Von Nebula's Gang

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"Von Nebula's Gang" is not an official name.
It may have been referenced in the storyline as such, but has not been officially named. Alternatively, it may be a name popular among fans, but has no official basis.

Von Nebula's Gang

Four members of the gang
Villain Team
Headquarters/Base Unknown
Leader(s) Von Nebula
Status Disbanded
Goal(s) Destroy Hero Factory

Von Nebula's Gang was a group of powerful criminals banded together by the crime lord Von Nebula.


As a Hero, Von Nebula (then going by Von Ness, a member of the original Alpha 1 Team) defected from the organization during a crucial mission in New Stellac City, eventually becoming a villain.[Episode 4] In order to get revenge on Hero Factory, who he believed had wronged him, Von Nebula enacted a master plan to eliminate the entire Factory by using their Quaza to enhance his black hole base ten thousand times, and to enact revenge on his former team.

After recruiting the six necessary henchbots, Von Nebula and five of them, XPlode, Rotor, Corroder, Meltdown, and Thunder, went to attack the Deltari Quadrant in planet Deltari without warning and stole Palamino Diamonds from there at one time. They cut communications there before entering Deltari and then doing the crimes. It was shown in the Hero News Network and the front page of a newpaper in Makuhero City called the Intergalactic Hero Tribune.(Hero Factory FM) The other henchbot, Vapor, prefers to operate alone.[FO:MSG, p. 17]

Von Nebula set his plan into motion, and it involved defeating the Alpha 1 Team first. XPlode and Rotor first attempted steal a shipment of C-4000 explosives from an asteroid called Merak 9, though they were rebuffed by the Heroes. They soon tried to steal more explosives on the planetoid Lemus 2, and were unsuccessful again; Rotor was captured, while XPlode escaped.[Episode 1]

Shortly after, a new prison under construction called Penitentiary 1331 on Tantalus 5 was attacked by Corroder. Corroder too was repelled, though not without causing massive damage to the construction site.[Episode 2] After returning to Von Nebula at his lair in a desert planet with black structures, Corroder was succeeded by Meltdown,[C2] who planned to use nanobots to corrupt Preston Stormer, Von Nebula's old teammate. Meltdown first infected Mekron City Police Chief Drax, an old friend of Stormer's, who successfully lured the Alpha 1 Team into an ambush. Stormer was infected by the nanobots, which began to turn him evil. However, he was cured with the help of his team.[Episode 3]

As part of the final stage of the plan, Von Nebula sent Corroder and Thunder to New Stellac City, the site of his original betrayal. Von Nebula gave Thunder a Nebula Gas Cannon and thrown a meteor near where a destroyed giant drone was sitting on in the city. This attracted the attention of the senior members of Alpha 1. Then, Thunder and Corroder came to the city in two more meteors to fight the Heroes. Thunder used the Cannon to try to defeat Stormer, but Stormer used new armor, given by Quadal, to survive the blast. The rookies of Alpha 1 arrived to help, XPlode and Meltdown arrived to the city in two more meteors to help Thunder and Corroder fight the six Heroes. Von Nebula himself finally appeared to the Heroes, challenging Stormer and William Furno. However, they were able to defeat Von Nebula and seal him in his own Black Hole Orb Staff, while the rest of the Heroes defeated the gang members. All of these henchmen of Von Nebula's were locked up in the Hero Factory prison, including the staff.[Episode 4]

At some point, the final member of Von Nebula's gang, Vapor, was attacking a city, but Bulk, Furno, and a Drop Ship pilot came to stop him.[S!] Vapor was arrested and imprisoned in the Hero Factory prison.[FO:MSG]

The Black Hole Orb Staff was later used by the villain Voltix to incite a breakout, resulting in all of Von Nebula's gang escaping, with Von Nebula's whereabouts unknown.[Episode 8] The gang seemed to be disbanded. Since Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em was completed before Mission: Robot Rampage happened, all of Von Nebula's minions are recaptured.[SM4]

Former Members


See also

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb