Jaw Beast

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Parent Page: Characters

Jaw Beast
Known locations Antropolis City
Weapons Snatching pincers
Conservation status Unknown
Set number 44016 JAW Beast vs. STORMER (instructions)

Jaw Beasts are a type of mutated Jumper.


A Jaw Beast attacking Antropolis City

The Jaw Beasts are one of the types of mutated Jumpers attacking Antropolis City after the city accidentally uncovered their nesting grounds. The Jaw Beasts dug their way to the city streets and created holes to get there before they start their attacks on the city, allowing the normal Jumpers to get to the city.

During the response by Hero Factory, one Jaw Beast attacked Mark Surge and Dunkan Bulk by breaking a section of an elevated tunnel and throwing it at them. However, William Furno, in his Battle Machine called the Furno Jet Machine, flew in to save his two fellow Heroes and engaged the Jaw Beast, but was knocked down, and the Jaw Beast grabbed Furno and removed him out of his Battle Machine. Daniel Rocka uncloaked his Battle Machine called the Rocka Stealth Machine and saved Furno by firing his Goo Shooter at the Jaw Beast.

Meanwhile, another Jaw Beast was wrecking havoc until Preston Stormer confronted it with his machine. Despite being partially frozen by Stormer, the Jaw Beast broke free and broke off the Battle Machine's right arm, which was the one that froze the beast, only for Stormer to retaliate by grabbing it with his machine's left hand. Later, the Jaw Beast got Stormer out of his Battle Machine, kidnapped him, and brought him underground. This Jaw Beast brought Stormer to the Queen Beast, who imprisoned him in a Cocoon.

A Jaw Beast kidnapping Stormer

Several Jaw Beasts and many other normal Jumpers came to the the queen fight the Heroes in her cavern. However, all of the Jumpers were eventually recalled by the queen, ending the invasion. After the Jumpers' nest was destroyed, it is unknown if the Jaw Beasts had been killed by the incident or escaped to other places to save themselves.[Episode 11]

Abilities and Traits

Jaw Beasts are Jumpers with two orange eyes, snatching pincers, and a horn. The pincers allow the Jaw Beast to move on all fours, like a quadrupedal animal. They were shorter than Flyer Beasts.

Set Information

Set 44016 Jaw Beast

44016 JAW Beast vs. STORMER, which is small, was released at the beginning of 2014 (though delayed until March for North America for an unknown reason). The set is comprised of 49 pieces, 37 of which make up the actual beast; the rest of the pieces go to Stormer and his weapons. Parts from the Jaw Beast can be combined with parts from the Flyer Beast from 44020 FLYER Beast vs. BREEZ and the Splitter Beast from 44021 SPLITTER Beast vs. FURNO & EVO to create a new non-canon combination model using building instructions from HeroFactory.com.




Online Games

See also

External links

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoid
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon