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Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire

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The information expressed in this page is not a part of the Hero Factory canon, and did not occur in the actual storyline. It may be derived from an online game, promotional material, or other source not that is not related to the main story of Hero Factory.

This article is about the comic. You may be looking for the television episode.

Parent Page: Comics

Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire
Author Story: Sean Catherine Derek
Script: Greg Farshtey
Illustrator(s) Elmer Damaso
Carlos D'Anda (Cover)

Ordeal of Fire is the fifth comic in the Hero Factory comic series. It was based off the script for the fifth television episode called Episode 5: Ordeal of Fire. It was made by LEGO, and published by DC Comics.

Plot Summary

Julius Nex and Nathan Evo are at a Plasmoid Manufacturing Plant, stopping a molten lava flow by using some of the wall as a dam. Preston Stormer interrupts them with a call for help from a refueling station. He along with William Furno, Mark Surge, and Natalie Breez are under attack in a huge fire. They are facing Fire Lord and his minions, Drilldozer, Jetbug, Nitroblast. Surge is helping workers escape when he is attacked by Jetbug. Fire Lord tells Stormer he remembers him from Tallos 5. Furno launches fire at Fire Lord, but Fire Lord quickly dispatches Furno. Stormer is told by Fire Lord that Hero Factory's reign is over, and Fire Lord will be the major power in the galaxy. Drilldozer has defeated Breez in the meantime. Stormer punches Fire Lord, and the heroes flee into their craft. Nitroblast tries to stop them, but they escape as Stormer radios Evo and Nex to go to Hero Factory. At Hero Factory, Stormer leads the rookies to upgrade, last used by Evo and Nex. The two watch the others get upgraded into more 2.0 heroes to stop Fire Lord.





  • Though based on the script for the television episode, the plot of this comic diverges from the show, with Surge retreating along with the others and receiving an upgrade with them. The plot of this comic remains unresolved, as the comic's last page tells the reader to read about the Heroes' adventures in, and Comic 6 begins the new summer story. The reason why Surge did not get the upgrade before the villains' defeat in the episode is unknown. The reason why the comic had the cliffhanger is also unknown.
  • Although the comic is considered non-canon, there are some things that were not shown in Episode 5, but can fit into the canon, like Drilldozer injuring a squad of Heroes.
  • In the cover, Stormer's face is covered by the Hero Factory symbol.
  • The back cover tells that the Heroes, who got the upgrade, will go fight the villains. It also shows all of the early 2011 sets except for 2194 Nitroblast. That set is excluded for an unknown reason.

See also

External links

2010 Comic 1: Trials of Furno | Comic 2: Core Crisis | Comic 3: The Enemy Within | Comic 4: Von Nebula Rising
2011 Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire | Comic 6: Savage Planet | Comic 7: Savage Planet 2
2012 Breakout: Issue 1 | Breakout: Issue 2
Promotional Stuck On A Problem! | Showdown! | European Promotional Comic | Jungle Of Danger! | Breakout! | Double Dragon Danger!