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2013 was the fourth year of HERO FACTORY sets.

Evo's Brain Attack set


This year is much like the 2012 set year. This year has one set wave called "Brain Attack," and this wave is split into two smaller waves. One for the early half of the year, and the other for the late half. The set wave has fifteen regular sets. The backgrounds in the sets' front art take place in Makuhero City, which is colored green. Fourteen of them are put into seven pairs, and are based on medieval mythology characters. Seven of these sets are seven members of the Alpha 1 Team, who are Preston Stormer, William Furno, Daniel Rocka, Dunkan Bulk, Natalie Breez, Mark Surge, and Nathan Evo, in their new forms that are based on knights, and the other seven are creatures, Pyrox, Scarox, Bruizer, Ogrum, Aquagon, Frost Beast, and Dragon Bolt, that are possessed and mutated by the Brains and are based on medieval monsters. Each of the Heroes and each of the monsters are paired to fight each other since both characters share the same primary color and style in their front set art, which has their pair's element of nature. All but one of the sets in general come in foil packs, and two of these sets, which are large Titan sets, come in large foil packs rather than boxes this time. The other set is a large box set called Jet Rocka, which is a vehicle set that is larger than the Titan sets. It has a taller version of the Brain Attack Rocka set and a large jetpack that Rocka pilots. All of the sets' names are capitalized in Lego-related websites. It is unknown why Jimi Stringer and Julius Nex do not have their own Brain Attack sets or foes.

The early half of the year had four of the pairs of sets, making eight sets in total. Four of the sets are small, three are medium-sized, and the last one is a Titan set representing Furno XL. The small sets are Rocka, Scarox, Bulk, and Breez. The medium-sized sets are Pyrox, Bruizer, and Ogrum. Rocka fights against Scarox, Furno XL fights against Pyrox, Bulk fights against Bruizer, and Breez fights against Ogrum. Like Stormer XL from the 2012 set year, Furno XL does not have its own normal Brain Attack counterpart for an unknown reason.

The late half of the year had the last three pairs of sets, making six sets in total. Two of the sets are small, three are medium-sized, and one is a Titan set, which is Dragon Bolt. The small sets are Evo and Aquagon. The medium-sized sets are Stormer, Frost Beast, and Surge. Evo fights against Aquagon, Stormer fights against Frost Beast, and Surge fights against Dragon Bolt. However, Surge did not fight Dragon Bolt in the Hero Factory's story for an unknown reason. There is also Jet Rocka in the late half. Rocka's Jet form is taller than the medium-sized sets, but slightly shorter than Furno XL. This form never appeared in the story for an unknown reason. It is advertised that Jet Rocka fights against Dragon Bolt. All of the summer sets have brighter backgrounds than the early 2013 sets'.

Although the summer 2013 were scheduled to be released on July 2013, they were released early on June in Also, when the description in's list of Hero Factory sets was changed from its 2010 version to this new version, it says that the Heroes fight Ogrum and "Goriz". However, this is inaccurate, as there is no such character as Goriz.[Hero Factory page in August 2013]

While the price of the small sets was $8.99 USD each in 2012, the price of this year's small sets was $9.99 USD each.

There is also one promotional small set, which comes in a plastic poly-bag and was released in July 2013. It consists of a black Brain and a Hero Factory sword that is a smaller version of Furno XL's Flaming Fire Sword.

Some of the winter sets came in various packages, some of them being used to promote combiners of the sets.

Featured Elements

Each of the sets in general has a new head piece, and some of the monster sets position their head pieces of this kind in a different way. The small set Heroes and villains are shorter than the medium-sized ones.

Each of the Hero sets has a new helmet, which is a different version of his or her 2010 set and Breakout helmet, and a visor. The visor is designed with a clip, which attaches to a bar on the head pieces of the Hero sets, and can fold over the helmets. However, in the story, the visors are connected to the helmets rather than the heads. The small Hero sets are slightly taller than the Breakout ones. The medium-sized Hero sets are in between the Breakout ones and the small Brain Attack Hero sets. Each of the small set Brain Attack Heroes can holster one of his or her weapons on his or her back. The larger Brain Attack set Heroes have longer forearms with armor on them while the small set ones have short forearms with no armor on them. The larger set Heroes also have printed visors while the small set ones have visors that are not printed, though Jet Rocka, which is a larger set Hero, does not have its visor printed because it is a special version of the normal Brain Attack Rocka set, which is small. Each of the small Brain Attack Hero sets has an additional armor piece on his or her right upperarm armor piece.

Bulk, Stormer, Surge, and Jet Rocka introduced flick-fire missile launchers, which can launch missiles by pushing the missiles out of the launchers. Each of the medium-sized Brain Attack Hero sets has a tool on his back that can move forwards and backwards to retract, and this tool has two flick-fire missile launchers.

Jet Rocka's jetpack has two Plasma Guns, which are Plasma Shooters, a variation of the Plasma Gun, in the story. Each of the blasters is comprised of two pieces, which are spaced two studs apart and attached to the set by one or two axles. The blaster is fired by squeezing the midsection.

Each of the monsters has a Brain. The Brain's main body is made of a translucent different-colored plastic, and in the center of the body is an opague hard plastic axle insert that is the Brain's eyes, two spikes, and the axle on its abdomen. The main body attached to the monster's scalp by using the axle to connect to the scalp. The Brain's tail is attached to the monster's back by using a pin on the tip of the tail to do so, according to their instruction booklets. Each of the monsters has a unique face piece that functions like the Toa Metru's Kanohi masks from Bionicle's 2004 set year, as each face piece can be attached to the front of the head with an axle. One can remove the Brain from the monster to represent the monster being freed from the Brain's control. Each of the visors has an axle hole on top of it, so it is possible to attach the Brain to the Visor as if the Brain is possessing the visor's Hero wearer. Dragon Bolt's Brain looks different from the other Brains. Its body is a mix of yellow and blue to make the Brain mostly green. The plastic insert, instead of red, features a glow-in-the-dark white paint.

Each of the sets in general has a Hero Core from the 2012 set year that has a code printed on the back, and the code could be entered to earn points in an online game called Brain Attack in Each of the Cores has its own amount of points, depending on the size of the set it comes from. Each of the small sets provides the player 400 points for the game (doubled the amount of points in each of the small Breakout sets). Each of the medium-sized sets provides 600 points (doubled the amount of points in each of the medium-sized Breakout sets). Each of two of the large foil pack sets provides 1000 points (doubled the amount of points in each of the two of the large Breakout sets, Black Phantom and Stormer XL). These sets' points are twice as much points provided from the 2012 sets. The Jet Rocka set provides 3000 points for the online game. The number of points is written on the lower right hand corner of each set's package. Each Hero has four Hero Core Locking Clamps, which are small, claw-like arms, each made of an arm piece and a spike piece, connected to his or her new torso armor piece and cover the Hero's Hero Core. Unlike the 2012 villain sets, each of the 2013 ones has a picture of its Brain in the bottom of the set's front art rather than information that tells you how many points does the set's Hero Core provide you. The monster sets do not use their Cores in their construction, but it is possible to put the Cores on certain armor parts of these sets for storage.

In each pair of Hero and monster, each of the foes' instruction manual tells you that you can combine that set and its foe to form a non-canon combination model, which is a different version of the Hero called an "Ultimate Hero", using building instructions from

List of Sets


Summer Small Sets


Winter Medium Sets


Winter Large Set

Summer Large Sets



Winter Commercials

Prototype versions of the Winter Commericals

Summer Commercial