Core Hunter

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This article is about the villain. You may be looking for the mission.

"Tell him, Stormer. Tell him about the number of Heroes whose cores I've taken over the years. I'm someone to be respected, feared even ... never pitied."
― Core Hunter, The Doom Box

Parent Page: Characters

Core Hunter
Hero 1.0
Hero Team Unknown (formerly)
Weapons Unknown
Status Rebuilt

Core Hunter is a former Hero, who became a villain with a mission to disable other Heroes by removing their Hero Cores. He escaped from the Hero Factory's Villain Storage during the Breakout, but is recaptured.


Core Hunter (unknown real name) was once a 1.0 Hero of the Hero Factory and rookie.[SM3] He possibly exists before Mission: Legion of Darkness happened.[SM5] He had a good friendship with Alpha 1 Team leader, Preston Stormer. At some point, he decided to leave the Hero Factory due to a defect in him, which made him believe that Hero Factory had nothing for him. He became a villain who rebuilt himself to look different called Core Hunter. Core Hunter started out small by being a thief who did stealing and smuggling, but then he moved on to being a bounty hunter.[FO:MSG] He also became obsessed with Hero Cores, defeating Heroes in order to disable them and show off, and he removed Hero Cores from many Heroes. He is looked at as one of the galaxy's worst criminals.[SM1] Core Hunter made many hideouts, including Geb's refueling station in an unnamed criminal desert planet.[FO:MSG]

Several missions attempting to capture Core Hunter were unsuccessful, including one instance where Core Hunter was almost captured when his getaway vehicle was sabotaged by a Hero, causing him to destroy the Hero's Drop Ship in retaliation and using a computer virus to take out all of the vehicles in a planet in response. There was one time when Stormer and a rookie were fighting him, Core Hunter stole the rookie's Hero Core, but Stormer had to give the rookie a replacement right away while Core Hunter used this as a distraction to get away. Later on, he created a duplicate of himself to take his place in dangerous situations.[SM1]

Searching for the Doom Box pieces

Seven years ago, Core Hunter purchased a map from Speeda Demon that revealed the locations of the three Doom Box fragments spread across the galaxy. Core Hunter went to retrieve them to make the threat of him using the weapon to make himself the ruler of the galaxy. He ignored valuable items in the pieces' locations along the way when the Hero Factory thought he had a chance to do so.

On the first location, one of the pieces was hidden in a secret vault in a city in a planet in the Omega system, where short, blue humanoid-looking robots, including We Who Serve, live, and the vault was guarded specifically against intruders. Core Hunter had someone disassemble him and waited until he was eventually taken inside the vault from the crate he was hiding in. Once inside, Core Hunter rebuilt himself, stole the fragment, and escaped, leaving behind a spent Hero Core to use it as a calling card. Core Hunter hid the Doom Box fragment in a Duradium mine, while situating himself in a nearby power plant south of the mine. Dunkan Bulk arrived to apprehend Core Hunter, but Core Hunter used a power net to trap him in the power plant. However, Bulk freed himself by slamming right into one of the plant's two dynamos to destroy the net, making Core Hunter jump out of the dynamo before Bulk destroyed it. Core Hunter sabotage the second dynamo by ripping wiring from its inside, making it make the plant explode. Core Hunter forced Bulk to have a choice; it is either save the workers in the plant or catch him. Bulk chose the latter, allowing Core Hunter to escape in the ensuing explosion. Core Hunter stole a ship and used it to get out of the planet.

The villain did simple robbery and raided a string of mansions in a resort world a light-year away from Geb's planet. He retrieved the second Doom Box fragment that way while abandoning the other stolen valuable items not far from the scenes of the crimes. Core Hunter gave it to his duplicate, who he sent to the unnamed criminal desert world. He had his duplicate let Geb hide the box fragment in a vault on Geb's refueling station. While watching from afar, he saw Stormer arrive and outwit his duplicate. As Stormer was apprehending it, Core Hunter detonated the duplicate, and informed Stormer that he was off-planet to throw Stormer off the trail of the Doom Box fragment.

After getting the third piece from an unknown planet, Core Hunter went to hide it in an old cargo freighter in space. Upon arriving, he was attacked by a vicious winged creature who then attacked Jimi Stringer, who chased Core Hunter with his Drop Ship and then boarded it to catch him. Core Hunter threw magnesium flares to get the creature's attention. Facing mutual death at the hands of the creature, Core Hunter suggested Stringer to work together with him to defeat the creature, and Stringer reluctantly agreed with Core Hunter. The two temporary allies searched the freighter's central cargo bay to learn about the creature. When the creature found the two, the two hid in different spots of the room. Both of them did not trust each other, so Stringer used Core Hunter as a missile to attack the creature, angering Core Hunter. When Core Hunter attacked the creature, Stringer noticed the the creature is crying and actually wanted to get out of the freighter and go home, so Stringer stopped Core Hunter from continuing to attack the creature. Stringer explained his discovery to Core Hunter, and told him that they should lead the creature out of the freighter in order to help it go back home. As Stringer escorted it, Core Hunter sealed the airlocks and left Stringer out to die. Core Hunter then hid the Doom Box piece in the cargo bay. The villain stole Stringer's ship, but there was a tracking device on it, and it was piloted remotely by the Hero Factory organization right to Makuhero City, where Core Hunter was caught and put in prison.[SM1]


During the mass breakout orchestrated by the villains, Black Phantom and Voltix, Core Hunter was one of the many villains to escape imprisonment. However, unlike many other villains, Core Hunter briefly remained at large, working his way through Makuhero City with the intent to disable any Heroes he comes across his way. Bulk was assigned to stop and apprehend him, and began a cross-galaxy chase to capture the villain.

Core Hunter traveled to Tansari IV, where he attacked Stringer, who had just arrested Voltix. Bulk arrived soon after, and chased Core Hunter off of the planet.(Omega Recon Reports)

Core Hunter was still on the loose, and then began his operation to retrieve the three fragments of the Doom Box again by using his star charts. First, he went to Geb, only to find that Bulk and Natalie Breez were already there to get the fragment. Core Hunter used an anti-grav disk to send Geb into orbit and then another to retrieve the first Doom Box fragment. Bulk fired his Missile Launcher at Core Hunter, but Arctur saved Core Hunter and told him that Bulk and Breez's fellow Alpha 1 teammates were after the second fragment located at the mine. After Arctur teleported away, Breez tried to attack Core Hunter, but Bulk saved her by attacking him with his Missile Launcher because he did not want Core Hunter to remove her Hero Core. Core Hunter had three dozen robotic criminals in the refueling station attack Bulk and Breez by telling them that he will give them a large reward if they do what he said. He used the attack to distract the Heroes, so he could escape.

Core Hunter rushed off to the mine and retrieved the second fragment, putting down a thick layer of artificial dust to cover his tracks to prevent the Alpha 1 Team, who he knew was coming after him, from stopping him from finding the fragment, leading them to a trap, where the Heroes would get destroyed by the Durandium in the mine.

Finally, Core Hunter went to the ship containing the third fragment, which was junked in a ship graveyard. He hired a band of mercenaries to defend against Alpha 1 Team. He also recruited four robots that are programmed to detect movement and were armed with Energy Launchers. In the cargo bay, Core Hunter assembled two of the fragments, intending to use the threat of reforming the whole device to create a galactic ransom situation. Core Hunter's mercenaries defeated and deactivated a group of security robots from a company that managed the scrapyard and who allied with Stringer and Mark Surge. Stormer, Bulk, Stringer, Surge, and William Furno defeated Core Hunter's henchmen and Breez disabled Core Hunter's ship. In a standoff with Alpha 1, Core Hunter was attacked by Surge, who utilized his Electricity Shooter on him, giving Core Hunter spasms that caused him to accidentally reform the Doom Box. Arctur appeared and offered to take Core Hunter to where the Doom Box was forged, the only place it could actually be activated. Core Hunter accepted, and was teleported by Arctur there, but he was delayed by being in a spot far from the one where the Doom Box was created because Arctur actually wanted to disable the Doom Box, so he helped the Alpha 1 Team.

Core Hunter eventually found the Doom Box's birthplace, but then came to a confrontation with the six Heroes and Daniel Rocka instead. Stormer, with the help of the other Heroes, goaded the villain into activating the Doom Box, so Core Hunter used his Plasma Shooter to try to kill Stormer, but Arctur got in the way to save Stormer, getting fatally wounded instead. Core Hunter reassembled the Doom Box, activating it, but shortly after this, Breez used the Hero Core Remover Tool to absorb the Doom Box's energies and render it harmless, as told by Arctur and Stormer. However, this inadvertently supercharged the weapon. This drove Core Hunter insane, and he used his tool to incapacitate the Heroes, except for Surge. Core Hunter figured that Stormer scolded Surge for making a mistake of attacking Core Hunter in the freighter, and then attempted to offer Surge a position in his new empire. However, Surge ultimately declined and instead dared to face Core Hunter. Core Hunter shot a Doom Box energy blast at Surge, but Surge used his Electricity Shooter to redirect Core Hunter's power at him, which caused the villain's Doom Box powers to fold in on himself, until his body vanished. Stormer could not find Core Hunter, not even with Nathaniel Zib's help.[SM1]

Somehow, Core Hunter survived his ordeal and resumed his criminal activities, with his Doom Box powers gone, and Bulk went to recapture Core Hunter again. At some point, Core Hunter called Bulk stupid. Bulk made a large display of turning an old factory into a base of operations in a world where Core Hunter had a hideout before, getting his attention. That night, Core Hunter broke in, found Bulk's fake duplicate, confusing it to be the real Bulk while it was actually a spare robot from the Hero Factory with only an active Hero Core, and attacked it. However, Bulk slammed Core Hunter from behind and used Hero Cuffs to capture him, finally recapturing him. Bulk took Core Hunter back to the Hero Factory.[FO:MSG]

Core Hunter is sharing his cell block with Speeda Demon and Karter, though Karter got killed later on.[SM5]

Alternate Realities

Reality 11275.6

Core Hunter was a villain who was a member of the inner circle of Von Nebula's Citadel in this reality.

Recently, Core Hunter was present when the main reality Alpha Team confronted Von Nebula. After Von Nebula allied with the Brains, Core Hunter was barred from entry to the Citadel by the Brains, as Core Hunter was arguing with two Brains that refused to allow him to enter the Citadel's testing laboratory. Alpha Team found him and tried to convince him to help in their efforts to get back to the prime reality and prevent the Brains from coming there. Core Hunter at first refused because he hated the Heroes, but Stormer forced Core Hunter to listen to him and his fellow Heroes and told him that the Brains would destroy the Citadel after they get what they wanted. Core Hunter, desperately wanting to live, finally agreed to help the Alpha Team. He took the Alpha 1 Team to the Citadel's armory, where their stolen weapons were stored in. After the Heroes got the weapons back, Core Hunter convinced the two Brains that were guarding the testing laboratory to lower their guard, allowing the prime reality Stormer to knock them out, so he and Alpha Team could enter the room. Core Hunter told the Heroes to kill the Brains, but the Heroes refused, and then the prime reality Furno also knocked Core Hunter unconscious before Alpha 1 Team entered the testing laboratory. Later on, Core Hunter woke up and participated in a fight against the Brains, but the Brains killed him.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

Core Hunter was once a 1.0 Hero. There is a defect in him that made him go rogue, which led him to turn into a villain. He rebuilt himself into a taller and different-looking villain called Core Hunter. His new form is slightly taller as Bulk's Breakout form, and is as tall as Voltix and Speeda Demon.

Core Hunter is an extremely methodical and precise villain, with a surgical intelligence and a perfectionist attitude towards his villainous career. His obsession with removing Hero Cores eventually developed into his criminal specialty, and he is known to lust for more and more Cores to add to his collection. He is also devious and cunning. Core Hunter prides himself on being able to anticipate what Heroes will do and set traps for them.[FO:MSG] He knows how to communicate with Heroes through their helmets and block Hero Factory sensors. His belief of being a powerful villain motivated him, and he became frustrated when Stormer said he is only a small-time criminal.[SM1]

When Core Hunter gets into dangerous situations that could cost him his life, like activating the Doom Box, he would feel scared and want to live.[SM1][SM5]

Weapons and Armor

Core Hunter wore a Multi Vision Mask, a custom-made pair of night vision goggles with infrared and x-ray vision capabilities. Core Hunter also has six red razor-sharp spikes on his shoulder and back armor. The Hero Core Remover Tool is Core Hunter's signature weapon, used in his hunts to acquire Hero Cores from fallen Heroes. He also used a Plasma Shooter, which has a red spike on top of it. He has a bandolier that connects his Plasma Shooter to his back armor. When Core Hunter got recaptured, his equipment is confiscated.

Since Core Hunter was once a Hero, it is unknown what happened to his Hero Core when he became a villain.

Core Hunter had many gadgets to assist him in his crimes. He used a computer virus that could disable many mechanical modes of transport. He had a metallic net called a Power Net, which could capture his opponent, and every time the opponent tried to get out of the net, the net shocked it with electricity and grew tighter. However, the net could be destroyed by being overloaded and burned out. Bulk slammed right into a dynamo to destroy the net that way. Core Hunter had a device with an old-fashioned communications tablet that took five seconds to start overloading a Hero's Hero Core if the Hero did not get far from the bomb. Core Hunter once created a duplicate that he used as a decoy to cover his tracks. The duplicate self-destructed when it got into trouble. Core Hunter threw magnesium flares that got the large deaf creature's attention. He had two devices called Anti-Grav Disks, and each of them can attach to a target and greatly reverse the target's gravity, making the target quickly fly to a planet's orbit like a rocket. Core Hunter can stop the target, but when he lets it go, the target will continue flying. He used artificial dust to cover his tracks.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

Core Hunter Set
6222 Core Hunter

6222 CORE HUNTER, which is medium-sized, was released in the second wave of the Hero Factory Breakout line, in the summer of 2012. The set contains 51 pieces, including a new Hero Core piece with a printed code for use in an online game called Breakout. The Hero Core is not used in the actual set. The back of the set's bag shows that the Hero Core Remover Tool can open and close, but there is no function in the weapon that allows this, but it could fit into a Hero Core and act as if it is grabbing it. Parts from the set can be combined with parts from set 6223 BULK in order to create a larger non-canon combination model using instructions from


"As far as everyone at Hero Factory was concerned, Core Hunter was the worst kind of traitor."
― Narrator saying Dunkan Bulk's thoughts, The Doom Box

"What makes someone like that go bad?"
"Maybe they want too much from being a Hero ... or not enough. Maybe they just can't follow someone else's rules —
anyone else's rules. Or it could be some flaw in the design, something so small we can't find it anywhere in Assembly Tower."
Mark Surge and Preston Stormer, The Doom Box



Books Online Multimedia

Secret Mission

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Online Stories

Online Games

See also

External links

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb