Crystal Beast

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Crystal Beast
Known locations Antropolis City
Weapons Grabbing claws
Poison crystal spikes
Grabbing staff
Conservation status Unknown
Set number 44026 CRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK (instructions)

Crystal Beasts are a type of mutated Jumpers.


During the invasion of Antropolis City, Crystal Beasts remained underground, guarding the caverns of the Jumper nest. When three Heroes, Natalie Breez, Nathan Evo, and Dunkan Bulk, were traveling in the Jumpers' crystal cavern, three Crystal Beasts and many normal Jumpers in there attacked the Heroes. The Heroes were outnumbered by the Jumpers, so they ran to the other side of the cavern, with the Jumpers chasing them. The Heroes used their weapons and two Battle Machines to defeat one of the Crystal Beasts when it, who was holding a large green crystal as a weapon, got in their way. Bulk fought the other two Crystal Beasts alone. Just when the beasts were about to strike him, Bulk jumped out of the way, making the beasts accidentally knock each other unconscious, though they quickly recovered. Then, Breez, whose Battle Machine called the Breez Flea Machine got destroyed during the chase, had Evo destroy a crystal bridge, but he and the other Heroes had used to get to the other side of the cavern. Evo used his Battle Machine called the Evo Spider Machine to push the bridge to a pool of acid, causing the two Crystal Beasts to fall into the pool. All of the Jumpers were eventually recalled by the Queen Beast, ending the invasion. After the Jumpers' nest was destroyed, it is unknown if the Crystal Beasts had been killed by the incident or escaped to other places to save themselves.[Episode 11]

Abilities and Traits

The Crystal Beasts are a type of Jumper that have four green eyes and transluscent shells on their anatomy, and bear poisonous crystal spikes on their head and neck.


Some Crystal Beasts carry grabbing staffs, which can be used to imprison people in cocoons, whilst other Crystal Beasts just use their natural claws. Each of the staffs has two large crystals that look like the beasts' crystal spikes, and the staff's crystals can grab something like a pincer. At the end of the staff are two green spikes. One known Crystal Beast held a large green crystal as a weapon while it confronted Breez, Evo, and Bulk.

Set Information

Crystal Beast Set
44026 Crystal Beast vs. Bulk

44026 CRYSTAL Beast vs. BULK, which was medium-sized, was part of the second half of the Invasion From Below wave, released at the summer of 2014. The set is comprised of 83 pieces, including a cocoon and Bulk. The Crystal Beast's staff can use its crystal pincer to grab. Parts from the Crystal Beast can be combined with parts from the Tunneler Beast from 44024 TUNNELER Beast vs. SURGE and the Queen Beast from 44029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER to create a new non-canon combination model using building instructions from


  • According to, the Crystal Beast is a female, but this refers to one Crystal Beast, not all.




Online Games

See also

External links

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoids
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon