Dunkan Bulk

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"Bulk is part of Stormer’s hand-picked elite team. He is one of the strongest, steeliest Heroes ever created. His friends see Bulk as kind of like a walking demolition tank."
Akiyama Makuro, HeroFactory.com

Parent Page: Characters

Dunkan Bulk
Hero 1.0
Hero Team Alpha 1 Team
Weapons Metal Sphere Shooter
Status Functional, upgraded

Dunkan Bulk is a powerful Hero from the Hero Factory and member of the Alpha 1 Team.



Bulk's blueprint

Bulk was created in the Hero Factory. He became a rookie Hero. Bulk was made a part of the Alpha 1 Team, under the leadership of Thresher along with other rookies Preston Stormer, Jimi Stringer, and Von Ness.

In one mission with Stringer, Bulk apprehended Toxic Reapa in a museum. Bulk and Stringer talked about the Hero Factory getting its own prison someday.[SM2]

Legion of Darkness

Thresher sent Bulk and Von Ness to do a mission where they had to guard and escort a freight convoy. The two Heroes completed the mission when the freight convoy reached its destination without incident, and the shipmasters made sure everyone knew that the Hero Factory was providing security and scared off the local pirates. After the Heroes returned from the mission, they met XT4, a robot claiming to be a Hero. This proved to be a sham and XT4 downloaded Hero Factory's secrets, stunned the Heroes, stole a Drop Ship, and used it to leave the Hero Factory building. The Heroes, save for Thresher who was recalled elsewhere, gave chase to Asteroid J-54. Bulk and Von Ness landed and saw XT4 attempting to escape with Toxic Reapa and Voltix, causing XT4 to release all the criminals. While the three escaped, Bulk built up a rock barrier as the criminals ran closer, which Von Ness weighed down with his gravity tool before going after XT4. Bulk fought off the hordes of criminals until Von Ness returned. XT4, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix escaped, and Toxic Reapa pinned down the Heroes' Drop Ship, making them stranded on the asteroid. They were later picked up by Thresher, who had already saved Stormer and Stringer after a very near death. After the two were revived, Thresher and Nathaniel Zib called a meeting where the end of Hero Factory was announced due to their failure at Asteroid J-54. Bulk, Stringer, and Von Ness departed to their new jobs at various Makuro Industries plants as security guards. Stormer gave the three Heroes ring-shaped devices called the Hero Factory Signalers in case Stormer needed their help before the Heroes left the Hero Factory building on a freighter. However, Stormer called them, and the three arrived to see Black Phantom and the Legion of Darkness about to destroy the Hero Factory. Though XT4 injured Bulk, the Heroes were successful in defeating the Legion of Darkness. Despite Bulk, Stringer, and Von Ness being scheduled to use another freighter to go to the plants, the victory over the Legion caused Akiyama Makuro to decide to keep the Hero Factory project and not scrap it, making the three Heroes choose to stay in the Hero Factory again instead.[SM2]

Life as a veteran Hero

Thresher eventually retired and Von Ness deserted the Hero Factory,[Episode 4] leaving Alpha 1 led by Stormer with Bulk and Stringer as the team's only consistent members.

Seven years ago, Bulk was called into a planet in the Omega system to investigate a theft in there and met with We Who Serve, a trio from a short, blue humanoid-looking robots. He used a device called a Translator to understand their language. Bulk investigated the vault. Examining the vault, he realized the defenses were only to stop people from getting in, not out. Bulk also deduced that the thief had someone disassemble him, put him in a crate, and had the crate stored in the vault. Once inside, the thief reassembled himself and had stolen whatever he had wanted to and left. Bulk found a spent Hero Core, making him theorize that Core Hunter, who used the Core as a calling card, was behind the operation. Bulk then theorized that Core Hunter may need a large building where there are many places to hide in, and told We Who Serve this. We Who Serve reluctantly told Bulk that the thief could be hiding in the city's main power plant. Bulk went to the plant and searched until Core Hunter trapped him in an energy net. Bulk escaped by destroying one of the plant's two power dynamos. Core Hunter set the other to explode, forcing Bulk to choose between capturing him or saving the workers in the plant. Bulk chose the latter. He hit the alarm to have the workers evacuate the plant. After Bulk also evacuated the plant, the plant exploded while Core Hunter left the planet.[SM1]

A year before Mission: Von Nebula, Bulk, Stormer, and Stringer were assigned to fight off a villain named Cornelius Zo and his army of giant Tiger Ants that were destroying a city. Bulk drove the ants off by using a tank called the Crusher. There was also one time where they successfully captured a notorious space pirate.(Hero Factory FM)

At one time, the team was tasked with investigating the supposed disappearance of the planet Almaak IV, as reported by Almaak V. Stringer discovered that Almaak IV was only cloaked and the Almaak V government was responsible.

The Alpha 1 Team recruited a division of three rookies, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge, and named it Rookie 1.

At one time, Bulk and the other members of the Alpha 1 Team chased fuel smugglers in the Faraday Belt. The team survived and completed the mission.(Hero Factory FM)

Bulk was interviewed by Mak Megahertz in his radio talk show called Hero Factory FM, in his segment called Mak in the Morning.

At one time, Bulk and Stringer arrived at the sixth planet of the Taygeta system to arrest XPlode and Rotor. However, the villains used a machine to drain them of their Hero Cores' energy. However, Rotor was frustrated with his and XPlode's plan, so he tried to defeat the Heroes immediately, but he unintentionally ruined the plan by exposing the device to the Heroes. Stringer destroyed the device. The Heroes arrested the villains and put them in a prison. However, Von Nebula sent Thunder to break the villains out.(Galaxy's Most Wanted - Evil to the Core)

At one time, Bulk met Corroder.[Episode 2]

Rise of the Rookies

Trials of Furno

Bulk firing his Metal Sphere Shooter

Bulk was part of the security detail for a shipment of C-4000 explosives to Merak 9. The shipment came under attack, and Bulk fought against the criminals XPlode and Rotor with the rest of the team. After XPlode fled, the Heroes surrounded Rotor and Furno was tasked with Hero-Cuffing him. When Furno was having trouble trying to cuff Rotor, Bulk asked if he needed backup, but Furno insisted that he could do this alone. Unfortunately, Rotor managed to escape after drawing a concealed weapon.[Episode 1] The Heroes returned home.[C1]

Core Crisis

After Stormer and the rookie team successfully captured Rotor on Lemus 2,[C1][Episode 1] Bulk and Stringer were assigned to repair the damage with rookies Mark Surge and Natalie Breez. The four were then called to stop Corroder at a construction site of Penitentiary 1331 on Tantalus 5. During the battle, Bulk saved Surge from being crushed under a stack of girders, but was pinned under them himself. Unable to free Bulk, Surge had to protect him from Corroder while Stringer fought Corroder. After Zib sent Furno to Penitentiary 1331, he suggested Bulk, Stringer, and Surge to set up a Hero Cell to wait for Furno to arrive. Stormer protested this idea at first because of Bulk's Hero Core being too drained because of the girders, but Bulk approved at the plan. Bulk, Stringer, and Surge set the Hero Cell to protect themselves from acid from Corroder's Acid Blasters, though this drained Bulk's core to dangerously low levels. Bulk cheered up Stormer by telling him that Von Ness is not Stormer's fault. Furno arrived in a Hero Pod and drove Corroder away from his fellow Heroes. This allowed Stringer and Surge to shut down the Hero Cell, so they could avoid losing Bulk. Breez arrived in a Drop Ship, and then she and her four fellow Heroes intimidated Corroder, causing him to run off. Breez used a Levitation Unit to get the girders out of Bulk, and then Furno helped Bulk get up and out of his spot. Stormer voiced his concern to his fellow Heroes about XPlode, Rotor, and Corroder's attacks being primarily about fighting the Heroes rather than doing their other crimes.[C2] Bulk was recharged back at Hero Factory. When he met his fellow Heroes and Zib at Hero Factory's Mission Control, he made a joke about having a mother and comparing Zib to her.[Episode 2]

The Enemy Within

When Stormer arrived at Hero Factory infected by nanobots from Meltdown, he went insane becuase of the nanobots, and attempted to escape. Bulk tried to stop him, but Stormer pushed him to make fall to his death, but Furno and Stringer saved Bulk. Stormer used this as an advantage, so he escaped. Though Bulk offered to help Furno continue looking for Stormer in Makuhero City, Furno insisted that Bulk would be better off going with the others to find a cure because Furno believed that it was best to get Stormer undetected if he did it alone. Bulk went to Lunar Tratix with Stringer, Surge, and Breez to find the key ingredient, which was a rare mineral, for the cure for the nanobots, but they were attacked by a female Tratix Reptoid. After Breez found the mineral, she used her ability to talk to animals to calm the Reptoid down and tell her to get the mineral for her and her friends. The four Heroes went back to Hero Factory with the mineral while Furno went back to there with Stormer. After the cure was created, Bulk and his four fellow Heroes witnessed Quadal using it to cure Stormer. Bulk asked Stormer which is more dangerous, which would be either the Reptoid or the "Stormer beast" (referring to Stormer being infected by nanobots). Stormer replied that it was neither and it was the monster who sent Meltdown to try and destroy him.[Episode 3][C3]

Von Nebula

Bulk, Stormer, and Stringer heard about an emergency at New Stellac City. Zib gave the Heroes Particle Separators and Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings. The Heroes arrived at the city and found the emergency in the city, which was the crash site of a meteor. When the Heroes noticed a plaque on a monument with a destroyed drone, this made Bulk remember the Von Ness mission in the city. Stormer figured that this was not a normal natural disaster, and that this meant that he and his fellow Heroes had walked into a trap. The three Heroes encountered Thunder and Corroder, who arrived in two more meteors. The Heroes fought the two villains. The rookie team soon arrived, as did XPlode and Meltdown. When the four villains tried to use their Meteor Blasters to attack the rookies, the veteran Heroes saved the rookies from the blasters' blasts, and then the six Heroes used the first crash site as cover while shooting at the villains. A black hole, created by Von Ness, who became a villain called Von Nebula, appeared over the city and took away the six Heroes' weapons and gadgets. After Stormer and Furno went into the vortex after Von Nebula, Bulk sought cover with the others, waiting for the villains to run out of ammunition. Bulk and his three fellow Heroes used their Particle Separators to resist the criminals' attacks until the criminals ran out of ammunition, allowing the team to launch their counterattack to defeat Thunder, Meltdown, and Corroder, as Bulk defeated Thunder. XPlode, who had his Explosive Spikes as his remaining ammunition, prepared to use it to attack the Heroes, but the Heroes used the Separators again to resist the Explosive Spikes, allowing Stringer to defeat XPlode. Bulk found a metal strap on the drone and then he and Stringer use the strap to tie the villains up. Stromer and Furno came back from the black hole with the Black Hole Orb Staff.[C4]

The Heroes returned to Hero Factory with the veteran Heroes' Drop Ship with the villains. They were interviewed by a reporter named Daniela Capricorn.[Episode 4]

At some point, Bulk, Furno, and a Drop Ship pilot fought Vapor.[S!] Vapor got arrested and imprisoned in the Hero Factory building[FO:MSG], but it is unknown if Bulk, Furno, and the Drop Ship pilot were the ones who defeated and arrested him.

It is unknown why Bulk was not with Stormer, Furno, Surge, and Breez when the four Heroes were fighting Fire Lord and his gang. Bulk was present when he was among many other Hero Factory Heroes, including Stringer and Thresher, and employees who witnessed Makuro presenting the 2.0 Upgrade and introducing the first two Heroes who were born with it, Julius Nex and Nathan Evo. Bulk and the other Hero Factory Heroes and employees were then present when Stormer, Furno, Breez, and Surge were showing their upgraded forms.[Episode 5]

Bulk eventually got the 2.0 upgrade after it was perfected.[Episode 6]

Savage Planet

Bulk after being upgraded

When Furno and Stringer were preparing to play a game of Roboball, Nex and Bulk joined it. The Heroes won the game. They got an emergency from Mission Control, and then Stormer appeared and told the group to come to Mission Control. After the five Heroes arrived, Zib told them about Alpha 1 Team's newest rookie Hero, Daniel Rocka, gotten missing on the paradise jungle planet Quatros. He told them about the Hero Factory corporation's history with it, and the planet having mysteriously changed. Zib told the five Heroes to go to Quatros to rescue Rocka. Bulk never thought about Rocka being sent alone to Quatros was a good idea.[FO:MSG] Bulk was upgraded to 3.0 form, and given wolf attributes.

On the Heroes' trip to Quatros, Bulk read an article in Heropedia in his mechanical tablet called a Hero Pad about Quatros and a cause of its disturbing new appearance. After he and the Heroes arrived in Quatros, they found the injured Rocka.[C6] Furno tried to engage Witch Doctor, but was defeated. While searching for the Witch Doctor, the team found an old transporter that could teleport three of them to the mining site in a charge, where Witch Doctor was harvesting Quaza from the core of the planet, killing it. Stormer placed Rocka and Furno in charge of two Hero groups of three in order to help them deal with their rivalry, as Stormer put Rocka in charge of Bulk and Stormer, and Furno in charge of Stringer and Nex. Rocka's unit used the transporter, but it reconstituted their molecules incorrectly, rendering them at a fraction of their original size. The Heroes discovered this when they encountered a Fangz, which was possessed by a Witch Doctor through corrupted Quaza spikes by the Skull Staff. They decided to do some reconnaissance until they are restored to their original size. The Heroes were attacked by the Fangz, but they drove it off. The Heroes told Zib, Quadal, and Furno's unit about their problem.[Episode 6]

Rocka's unit discovered a corrupted Quaza spike on a possessed male Raw-Jaw.[C7] They evaded the Raw-Jaw and found an ancient civilization's hieroglyphics on an ancient temple. Bulk used his helmet to scan the hieroglyphics and send the scans to Zib, and then Bulk aksed Zib to decipher them. Zib told the Heroes about his theory that the hieroglyphics were about putting the Quaza back to the planet's core to save it. Witch Doctor noticed the Heroes, so he and one of his Fangz went after them. Rocka bought his unit some time by defeated the Fangz, though this attracted two more of Witch Doctor's Fangz, which chased the Heroes through the mining site. Bulk and Rocka were eventually captured in a crate by Witch Doctor. With the help of Stringer and Nex, they were freed. Stringer and Nex rewired the mining site's transporter, allowing Rocka's unit to use it to restore themselves to their original size.

After the six Heroes regrouped, Furno made strategies on fighting Witch Doctor and his minions. Bulk fought the two Fangz alone, but Stringer, after freeing the Raw-Jaw from Witch Doctor's control by removing his Quaza spike, went to help him. The two Heroes removed the Fangz' active Quaza spikes to free them. After Stormer and Rocka defeated Witch Doctor and when Furno was unable to reach the floating Quaza blimp with his broken flight gear, he enlisted Bulk to help throw him in the air, disabling the craft and depositing the Quaza back into the planet. This saved the planet from dying and restored it to its natural state. The Heroes arrested Witch Doctor and returned home.[C7][Episode 7]


It was unknown what Bulk was doing when the mass breakout at the Hero Factory, started by Voltix, happened. Bulk was given a new set of armor and Hero Cuffs in order to chase down Core Hunter. Bulk chased Core Hunter to a planet called Tansari VI, where Core Hunter tried to get Stringer's Hero Core just when Stringer defeated and recaptured Voltix, with a fellow Hero named "Omega" witnessing the fight. Bulk saved Stringer from Core Hunter, and then chased Core Hunter out of the planet.(Omega Recon Reports)

The Doom Box

Core Hunter was still on the loose. Bulk returned to the Hero Factory to train with Furno and Surge. The training got too out of hand, and Bulk, Surge, and Furno were trapped. Bulk threw Surge at the off switch, ending the simulation. Surge argued with Bulk about this action, and activated his electricity power to fight him, but Stormer recalled the three Heroes to respond to a Delta-Red priority warning, as Core Hunter was going to assemble a weapon called the Doom Box. Stormer scolded the three Heroes for their reckless behavior. After reviewing Bulk, Stormer, and Stringer's logs of previous missions against Core Hunter, Bulk and Breez set off to find one of the three fragments of the Doom Box in an unnamed criminal desert planet. The two Heroes pretended to be smugglers, and Bulk used an old cargo ship someone had reconditioned to carry "extra" goods to get himself and Breez to the planet rather than using his Hero craft.

The two Heroes met Geb in his refueling station on the planet. Bulk convinced Geb to lead them into the vault in the station, believing that the Doom Box fragment is hidden there. Core Hunter then used an anti-grav disk to send Geb into orbit and then another to retrieve the fragment. Bulk fired his Missile Launcher at Core Hunter, but Arctur saved the villain. As Bulk and Breez chased Core Hunter, he had three dozen villains in Geb's station attack the two Heroes to distract them, so he could escape. The Heroes defeated the villains and destroyed the station along the way.

The Heroes went to Stringer and Surge's location and met Stormer and Furno there as well. They confronted Core Hunter who is making a threating of reforming the Doom Box. Surge shocked Core Hunter, making him accidentally reforming the box. The box did not activate, but Arctur appeared, told Core Hunter where he can use the box, and teleported him and the Doom Box to where the box was forged. The Heroes captured Arctur. He explained that he was pretending to help Core Hunter the whole time and plans to use Core Hunter's Hero Core Remover Tool to absorb the Doom Box's energies to end the box's threat.

Arctur led the Heroes to the planet, where they met with Rocka. The Heroes found Core Hunter. Stormer, wiht the help of Bulk, Stringer, and Furno, goaded the villain into activating the Doom Box, so Core Hunter used his Plasma Shooter to try to kill Stormer, but Arctur saved Stormer and got hit instead, getting fatally wounded by the attack. Shortly after Core Hunter activated the Doom Box, his tool was used by Breez to absorb the Doom Box's energy, rendering it harmless. However, Core Hunter used the power to defeat every Hero save Surge, who reflected the villain's energy back at the criminal, causing Core Hunter's body to vanish. The Heroes then returned to Hero Factory with the Doom Box. They went back to recapture escaped criminals.[SM1]

Later, Bulk caught Furno looking at files, specifically the old Legion of Darkness file. Bulk told Furno the story of Hero Factory's near destruction by Black Phantom's Legion. Stormer heard Bulk relay Furno the information and chose not to punish Bulk, and told them that they needed to continue focusing on re-capturing criminals.[SM2]

Somehow, Core Hunter survived his ordeal and resumed his criminal activities, so Bulk went to recapture him again. At some point, Core Hunter called Bulk stupid. However, Bulk developed a plan on capturing him. Bulk told the criminal underworld that he was looking for Core Hunter. He took a Drop Ship to one of the worlds Core Hunter had used as a hideout before, and had made a big display of turning an old factory into a base of operations, knowing this would get Core Hunter's attention. Bulk also used a spare robot from the Hero Factory with only an active Hero Core as a decoy based on himself. That night, Core Hunter broke in, found the decoy, confusing it to be the real Bulk, and attacked it. However, the real Bulk slammed Core Hunter from behind and Hero-Cuffed him, finally recapturing him. Bulk took Core Hunter back to prison.[FO:MSG]

Brain Attack

Attack on Makuhero City

Bulk during the Attack on Makuhero City

Bulk, Furno, Stormer, Surge, Breez, Evo, and Rocka attended a meeting with civilians at the center of Makuhero City's plaza, with statues of theirs. They were then recalled to Hero Factory. Zib reported disturbances had been reported all over the planet and an army was invading Makuhero City. Bulk and the other Heroes got upgrades and went out into the streets to fight the army, and saw they were monsters mutated and controlled by the Brains. Bulk and his fellow Heroes began fighting them. During the battle, he usually fought many Brain-possessed Rock Giants, including Bruizer.[TBW] Bulk knocked a Brain off a Rock Giant and found the way to remove the Brains from their hosts, which is to hit the second red spike on them. This allowed Alpha 1 to clear their area of the street. A Brain-possessed dragon called Dragon Bolt attacked the Heroes and then flew to the Hero Factory. The Heroed rushed back to Hero Factory to find the missing Surge and trail Dragon Bolt. The Heroes found Surge controlled by a Brain, and Surge unleashed Blank Heroes on them. Bulk, Furno, Evo, and Stormer fought the army of drones until Breez freed Surge from the Brain' control and Surge deactivated the drones. Bulk then aided in cleaning the city from the devastation the attack caused.[Episode 10]

Collision Course

At some point, when Evo's pet wolf-lizard got free and feasted on the delicate wiring of the Hero Factory's communication system, it tooks three days for Stringer to fix the communcation system. Bulk is aware of the situation.[SM3, p. 24]

Bulk and Furno reviewed security in the Hero Factory, so the breakout would not happen again.

Bulk was assigned to go on a patrol in a sector next to the Hero Factory's, watching for smugglers. However, Hero Factory got an alert that a space ship called the Valiant was heading on a collision course with Makuhero City. Breez and Rocka were dispatched to take care of the situation, but the ship drew closer. Bulk, Furno, and Stormer were talking about it. Bulk came up with the idea of destroying the ship, even though Rocka and Breez would die. Stormer refused, but when Furno supported Bulk's idea, but Stormer accepted the idea. However, Stormer left to back up the Heroes, leaving Bulk in charge of the team temporarily and having him have Furno keep trying to contact Stringer when Stringer was radio silent for too long. Bulk wanted to make Stormer admit that he is worrying about his old friend, Aquax, who was the ship's captain, but Stormer ignored him and have him destroy the ship if it gets close to the city and Stormer, Breez, and Rocka cannot stop it from doing so. Bulk took over as Alpha 1 Team's acting leader. When he noticed the ship not stopping to head toward the factory, he ordered the ship destroyed immediately without waiting for Stormer's order. He then gave Furno operational command and, feeling guilty, went to his quarters to submit his resignation. Bulk worked on it until he was approached by Furno and by that point, Bulk was near exhausted, causing Furno to recommend him to power up. The Hero then told Bulk that the Drop Ships could use their tractor beams to slow the Valiant, heartening Bulk. After recharging, Bulk got Furno in a Drop Ship and piloted it to the Valiant, bursting in the ship to help surround the enemy, a Brain army led by their swarm leader, who possessed Kirch.

As Stormer had set the ship to crash into the Makuhero Planet's sun, Kirch's Brain and the other Brains were forced to abandon their hosts without destroying them and retreat, but got vaporized by the star's heat upon exiting the Valiant. As Aquax needed to slow the engines or else they will hit the star, Bulk punched them, but they were still too close. They let the explosive material go ahead of the ship and it exploded, spiraling them away from the star to safety.

Back at Hero Factory, Stormer called Bulk to his office. He turned down Bulk's resignation, saying that Bulk made the right call that Stormer's friendship with Aquax clouded his judgment. Stormer then informed Bulk that that attack of the Brains might be just the start.[SM3]

Robot Rampage

At one time, when Furno was flying a Drop Ship while Bulk was with him in there, he did a triple-spin-roll, tying Bulk's circuits in knots, and accidentally crashed the ship on their planet. After Bulk's circuits are fixed, Bulk got annoyed by the situation.

Furno received a distress call from Stringer on Tranquis VII, and he and Bulk were sent in a prototype Drop Ship with a chameleon circuit to the planet and given new weapons. Bulk disguised the ship as a cargo freighter, and it was attacked by three pirate space ships and a massive fully armed pirate space battle cruiser. Hiding on a moon from the pirates, Bulk continued to Tranquis VII. He and Furno touched down outside Tranquis, the capital. Heading into the city, the two found it deserted, and Bulk told Furno about an environmental disaster that struck the planet about ten years ago. The two Heroes caught sight of one robot, and decided to dig underground after it. Digging, they broke into a room where security robots shot at them, but Bulk had Furno turn Likozite into reflective glass and used it to reflect the robots' shots back at them. Bulk shot a flash-bang at the security robots, allowing him and Furno to escape. Bulk led Furno to the roof of a building to rest. However, the building was quickly surrounded by robots, but Furno swung himself and Bulk to another building, despite Bulk looking at this idea as insane. Furno told Bulk the robots were controlled by Brains. The two Heroes made it to a communications tower that Stringer used, but they discovered that the tower was sabotaged, so it could not be used to communicate. Stringer, also controlled by a Brain, and twelve other Brain-controlled robots arrived to fight and enslave Bulk and Furno. Karter and another group of security robots arrived, saving Bulk and Furno. Karter took them to their secret underground laboratory complex, despite Bulk feeling suspicious of Karter. On the way there, Furno wanted to rescue Stringer, but Bulk told him to do it later and focus on Karter because Bulk believed that Karter may be doing something evil.

Karter revealed he and his associates survived the Brain's invasion, and that they noticed the robots of Tranquis VII had a partial immunity to being possessed by Brains as a result of the environmental disaster and are working on full immunity. Karter also said that he and his team are doing research in the disaster. He insisted that Bulk and Furno stop drawing attention to his laboratory, but the Heroes refused and argued with him. Dumacc appeared to assist Karter by having a dozen security robots point their laser rifles on the Heroes. When Karter argued with him, Bulk noticed their feud and planned to use this to his and Furno's advantage. However, Dumacc forced the Heroes to go get imprisoned in a holding cell, guarded by two security robots. The Heroes' weapons and shields were confiscated. Furno believed that he and Bulk should have fought the robots, but Bulk told him to be wise about it. Bulk also said his theory where the robots may be hiding a plan where they caused the environmental disaster and will cause another one. He and Furno planned a jailbreak. On the next day, Bulk faked being near death to have a security guard open the jail door, so the Heroes were able to get out of the holding cell. They defeated the two guards, but a third one was trying to fight the Heroes. However, Dumacc knocked that guard unconscious, and then told the other two to leave the room. He recruited the Heroes to defend the complex from the Brains. The Heroes were skeptical of Dumacc at first, but Dumacc insisted in listening to him. Dumacc allowed the Heroes to get their weapons and shields back. The Heroes at first did not want to help the people in the complex because they looked at the people as villains, were focused in rescuing Stringer, and defeating the Brains, but Dumacc became sad and mentioned that Karter will do something terrible. The Heroes had Dumacc tell the truth about his team's project. He revealed the Valiant was a cover for the project called Project Sunstorm, which was a massive weapon harnessing solar flares for the planetary governments to defend themselves and it accidentally caused Tranquis VII's enviornmental disaster on its first test. Dumacc warned the Heroes that the Brains are after it, and Karter is transferring the project's data to the planetary governments. Bulk and Furno tied him up with cable as punishment for his evil actions and because they were tired of looking at him.

Bulk and Furno found Karter, who was using a data transfer terminal to transfer the project's data. Bulk stopped Karter and jokingly used his hand to destroy the terminal. They showed them Dumacc to show that he helped the Heroes stop Karter. Karter tried to tell the Heroes to stop trying to fight the Brains, but the Heroes did not listen. Bulk used Karter to draw Brains away and then defeat them. However, Bulk and Karter were growing tired, but Bulk's Drop Ship arrived, controlled by Stormer from Hero Factory. Bulk and Karter got in the ship and plowed it underground to where Project Sunstorm's console was. After the two got out of the ship, they saw Brains controlling Dumacc and many security guards, ready to activate the weapon. Bulk and Karter started fighting the security robots while Dumacc was activating Project Sunstorm. Furno and a freed Stringer arrived and helped Bulk and Karter fight the security robots. After the four allies quickly defeated the security robots, Bulk came to Dumacc and pushed him away from the console. He asked his allies if any one of them wants to shut the weapon down. Karter wanted to shut the weapon down, but Bulk refused to let him do it. Stringer went to shut down the weapon. Furno and Stringer used an electromagnetic pulse to stop all of the possessed robots. Later, Stormer, Rocka, Evo, Breez, Nex, and a dozen other Heroes came to Tranquis to help Bulk, Furno, and Stringer capture the Brains and clean up the mess that the Brains made. Bulk noticed Karter knocking out Zib and destroying the machine. Karter tried to kill Bulk, but Bulk stopped and arrested him.

A week later, back at Hero Factory, Bulk, Furno, Stringer, Stormer, and Zib talked about the status of Tranquis, the Galactic Conspiracy, and the Brains. Later, when Bulk noticed Furno training in a gym, he assured him they would fight the Brains no matter the cost.[SM4]

Mirror World

After Evo security-checked him at a security checkpoint, much to Bulk's annoyance, Bulk went to meet with Stormer, Furno, and Breez. Stormer announced the test of a new power source for Hero Factory technology. On the next day, when the Heroes tested the power source in a generator, the generator malfunctioned. The four stayed behind on time for the Hero Factory's evacuation and prevent the overloaded energy from spreading across the Hero Factory. The Heroes were knocked unconscious in a blinding light, and woke in a deserted warehouse. Breez realized that the Heroes are spatially displaced. Bulk realized that the Heroes are in the same coordinates as before, but the Heroes noticed strange changes in Makuhero City, so they went to Makuhero City, which is strangely renamed "Von Nebula University", to learn about the changes. There, Stormer learned they were in a parallel world where Von Ness helped Black Phantom destroy Hero Factory in its early days. After Von Ness became Von Nebula, he took over the city, creating a crime ring called the Citadel. In that world, heroism was punished, and crime and power honored. The Heroes believe that the Citadel may have the alternate universe's version of the generator in their base, so the Heroes decided to draw Von Nebula's attention by pretending to be a new gang of criminals. Bulk and his fellow Heroes broke up robberies by Splitface, Jawblade, and many others, angering the Citadel. When XT4 caught the Heroes' attention, he told them that Von Nebula wants to negotiate with them. The Alpha Team arranged a meeting with Von Nebula.

The Citadel allowed the Heroes to meet them at their base. When Stormer was demanding an unconditational surrender from the Citadel, Von Nebula was shocked to see Stormer, so he had a group of robotic guards and bounty hunters called Jolters arrest the team and put them in jail, so Von Nebula will interrogate them. However, Bulk pretended to be sick, which caught the Jolters' attention, and then helped his fellow Heroes break free from the Jolters and defeat them. The Heroes created a breakout in the prison, freeing the alternate Heroes, including a parallel version of Furno. However, large, flying Brains invaded the city, getting the Heroes' attnetion. The Heroes noticed the differences between these Brains and the ones from the prime reality. After the alternate reality's Brains mysteriously stopped the invasion, the Heroes investigated and noticed Von Nebula having allied with the Brains. They were captured by Von Nebula and the Brains. A Brain examined Stormer's mind, but Stormer survived and broke Alpha Team out of prison again.

The team manipulated Core Hunter, so they could reach the alternate generator to escape. However, Bulk noticed that the generator is missing a half of an Amelium cylinder, which is needed for the generator to work. Von Nebula appeared and showed the Heroes the missing had, forcing them to work with him to defeat the Brains. Stormer and Von Nebula went to find alternate Makuro while the Heroes guarded the generator. After Makuro created a low-emission beta wave device that can put the Brains to sleep, the Brains attacked the Heroes and the Citadel's inner circle and Jolters again. When Von Nebula took the jammer from Stormer and used it to roughly defeat some of the Brains, this drew the other Brains' attention, and they tried to overwhelm Von Nebula and the Heroes, but the alternate reality's Heroes saved the prime reality ones from the Brains. In the battle, Stormer and his alternate self shot at Von Nebula's Black Hole Orb Staff, causing Von Nebula to disappear. The Heroes from both universes defeated the Brains. After Furno put the two halves of the Amelium cylinder back together and attach it to the generator again, Bulk sabotaged the generator to make it able to take the prime reality Heroes back home. Bulk and the other prime reality Heroes talked with alternate Stormer, alternate Furno, and alternate Makuro, who are planning to recreate the alternate Hero Factory. Bulk suggested that he and the prime reality Heroes would find a way to visit the alternate universe to see how alternate Makuro and the alternate Heroes are doing someday. After the prime reality Heroes said their goodbyes to alternate Stormer, alternate Furno, and alternate Makuro, they used the generator to return home.

There, the Alpha Team found and interrogated Perjast, learning that Karter was behind the prime reality's generator's malfunction. The Heroes and Zib tricked Karter into calling his contact, who is the leader of the Galactic Conspiracy. After the Heroes caught Karter doing it, Stormer took Karter's communicator and threatened the contact, but the contact killed Karter from afar to cover his tracks.[SM5]

Invasion from Below

Bulk, Stormer, Furno, Rocka, Surge, Breez, and Evo got new forms with compact armor and that allow them to use Battle Machines. After Evo got attacked by the Jumpers, who were invading Antropolis City, Bulk and the other Heroes came to the city to save it from the invading Jumpers. He helped fight off the first wave with his blasters. During the fight, Bulk and Surge were saved from being crushed by a transport pipe by Furno. After Stormer and Furno were captured by the Jumpers, the remaining Alpha 1 Team members went underground.

Bulk and his fellow Heroes discovered three construction workers trapped in the Jumpers' cocoons and then freed them. After Rocka told the construction workers to get to the surface quickly for safety, Rocka had Evo build Bulk a Battle Machine that can adapt to underground. Evo built Bulk the Bulk Drill Machine. While the Heroes were traveling, Bulk used his Drill Machine to dig out a wall, but that dragged in Surge and Rocka via magnetic pull. This also caused the others to fall down to a crystal cavern, which made Bulk escape his falling machine. The three Heroes found the construction workers' lost drill and then traveled through the cavern. When they had to deal with a swarm of Jumpers, including three Crystal Beasts, in the cavern, Bulk made two of the Crystal Beasts stun each other. After Bulk and Evo used a crystal bridge to get to the cavern's exit, Bulk witnessed Breez surviving an attack from the the Jumpers and Evo destroying the bridge to prevent the Jumpers from following the Heroes.

When the Heroes went to the Queen Beast's chamber, Bulk and Evo learned from Breez that the queen has Surge in a cocoon, so Evo attacked the queen. Breez noticed that the queen also had Stormer and Furno in her possession. Bulk attacked the queen, but the queen kicked him. Rocka entered the chamber to help Bulk and Evo fight the queen. However, when Bulk, Evo, and Rocka were losing the fight, Breez told Bulk to aim at one of the web threads that kept the queen's nest in place, but not destroy it, but Bulk destroyed the web thread, with Rocka helping him, because the queen has their friends, which caused the nest to tip over a little, dropping several unhatched Jumper cocoons to a pool of acid, killing the Jumpers inside. The queen got so angry about it that she summoned many of her children to destroy the Heroes in revenge. This caused Bulk to not allow Breez to talk to the queen when he was getting attacked by the Jumpers, so he damaged the nest more, killing more unhatched Jumpers. The queen disarmed and restrained Bulk and Evo. Breez began talking to the queen out of the invasion. She told Bulk, Evo, and Rocka to drop their guns in order to convince the Jumpers to stop attacking them. Breez had the queen recall all of her children, ending the invasion. The queen gave the four Heroes Stormer, Furno, and Surge back. When Stormer said that he feels weak, Bulk and Rocka put Stormer in a medical canister from canister from Evo's Battle Machine called the Evo Spider Machine to heal Stormer. However, one of the normal Jumpers accidentally triggered one of the Heroes' laser guns, damaging the nest more and killing more unhatched Jumpers. The queen noticed, so she got angry and mistakenly thought that the Heroes had betrayed her and her kind, so she attacked the Heroes again. Bulk opened the canister to get Stormer out of there to save him from the queen. The queen grabbed Bulk. Stormer tried to save Bulk by launching the Canister at the queen to make her let go of Bulk, but the attack caused the whole nest to be destroyed and the pool of acid and the pool of acid drained into a pit while all of the Jumpers disappeared. Bulk grabbed onto the wall of the pit, but just when Rocka tried to save him, the queen, while she and the Spider Machine were falling, grabbed Bulk, taking him with her. However, Bulk escaped by using the Spider Machine to fly out of the pit. The seven Heroes used the machine to get out of the Jumpers' lair and back to the surface.

The Heroes had the city's people close up the tunnel leading to the underground lair and build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it. When the Heroes are leaving with their Drop Ship and heading home, they do not notice that there is a Jumper, who is contained in an unhatched cocoon, being placed in the ship for an unknown reason, so the Heroes are accidentally bringing the Jumper along.[Episode 11]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

Bulk is implied to have survived when the Alpha 1 Team was defeated by the Legion of Darkness after Von Ness betrayed the team.

Recently, Bulk and the other members of the team, former prisoners of the Citadel, and Stormer's allies went to help the prime reality Heroes fight the Brains. Heroes from both groups defeated them.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

Dunkan Bulk's artificial intelligence is less developed than others, which he sometimes feels self-conscious about, but he makes up for this intelligence deficiency with sheer power. He messes up idioms. He is able to withstand blows that would destroy armored vehicles. He is reputed to be one of the Hero Factory's strongest active Heroes,[HFPM] best fighters,[SM4] and most respected veteran Heroes.[FO:MSG, p. 9] Bulk is always ready for a mission, and enjoys fighting for the Hero Factory as much as he enjoys the actual fighting itself. He has been actively working to develop his intelligence, increasing his amount of reading and vocabulary. He also learns to make strategies to capture villains, like what he did to Core Hunter during Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em.[FO:MSG] Bulk is skilled at doing a quick analysis of an opponent, finding his weak points, and anticipating his blows. He has a philosophy, which is "pound first, ask questions later", but he likes to know he is pounding somebody for the right reasons, and he claims that he makes better speeches than Stringer.[SM4]

Bulk is looked at by his fellow Heroes and Voltix as "big", despite not being actually bigger than normal Heroes by height.[Episode 2][Episode 7][MtH, p. 25][SM1][SM2][BA!][TBW][Episode 11] He usually wears bulky armor, hence his last name.[MtH, p. 25][SM2] Bulk can be very clumsy and is always bumping into things, possibly because he usually acts first and thinks later.[MtH, p. 25] He likes to be in the center of the action.[BA!]

Bulk is close friends with Stormer[FO:MSG, p. 9] and Stringer, and Stormer usually discusses with them on how to deal with difficult problems.[Episode 2][SM3][SM4] New Heroes know they can count on Bulk to help them train and learn about the Hero Factory. He is always there to to listen and offer support.[FO:MSG, p. 9] Bulk often talks to Furno,[Episode 3][SM2][SM3][SM4] who looks at him as his best friend.[Episode 2]

Bulk can be rough and tough, but he also has a great sense of humor and is fast to make jokes to relieve tension.[FO:MSG, p. 9]

Bulk is good at pretending during missions, and he frequently does so.[SM1][SM4][SM5]

Bulk has a problem with self-esteem, as when he is worried about his friends getting in great danger, he would think about quitting being a Hero by title unless someone convinces him otherwise.[Episode 2][SM3]

Armor and Tools

Bulk carried a Metal Sphere Shooter in his original build. Bulk was also given a Particle Separator by Zib. He was also implied to have given a pair of Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings.[Episode 4]

During a mission where he fought the criminal, Vapor, Bulk was outfitted with a Sonic Boom Weapon, jet-pack, and breathing apparatus in addition to his Shooter.

Bulk got the 2.0 Upgrade, which made him slightly taller.

Bulk in his wolf armor

With his 3.0 form, Bulk wielded wrist-mounted blades to complement his fighting style. After his upgrade, Bulk was given wolf-based powers, including enhanced speed, to help him cope with the jungle environment of Quatros.(shown in the July-August 2011 issue of the LEGO Magazine) The upgrade also gave him good tracking skills.[Bulk 3.0's LEGOshop.com description]

As part of his armor given after the breakout, Bulk was equipped with a Plasma Gun and powerful Missile Launcher with pinpoint laser targeting. He was also outfitted with new armor, featuring high-impact shoulder armor. Bulk was also equipped with a new set of Hero Cuffs, which can fly and seek out their target. He became slightly taller than his 2.0 form, as he was at the same height as Furno, Rocka, and Breez's Breakout forms.

Bulk utilized a High Speed Laser Drill and a High-Impact Shield during the attack of the Brains. He had upgraded ZX-79 hydraulic arms.[Episode 10] His armor was upgraded with Hero Core Locking Clamps, which enhanced the power of and protected his Hero Core, and his helmet has a visor, which has night vision and is used to protect against enemy attacks. This form was slightly shorter than his Breakout form, but still slightly taller than his 2.0 form. He was at the same height as Rocka, Breez, and Evo's Brain Attack forms, and slightly shorter than Stormer and Surge's Brain Attack forms. During Mission: Robot Rampage, Bulk had a flashlight.[SM4]

For the mission in Antropolis City, Bulk's body was upgraded to the latest compact model, which is compatible with the Battle Machines. He had a Battle Machine called the Bulk Drill Machine, but it was destroyed when he was traveling in the Jumpers' underground lair. He also had a laser gun. He carried two of them at one time during the Heroes' fight against the Jumpers on Antropolis City. He also carried a longer laser gun when he was fighting the Jumpers in their underground lair.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

7168 Dunkan Bulk, which included Bulk, was first released in 2010 as one of the original Hero sets. The set contains 17 pieces.

Bulk was also released that same year in the special-edition set, 7179 Bulk and Vapour, using 21 of the set's 89 pieces. However, unlike the original form, Bulk possesses a jet pack, a breathing tube, and a Sonic Boom Weapon in addition to his Metal Sphere Shooter.

In mid-2011, Bulk was released again as 2182 Bulk 3.0 This version of Bulk contains 30 pieces, including an armor piece printed with the name "Bulk 3.0" and a wolf pattern. Parts from Bulk 3.0 can be combined with parts from 2191 Furno 3.0 to build a non-canon combination model based on building instructions available from HeroFactory.com. This set's canister includes a code printed underneath the canister's lid that could be used to unlock Bulk's part of a version of an online game called Creep Crushers, called Jungle Crushers, in the HeroPad section of the Hero Factory website.

In mid-2012, Bulk was released as 6223 BULK, which is medium-sized. The set contains 61 pieces. It includes a Hero Core that contains a code printed on the back that could be used for an online game called Breakout. The set includes a missile launcher that can be raised or lowered, an operable Plasma Gun, and Hero Cuffs to use on the villains of the Breakout wave. Like 6202 ROCKA in 2012, Bulk's gun-holding left forearm is shorter than his right for an unknown reason. The set could be combined with 6222 CORE HUNTER to form a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.

44004 BULK, which is small and includes Bulk, was released in early 2013. It contains 50 pieces, including a Hero Core that contained a code printed on the back that used for an online game called Brain Attack. It features a new helmet to connect to the head piece, an opening trans-orange visor to go with it, and opening Hero Core Locking Clamps. The helmet also has a smirk, but it was never shown in the Brain Attack episode. The set also includes a spinning shield, drill, and flick-fire missile launcher. Parts from the set can be combined with parts from 44005 BRUIZER to build a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.

Bulk as a minifigure

Bulk was released in 2 sets in summer 2014. He was included in 44025 BULK Drill Machine. In this set, Bulk has a click shooter, which represents his laser gun. Bulk was also included in 44026 CRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK. In that set, Bulk has the click shooter. He also has boot-jets, like Breez in 44020 FLYER Beast vs. BREEZ in early 2014, but Bulk was never shown to have them in the story.


"Hi, my name's Bulk. Three guesses why."
― Bulk to Von Ness, Legion of Darkness


  • Bulk was voiced by Christopher B. Duncan in seven of the first ten Hero Factory television episodes. In Episode 11: Invasion from Below, he was voiced by Chad Randau. Bulk's voice actor was not credited in Episode 10: Brain Attack, but it is likely that Christopher B. Duncan had voiced Bulk in the episode.
  • Bulk's promotional nickname was "The Behemoth". This and his promotional hand-written signature were shown in Hero Factory Promotional Magazine in July 2010.
  • In some early story documents, revealed on October 2024, Bulk's first name was going to be spelled "Duncan". On the LEGO Shop website, sets 7168 Dunkan Bulk and 7179 "Bulk and Vapour" also spell Bulk's first name that way. Hero Factory Promotional Magazine spells his name that way, too.
  • Jimi Stringer jokingly claims that he and his fellow Heroes, Zib, and Quadal love to tease Bulk.[Episode 2]
  • Roboball's virtual players look like Bulk 1.0, but completely silver and have yellow eyes.[Episode 6]
  • Bulk's 2.0 form in Episode 6: Savage Planet Part 1 is based on his 3.0 form since his 2.0 set does not have its own set. Bulk appeared in his 1.0 form instead of his 2.0 in Comic 6: Savage Planet, as it was only available for the artist as a reference.
  • Bulk's look in the "Bulk and Vapour" set was not shown in the television episodes for an unknown reason.
  • According his canister 2010 set's description, he was the strongest and toughest member of the Alpha 1 Team before Evo and Nex were recruited into the team.
  • According to one of the Savage Planet commercials, Bulk has the strength of a wolf.
  • Since Bulk never appeared in Episode 8: Breakout Part 1 or Episode 9: Breakout Part 2, the animators reused his 2.0 model in Episode 10: Brain Attack before he got his Brain Attack form rather than animating his Breakout form first. Canonically, Bulk was upgraded to the Brain Attack form after he got his Breakout form.
  • In Bulk's Brain Attack set, his helmet has a smirk, but in the Brain Attack episode, his helmet does not.


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See also

External links

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)