Particle Separator

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Parent Page: Technology

Particle Separator
User(s) Heroes
Functionality Protection
Status In Use

Particle Separators are defensive devices that separate the molecules of a user for a brief period of time. Particle Separators were given to the Alpha 1 Team by Hero Factory mission manager Nathaniel Zib when they were dispatched to New Stellac City, and later to rookie Heroes William Furno, Mark Surge, and Natalie Breez when Zib sent them to rescue Alpha 1 from a trap set by Von Nebula and his four henchmen.


Particle Separators are small, handheld devices with a single red button in the center used to activate them. During the brief period of activation, the user becomes intangible, allowing objects or deadly attacks to pass through them without harming them.

The Particle Separators can cause disorientation in their users when being used. There is also a possibility that certain attacks that pass through the user when the user is using his or her Particle Separator can twist the user's body in some way, though the user uses the device again to fix his or her distorted body. Surge is a user with such condition, as he got his head placed backwards when he survived XPlode's Explosive Spikes. However, he used his Particle Separator to fix his head.

Example Usage

In Von Nebula, four members of Alpha 1 Team used Particle Separators to survive XPlode's Explosive Spikes.

Jimi Stringer and Dunkan Bulk using the Particle Separators


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Heroes Hero Core | Hero Cuffs | Particle Separator | Aquajet Pack | Sonic Speakers | Scout Drones | Hero Core Locking Clamps | Visor | Jetpack Wings | Rocka's Jetpack | Canister
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