Tanker Station 22

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Tanker Station 22
Inhabitants Workers
Class Station

Tanker Station 22 is one of the refueling stations for Heroes' vehicles and equipment.[FO:MSG, p. 34]


Although the refueling station is intended to be used by Hero Factory personnel, Akiyama Makuro usually allows local governments and law enforcement to use the refueling stations.[FO:MSG, p. 34]

Tanker Station 22 was attacked by Fire Lord and his minions, in their string of raids on fuel depots. A Hero Factory alert was pressed, and four members of the Alpha 1 Team, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge, arrived in a Drop Ship and began to protect the civilians from the villains. The Heroes tried to defeat the villains, but they could not do it. The Heroes evacuated the civilians, one group of them at a time, while attempting to keep the villains at bay. When escaping the last group, they and the Heroes were surrounded by the villains, but Surge drew the criminals away by blasting fuel cells, allowing the other three Heroes and the workers to escape. The villains ook Surge prisoner and planned to ransom back to his fellow Heroes.

The Refueling Station on fire

After Breez, Furno, and Stormer got the 2.0 Upgrade, they returned to the depot to fight the villains again and save Surge. Furno accidentally alerted Nitroblast to their position, and Nitroblast warned Fire Lord and Drilldozer about the Heroes coming back. The Heroes started fighting the villains. Furno and Breez received a distress beacon right before Jetbug attacked them in the criminal's craft. Fire Lord was preparing to kill Stormer when a Hero Pod with Nathan Evo and Julius Nex arrived. Drilldozer and Nitroblast were cuffed, and Fire Lord fled and began sapping energy reserves to increase his power. The villain's craft flew at Fire Lord and ejected Jetbug out along the way. The ship rammed into him, removing his absorbing hand. The driver was revealed to be Surge, who had escaped his captivity and the one who gave Furno and Breez. The four villains were finally apprehended.[Episode 5]


A central spherical structure dominates the station, with ridges in the center, and rows of fuel cells, fuel canisters, located within. Several other buildings and fuel cells are placed around the central one. The fuel cells are fragile, so they can explode if they break. The station has an alarm button that alerts the Hero Factory corporation. It has at least one security camera[Episode 5] that is of the same kind as the ones in the Hero Factory.[Episode 9]

Adjacent to the station is a location where the fuel is mined from.

The station is floating in a planet's sky.[Episode 5]


Civilian workers are often present in the station, along with patrons looking for fuel. Some of the workers mine there.


  • In Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire, Preston Stormer called the refueling station "Refueling Facility #4". In the European Promotional Comic, the refueling station was called "Hero Factory Space Station R-4". Since the comics are non-canon, these names may not be canon, either.
  • According to Nitroblast's Lego.com description, Tanker Station 22 has a security system, and Nitroblast was breaking through it and shutting it down to allow his fellow Fire Villains to steal the fuel from Tanker Station 22.


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See also

Planets and Planetoids Makuhero Planet | Lemus 2 | Tantalus 5 | Tallos 5 | Quatros | Z'chaya | Scylla | Thornraxx's Hive Planet | Mechna | Kollix IV | Tansari VI | Brains' Planet | Tranquis VII
Asteroids and Satellites Lunar Tratix | Merak 9 | Asteroid J-54
Cities and Structures Makuhero City (Hero Factory) | New Stellac City | Mekron City | Tanker Station 22 | Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite | Antropolis City
Alternate Universes Reality 09091.5 | Reality 11275.6 | Reality 37834.1 | Reality 45098.3 | Reality 50678.2