast reflexes.(Hero Factory FM) She is very skilled in melee combat.[Episode 10][SM3] She is also skilled in knife and hook throwing, which featured prominently in her 2.0 training.[Episode 5] Much of her tactical training so far is about finding cover and staging ambushes, but she cannot do that in a desert since it has no cover and enemies can see her a hundred miles away, so Breez does not like deserts.[SM1, p. 67]

Breez is often seen talking with Mark Surge, and guides him whenever Surge says something impulsive[Episode 1] or complains about something.[Episode 10]

Armor and Weapons

Breez carried Energized Dual Boomerangs in her original 1.0 form. She could attach each of the Boomerangs to one of her bicep armor pieces. She also had a jet-pack.[Episode 3] Breez was also given a pair of Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings by Nathaniel Zib. She was also given a Particle Separator.[Episode 4]

Breez retained her abilities when she was upgraded to 2.0 form, and was given fire-resistant armor.[FO:MSG] She gained headgear that has eye protection, a camera, and antenna. She carried Multi-Tool Blades. She also carried throwing knives from her armor.[Episode 5] She became slightly taller than her 1.0 form.

With upgraded armor for the Breakout, Breez had powerful built-in rocket boots that allowed her to fly through the air fast.[MtH] Breez was also given new weapons in her hunt for Thornraxx, including an double-bladed energy saber, a Hex Energy Shield, and a Plasma Gun. She was known to use the shield in conjunction with her rocket boots to add control to her flight. Breez was also equipped with a new set of Hero Cuffs, which can fly and seek out their target. She became slightly taller than her 2.0 form, as she was at the same height as Furno, Rocka, and Bulk's Breakout forms.

For her missions that involved the Brains, Breez was given new armor, with Hero Core Locking Clamps, which boosted the power of and protected her Hero Core, and a visor with night vision. Breez carried a Bow Staff and a Spinning Razor Saw Shield to help in the fight against the Brains. This form was slightly shorter than her Breakout form, but slightly taller than her 2.0 form. She was at the same height as Rocka, Bulk, and Evo's Brain Attack forms, and slightly shorter than Stormer and Surge's Brain Attack forms.

For her mission in Antropolis City, Breez got a new form with compact armor that allows her to use Battle Machines. She used one called the Breez Flea Machine, but it got destroyed when it fell into a pool of acid in the Jumpers' crystal cavern.[Episode 11] She also had a laser gun, a Fire Chain, and boot-jets.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

Natalie Breez was first released in mid-2010 as 7165 Natalie Breez, part of the original Hero line in 2010. This set contains 19 pieces. Its parts can be combined with parts from 7164 Preston Stormer and 7167 William Furno in order to create Lucas Valor using instructions from the September-October 2010 issue of the LEGO BrickMaster Magazine.

2142 Breez 2.0 was released in early 2011 as part of the Hero 2.0 line, which also includes Stormer 2.0, Evo 2.0, Nex 2.0, Furno 2.0, and Surge 2.0. This set contains 29 pieces. Parts from Breez 2.0 and 2063 Stormer 2.0 can be combined to create a new non-canon combination model using instructions on Breez 2.0's canister's lid also has a code printed underneath it that could be entered in the HeroPad system in the Hero Factory website to unlock Breez's part of an online game called Creep Crushers. Instructions were provided in the March-April 2011 issue of the LEGO BrickMaster Magazine to combine Breez 2.0's parts with those from the other five 2.0 Hero sets to build Makuro-X1, a villain.

6227 BREEZ was later released with the Breakout line of early 2012 in Europe, Australia/New Zealand and Asia. However, this set (along with 6228 THORNRAXX) had its release date held back until summer 2012 in North America. This 55-piece set is packaged as a medium-sized set and features the silver packaging of the early 2012 wave in all markets. The set includes a ball shooter that fires when squeezed as well as a Hero Core printed with a 300-point game code for an online game called Breakout. The set's thigh armor pieces are positioned differently from each other for an unknown reason. Parts from this set can be used with parts from Thornraxx to build a non-canon combination model using instructions on

44006 BREEZ, which is small, was released as part of the Brain Attack line in early 2013. The 49-piece set includes a visor that can be hinged closed to cover the new helmet, a Bow Staff, and a spinning razor saw shield. It also features opening locking clamps to protect the Hero Core, which was printed with a 400-point code for the Brain Attack online game. Its shield is also able to spin. Its parts can be combined with those from 44007 OGRUM to build a non-canon combination model using instructions on

Breez as a minifigure

Breez was released in 2 sets in 2014. The first one was released at the beginning of 2014 (though delayed until March for North America for an unknown reason) while the other one in summer 2014. She is included in 44020 FLYER Beast vs. BREEZ in early 2014. In this set, she has boot-jets and a Fire Chain. She is also included in 44027 BREEZ Flea Machine in summer 2014. In that set, she has a click shooter, which represents her laser gun, and a communication device, which can be attached to her left forearm or one of the sides of the Breez Flea Machine's cockpit. 40116 HF Hero Minimodel also includes Breez, who is piloting a non-canon Battle Machine, and was released on early 2014. Sets 44020 and 40116 show Breez wearing silver torso armor while set 44027 shows her wearing gunmetal torso armor for an unknown reason. However, this set's packaging shows Breez wearing the silver piece.



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See also

External links

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)