Bow Staff

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Parent Page: Weapons

Bow Staff
Status Out of use
User(s) Natalie Breez
Functionality Melee combat
Shooting energy blasts

The Bow Staff, or Wood-Steel Staff,[TBW] was Natalie Breez's primary weapon during the Brains' invasion in Makuhero City.


The Bow Staff consists of a double-edged sword and is used for attacking purposes and for defense. It is made of wood and has four sharp steel blades.[TBW] It can also shoot energy blasts.(Shown in the 2013 version of The Bow Staff is able to fold itself in for better storage.[Episode 10]

Set Information

The Bow Staff was released with set 44006 BREEZ in early 2013. It consists of ten pieces. According to the back of the set's foil pack, the Bow Staff can be split into two blades.


  • In Secret Mission 3: Collision Course, the Bow Staff is called a "twin-bladed lance".
  • It is unknown if the weapon can actually split into two smaller blades in the canon, like the back of the set's foil pack.

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