Furno Jet Machine

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Parent Page: Technology

Furno Jet Machine
Battle Machine
User(s) William Furno
Weapon(s) Dual Fire Blades
Adjustable Jet Motors
Status Abandoned
Set number 44018 FURNO Jet Machine (instructions)

The Furno Jet Machine was a Battle Machine used by William Furno.


Rocka designed and constructed the Furno Jet Machine using the Remote Builder for Furno during the invasion of Antropolis City. After flying around the city fighting Jumpers, he arrived to save Dunkan Bulk and Mark Surge from a Jaw Beast. The Jaw Beast took down the Jet Machine by jumping on it and removed Furno from the cockpit, though Furno was saved by Daniel Rocka in his Rocka Stealth Machine. Furno abandoned the machine.


The Furno Jet Machine was a bipedal machine, equipped with dual fire blades, also called Flame Cannons, that can launch flaming projectiles and create blade-like energy constructs. The fire blades are variations of the halves of the Dual Fire Shooter. It also featured a bulletproof visor, an ejectable cockpit, holstered fire extinguisher, and a furnace canister. The Jet Machine had adjustable jet motors that allowed the Jet Machine to fly.[Episode 11]

Set Information

Furno Jet Machine Set
FURNO Jet Machine

44018 FURNO Jet Machine, which is medium-sized was released as part of the first half of the Invasion From Below wave in 2014 (though it was delayed until March in North America for an unknown reason). The set contains 79 pieces. It has moveable wings. Its armor has clipping pieces that can hold Furno's gun and fire extinguisher for storage. One of the Machine's arms that carries one of the fire blades can be placed on 44022 EVO XL Machine to create a powered-up version of the Evo XL Machine. The Furno Jet Machine and 44015 EVO Walker can be combined to create a new non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.





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