Rocka Stealth Machine

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Parent Page: Technology

Rocka Stealth Machine
Battle Machine
User(s) Daniel Rocka
Weapon(s) Goo Shooter
Grab Claw
Status Abandoned
Set number 44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine (instructions)

The Rocka Stealth Machine was a Battle Machine used by Daniel Rocka.


Rocka designed the Rocka Stealth Machine using the Remote Builder brought from the Hero Factory for Mission: Invasion From Below, where Rocka and his six fellow members of the Alpha 1 Team were fighting the Jumpers in Antropolis City. During the battle, Rocka made liberal use of the machine's stealth feature, arriving to save Furno from a Jaw Beast. After defeating and capturing a lone Jumper, Rocka placed it in his canister for examination. However, the Jumper eventually broke free by breaking through the canister, and tried to attack Rocka, forcing Rocka to bail out before the Jumper ultimately made the Stealth Machine fall to the ground.


The Rocka Stealth Machine was a bipedal machine, equipped with a Goo Shooter, which is a variation of the Plasma Gun, and a Grab Claw. It also featured a bulletproof visor, an ejectable cockpit, stealth shoulder elements, and a canister. The Stealth Machine had a function called Stealth Mode, where it had the ability to turn completely invisible. The Canister was broken by a Jumper when Rocka was studying it.

Set Information

Rocka Stealth Machine Set
ROCKA Stealth Machine

44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine, which is medium-sized, was released as part of the first half of the Invasion From Below wave in 2014 (though it was delayed until March in North America for an unknown reason). The set contains 89 pieces. The set contains the shooter pieces seen in many other Hero Factory sets, which fire a piece of ball ammunition when squeezed. The Machine's arm that has the Grab Claw can be placed on 44022 EVO XL Machine to create a powered-up version of the Evo XL Machine. The Rocka Stealth Machine and 44017 STORMER Freeze Machine can be combined to create a new non-canon combination model using instructions from





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