European Promotional Comic

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Parent Page: Comics

European Promotional Comic
Author Unknown
Illustrator(s) Carlos D'Anda

The untitled European Promotional Comic is a comic included in a leaflet distributed with German Online LEGO Shop orders.

Plot Summary

The comic begins depicting Fire Lord and his minions attacking Hero Factory Space Station R-4. The refueling station is shown to be in ruins soon afterwards. After arriving at the scene of the disaster, Hero Factory Alpha 1 Team members Preston Stormer, William Furno, and Natalie Breez are attacked by the criminals. Furno and Stormer discuss the fact that they need to call for backup, and Stormer realizes that an upgrade is needed to stop Fire Lord. The Heroes leave the station and return to the Hero Factory where they upgrade into 2.0 versions and are joined by three other Heroes, Mark Surge, Nathan Evo, and Julius Nex. The Heroes prepare to return to the station and defeat Fire Lord once and for all.






  • Fire Lord's design in the comic is based on his prototype set.
  • Breez's 1.0 arms are erroneously colored blue.
  • In Episode 5: Ordeal of Fire, Surge was captured by the villains, but in the comic, Surge joins his fellow Alpha 1 Team members in getting the upgrade. This makes the comic non-canon.

See also

2010 Comic 1: Trials of Furno | Comic 2: Core Crisis | Comic 3: The Enemy Within | Comic 4: Von Nebula Rising
2011 Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire | Comic 6: Savage Planet | Comic 7: Savage Planet 2
2012 Breakout: Issue 1 | Breakout: Issue 2
Promotional Stuck On A Problem! | Showdown! | European Promotional Comic | Jungle Of Danger! | Breakout! | Double Dragon Danger!