Breez Flea Machine

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Breez Flea Machine
Battle Machine
User(s) Natalie Breez
Weapon(s) Grapple Hook
Missile Launcher
Status Destroyed
Set number 44027 BREEZ Flea Machine (instructions)

The Breez Flea Machine was a Battle Machine built for Natalie Breez for use in the subterranean tunnels below Antropolis City.


After fending off the Jumper beasts in Antropolis City, the remaining Heroes of the Alpha 1 Team ventured underground to rescue their kidnapped teammates. The Heroes realized they needed to build Battle Machines more suited to the terrain below ground, so Daniel Rocka had Nathan Evo help him set up the Remote Builder to build such machines. Evo used the Remote Builder to construct five machines: the Breez Flea Machine, Rocka Crawler, Bulk Drill Machine, Evo Spider Machine, and Surge & Rocka Combat Machine. Breez took command of the Flea Machine, and the Heroes ventured further down into the Jumpers' lair. They eventually encountered a magnetic field that separated them into two groups, Mark Surge with Rocka, and Breez, Evo, and Dunkan Bulk together. After the magnetic field took Surge and Rocka, the other three Heroes fell to an abyss that leads to a crystal cavern. Breez used the Flea Machine's grapple hook to grab onto a ledge, and saved Evo and Bulk, though Bulk lost the Drill Machine along the way. Breez used the Flea Machine's cord to try to bring herself and her two fellow Heroes up to the ledge, but the ledge had a Jumper cocoon that opened up, so Breez was forced to let go of the ledge, causing her and her comrades to fall to the crystal cavern. The three Heroes braced for impact, and landed safely on a green crystal bridge in the cavern. While the Heroes were traveling to find the cavern's exit, a swarm of Jumpers attacked the Heroes, so the Heroes fought back. However, the Jumpers outnumbered the Heroes, so they ran to the exit. However, a mutated Jumper called a Crystal Beast got in their way, so the Heroes quickly fought and defeated it, as Breez used the Battle Machine to do so. Breez got stuck on a giant crystal that was floating on a pool of acid, where the Flea Machine's back leg got destroyed by the acid. The Jumpers attacked Breez, but Breez survived, abandoning the machine and letting it be destroyed by the pool.


The Breez Freeze Machine was a three-legged machine, and it was made for traveling underground, like a flea. It was equipped with a grappling hook on a platform on the Battle Machine and a missile launcher on the right side of the platform. The hook had three moveable and grabbing claws and an extendable cord that attached the hook to a pulley on the platform. The missile launcher had two slots for its missiles. The Battle Machine also featured a bulletproof visor and an ejectable cockpit. The hook could be launched from the platform. It could grab onto a ledge or collect a Jumper cocoon. The Battle Machine also had a zip line handle stored on the left side of the platform, so after the hook grabbed onto something, its pilot could use the handle to zip line to where the hook grabbed onto. The pulley could use the cord to retract the hook back to the platform. The platform could be used to replace the "Surge & Rocka" Combat Machine's mini-jet half, so the other half of the Combat Machine could use the hook.

Set Information

Breez Flea Machine Set
BREEZ Flea Machine

44027 BREEZ Flea Machine, which is medium-sized, was released as part of the second half of the Invasion From Below wave. It consists of 102 pieces. The Breez Flea Machine includes a platform on the top that has a grappling hook, and the hook has three moveable claws. The hook is connected to an extendable string, which is connected to a pulley on the platform. The hook can be launched from the platform. A red knob on a winching device can be turned to make the pulley use the string to retract the hook. The hook can grab and pull up a Jumper cocoon. On the right side of the platform is a flick-fire missile launcher with two flick-fire missiles. The Battle Machine also has a zip line handle stored on the left side of the platform, so after the hook grabbed onto something, its pilot can use the handle to zip line to where the hook grabbed onto. The platform can also be detached from the Flea Machine to replace 44028 SURGE & ROCKA Combat Machine's mini-jet half, allowing the the other half of the Combat Machine to use the platform. Parts from the Breez Flea Machine can be combined with parts from the Rocka Crawler from set 44023 ROCKA Crawler and Bulk Drill Machine from 44025 BULK Drill Machine to create a new non-canon combination model using building instructions from





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