Metal Sphere Shooter

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Parent Page: Weapons

Metal Sphere Shooter
Status Out of use
User(s) Dunkan Bulk (formerly)
Functionality Shooting spheres at high velocity

The Metal Sphere Shooter, also called the "multi-functional metal sphere shooter" or "multi-functional heavy metal weapon", was Dunkan Bulk's original weapon.


Bulk firing the Metal Sphere Shooter

This weapon shoots very dense cobalt-nickel spheres at extremely high speeds. The weapon has a rapid-load mechanism, generating the ammunition from a compact memory wire. The Metal Sphere Shooter can fire up to 20 rounds per minute. The weapon also includes laser sights and guidance sensors for greater accuracy. The weapon itself is heavy, so only stronger heroes are comfortable using it as their primary weapon.


Bulk no longer uses the Metal Sphere Shooter, having received new weapons, including a Missile Launcher, after the breakout.

Example Usage

In Episode 1: Trials of Furno, Bulk used this weapon to fight back against XPlode and Rotor.

Set Information

Metal Sphere Shooter in set form

The Metal Sphere Shooter is included as one piece in set 7168 Dunkan Bulk, released in late 2010. It is also included in set 7179 Bulk and Vapour, released in late 2010. The piece includes both the tool itself and Bulk's left hand. The piece is also Bulk's arm.


  • In the sets, the Metal Sphere Shooter is hollow and a part of Bulk's 1.0 left arm, and its tip is slated to the right. However, in the Television Episodes, it is not hollow, slated, or a part of Bulk's arm. It is made that way in the episodes to be realistic in the canon.

See also

External links

Heroes Mass Driver Launchers | Multifunctional Ice Weapon | Power Sword | Nano Alloy Sword | Ice Hero Shield | Ice Missile Launcher | Sonic Boom Weapon | Sonic Blaster | Metal Sphere Shooter | Missile Launcher | High Speed Laser Drill | High-Impact Shield | Dual Fire Shooter | Flaming Fire Sword | Fire Shield | Energized Dual Boomerangs | Multi-Tool Blades | Hex Energy Shield | Bow Staff | Spinning Razor Saw Shield | Lightning Shooter and Shield | Ice Spear Blaster | Electricity Shooter | Rotating Lightning Blades | Crossbow | Plasma Sword | 360° Spinning Razor Shield | Laser Cutter | Tank Arm | Vortex Staff | Multi-Tool Ice Shields | Plasma Guns
See full list