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"This is the Hero Factory, sir, not the AutoPod Club."
― Lucy, Trials of Furno

Parent Page: Characters

Hero Factory Staff
Occupation Call Center Operator
Status Functional
Location Makuhero City

Lucy is a Hero Factory staff member who works as an operator in the Call Center.


At some point, Lucy was built.

Lcuy working

Lucy once got a call from a civilian whose transport pod had broken down. Lucy told him that this did not qualify as an emergency, as she thought he was calling the AutoPod Club, until he told her he had made an emergency landing on Tyral 9 and had become surrounded by hungry Canabots. With this new information, Lucy dispatched a Hero team to save him. Immediately after, Lucy got a call from Lemus 2, where XPlode and Rotor were stealing explosives from. She subsequently sent the call to Chief Mission Manager Nathaniel Zib, so Zib sent four members of the Alpha 1 Team, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge, to take care of the problem.[Episode 1]

Lucy got a call from Nathan Evo, who requested for reinforcements and Battle Machines in Antropolis City. When Evo's six fellow members of the Alpha 1 Team, Stormer, Furno, Breez, Surge, Dunkan Bulk, and Daniel Rocka were heading to the city, Lucy guided them there through a Drop Ship.[Episode 11]

Abilities and Traits

Lucy conducts herself competently and professionally with people in crisis who call the Hero Factory Hotline. She has no tolerance for any misusage of the service.





Online Games

Staff of Hero Factory
Akiyama Makuro | Aldous Witch (formerly) | Big Joe | Lucy | Nathaniel Zib | Quadal | Mak Megahertz