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With the advancement of robotics in the Hero Factory universe came a myriad of developments in Technology. Some of the devices can be used as weapons.



Hero Core
Mission Cam
Hero Cuffs
The life source and primary power generator of Heroes. Early Hero Factory equipment included audio/video capabilities to record missions for review. Tool used by all Heroes to apprehend criminals and villains, recently redesigned after the Breakout.
Scout Drones
Sonic Speakers
Aquajet Pack
Autonomous flying robots used by Preston Stormer after the breakout. Surge has an object similar to the drone on his Brain Attack armor. Specialized armor used by Jimi Stringer for his mission to capture Voltix. Enhancements to William Furno's armor, to increase his mission efficiency on the water planet Scylla.
Eagle Wing
Jetpack Wings
Miniature jetpacks used by 1.0 Heroes.[Episode 3][C3][S!] Wings that give Heroes flight capabilities through jets, introduced in the 3.0 Upgrade. Even if the jets are damaged enough to no longer function, the wings can still glide.[Episode 7] William Furno and Merrick Fortis are known to have used these wings. New armor additions used by Mark Surge in his Brain Attack form, which can achieve flight.
Hero Core Locking Clamps
Rocka's Jetpack
New armor used by the Alpha 1 Team in recent upgrades, which protects their faces from blast damage, and includes various enhancements, such as night vision. New armor used by the Alpha 1 Team in their Brain Attack upgrades, which protects the Hero Core and affords it more power. Powerful weaponized jetpack designed by Nathaniel Zib and used by Daniel Rocka.
Magnetic Mine
Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings
Particle Separator
A self-repeating magnetic timer used by Thresher, who would claim it to be a bomb for distraction purposes, though it does not really explode.[SM2] Devices previously equipped to Hero boots, allowing them to repel gravity temporarily. A gadget given to Alpha 1 Team for their final confrontation with Von Nebula and his gang.


Corrupted Quaza Spike
Skull Staff
Corrupted Quaza, which was implanted onto beasts of Quatros by Witch Doctor. The spikes were used as a medium to control the beasts' actions, via the Skull Staff. A mysterious staff crafted by Witch Doctor, which allowed him to control beasts in Quatros using corrupted Quaza.
Rotor blades
A self-replicating drone used by Black Phantom in his takeover of the Assembly Tower. Now destroyed. A jetpack with rotor blades equipped by Rotor, used as a means of flight and offense.
Multi Vision Mask
Explosive Spikes
Helmet used by Core Hunter, which has an array of vision-enhancing options. Poisoned, detonating spikes equipped to XPlode.
Doom Box
A doomsday device which Core Hunter sought to assemble. Later became useless after its energy was siphoned out of it.[SM1] Microscopic robots used by Meltdown to help him control other robots and make them hostile to other people; known victims are Preston Stormer and Drax. The nanobots made Drax pretend there was nothing wrong with his situation, and then made him attack Heroes. They made Stormer angry, as he wanted to destroy a billboard that he hated. The victims' eyes glowed green when the nanobots possessed them. Victims could be convinced to use their willpower to somewhat resist the control of the nanobots. The nanobots were destroyed by a cure that was made with a mineral that is only found in Lunar Tratix. However, they could possibly destroy their victims when the nanobots are destroyed, according to the Hero Factory Science Team, though Drax and Stormer survived.[Episode 3][C3][FO:MSG]
Laser Cutters
Lightning Whip
Lasers attached to Toxic Reapa's helmet, which he uses in tandem with his Toxic Jets. A gadget used by Voltix to absorb electricity and continually replenish his energy supply.

Gadget Gallery



Furno Bike
Drop Ship
William Furno's personal transport. A Hero Factory craft of varying types used for transportation and air support.
Hero Pod
Ultra Mach Speed Bike
Individual vehicles used for short travel distance, which can be carried by Drop Ships. A motorcycle given to Preston Stormer for his part of Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em.
Personal rocket packs
Hero Recon Bikes
Rocket packs designed by Daniel Rocka that can travel through space, used by Natalie Breez, Rocka, and Preston Stormer during Mission: Collision Course. They can fly extremely fast and can greatly maneuver. The rocket packs have enhanced shields that can protect their wearers from the extreme temperatures of space.[SM3] Short, blue robots from a planet in the Omega system have similar personal rocket packs, which they use to travel in their city.[SM1] Cycles designed by Rocka dispensed to Heroes during the attack on Makuhero City, allowing the Heroes to gain an advantage over the Brain-possessed monsters.[FO:MSG]


Aerial Craft
Various ships that got involved with villains; one used to carry explosives to a location on Merak 9, was guarded by a Hero Factory escort, and was sought after by XPlode and Rotor.[Episode 1] Fire Lord's minions have also used one in the raid on Tanker Station 22. This ship shoots laser blasts.[Episode 5] (NOTE: It is possible that these vehicles are hover ships, shown in Mechna in Secret Mission 2: Legion of Darkness.) XPlode and Corroder have been known to use a one-man speeder to quickly enter and escape crime scenes. The speeder are have small jets that allow them to fly. Each speeder has a silver cylinder-shaped device that has a dark brown center and a red button on it that can summon the vehicle, and the vehicle will fly to the device.[Episode 1][Episode 2] (NOTE: It is possible that this vehicle is the prime reality's own Jet Cycle or Sky Cycle, as the alternate universe called Reality 11275.6 has Jet Cycles and Sky Cycles, which are also possibly the same thing.)
Nitro Rocket Motorbike
Scout Ship
A bike of Hero Factory design, stolen by Speeda Demon after the breakout. A space ship that was somewhat similar to a standard large Drop Ship. The scout ships could shoot energy bolts and rockets. Each of them could drop a missile. It had the ability to split apart its small cockpit from its wings and tail, and the cockpit would then speed away. The Legion of Darkness had two such ships, but were destroyed.[SM2]


The Valiant
Transport Pods
A patrolling ship, designed to be the pinnacle of space patrolling technology, captained by Aquax.[SM3] Popular civilian transport is done by specialized pods. One crash-landed on the planet Tyral 9.[Episode 1] The Transport Pods are also called Hover Pods.(Hero Factory FM)

See also


Yeq particles
Powerful substance used in the creation of Heroes. Mysterious corrupt counterpart to Quaza. According to Black Phantom, this substance can be used to make evil versions of the Heroes. It can also create a laser that can shut down robots, and the laser will go from one group of robots to another nearby, and then four more nearby groups. The blast can also penetrate Arachnix's energy cages. Black Phantom has the sliver of Anti-Quaza in his chest, and its energy can cover his body when he uses it, similar to how Quatros' corrupted Quaza's energy can cover a Quatros animal's body when the Witch Doctor used the corrupted Quaza to mind-control the animal. It is unknown where did Black Phantom get the Anti-Quaza. Nathaniel Zib knows what Anti-Quaza is. Black Phantom used the sliver to shut down many Hero Factory workers, including Zib, during his takeover of the Hero Factory and after the Breakout. Black Phantom then tried to use the sliver to destroy the Hero Factory by hooking himself to the factory's Assembly Tower, but Rocka stopped him.[Episode 9] Mysterious particles that eat through metal and block communications signals.[ Mission List, Yequee Particle Removal]
Hero Fuel
A highly explosive material used for mining.[C1][Episode 1] Energy source that powers Hero Factory craft, like Drop Ships and Hero Pods; once targeted by the Fire Villains as part of their objective to collect energy sources.[Episode 5] The fuel cells are stored in the Hero Factory's storage bay.[Episode 10] A mutagenic and poisonous substance weaponized by Splitface through his Poison Plasma Gun. The substance can also paralyze a Breakout Hero temporarily for a short moment.[Episode 8][Episode 9]
A rare,[HiA] and glowing rusting agent found on Scylla. It can make a Hero quickly rust if someone throws a pure chunk of the substance at him or her. This also immobilizes the Hero, though the Hero can move slowly and still talk. The Hero can use his or her supercharged Hero Core to reverse the effects of Oxidium.[Episode 9][FO:MSG] A metal that can block most sensor scans. In its refined state, it is one of the more valuable minerals in the galaxy, and used to make highly corrosive wiring. In its raw state, it is one of the more dangerous things to mine because exposure to it weakens metal to the point where they crumble. A chuck of Duradium can also explode when it happens. Bulk had a chuck of Duradium. There was an abandoned Duradium mine in a planet in the Omega system.[SM1] Mining Robots from the Aird Mining Company mine this metal.[SM2] A highly explosive material carried in crates by the Valiant. The sheer heat of a star can make Galedanium explode.[SM3]
A mineral that turns into glass when heated. This mineral was used to make walls in the city of Tranquis in Tranquis VII.[SM4] A rare and extremely fragile metal that can become volatile in certain conditions. A small cylinder of the metal can keep the Hero Factory's generator from melting down a hole to the core of a planet. The whole cylinder is required to make the generator, so if part of the cylinder is missing, then using the generator could destroy Makuhero City. People who can maipulate it leave their tiny mark with great pride, and there are a few known robots, like Akiyama Makuro, who can work with the metal.[SM5] A cocoon that a Jumper is born from. The cocoons were also used by the Jumpers to imprison people.[Episode 11]

Other Substances

  • Explosives from Lemus 2. XPlode and Rotor tried to steal them at one time, but Stormer, Furno, Breez, and Surge stopped them.[C1][Episode 1]
  • Acid that Corroder used.[C2][Episode 2][Episode 4]
  • Degraded nuclear radiation that Meltdown used.[Episode 3]
  • Palamino Diamonds - gems found in the Deltari Quadrant.(Hero Factory FM)
  • Poly-Duranium - a substance that is said to be one of the strongest in the universe. The Hero Factory building has poly-duranium wires in their training rooms.[SM1]
  • Metals and alloys that the Hero Factory uses to make the Heroes and their equipment.[HFPM][Episode 5][Episode 8]
  • A mineral from Lunar Tratix that was an ingredient for a cure to the nanobots.[Episode 3][C3]
  • Fuel oil that robots have in their bodies and use. They also drink it.(Hero Factory FM)(shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)[Arachnix Drone][SM2][SM4][SM5]
  • Batteries. Some robots need batteries to be active.[Episode 4][Episode 5]
  • Acidic and poisonous sludge that Toxic Reapa used. It can hurt robots, even Evo when he was using his Tank Arm to try to resist it.[Episode 8][Episode 9][SM2]
  • Bars in a vault in a planet in the Omega system that are said to be made of some of the toughest metals in the universe.[SM1]
  • Precious gems in the vault. The vault has a bag of them.[SM1]
  • A high-density plastic used to make a barrier on an abandoned duranium mine in the planet in the Omega system. This plastic cannot be affected by Duradium.[SM1]
  • Plastic that does not conduct electricity from Voltix's electrical powers. Thresher used a length of chain made of it to cuff Voltix's wrists to capture him. Voltix was imprisoned in a cell in Asteroid J-54 that is made of a special non-conductive plastic that do not conduct electricity from his electrical powers.[SM2]
  • Precious metals found in a museum, which contains samples of them, in planet Sigma Pi III. Jawblade looks at the precious metals as the most valuable in the galaxy.[SM2]
  • Metal bolts that Thornraxx tended to steal. He usually stole a handful of them from a machine shop until the Hero Factory scared him weeks before the Legion of Darkness was formed.[SM2]
  • Green fluid that are in the Brains' rocket tanks.[Episode 10]
  • Green, sticky slime that the Brains make.[Episode 10]
  • Fungi that Ogres eat in the Makuhero Planet.[Episode 10]
  • Crystals that Rock Giants eat in the Makuhero Planet.[Episode 10]
  • Most meteoroids in the Makuhero Asteroid Belt, which are fragments from asteroids there, that have much metal that can disrupt electronic signals.[SM3]
  • Iron-glass. Karter and his security robots called S-12 units used large iron-glass cages to contain Brain-possessed robots in Tranquis VII, one cage for three of the possessed robots.[SM4]
  • Precious metals found in Makuhero City.[SM5]
    • Precious metals found in pleasure cruises owned by rich robots. The cruises have lots of them.[SM5]
  • Jewels found in the pleasure cruises in Makuhero City. The cruises have lots of them.[SM5]
  • Protean space gems found in a frontier world.[SM5]

Substance Gallery

Other Technologies


A machine that was used to test out a new kind of power for the Hero Factory's technology. The kind of energy had a chemical formula, and could enhance Hero Factory technology, like Hero Cores, with great power.[SM4] The generator has a monitoring board, or monitor screen, which tells the generator's user if it is fine or not, and the generator's lights are green to show that. The generator also has a main control panel. One can activate the generator by hitting a series of buttons and pushing a red lever up to its maximum setting. The generator creates a loud hum when it is activated. If the process is working correctly, the hum will quiet down and neon green energy will begin flowing through the transparent tubing that lead to the power cells in the walls. One can use the panel to put energy dampers to stop the generator's energy from overloading. The generator is made with an Amelium cylinder in its inner workings, and the whole cylinder is required for the machine to work, so the machine would not destroy Makuhero City when turned on. Preston Stormer was worried that the energy would be highly unstable and could destroy the Hero Factory or maybe even the city if the Heroes do not control it. Stormer planned to use a larger generator if the Heroes could generate a small amount of the energy safely. The generator is in the Hero Factory's testing chamber. Karter used a solid-light hologram generator to sabotage the power generator by rearranging its beta and zed circuits, which are the generator's key circuits, to try to destroy the Hero Factory, but this caused the power generator to teleport nearby beings to an alternate universe that Stormer called Reality 11275.6. When the sabotage happened, the hologram also sabotaged the monitoring board to make the power generator look like it was fine. When the generator was activated, it was working well at first, but it malfunctioned. The hum grew louder instead of quieter. The generator made nearby robots vibrate on the inside. The panel resisted the energy dampers. Stormer, Bulk, Furno, and Breez kept the room closed to prevent the energy from possibly spreading across the Hero Factory. The generator created a flashing blast of light from its lines that knocked the robots unconscious and took them to the alternate universe.[SM5] A headset that allows the user to quickly access complete information on a range of past events.[FO:MSG] It can download data from historical events right into a robot's computer brain. Using the headset can save an enormous amount of time, but trying to learn too much too fast could cause damage to internal processors. The robot has to focus on what he or she wants to learn about in order for the machine to give him or her the answers. The headset can hurt the robot when he or she gets answers they seek based on information from a long time ago, which takes a few seconds to happen. The headset also records the user's questions and identity, and keeps the information for 30 days. People can put their information into the headset.[SM5] Makuhero University has the only known working model of the Histotron,[FO:MSG] and robotic clerks in the university called L-model robots look through the model's recorded information.[SM5] The Hero Factory uses the Histotron to contain their secret files, which are written in their guidebook.
Battle Machines
Remote Builders
Giant new machines built by Heroes to fight giant monsters, like mutated Jumper beasts. Devices used to build and customize Battle Machines.[Episode 11]


Project Sunstorm
A blimp used by the Witch Doctor to contain Quaza that he mined from Quatros' core. It could fly to outer space. It was destroyed by Furno to bring the Quaza back to the core.[Episode 6][Episode 7][C7] A weapons system created by the Galactic Conspiracy that could harness solar flares. It was destroyed by a member of the Conspiracy named Karter.[SM4]


  • Some of the terms for the devices can sometimes be written as non-capitalized:
    • "hero core"
    • "drop ship" or "dropship"[FO:MSG, p. 20]
    • "quaza"
    • "Skull staff"[FO:MSG, p. 42]
    • "Hero cuffs"[FO:MSG, p. 48-56]
    • "multi-vision mask"[FO:MSG, p. 57]
    • "Arachnix drone"[FO:MSG, p. 62]
    • "Nitro rocket motorbike"[FO:MSG, p. 63]
    • "poly-duranium"[SM1]
    • "sensor pack"[SM1]
    • "duradium"[SM1][SM2]
    • "doom box"[SM1]
    • "datapad"[SM2]
    • "Hero-Core locking clamps"[FO:MSG, p. 70-75]
    • "jetpack wings"[FO:MSG, p. 75]
    • "galedanium"[SM3]
    • "likozite"[SM4]
    • "amelium"[SM5]
    • "battle machines"
    • "Remote builder"