Mission: Pirates of the Constellations

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Parent Page: Missions

Mission: Pirates of the Constellations
Objective Free hostages taken by space pirates
Hero Team Delta 9 Team
Location Space Station Regular 1
Result Hostages liberated, pirates apprehended

Mission: Pirates of the Constellations was undertaken by the Delta 9 Team to free hostage workers from a space station.


Team Assigned


  • Space Pirates
    • Captain Dark Horrendous (leader)


Free captive workers in the Space Station Regular 1, defeat the pirate hostage takers without destroying the space station.


Captain Dark Horrendous, a notorious space pirate, led his crew on an attack on the Space Station Regular 1, and took fifteen workers there hostage, and demanded a ransom. Instead of paying the ransom, the Hero Factory dispatched the Delta 9 team to free the workers.

Before they engaged the pirates, Delta 9 was forced to switch to material weapons, as the space station walls were too fragile to risk using energy weapons around. Taking the pirates by surprise, Delta 9 used their physical tools and hand to hand combat to press the pirates into the basement of the space station. There, Emily Wise turned off the lights in the station, plunging the area into darkness and forcing the pirates into submission.


Delta 9 succeeded in arresting the pirates, as well as freeing the hostage workers.


See also

External links

Alpha 1 Legion of Darkness | New Stellac City | Core Hunter | Tiger Ants | Almaak IV Disappearance | Von Nebula | Ordeal of Fire | Savage Planet | Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em | The Doom Box | Collision Course | Robot Rampage | Mirror World | Invasion From Below
Other Imposters | Guard the Princess | Yequee Particle Removal | Dragons! | Fire Sprite Suppression | Pirates of the Constellations | Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em