Mission: Legion of Darkness
This article is about the mission. You may be looking for Legion of Darkness (Disambiguation). |
Parent Page: Missions
Mission: Legion of Darkness | ||||||||
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Mission | ||||||||
Mission: Legion of Darkness was a secret mission[FO:MSG, p. 84-85] that occurred at the early days of the Hero Factory, and pitted the Alpha 1 Team against the newly-formed Legion of Darkness.
Team Assigned
Alpha 1 Team
Legion of Darkness
Defend the galaxy and the Hero Factory from the attacks of the Legion of Darkness.
The newly-opened Hero Factory had proven to be a galaxy-wide success. The villains everywhere feared committing crimes, and were scared of being caught and imprisoned forever in the Hero Factory Asteroid J-54 prison. Jawblade, Thornraxx, Splitface and Speeda Demon were approached by a villain called Black Phantom who informed the others of his monitoring of the Factory and discussed about a plan to form a Legion of Darkness to bring the Factory down. The four villains accepted and joined forces with Black Phantom.
The Legion of Darkness proceeded to assault a industrial plant belonging to Makuro Industries in the planet Mechna, with Thornraxx hijacking a Hover Ship containing a shipment of 24 industrial robots. After Thornraxx landed the ship and Black Phantom escorted the robots out of the vehicle, Black Phantom had Splitface and Speeda Demon smash the ship to make it look like it crashed. The two villains did so. Black Phantom reprogrammed the XT4 robots. He had 23 of them wander around the area. He kept the last one as his personal servant, XT4, who joined the Legion.
Hearing about the hijacking, Thresher and Nathaniel Zib arrived in Mechna while Preston Stormer and Jimi Stringer were tasked to monitor some mining robots from the Aird Mining Company. The mining robots started to attack the pair of Heroes, but were saved by the reprogrammed XT4 robot, claiming that he was a new Alpha 1 Team rookie. Black Phantom observed the pair of Heroes as they left and ordered Splitface and Speeda Demon to steal an ore freighter from Aird.
At the Hero Factory, Stringer and Stormer met Dunkan Bulk and Von Ness, who escorted a freight convoy on another planet, and left XT4 alone in a room. There, Splitface, who was piloting the freighter in Makuhero City, activated XT4's secondary layer of programming, which made XT4 steal the entire database of Hero Factory. Stormer discovered that XT4 lied about being a Hero, but XT4 used Hero Factory's security system to stun Stormer and the other Heroes. XT4 escaped in a Hero craft, headed to the Asteroid J-54 in order to free Voltix and Toxic Reapa who were imprisoned. After trying to escape with the pair of villains, XT4 was attacked by Bulk and Von Ness. XT4 managed to free all the villains in captivity and he, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa fled to the roof, but Von Ness used his gravity weapon to help Bulk fight the other criminals, so Von Ness followed XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa to the roof. Meanwhile, Splitface and Speeda Demon rigged the ore freighter's engines to explode, and got inside Black Phantom's scout ship. Black Phantom scolded the two villains for trying to use the freighter to destroy the Heroes, which was not a part of his plan, but he went to make up for it by making Stormer and Stringer get near the freighter. Black Phantom attacked the two Heroes and introduced the Legion of Darkness to them. The two Heroes tried to avoid getting near the freighter, but Black Phantom, Splitface, and Speeda Demon got away, and when the Heroes were near the freighter, the explosion of the ore freighter managed to engulf the two Heroes, destroying their Hero craft, but the Heroes survived. Meanwhile, Von Ness was outnumbered by XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa. Voltix convinced Von Ness to let him and the other villains escape. Von Ness did so. Bulk defeated the escaping prisoners in the prison. Toxic Reapa destroyed Bulk and Von Ness' Hero craft, and he, Voltix, and XT4 used XT4's Hero craft to get out of the asteroid, preventing the Heroes from following the villains and trapping them on the asteroid. Thresher arrived and picked up all four of the Heroes.
A few days later, Stormer woke up in the presence of Thresher, Zib, and the rest of the Alpha 1 Team. Thresher informed Stormer of the accident at Asteroid J-54 and how it ruined Hero Factory's reputation across the galaxy, with Akiyama Makuro being forced to close down the Factory.
Makuro announced to the public that he is closing down Hero Factory. The Legion of Darkness saw this in the news. Black Phantom told the villains that they will use Hero Factory's building as their new headquarters.
Von Ness, Bulk and Stringer began to depart to work at Makruo's various industrial plants as security, but Stormer gave them signal rings before they left because Hero Factory would need the Heroes back for help.
The Legion of Darkness went to Makuhero City in order to destroy the Hero Factory's building. After Jawblade landed in a body of water called the Makuhero Reservior, near the building, he used XT4's information to power down the Factory's external defenses, though this knocked him unconscious. XT4 and Splitface went to the Hero Factory's Mission Control, and then XT4 hacked into it to try to close and lock all exterior doors in factory. Meanwhile, Speeda Demon, Thornraxx, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix used their scout ship to go to the Assembly Tower, but Thornraxx panicked, annoying Toxic Reapa so much that he threw Thornraxx to a spot that Thornraxx hit so hard that he got hurt and went unconscious. The other three villains landed on top of the Assembly Tower before their ship got destroyed. They fought Thresher along the way. The villains overpowered him and threatened to use a machine in the tower to disassemble him.
Meanwhile, Stormer discovered XT4 trying to control the Hero Factory's functions, and stopped him from closing the doors, but Splitface and Black Phantom, who was using his scout ship to help XT4 fight Stormer. Stormer barricaded himself in a room and then contacted the other Heroes for backup. Stormer used Zib's prototype security systems to destroy Black Phantom's ship and tangle XT4 in metal coils. Splitface managed to break into the room, but Stormer opened a secret hatch opened below him, defeating him. Stormer went to help Thresher, but was interrupted by Black Phantom, who freed XT4 before this. Black Phantom told the Hero of his plans to get the Legion captured so that he is the only one to take credit for Hero Factory's doom. Von Ness, Bulk and Stringer arrived, with Von Ness taking XT4 down in the process to start making up for his mistake on Asteroid J-54. The Heroes chased Black Phantom into the Assembly Tower where they found Thresher alive and endangered by Speeda Demon, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix. Von Ness dropped Thresher's gravity to save him. Stormer played a recording of Black Phantom explaining his treachery. The other villains attacked Black Phantom in revenge. The five Heroes defeated the remaining villains.
Black Phantom's treachery was exposed, and the Legion of Darkness was disbanded and imprisoned in Asteroid J-54. Thresher hid the existence of the mission for thinking that it was nearly a failure, and made a secret file containing information about the mission. Zib told the Alpha 1 Team that Makuro is going to reopen the Hero Factory. Later that day, Makuro reopened the Hero Factory.
At some point, the Legion of Darkness members escaped from prison, but they went on their own because of their disbanding.
Recently, Furno found the file that has information on the Legion of Darkness memberss, but he could not open it. Bulk noticed him and then told Furno the mission because he felt Furno needed to know this. Stormer noticed Bulk and Furno talking about the mission. He decided not to punish Bulk for exposing the secret and added more information on the aftermath of the mission. Stormer then told his fellow Heroes to go focus on continuing Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em.[SM2]
- The mission is not officially named, as it is named after Secret Mission 2: Legion of Darkness in this wiki.
- In Secret Mission 5: Mirror World, in an alternate universe, Von Ness betrayed the Hero Factory early during the events of Secret Mission 2: Legion of Darkness. He sold the plans for the Hero Factory building to Black Phantom. Black Phantom used the plans to make a plan, where he formed the Legion of Darkness and the villains went to destroy the Hero Factory. The villains succeeded in doing so.
Books |
Secret Mission
Guides |
See also