Antropolis City
Parent Page: Locations
Antropolis City | ||||
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Antropolis City is a city that is above the Jumpers' underground lair.
Not much is known about the city or its planet, but below the city is an underground lair that the Jumpers lived long ago. A group of unknown explorers explored the lair and encountered the Jumpers, including their mother and queen called the Queen Beast. They made carvings that warn future explorers not to go any further because of the hostile behavior of the Jumpers. The city was built above the underground lair, and it is inhabited by robotic people. No one in the city was aware of the Jumpers' existence or lair under the city.
In the present, a group of three construction workers used a large drill to try to make a tunnel in the lair, which robotic people from the city felt they needed to do for decades. The workers hoped for a possibility where the city would name the tunnel after their crew. When the drill was in use, it accidentally fell into a spot near the lair's crystal cavern. The drill also awakened the Jumpers, making them think that the city's people are attacking them, so they started attacking the people to defend themselves. The workers went to find the drill, but they were kidnapped by baby Jumpers. The Jumpers imprisoned the workers in their Cocoons.
Later on, another worker noticed the problem, so he called the Hero Factory for help. The Hero Factory sent Hero Nathan Evo, who got a new upgrade that allows him to pilot Battle Machines, to solve the problem. He arrived at the city with a Drop Ship. The worker, who looks at Evo as his favorite Hero, told him, who was piloting a Battle Machine called the Evo Walker, about the situation. A Jumper kidnapped the worker as well. Evo also got attacked by a few Jumpers. Evo tried to use his machine to fight them off, but the Jumper overwhelmed him, forcing him to abandon the Walker. When Evo noticed more Jumpers appearing and then attacking the city, he called the Hero Factory for help and Battle Machines.
When Evo's six fellow Alpha 1 Team members, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Daniel Rocka, Dunkan Bulk, Mark Surge, and Natalie Breez, who got the same upgrade as Evo, were heading to the city with another Drop Ship, the Jumpers, including Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, and Splitter Beasts, were damaging the city. The Jumpers came out of holes in the city's streets to arrive there before they began their attacks on the streets. The Heroes arrived to Evo's location to help him fight the first batch of baby Jumpers. The Heroes used a Remote Builder to build four new Battle Machines, the Stormer Freeze Machine, Furno Jet Machine, Rocka Stealth Machine, and the Evo XL Machine, to fight the beasts. After the Heroes defeated many Jumpers in the city, the Jumpers forced the Heroes to abandon all of their machines except for the Evo XL Machine, and two of the mutated Jumpers kidnapped Stormer and Furno, and brought them to the underground lair, where the Queen Beast imprisoned the two Heroes in cocoons. When Stormer and Furno's fellow Heroes noticed them getting captured, Breez called the Hero Factory for reinforcements to fight the Jumpers in the city while she and her four remaining fellow Alpha 1 Team members went to the underground lair to rescue their friends.
The Heroes found the construction workers, freed them from their cocoons, and told them to run back to the surface. The Heroes built five new Battle Machines that can adapt to underground in order to explore the lair. During the time, Breez noticed the carvings, read them, and then tried to tell her fellow Heroes to not go any further, but the Heroes did not listen because they wanted to save Stormer and Furno. Rocka was attacked by a baby Jumper, but he used his Battle Machine called Rocka Crawler to defeat it. When Bulk used his own called the Bulk Drill Machine to try to drill through a wall, this created a magnetic pull separated Rocka and Surge from the other Heroes, as a chamber with large magnetic rocks used the magnetic pull to pull Rocka and Surge to itself, and after the pull closed the wall, it caused the other three Heroes to fall to the crystal cavern. Bulk was forced to abandon his machine to survive.
Rocka and Surge were stuck on the magnetic rocks. Many Jumpers, including several Tunneler Beasts, in the magnetic chamber attacked the Heroes, but the Heroes used their machines to defeat them. During the fight, Rocka abandoned the Crawler when it got stuck between two magnetic rocks. He went to Surge's Battle Machine called the Surge & Rocka Combat Machine to continue fighting the Jumpers. However, a Tunneler Beast kidnapped Surge, and then Rocka used his jet part of the Combat Machine to go rescue Surge. The Tunneler Beast brought Surge to the Queen Beast, who imprisoned Surge in a cocoon.
Meanwhile, Evo, Bulk, and Breez landed on the safe part of the crystal cavern. They found the drill. They traveled through the cavern while Jumpers in the cavern were hiding, watching them. The Jumpers attacked the Heroes, but the Heroes defeated some of them. Breez lost her Battle Machine called the Breez Flea Machine along the way. She had Evo use his own called the Evo Spider Machine to destroy a bridge that led to the Queen Beast's chamber, preventing the Jumpers from following them.
The three Heroes went to the Queen Beast's cavern. Evo and Bulk fought the queen to try to get Stormer, Furno, and Surge back, but the queen resisted their attacks. Rocka reunited with Evo, Bulk, and Breez, and helped them try to fight the queen, but the queen also resisted Rocka's attack. Breez told Bulk to aim their weapons at one of the cavern's web threads, which held a column that contained Jumpers in unhatched cocoons, to force the queen to stop fighting the Heroes, but Bulk and Rocka were so angry about their three captured friends that they shot the web thread, disconnecting it from the cavern's wall. This made the column tilt, dropping several unhatched Jumpers to the cavern's pool of acid, killing them. This angered the queen, so she called reinforcements to help her destroy the four Heroes. Bulk disconnected another web thread, killing more unhatched Jumpers. While the Heroes were outmatched by the Jumpers, Breez talked to the queen out of the invasion. She convinced her fellow Heroes to drop their weapons to convince the Jumpers to stop attacking them. Breez had the queen end the invasion, so the queen recalled all of her children to do so.
The Heroes and Jumpers made peace with each other. The queen gave the Heroes their three comrades back. Just when the seven Heroes were about to leave the lair, one of the normal Jumpers accidentally triggered one of the Heroes' guns to disconnect another web thread, killing more unhatched Jumpers. The queen noticed this, got angry, and mistakenly thought that the Heroes betrayed her and her kind. So, she attacked the Heroes again. When she grabbed Bulk, Stormer used the Spider Machine's Canister to hit the queen to try to save Bulk from her. When the canister hit the queen, it had the queen hit the column, and the impact caused the cavern to shake, the column to fall to a large hole below the pool, the cavern's rock spikes to fall to the floor, and the pool to be drained into the hole. This brought the Queen Beast to the hole. The other Jumpers in the chamber disappeared. The seven Heroes used the Spider Machine to fly out of the underground lair and back to the surface.
The Alpha 1 Team Heroes convinced the city's people, who are all safe and rescued, to close up the entrance to the lair and to build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it. When the Alpha 1 Team Heroes and the others are using their Drop Ships to go back to Makuhero City, they do not notice that there is a Jumper, who is in an unhatched cocoon, in the Alpha 1 Team's ship somehow and for some reason, so the Heroes are accidentally bringing the Jumper with them.[Episode 11]
Antropolis City
On the surface, there is the city, which looks like Makuhero City and many others. Also like the others, it is inhabited by robotic people that are of the same kinds as the ones from those cities. The people use cars and trunks that are similar to the ones in Makuhero City. The city has many billboards, some being the same as the ones from Makuhero City.[Episode 10] Some of the billboards promotes a music company called "ReVinyl".[Episode 11] The city has blue glass tunnels that people use to travel with their vehicles. There is a hotel called Antropolis Hotel, and a building for a company called Future Core.(shown in the Invasion From Below game)
There is a new construction company called the Antropolis Metro Line, which uses a version of Datapads in their jobs. One of the workers is a fan of Nathan Evo, looks at him as his favorite Hero, and always wanted to see Hero Factory gear in action.
There is a construction site surronded by stone walls made by a company called City Link. It is where three construction workers at the Antropolis Metro Line used a gigantic cylindrical drill that one of them called "Big Betty" to make a tunnel through the Jumpers' underground lair. The drill had four engines. The workers lost the drill when it had a greatly long fall into the lair's crystal cavern. There are large metal crates called Freight-Tech.(shown in the Invasion From Below game)
The city is damaged because of the Jumpers' invasion.
Jumpers' Underground Lair

A large dark underground lair where the Jumpers lived. The Jumpers dug through the lair's ceiling to make holes in the city's streets, so they could enter the city. There are four caverns in the lair.
Rocky Cavern
A rocky cavern where people could enter the lair. It has a large abyss in the center. Surrounding the abyss are large, hexagon-shaped rock pillars. Even the walls are made of pillars stacked horizontally to each other. There were two entrances in the cavern. One was sealed off long ago after the unknown explorers encountered the Queen Beast. The construction workers used their drill to make the second entrance, which was a giant hole, on the other side of the lair to try to make a tunnel recently. The hole was so large that the Evo XL Machine could fit in there. After the Jumpers were defeated, the Heroes had the city's people seal off that entrance. This entrance has a rocky slope that leads to the lair. The pillars have carvings by the unknown explorers that tell the story of their journey and encounter with the Queen Beast. The carvings were used to warn future explorers not to go any further due to the hostile nature of the Jumpers.
There is a staircase made of pillars that led down to a wall. The pillars in the staircase were fragile, so any attempt to cut one could cause another nearby to fall onto where the first pillar was. Below the staircase is an abyss that leads to a crystal cavern.
Many normal Jumpers had cocoons that were stationed in this cavern. Also, the three construction workers were known to be trapped in the Jumpers' cocoons, but the Heroes freed them.
Magnetic Cavern
A cavern behind the wall. It has giant magnetic boulders made of metallic ore and flying around the cavern. They have strong magnetic pulls, and the pulls are known to be strong enough to attract Battle Machines and the Heroes' guns. The rocks are also strong enough to destroy a Battle Machine's cockpit when hitting it. There is a very long electric bolt connecting the cavern's ceiling and floor, and it is located near the cavern's exit, which leads to the Queen Beast's cavern.
When Bulk tried to drill through the wall, this caused the wall to shatter into giant pieces, revealing the cavern's entrance. The entrance has a very strong magnetic pull, which can disrupt gravity in any object near the wall. If any object is near to the entrance, the entrance's magnetic pull can take them into the cavern itself. It will also take the wall along the way, closing the entrance, and when that also cuts down the magnetic pull on the other objects that are far from the entrance, these objects fall through the rocky cavern's abyss to the crystal cavern. However, there is a ledge in the abyss where the Breez Flea Machine can grab onto to save Breez from falling.
There were Tunneler Beasts that guarded the magnetic cavern. Also, they and many Jumpers hid behind the boulders to do their surprise attacks.
Crystal Cavern
This cavern has giant green crystals jutting from its walls. It has crystal bridges that line up to lead to the cavern's exit, and are supported by rock platforms. There is also a large lake of acid, and streams of acid flowing from some small cliffs. One of the bridges fell to the lake when Breez was trying to cross it. Evo used the Evo Spider Machine to destroy another of the bridges that was near the exit. The exit leads to the Queen Beast's cavern.
There were Crystal Beasts that guarded the crystal cavern. Also, they and many Jumpers hid behind the crystals to do their surprise attacks.
The Queen Beast's Cavern
This cavern was where the Jumpers resided. In the center, there was a large rocky column that was surrounded by a pool of acid, which was also surrounded by smaller pools of acid. Below the larger pool is the giant hole in the floor. The Queen Beast and Jumpers in unhatched cocoons sat on top of the column. The column was supported by several green web threads that stuck to the cavern's walls. If anyone ripped the web thread out of the wall, the column would tilt, which could possibly make some unhatched Jumpers fall to the large pool, killing them. The cavern's ceiling and floor had rock spikes.
When Stormer used the Evo Spider Machine's Canister to hit the queen, it made the queen hit the column, which caused the cavern to shake, the column to fall to the hole, the ceiling rock spikes to fall to the ground, and the large pool to be drained into the hole.
- Robotic citizens of the city
- The Jumpers (critically endangered)
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Television Online Games
See also
Locations | ||
Planets and Planetoids | Makuhero Planet | Lemus 2 | Tantalus 5 | Tallos 5 | Quatros | Z'chaya | Scylla | Thornraxx's Hive Planet | Mechna | Kollix IV | Tansari VI | Brains' Planet | Tranquis VII | |
Asteroids and Satellites | Lunar Tratix | Merak 9 | Asteroid J-54 | |
Cities and Structures | Makuhero City (Hero Factory) | New Stellac City | Mekron City | Tanker Station 22 | Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite | Antropolis City | |
Alternate Universes | Reality 09091.5 | Reality 11275.6 | Reality 37834.1 | Reality 45098.3 | Reality 50678.2 |