Fire Lord

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"Don't you understand? Hero Factory's reign is over. Every moment you Heroes exist from now on, you do so only through my mercy."
― Fire Lord, Ordeal of Fire

Parent Page: Characters

Fire Lord
Weapons Lava Blaster
Lava Sphere Shooter
Status Functional
Set number 2235 Fire Lord (instructions)

Fire Lord is a former mining robot who went insane and began seeking large amounts of Hero fuel.


Fire Lord

At some point, Fire Lord was built. He was once an ordinary mining robot in Tallos 5. At one time, he encountered the Hero Preston Stormer in the planet.

As part of an upgrade to make the robots more efficient, Fire Lord was given the ability to absorb fuel directly into his hands. However, the excess amounts of fuel caused Fire Lord to overheat and affected his wiring, and he eventually malfunctioned. He developed a plan to dominate the universe by seeking power to feed on. Fire Lord also gathered up a team of three other malfunctioning mining robots: Nitroblast, Jetbug, and Drilldozer. Together, they began a crime spree throughout the galaxy; the Fire Lord himself was wanted for extortion, arson, robbery, assault, and conspiracy.(shown in the January-February 2011 issue of the LEGO Magazine) At some point, Fire Lord copied the designs of William Furno's Dual Fire Shooter to make his main weapon called the Lava Blaster.

Ordeal of Fire

During Fire Lord's string of raids on fuel stations, he and his gang attacked Tanker Station 22; the Hero Factory received a distress signal during this attack, and sent Stormer and some of the Alpha 1 Team rookies to combat the attacking robots. However, Fire Lord's gang was able to overcome the weaker heroes. Fire Lord himself knocked out Furno, while Drilldozer defeated Natalie Breez and Jetbug overcame Mark Surge. The rookies regrouped, and attempted to escape with the station workers, but were cornered by the villains. Fire Lord proclaimed his dominance over Hero Factory, but his attention was diverted by Surge, who drew the fire of the robots away from the Heroes, who escaped with the workers.

Fire Lord absorbing energy

Fire Lord was later warned by Nitroblast when the three Heroes returned, and Fire Lord attacked Stormer. When he realized that Stormer still did not recognize him as the former mining bot he met on Tallos 5, Fire Lord related his history, and absorbed more fuel, overpowering Stormer. Stormer tried to tell Fire Lord that Hero Factory's engineers can reverse what made the Fire Villains addicted to fuel, but Fire Lord did not listen. Julius Nex and Nathan Evo arrived to assist the Alpha team, and Fire Lord's minions were swiftly apprehended. He went to absorb the largest energy deposit. The Heroes tried to stop him by shooting at him, but he was too powerful by absorbing the blasts. He used the Lava Blaster to knock down all but Stormer. However, Fire Lord was rammed with the villains' cargo ship, piloted by Surge, and his hand was ripped off. Stormer used his baton to hit Fire Lord on his weak spot to defeat him. Fire Lord was captured, given his hand back, and taken into custody to be helped by Hero Factory, to find a cure for his fuel addiction, despite Fire Lord vowing revenge on the Heroes.[Episode 5] Fire Lord was imprisoned in the Hero Factory's Villain Storage.[Episode 8]


He escaped in the mass Breakout, caused by Voltix. During the escape, when Jimi Stringer was fighting Splitface, Fire Lord and Jetbug went to help Splitface defeat Stringer, but Daniel Rocka came in and protected Stringer from Fire Lord and Jetbug. Fire Lord, Jetbug, and Splitface continued escaping and went on the loose.[Episode 8] Later, Fire Lord got recaptured.[SM4]

Abilities and Traits

Built for mining, Fire Lord was upgraded with the ability to directly absorb fuel into his hands, vastly increasing his power. He can also shoot blasts of energy from his hands.[Episode 5] Due to the amount of fuel he has absorbed, Fire Lord became powerful, megalomaniacal, and gained an extremely large ego,[FO:MSG, p. 29] and believes he is much more powerful than anyone else, which gives him the right to dominate the universe. He has an insatiable urge to absorb more energy, and his robotic body is constantly at dangerously high temperatures, capable of leaving burns on things nearby. Fire Lord is apparently more obsessed with absorbing fuel than his henchmen. He may not be on the same level as Von Nebula or Black Phantom in terms of being a master criminal, but he is very insane.[FO:MSG, p. 29]

Fire Lord is taller than his henchmen.

Armor and Tools

Fire Lord wears fireproof armor, which is nearly indestructible. He carried a Lava Blaster, a weapon based upon the Dual Fire Shooter used by William Furno, capable of absorbing fuel, and a Lava Sphere Shooter. His weapons were confiscated when he is jailed. He also possesses jet boosters on his back, which allow him to fly.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

Fire Lord Set
Fire Lord
Fire Lord set

2235 Fire Lord was released as a large box set in the first half of 2011. The set contains 125 pieces, including a firing Lava Sphere Shooter.


"Once you taste the power, you can't stop. What is evil more than wanting something so much you'll do anything, hurt anyone, to get it?"
― Fire Lord, Ordeal of Fire

"They said 'power corrupts.' Well, I just never knew they meant literally."
― Fire Lord, Ordeal of Fire

"Negligence made us this way - Twisted, dark, evil! But we like it."
― Fire Lord, Ordeal of Fire


  • Dee Bradley Baker voiced Fire Lord in Episode 5: Ordeal of Fire.
  • Fire Lord was never shown using his Lava Sphere Shooter in the episode for an unknown reason.
  • In Fire Lord's set's box art and building instructions, his jet boosters are positioned on his shoulders, like flaming shoulder armor, and his set's description states this, though one can position the jet boosters down behind Fire Lord's back to make them look like themselves.
  • In a recap video for the episode, Fire Lord is called "the Fire Lord".
  • In Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire, Fire Lord's horns are flames. In the episode, the horns have silver on the parts that connect them to his head.
  • In Episode 5, after Fire Lord lost his hand and got defeated by Stormer, Stormer put Hero Cuffs on Fire Lord, despite Fire Lord not having his hand, for an unknown reason. It is perhaps an error.


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See also

External links

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb