Julius Nex

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"Nex is a communications expert in Hero Outreach."
Akiyama Makuro, Ordeal of Fire

Parent Page: Characters

Julius Nex
Hero 2.0
Hero Team Alpha 1 Team, Rookie 1 division
Weapons Multi-Tool Ice Shield
Status Functional, upgraded

Julius Nex is a young Hero from Hero Factory, one of the the first to be built in the upgraded style. Nex is also a rookie member of the Alpha 1 Team.


Ordeal of Fire

Julius Nex was created in the Hero Factory. He was the first Hero, along with Nathan Evo, to be created using the 2.0 system. They were revealed at a press conference by Akiyama Makuro. After displaying his prowess, he chatted affably with the reporters, and invited them all to follow him on HeroFeed and friend him on HeroBook.

The view through Nex's HUD

Nex and Evo were going to be a part of a new team of 2.0 Heroes, which would act as a strike force that in situations were rapid response was required, but that idea was never utilized.[FO:MSG] Nathaniel Zib sent Nex and Evo to back up Alpha 1 Team against the Fire Lord at Tanker Station 22. Nex split William Furno and Natalie Breez's locked weapons. He also defeated and Hero-Cuffed Nitroblast with some help from Evo. In the final assault on the Fire Lord, Nex pitched in until Mark Surge rammed the Fire Lord with vehicle. Nex was later present at a ceremony honoring Surge's bravery.[Episode 5]

Savage Planet

Nex, Furno, Jimi Stringer, and Dunkan Bulk played a game of Roboball together against ten Bulk 1.0-like virtual players. After winning the game, the Heroes got an emergency, and then Stormer appeared and told them to come to their Mission Management Station. Zib told the five Heroes about their new recruit, Daniel Rocka, being missing on a techno-organic jungle planet called Quatros, the planet itself, the Hero Factory's history of it, and the mysterious recent change in the planet. Zib and Quadal gave the Heroes the 3.0 upgrade, as Nex gained saber-toothed tiger power, as preparation for a mission to Quatros. When the Heroes were going to their Drop Ship, Nex, Stringer, and Furno were talking about Rocka being compared to Furno before Stormer told them to stop talking and focus on their mission.

On the five Heroes' trip to Quatros, Stormer noticed Quatros in a disturbing new appearance, and then Nex ensured Stormer that it is Quatros. Nex boosted everyone's signal, so they would not end up like Rocka. Stringer playfully interrupted Nex by practicing his stealth move on him to surprise him. Nex got annoyed by that, so the two sparred.

When the five Heroes arrived on the planet, they found Rocka, who had been badly beaten by the Witch Doctor, eho was once a Hero Factory professor named Aldous Witch, now seeking to drain the planet of its Quaza, destroying it. Nex used a Hero Cell device from his small green kit called the Triage Kit to charge up Rocka, reactivating him. Rocka told his fellow Alpha 1 Team members about the Witch Doctor attacking Rocka. After Furno went after the Witch Doctor and failed to defeat him, Nex and Stringer found Furno.[C6] A corrupted female Waspix, a corrupted male Scorpio, and a corrupted male Raw-Jaw appeared and were about to attack the three Heroes when the Witch Doctor recalled them to do other tasks. The three Heroes reunited with the other three while noticing Rocka in his 3.0 armor. Nex had a hard time using his device to track down the Witch Doctor, but he found his general location in the planet. While searching for Witch Doctor, the six Alpha 1 Team members discovered a teleportation bridge. Nex stated that the tunnel could take three of them in a carge to the site of the Doctor's mining because it is not active anymore after a long time of not being used, and it could take days to try to use it again right after using it. Rocka and Furno were each put in charge of a unit by Stormer. Nex joined Stringer and Furno in taking the path through the jungle, through a ravine and over giant tree branches. The three Heroes took their path while the others took their own by using the tunnel.

Along the way, the three Heroes were informed by their fellows that the fellow Heroes got shrunk down to size by the tunnel. Nex, Furno, and Stringer were attacked by the Waspix and the Scorpio, and the Heroes fought the beasts.[Episode 6] After the Heroes pinned the Waspix down, Nex noticed her corrupted Quaza spikes glowing, theorized that they may be connected to the Witch Doctor, and then told Stringer to break the spikes. After Stringer removed the spikes, freeing the Waspix, the Heroes went back to fighting the Scorpio. However, they were unable to defeat him. When Furno was informed by Stormer about Rocka and Bulk being captured by the Doctor, he told Nex and Stringer to go to the mine. The Scorpio chased the three Heroes to the mine. After the three arrived at the mine and then Furno freed the Scorpio from the Witch Doctor's control, Nex and Stringer saved Rocka and Bulk. Stormer reunited with the four Heroes. Nex and Stringer used the Hero Cell device to charge up the mine's tunnel to rewire it, and then when their shrunken fellows used that tunnel again, they restored their normal size. Nex, Furno, and Stringer worked together to free the Raw-Jaw from the Doctor's control. After Stringer left to help Bulk fight the Witch Doctor's corrupted Fangz guards, Nex and Furno found Rocka in a temple while Rocka was trying to find a way to beat Witch Doctor. Nex, Furno, and Rocka found ancient armor pieces in the temple. Furno believed that the armor pieces were just what the Heroes need as a secret weapon against the Witch Doctor, so Furno and Nex used Nex's Triage Kit to combine the pieces with Rocka, turning Rocka into a larger and stronger form called Rocka XL. When Rocka approached the Doctor, Nex and Furno encouraged Rocka to say a good one-liner before Rocka started attacking the Witch Doctor.[Episode 7][C7]

While Rocka faced Witch Doctor, Nex found a cache of Quaza spikes guarded by a serpent. He defeated the serpent, and destroyed the spikes.[FO:MSG]

Meanwhile, Rocka defeated Witch Doctor. When Furno dropped a small amount of all of the mined Quaza stones into a temple that led to the planet's core to try to save the planet from dying while the planet was almost dying, Nex told Furno that Furno will need all of the stones to save the planet from dying. Furno restored all of the Quaza to the planet, saving it. The six Heroes arrested the Witch Docter, left the planet, and imprisoned him in the Hero Factory's jail.[Episode 7][C7]

After the mission, Nex went to the frontier to investigate rumors of dangerous scientific experiments. He found no evidence, so he returned to the factory.[FO:MSG]


It was unknown what was Nex doing when a mass breakout occurred at the Hero Factory. Nex, after acquiring new armor and weapons, began pursuing the criminal XT4 to his home planet of Mechna.[FO:MSG]

The Doom Box

XT4 was still on the loose. Later, Nex and his fellow Alpha 1 Team members reviewed Bulk, Stormer, and Stringer's Hero Logs on a mission to capture Core Hunter seven years ago. In the mission to stop Core Hunter from activating the Doom Box, Nex ran the mission with Evo from the Hero Factory.[SM1]

After the Doom Box mission, Nex went to find XT4 again. He had to fight past several XT4 robots XT4 had reprogrammed, and he burned out his laser cutter in the process when Nex finally reached the first XT4 robot. He defeated XT4 by pretending to be defeated by him, and then surprising the villain from behind and using two pairs of Hero Cuffs to capture him.[FO:MSG]

Brain Attack

It is unknown what was Nex doing when a swarm of Brains attacked Makuhero City.

Robot Rampage

Nex went to Tranquis VII with other members of Alpha 1 to clean the city of Tranquis of another swarm of Brains after Furno and Bulk's mission there exposed them.[SM4]

Invasion from Below

It is unknown what happened to Nex, for he was not included in the team during Mission: Invasion From Below.

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

When the Alpha 1 Team was defeated by the Legion of Darkness long ago, Nex never existed. However, since the Legion of Darkness and their fellow villains in Von Nebula City are recently defeated, Nex would likely be created.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

Nex is enthusiastic, highly skilled in the nuances of his body, has amazing flexibility, and hypersensitive senses. He is also tough, and can take on more than one villain at a time. Nex is dependable, and makes his team feel better.[MtH] His probes analyze any target, giving him the data needed to engage. He is a communication expert, able to interface with nearly any system. He is also very smart, and knows very well about using technology. He can get annoyed with anyone who gets new devices before he does. He is playful[Episode 5][Episode 6][Episode 7] and likes to show off.[Episode 5] He is great at raising public awareness and support of the Hero Factory through his charming personality, network, and friendship with reporters.

Armor and Weapons

Nex wore fire-resistant armor.[FO:MSG] He originally wielded a Multi-Tool Ice Shield as his primary weapon. He wore headgear that has detachable cutting blade and pliers, rear-facing motion sensors, camera, and antenna. He is slightly taller than a 1.0 Hero.

After his first upgrade, he gained the power of a saber-toothed tiger. He was programmed with instinct algorithms based off of the saber-toothed tiger. He wielded a double-bladed tiger claw, which had cutting blades specifically designed to help slice through creeper plants and roots.(shown in the July-August 2011 issue of the LEGO Magazine) Nex's 3.0 upgrade was heavy to Furno 3.0 when Furno was lifting him up while flying.[Episode 7]

With his new equipment, Nex now has high-impact shoulder armor. With new weapons and armor to pursue XT4, Nex wields a precision Laser Cutter and a Plasma Gun.[FO:MSG] There is a green and white tube that connects his Laser Cutter to his back armor. He is also equipped with a new set of Hero Cuffs, which can fly and seek out their target. Nex later used two sets of Hero Cuffs to capture XT4.[FO:MSG]

Nex has a welding tool-like device that can enhance a Hero's Sensor Pack to boost his or her signal to avoid interference in the communications between a Hero's Drop Ship and the Hero Factory building. He has a small green kit called the Tirage Kit, which contains a small device that can generate a Hero Cell, re-activate deactivated Heroes, and rewire long-disused teleportation tunnels in Quatros to restore shrunken Heroes' normal size. The Kit can also be used to connect ancient armor pieces from Quatros to a 3.0 Hero to turn him or her into an XL 3.0 Hero.[Episode 6][Episode 7]

Set Information

The first set featuring Julius Nex, 2068 Nex 2.0, was released in early 2011. It contains 31 pieces. Its parts can be combined with those from 2141 Surge 2.0 to create a new non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. Nex 2.0's canister's lid has a printed code underneath it that could unlock Nex's part of an online game called Creep Crushers in the HeroPad section of the Hero Factory website. Instructions were provided in the March-April 2011 issue of the LEGO BrickMaster Magazine to combine Nex 2.0's parts with those from the other five 2.0 Hero sets to build Makuro-X1, a villain.

2144 Nex 3.0 was released in mid-2011. It contains 29 pieces, including a printed armor piece decorated with the name "Nex 3.0" and a tiger pattern. A non-canon combination model using parts from Nex 3.0 and 2183 Stringer 3.0 can be built using instructions from the HeroFactory.com. Nex 3.0's canister's lid has a printed code underneath it that could unlock Nex 3.0's part of a version of Creep Crushers called Jungle Crushers.

6221 NEX, which is small, was released in late 2012 as part of the second Hero Factory "Breakout" wave. The set contains a new Hero Core that has a printed code on the back for use in an online game called Breakout. Parts from the sets can be combined with parts from 6229 XT4 to build a non-canon combination model using instructions from the Hero Factory website.


  • Jason Canning provided the voice for Nex in Episode 5: Ordeal of Fire, Episode 6: Savage Planet Part 1, and Episode 7: Savage Planet Part 2.
  • As part of his role as head of Hero Outreach, Nex has accounts on the fictional social networking sites HeroBook and HeroFeed, based on real-life social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, respectively.[Episode 5]
  • Nex's promotional nickname is "The Tech-head". This and his promotional hand-written signature were shown in the March-April 2011 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine.
  • Due to the Nex prototype having Evo's name and vice versa, both characters were mixed up in different media and appeared with the reversed character traits, such as in their HeroFactory.com biographies.
  • Nex likes to think about cake when someone mentions it.[Episode 6]
  • Nex has a video game system, and he would let Surge have it if Nex gets destroyed.[Episode 7]
  • Nex has a crush on Breez,[Episode 7] even though Breez is not interested in having a relationship with any Hero.(Hero Factory FM)[Episode 5] Nex states that if he gets destroyed, he wants his fellow Heroes to tell Breez that he loves her.[Episode 7]
  • In Comic 7: Savage Planet 2, Nex's 3.0 weapon shoots energy blasts.
  • Nex once accidentally destroyed a part of the Hero Factory, due to a "test" of his Laser Cutter.
  • Since Nex never was a 1.0 Hero, his Breakout helmet in his 2012 set was based on his 2.0 helmet.
  • Nex's Breakout form is the only form of his to not appear in the television episodes for an unknown reason, not even Episode 8: Breakout Part 1 or Episode 9: Breakout Part 2, and Episode 7 is the last episode that Nex appeared in for an unknown reason.
  • In some early story documents, Nex is called "Nexx".[BZPower Rocka is Fortis and other reveals (October 5, 2024)]


Books Comics Online Multimedia

Secret Mission

DK Readers







Online Games

See also

External links

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)