Saga Guides/History of Hero Factory

The following saga guide details the events occurring prior to Mission: Von Nebula.
Before the Creation of the Hero Factory
Five thousand years ago, in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Doom Box was created by a group of four reptilian-faced robotic villains, including Arctur and Deneb, in an underground complex's central chamber in their planet. The creators used a well of flame to make the box and used pairs of tongs to put it on a stone pedestal. They created the box because they wanted to rule their world, and the box was intended to be used as a way of destroying their enemies who got in their way. However, upon the finalization of the box, it was discovered by Arctur, the leader of the group of villains, that it could not be turned off, and was effectively a galactic doomsday weapon. So, Arctur refused to use the Doom Box, causing Deneb to protest as he had given everything to make the weapon they now would not even use. Arctur explained why he refused, and then used a glowing axe that radiated energy to break the Doom Box into three fragments. He told his comrades about which farthest planets of the galaxy will the pieces be hidden, so no one will ever find them, so the galaxy will be safe from the box. Arctur and his comrades hid the pieces in these planets. However, Deneb secretly recorded their locations on a star chart on a stone wall. He marked the locations with the symbol of a square. The map looked like scratches of a child.
A thousand years ago, treasure hunters rediscovered the chamber. They were disappointed by it and did not understand the map at first, but one of them noticed the map's true nature, so the treasure hunters used lasers to cut the map out of the wall and took it away, despite not knowing where the map leads to. The Doom Box's creators fought the thieves on many worlds, trying to get the map back, and the thieves lost most of the fights.[SM1]
The planet Quatros, which is one of the last natural sources of Quaza in the galaxy, was originally inhabited by a race who revered the Quaza, and the power it possessed.[Episode 7]
Rise of the Hero Factory
More than a hundred years ago,[Media Center in 2010-2011] the many inhabited planets in the galaxy were overrun by crime. They had reached the point where their powers far exceeded that of the law bots designed to stop them. Akiyama Makuro, the rich old business robot man of Makuro Industries, came up with a radical new idea, a privatized police force created completely free of an evil tendencies. This idea transformed itself into Makuro's new company called Hero Factory built a factory for them in Makuhero City. Using a rare mineral called Quaza mined from various places, Makuro created robots that would serve as the galaxy's protectors: the Heroes. Hero Factory went live.[FO:MSG]
The first Heroes were created, a chief among them: Thresher, who would become the first leader of Alpha 1 Team, which would be the team for the most elite Heroes and the first active Hero team. Thresher was given a newly created rookie Hero: Preston Stormer, trained by famed doctor Aldous Witch.[C6][Episode 6]
Stormer did a mission where he has to find and apprehend two criminals, Voltix and Splitface. Chasing them on Epsilon Gamma IV, Stormer thought he was going to succeed and went in to attack them. However, Voltix and Splitface fought the Hero and were about to defeat him when Thresher arrived as backup. Thresher captured Voltix, but Splitface managed to slip away. After sending Voltix to the prison on Asteroid J-54, Thresher and Stormer met the new additions to Hero Factory's Alpha 1 Team: Jimi Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, and Von Ness.
The effect on the criminal underworld was immediate. Starting with Stringer and Bulk busting Jawblade and Toxic Reapa from starting a museum heist (capturing Toxic Reapa), criminals seemed to always get stopped by the Heroes.[SM2]

Legion of Darkness
The one criminal that vanished was Black Phantom, one of the most powerful villains. He studied Hero Factory from abroad and came up with a daring solution: to form his own villain team and destroy Hero Factory once and for all. Black Phantom founded the Legion of Darkness comprised of Jawblade, Splitface, Thornraxx, and Speeda Demon. The first step of Black Phantom's plan went into effect. The Legion went to Mechna and Thornraxx hijacked a Hover Ship containing a shipment of industrial robots from Makuro Industries. XT4 was salvaged and reprogrammed by Black Phantom into thinking he was a Hero.
As Thesher and Nathaniel Zib, a robot skilled in using technology, went to Mechna to investigate, Black Phantom tapped into Hero Factory's systems and put a fake mission on a far rim mining planet for Stormer and Stringer, claiming Thresher transmitted to them. The two Heroes arrived at the Aird Mining Company plant while Bulk and Von Ness went to escort a freight convoy. Stormer and Stringer found out the ruse and then mining robots attacked them because Speeda Demon reprogrammed them to do so when the Heroes come near them. Black Phantom then let XT4 go as Speeda Demon and Splitface hijacked an ore freighter from the Company. XT4 saved the Heroes, saying he was a new Alpha 1 rookie, and Stormer and Stringer brought him to Hero Factory. Black Phantom watched Stormer, Stringer, and XT4 go.
Bulk and Von Ness accomplished their problem without any problems. They returned to Hero Factory.
Stormer, Stringer, and XT4 met up with the two Heroes. Suspicious of XT4, Stormer put the robot in a bare room and discovered no new Heroes had been created since a week before, as XT4 claimed. Splitface flew the ore freighter past Makuhero City, activating XT4's secondary programming layer. XT4 tapped into the wall circuits and downloaded everything about Hero Factory and activated the Hero Factory's hidden stun guns, stunning the Heroes. He got in a Drop Ship and went to Asteroid J-54 to break Voltix and Toxic Reapa out of jail. The Heroes followed in pursuit, but XT4 got there first. As Bulk and Von Ness descended on the asteroid, XT4 had defeated the guard, released Voltix and Toxic Reapa, and was about to leave with them. Seeing the Heroes, XT4 released the other prisoners to distract the Heroes. He, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa went to the roof. Bulk formed a barrier and Von Ness weighed it down, allowing him to prusue XT4, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix while Bulk held off the others. Annoyed with Black Phantom's slow-moving plan, Splitface and Speeda Demon rigged the freighter's engines to blow and got in Black Phantom's scout ship, annoying Black Phantom. Stormer and Stringer got pinned between the freighter and Black Phantom, who introduced the Legion of Darkness. Black Phantom made the Heroes hit the freighter, who exploded, though Stormer and Stringer survived. Von Ness noticed the incident, worrying him. He was confronted by the three villains, but he felt outnumbered, so the villains convinced him to let them pass. Von Ness did what they said. Toxic Reapa destroyed Von Ness and Bulk's Drop Ship to prevent them from following them while the villains used XT4's Drop Ship to escape. Thresher then arrived and found Stormer and Stringer badly injured, and brought all the Heroes back to Makuhero City.

The incident was disastrous for Hero Factory and it was so bad Makuro decided to cancel Hero Factory, causing the media to hail his decision. When Stormer and Stringer awoke, Thresher informed them that Hero Factory was now going to be a deep space exploration facility, much to Stormer's shock. Von Ness, Bulk, and Stringer accepted this and boarded a freighter to be guards at Makuro Industries, but Stormer gave them Hero Factory signalers, which he created. Despite Hero Factory getting shut down, Black Phantom told the Legion of Darkness that they are not done with the Hero Factory yet, and he announced his plan to take over it. The Legion used two scout ships to fly in over Makuhero City. Jawblade was dropped by the villains in the sewer where he severed power to the building's external defenses, kncoking him unconscious. XT4 and Splitface went inside the building to attack it from the inside, while Toxic Reapa, Voltix, and Thornraxx went with Speeda Demon in the Assembly Tower. Toxic Reapa got annoyed by Thornaxx's panicking, so he threw him out of the ship, hurting Thornraxx so much that he went unconscious. The other three villains descended, but were attacked by Thresher. Stormer went to fight XT4, but was attacked by Splitface and Black Phantom. Stormer signaled the other Heroes. In the ensuing fight, Stormer trapped XT4 and then defeated Splitface, but Black Phantom saved XT4 and confronted Stormer. Black Phantom told Stormer he intends to see the other villains except XT4 captured, leaving him the sole destroyer of the Hero Factory without competition, but Black Phantom did not notice Stormer recording his plan. At that moment, Stormer's fellow Heroes arrived. Von Ness increased XT4's gravity so much that XT4 fell through the floor, starting to make up for Von Ness' mistake on Asteroid J-54. Black Phantom was chased into the Assemby Tower by the four Heroes. Thresher was saved by Von Ness. Stormer played the recording of Black Phantom's treachery to the Legion. The villains turned on Black Phantom and defeated him. The Heroes defeated the remaining Legion members.
A few days later, the whole Legion got arrested and then were sent to Asteroid J-54 to be imprisoned there. Despite Thresher publicly covering up the near defeat, Makuro knew about the Heroes' actions and changed his mind, announcing Hero Factory was back on track and new Heroes would be produced. Hero Factory regained its reputation and became the greatest force for good in the galaxy.
The Hero Factory was modified to avoid getting attacked by the Legion's way of doing it again.
At some point, the Legion members escaped prison, but not together this time.[SM2]
Decades ago, Quatros was once mined by the Hero Factory for the Quaza it possessed. However, it was discovered that the mining was detrimental to the planet, so the place was designated as a protected planet, and established as a wildlife preserve. A force field was erected around the planet, accessible only to Hero Factory personnel.[Episode 6]
At one time, Stormer was making a routine delivery of medical supplies to a frontier world when his Drop Ship was attacked by smugglers in their ship. Stormer drove the smugglers off, but he went to follow them without calling for backup from the Hero Factory. The smugglers were actually leading him into an ambush, where the Drop Ship was disabled and Stormer was captured by them. The smugglers tied him up in ropes. They planned to ransom him back to Hero Factory and then sell the technology in the Drop Ship. Stormer felt hopeless, but he was saved by an undercover cop named Aquax, who pretended to be one of the smugglers. The two escaped from the gang, summoned help, attacked the smugglers' base, and defeated and captured the entire gang, forming a friendship between Stormer and Aquax. Aquax even covered Stormer when Thresher interviewed him, saying that Stormer was undercover as well, though Stormer confessed the truth to Thresher later on. Once, Stormer and Aquax were left on a runaway transport ship heading for an asteroid, but they survived. Though Aquax and Stormer became friends, they eventually lost contact.[SM3]
Von Ness' Cowardice

At one point, Thresher, Stormer, and Von Ness responded to New Stellac City to answer to a burglary call, but found a giant robot called Silver, who was rampaging through the city. Thresher had the rookie run to safety and then fought the drone alone, but he was defeated. Von Ness lost his courage and stole the Drop Ship. Stormer jumped on the Drop Ship to try to stop Von Ness from escaping, but Von Ness refused and then tried to shake Stormer off the ship while the ship was still mid-air. Stormer leaped onto Silver and defeated the robot while Von Ness fled from New Stellac. The city hailed Stormer while Von Ness grew resentful and became the villain Von Nebula.[Episode 4][C4] Soon after, Thresher gave the Alpha 1 leadership position to Stormer, causing him to move to a planet dealing with mind weapons as a security official.[SM2]
Core Hunter's Search for the Doom Box pieces
Another Hero became involved in crime and turned into the villain Core Hunter, who went on a mission to steal Hero Cores.
Seven years ago, Core Hunter bought a map to the Doom Box's pieces from Speeda Demon, who got the map from the thieves who were trying to get away from the box's creators. Core Hunter went on a mission: to gather the Doom Box fragments.
Starting with a planet inhabited by blue robotic beings, Core Hunter analyzed a vault and found its defenses only protected against entering and not leaving. Core Hunter had someone disassemble him and put him in a crate box. Core Hunter waited until it was moved into the vault. Core Hunter then assembled himself, stole the Doom Box fragment, and hid in a nearby power plant, hiding the fragment in a Duradium mine. Bulk arrived to investigate the theft, and discovered Core Hunter responsible, challenging him in the power planet. In the ensuing struggle, Core Hunter escaped and the power plant was destroyed. The planet's people was embarassed by the incident, so they extremely increased their security, beocming hostile to visitors to the planet, including Heroes.
Core Hunter got the second fragment and gave it to a duplicate who went to hide it with Geb on a criminal world. Stormer arrived to find Core Hunter and the fragment. He did not find the fragment, but captured Core Hunter's duplicate. Core Hunter destroyed his duplicate remotely and told Stormer about the duplicate before ending communication, escaping from Stormer.
Finding the third fragment, Core Hunter planned to hide it on a derelict cargo freighter, but encountered a dangerous powerful creature. Hiding the fragment in the cargo hold, Core Hunter met Stringer, who had gotten on the ship to arrest Core Hunter as well. Core Hunter and Stringer were forced to work together to fight the creature. Realizing the animal only wanted to leave, Stringer aided it in by navigating it through airlocks Core Hunter worked. Core Hunter then left Stringer for dead, but the animal saved Stringer and the Hero left in Core Hunter's ship. Core Hunter took Stringer's, but Hero Factory remotely controlled it and sent it to Makuhero City where Core Hunter was imprisoned.[SM1]
Also seven years ago, before Mission: Von Nebula happened, Zib became a Senior Mission Manager.(Hero Factory FM)
Recent Missions
Hero Factory continued saving the galaxy. At one time, a year before Mission: Von Nebula, Alpha 1 fought and defeated Cornelius Zo and his army of Tiger Ants.
The Rho 3 Team stopped cleaning robots pretending to be Heroes.
Zed 4 guarded a Suzerain princess until she regained her confidence.
Alpha 1 investigated Almaak IV's disappearance and found Almaak V's government responsible.
Mu 19 removed Yeq Particles blocking galactic travel.
Epsilon 4 took care of a dragon on Earth.
Rho 14 suppressed Fire Sprites attacking relaxation grounds.
Delta 9, led by Lucas Valor, apprehended pirates before Valor returned to guard the galactic fringes from alien invasions.
Recently, at Hero Factory, Alpha 1's Rookie 1 division was refreshed, now consisting of new Heroes, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge, that promised to usher in a new era for the Alpha 1 Team.[Hero Fabrication Update (June 7, 2010)]
A robot named Mak Megahertz started his segment on a radio talk show called Hero Factory FM, called Mak in the Morning. He did 12 weekly broadcasts in the show, and they were where he interviewed many Heroes, including all members of the Alpha 1 Team except for Surge. Megahertz announced his plan to make his thirteenth and final broadcast before he was swept away by water.
Saga Guides | ||
History of Hero Factory | History of Hero Factory | |
2010 | Rise of the Rookies | |
2011 | Ordeal of Fire | Savage Planet | |
2012 | Breakout | |
2013 | Brain Attack | |
2014 | Invasion From Below |