"There were dozens upon dozens of them, small masses of soft organic tissue creased with furrows. Individually, they looked repulsive yet somehow fragile, but in a swarm they were something else: absolutely frightening."
― Narrator, Collision Course
Brains | ||||||||
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Parasite | ||||||||
The Brains are a species of evil, artifically-created parasitic beings.

An unknown villain created the Brains in a secret laboratory[BA!] in a rocky gray planet,[Episode 10] but the Brains' exact origin and when they were made are unknown.
Attack on Makuhero City

After being given the task to destroy Hero Factory and knowledge of the their building from the building's schematics that Black Phantom stole, the Brains were placed inside their rocket-propelled tanks and were launched by their leader and creator from their planet, traveling through space.[Episode 10][TBW]

The swarm eventually reached the Makuhero Planet and some of the Brains from the swarm began infecting thousands of strong creatures from the planet.[TBW] The Brains used the mutated creatures to send them toward Hero Factory, and the Brains that did not have their hosts came along. The monsters began attacking Makuhero City, but were attacked by all the Heroes that Hero Factory had available. The Brains caused widespread devastation in the city, and the Heroes were unable to knock the Brains off the possessed creatures until Dunkan Bulk discovered that hitting their red spikes incapacitated the Brains. Mark Surge, who had been left to guard the Hero Factory, was attacked by Brains, and one of them took control of him. While a Brain-possessed male Dragon called Dragon Bolt broke into the Hero Factory and then created a pit in the factory's Storage Bay's floor, Surge turned on the Assembly Tower and created Hero-like drones without Hero Cores called Blank Heroes to create an army, and planned to use them to destroy the Hero Factory from the inside. While the other Hero teams subdued the monsters in the streets, Daniel Rocka freed Dragon Bolt of his Brain, and Natalie Breez freed Surge of his Brain, as four members of the Alpha 1 Team were fighting the Blank Heroes. The Brains were placed in villain containment, and the Heroes went to clean up the mess in the city. However, many more Brains were found by workers at the bottom of the pit.[Episode 10] It is unknown what happened to these Brains after this, as the Hero Factory is operating fine.[SM3]
Collision Course
A very large swarm was sent to destroy Hero Factory, but a solar storm separated one much smaller swarm from the rest. The swarm set apart from the others by the solar storm found a space ship called the Valiant floating in uninhabited space. The Brains planned to possess people in the ship to rejoin the main swarm. Xera, the ship's chief science officer, noticed the incoming smaller swarm and then collected one of the Brains, unknowingly their swarm leader. Xera put the Brain in a vacuum container and started studying the Brain while having the ship's security commander, Kirch, guard the Brain. The Brain got annoyed by Xera studying the it. When Xera went to get supples, Kirch believed that the Brain could be hostile, so he secretly tried to destroy it, but the Brain dodged his attack by jumping, making Kirch destroy the container, so the swarm leader was freed. It took over his body. The Kirch-Brain brought its whole swarm into the ship, and then the majority of the ship's crew, including its captain named Aquax, got possessed by the Brains. The Brain that possessed Aquax was the swarm's lieutenant. The other crewbots, which are 101 of them, including Xera, were not possessed. The Brains tried to possess Xera, but Xera convinced them that he could become their representative in a new social order. The Brains let him ally with him. Since there were not enough Brains to possess the other 100 crewbots, the Aquax-Brain tricked these robots into going to the ship's hangar bay, so the Brain used the room to create a dampening field that put these crewbots to sleep. Afterwards, the Brains placed the Valiant on a collision course to the Hero Factory building with plans to destroy it.
After Breez and Rocka boarded the ship in an attempt to stop its collision course, Preston Stormer started a conversation with Aquax, who is his friend and claimed that the ship had engine troubles. Stormer, suspicious of his friend because of his new behavior, boarded the ship. Inside, the three Heroes were attacked by Aquax and most of the Brains, with the Kirch-creature taking Rocka as a hostage. Breez and Stormer were unintentionally saved by Xera, who intervened only because the Aquax-creature was disobeying the Kirch-creature's orders. Breez eventually learned about Xera's secret allegiance with the Brains, and then defeated him. Meanwhile, Heroes in several Drop Ships led by Nathan Evo approached the Valiant with plans to prevent the ship's collision with Hero Factory by using their Drop Ships' tractor beams to shove the ship away from the city, forcing the Kirch-Brain to let Rocka go. The Kirch-Brain activated the Valiant's firing system to stop them.
However, after the arrival of Dunkan Bulk and William Furno, Stormer had Rocka change the Valiant's course to the sun. The Kirch-Brain then made the course permanent, and the Brains abandoned their hosts and left the ship. However, upon exiting, the escaping Brains were vaporized by the heat. Using the explosive cargo inside the ship, the Heroes and Aquax, who was now freed from his Brain, changed the course of the Valiant away from the sun, ending the crisis inside the vessel.[SM3]
Robot Rampage
Another group of Brains arrived at the planet Tranquis VII, situating themselves in the planet's capital city called Tranquis. It is implied that this swarm of Brains is the very swarm that the swarm that took over the Valiant was separated from by the solar storm, which possibly came from the planet's solar system's sun, which can create solar flares. Some of the Brains took over the city's population, but a previous environmental disaster about ten years ago had rendered the robots partly immune to the Brains, and the Brain-possessed robots could only obey simple commands, like smashing something, and shambled through the city. The robots' partial immunity also damaged these Brains' thought processes. The Brains used the robots to largely destroy the city, and the swarm took over it. The Brains in general wanted to find a way out of Tranquis VII, so they could get to the Hero Factory. Several of the hosts were captured by security robots called S-12 units, who were guarding a secret underground laboratory complex under the city and imprisoned them in large iron-glass cages there, where the Brains and their hosts were studied by a group of robot scientists. It is implied that the Brains also possessed some of the S-12 units during nighttime, who were not affected by the disaster because they recently arrived on the planet. These robots and Brains were also captured, imprisoned, and studied. The scientists were working on making full immunity to the Brains.
The Brains damaged Tranquis' communications grid, causing radio silence, and this got the Hero Factory's attention, so the Hero Factory sent Jimi Stringer to come to the planet and investigate this,[SM4, p. 6] though Furno could not contact Stringer because of the radio silence.[SM3, p. 48] The Brains chased Stringer through Tranquis.
A week later, Stringer managed to get to a working communications tower and call for Heroes before being possessed by one of the Brains.
Stringer became one of the only functioning robots that the Brains possessed, and his Brain is the leader of the swarm of Brains. Stringer planned to have himself and the other Brains get off the planet. When the Brains noticed Bulk and Furno arriving on the planet, they were sent after them by Stringer to enslave them in order to have more pilots, and many of the Brain-possessed robots surrounded a building the two were in; the two escaped to another building. Stringer tore out the wiring from the communications tower's communicating equipment to make it unable to contact anyone. The two Heroes went to the communications tower, but they discovered that the tower could not contact anyone anymore, and they fell into an ambush Stringer planned. Stringer and the Brains were pushed back by Karter and a group of S-12 units.
Stringer called Stormer for more Heroes and sent Brains after Karter and the security robots. They infected a group of S-12 units, learning about the weapon Project Sunstorm, which caused the environmental disaster. Stringer had the S-12 units be his lieutenants. When Furno came to rescue Stringer, Stringer attacked and fought Furno. When Furno got the upper hand on Stringer, Stringer tried to jump off the communications tower, but Stormer saved him, and Furno removed the Brain from Stringer. The Brains infiltrated the laboratory where Project Sunstorm's console was being kept, and took control of everyone in the complex, including the head scientist for the weapons system, Dumacc, while the people in the complex were also not affected by the disaster. Dumacc began to activate the weapon while many Brain-possessed S-12 units fought Bulk and Karter. Furno and Stringer came to join the fight. Bulk, Furno, Stringer, and Karter quickly defeated all of the S-12 units. Bulk stopped Dumacc and pushed him away from Project Sunstorm, and then had Stringer shut the weapon down. Stringer and Furno activated an electromagnetic pulse that deactivated the Brains' robot hosts, forcing the Brains to leave their non-partially-immune hosts and find active robots to take over. The Brains were rounded up by Stringer, Bulk, Furno, Stormer, Rocka, Evo, Breez, Julius Nex, and 12 other Heroes and placed in stasis, as the Brains that did not have hosts were placed in stasis in devices called Portable Stasis Chambers.[SM4] It is implied that all of the Brains' hosts are freed from them by the Heroes since the Heroes know how to free the hosts.[SM5]
It is unknown if there are more Brains on the loose, and if they and their creator are still planning to attack the Hero Factory when Mission: Mirror World and Mission: Invasion From Below happened.
Alternate Universes
Reality 11275.6
In this universe, the Brains are radically different from the ones from the main universe. Instead of being created, they evolved naturally. They are larger, as they are as large as some of great cats that Splitface saw in a zoo that he robbed once. The Brains have two gossamer-thin wings on the folds on either side of their hemispheres, and can fire devastating mental blasts as well as communicate telepathically. They are nomadic warriors who conquered several worlds, and were interested in causing destruction in wherever they went rather than ruling over others. They are ruthless, savage, cunning, and merciless. They cannot control beings' minds for an indefinite time, as their hosts burn out quickly. There is a possibility where when a Brain attaches itself to a being's head to read its mind, the being will either have little to nothing left in its mind, though the being can possibly keep its mind intact, and the Brains do not know if the being's mind remains intact or changed when the mind-reading happened. The being can also read its Brain's mind while the Brain is attached to its head. The Brains searched for technology to manufacture robotic bodies that do not have minds of their own and they would use as new bodies and to eliminate their weakness of being organic. They would then use their robotic bodies to make and use battle machines. However, the technology was not present in their universe.
Recently, when Stormer, Furno, Bulk, and Breez from the main universe accidentally arrived in these Brains' universe, in Von Nebula City, which was once Makuhero City, the Brains sensed them and learned who they are, as they only knew their names and that the Heroes came from another universe so they went to investigate. Attacking many villains in the city on the way while knocking two of them, Splitface and Thornraxx, unconscious, they allied with Von Nebula to find the secret of the Heroes. After the Brains found and defeated the Heroes, Stormer was captured, and his mind was read by one of the Brains. They learned of Hero Factory, which they saw as a way to become unstoppable. During the process, Stormer also learned about what they are and their plan. Stormer tricked the Brains and Von Nebula into thinking that his Brain made him mindless. The Brain who read Stormer's mind told Von Nebula the main universe Stormer's true identity and what happened to his Von Nebula. The Brains told the alternate Von Nebula to bring them to his generator, which he and his fellow inner circle members of the Citadel were using to test a power source, and which the Brains needed to get to the prime reality. Von Nebula told the Brains that he had to complete the generator first, and warned that using it could mean destroying the Brains if it is not completed. The Brains do not know how did Stormer and his fellow Heroes use their generator to get to the alternate reality, so they let Von Nebula finish making the generator, so he could make it work. However, the Brains still wanted to destroy the city after they use the generator, and Von Nebula secretly delayed finishing making the machine. The Brains kept lower Citadel villains from entering the main building, as two Brains were guarding the door to its testing laboratory, which has the generator, and refused to let one of the villains, Core Hunter, from entering the laboratory. Core Hunter tricked the two Brains into leaving the door, so Stormer could defeat them. Later, the Brains got impatient, so they sent one of them to investigate. This Brain noticed Stormer's fellow prime reality Heroes guarding, so it learned of Von Nebula's betrayal and notified its kind about it. The Brains attacked the Heroes and the Citadel again, but some were stunned by Stormer using Akiyama Makuro's low-emission beta wave weapon. The rest of the Brains fought the Heroes, the inner circle, and the Jolters. Von Nebula noticed some of his henchmen called the Jolters getting defeated by the Brains, making him nervous, so he took the jammer from Stormer and used it to defeat some more Brains roughly, making the rest of them come closer to attack him and the Heroes. The Brains were about to overwhelm Von Nebula and the Heroes when the alternate reality's Heroes appeared and helped the Heroes fight back the Brains. During the fight, the Stormers from both realities made Von Nebula disappear, and the Brains destroyed the inner circle and the Jolters. The Brains were then defeated by the Heroes from both dimensions.[SM5]
Reality 45098.3
The Alpha 1 Team fought the Brains.(Dangerous Dimensions)
Abilities and Traits

The Brains are a species of artifically-created[SM4] organic and parasitic creatures that look like brains with six spider-like legs, spiked tails that look like a brain's spinal cord, and two red spikes on their backs. They also have red eyes, mandibles, and sharp teeth. They individually look repulsive, but fragile. When they are in a swarm, they can become extremely frightening.[SM3] The exact origin of the Brains is unknown. They have a single purpose: to destroy Hero Factory.
The Brains have leaders of groups called "swarm leaders"; these leaders' orders are generally followed, but not by all Brains, as evidenced by the one controlling Aquax.[SM3] The Brains would have no qualms in killing others who unintentionally get in their way because their goal matters to them the most, and they know that more Brains will be made to replace the dead ones.[SM4]
The Brains cannot defeat large beasts on their own. However, they are very smart,(shown in the September-October 2013 issue of the UK LEGO Club Magazine) sneaky, clever, and very skilled in stealth, as shown when they snuck behind the Makuhero Planet animals before possessing them, and one snuck up behind Surge when Surge was defending the Hero Factory building from the Brains. They also use their hosts to cause damage and destruction in their locations.[Episode 10][BA!][TBW][SM4]
The Brains can attack by latching onto a host's head and taking control of them, absorbing their knowledge, but not emotions. The Brains can willingly remove themselves from their hosts, but according to the Brain that controlled Kirch, they can destroy their robot hosts if they want to when the Brains remove themselves from them.[SM3] When the Brains control their hosts, the hosts' eyes glow red, and the Brains' tails grab onto their hosts' bodies, particularly their backs.
The Brains feel like wet, squishy cauliflower, and smell like brains.(shown in the September-October 2013 issue of the UK LEGO Club Magazine) They have poisonous skin as a defense mechanism, and their tail is also prehensile and strong,[FO:MSG] allowing them to use it offensively. The tails are also primarily used for balance and defense. Their small legs are deceptively powerful, allowing them to move swiftly and grip their target's heads firmly.(shown in the March-April 2013 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine) The Brains can also crawl on walls and jump high.[Episode 10][SM3] Their targets would try to shake the Brains off while the Brains are trying to completely control them, but the Brains are so strong that they will not let go of the targets before succeeding in completely mind-controlling them.[Episode 10][TBW] They can also swim and are amphibious. Their head is the strongest part of their body. The Brains can use their teeth to bite, which is a way to attack.[Episode 10]
The Brains are capable of surviving in outer space, as they do not need air to survive or mind extreme cold,[SM3](shown in the September-October 2013 issue of the UK LEGO Club Magazine) but have been dispatched in glass pill-shaped tanks that have green fluids. The Brains can make green, sticky slime in their location. Each tank was placed in a small rocket that can travel through space after being launched from the Brains' birthplace by their creator. The rocket can also retract four blades that can penetrate through the ground in order to land there. After landing, the tank opens up, so the Brain can exit it.[Episode 10] When the rocket lands in a sea, it becomes electrified. When the Brains arrived at the Makuhero Planet, they abandoned the rockets.[Episode 10]
The Brains' control of their hosts is so strong that the hosts cannot use their willpower to free themselves from them, despite their allies trying to tell the hosts to do so. When a Brain is controlling the host, the host sees what the Brain sees through a dream-like state.[Episode 10] The Brains have some control on robots that are affected by Project Sunstorm because the environmental disaster caused by Project Sunstorm made the robots partially immune to the Brains, and when the robots were possessed by the Brains, they could only obey simple commands, like smashing something, as they would punch handholds in the face of a building and pull themselves up, and wander around aimlessly. This also damaged these Brains' thought processes.[SM4]
The Brains cannot talk without a host that can talk. When the Brains control their hosts, they are talk a lot.[SM3] They are verbally manipulative, and they will try to convince certain people to be their servants rather than mind-controlling them because they would need representatives to convince other people to serve the Brains. The Brains would kill their hosts if their enemies would try to force them to let go of their hosts that are the enemies' friends and allies and people that the enemies protect.[SM4] The Brains would let someone ally with them without the Brains mind-controlling him or her if he or she convinces them that he or she will become their representative who agrees with the Brains' intentions. Xera was such an ally of the Brains'.[SM3]
The Brains are somewhat sloppy liars when they use their hosts to pretend to be them while communicating with the hosts' allies through communicating devices without being seen. The allies would get suspicious about the Brains' words because they would know the hosts better than the Brains do, so the allies would go and investigate the hosts, leading them to discover the truth that the hosts are being controlled by the Brains.[SM3][SM4]
While possessing any being, if the second red spike on top of a Brain is struck, the Brain loses its grip on the host's head and frees the host from its control.(shown in the March-April 2013 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine)[Episode 10][BA!][TBW] The Brain will glow with yellow electricity-like energy bolts around it for several seconds as a result, and will become weak and squirm for several seconds before becoming unconscious due to the pain on the second spike.[Episode 10] Some Brains stay active after getting removed from its host.[Episode 10][SM4] After being freed from a Brain, the host glows with a bright yellow flash temporarily, and either still stands or falls down to the ground temporarily as a result.[Episode 10][SM3][SM4] The Brains can control their robotic hosts if the hosts can move around, so shutting the robots down can prevent the Brains from making them move.[SM4] When robots get freed from the Brains, they can have a headache.[Episode 10] The Hero Factory fears that a sudden cutoff between the Brain and a robot could scramble the robot's programming, but it is the least of the possible side effects.[SM4]
When the Brains mind-control Heroes, the Hero Factory's Mission Managers can lose the Heroes' signals, but the signals can reappear if the Heroes go inside the Hero Factory building. The Brains can control Heroes even when they are wearing their Breakout helmets or Brain Attack ones when they have their visors on.[Episode 10][SM4]
The Brains can mutate organic beasts, like the ones in the Makuhero Planet, into stronger monsters. When it happens to the Makuhero Planet animals, the Brains fuse themselves into the animals' heads to act like the animals' own brains, as the Brains attach themselves to the animals' skulls.[FO:MSG] Only the Brain parasite's face is hidden in the animal's head. Some mutated beasts come with various weapons, which appeared when the mutations happen. This mutation reverts once the Brain is removed, and the weapons disappear.[Episode 10]
It is advised that the Heroes have to maintain their guard when fighting the Brains. If possible, the Heroes would fight the Brains in pairs. The Heroes should not turn their backs on the Brains for any reason.(shown in the March-April 2013 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine) The Heroes would also have to make tricky traps for the Brains, and the traps would prevent the Brains from jumping out.(shown in the September-October 2013 issue of the UK LEGO Club Magazine) A Brain can be trapped in a vacuum jar.[SM3]
Infected Hosts
- Ogrum and many other Ogres (formerly)
- Scarox and many other Dune Crawlers (formerly)
- Frost Beast and many other Ice Creatures (formerly)
- Pyrox and many other Bull Creatures (formerly)
- Bruizer and many other Rock Giants (formerly)
- Aquagon and many other Sea Creatures (formerly)
- Dragon Bolt (formerly)
- Mark Surge (formerly)
- Jimi Stringer (formerly)
- Kirch (formerly)
- Aquax (formerly)
- Dumacc (formerly)
- Many robots in the Valiant (formerly)
- Many robots in Tranquis VII (formerly)
Set Information

A single Brain was included in each villain set from the 2013 Brain Attack line. The Brains are made of rubber with bright red, hard plastic axle inserts that attach the Brains to the creatures' heads, making them serve as the creatures' eyes and horns. The Brains in sets 44001 PYROX, 44003 SCAROX, 44005 BRUIZER, 44007 OGRUM, 44011 FROST BEAST, and 44013 AQUAGON are transparently colored yellow, green, bright orange, bright green, light blue, and blue, respectively. 44009 DRAGON BOLT includes a multicolored Brain, with a mix of yellow and blue to make the Brain mostly green. The plastic insert, instead of red, features a glow-in-the-dark white paint. As part of a special promotion with the summer sets, the LEGO shops offered an accessory pack, set 40084 LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack Accessory Pack, which contained a solid-colored black Brain with a red plastic insert in addition to a Hero Factory weapon that looks like a smaller version of the Flaming Fire Sword.
One can also attach a Brain to a Hero set's visor piece since the visor has an axle hole, as if the Hero is being controlled by the Brain, despite this not being advertised.
"Nothing could be more important than the task they were ordered to carry out. After all, it was vital to the future of the galaxy that Hero Factory be destroyed."
― Narrator, Collision Course
"Disembodied brains flying through space? Sounds like something out of an old monster vid."
― Captain Aquax, Collision Course
"Look what Hero Factory just went through, Breez. Criminal robots escaping from prison, causing all sorts of damage before you recaptured them. Were they made bad? No. Something went wrong with their thinking and they became bad. With the brains in control, that can never happen again. There won't be any need for villains ... or Heroes. Everyone will do what is needed for the good of the swarm."
― Xera, Collision Course

- The Brains were voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in Episode 10: Brain Attack.
- The Brains' real name is actually unknown, as they are called "Brains" by other people.
- The Brains are larger than a human's brain.
- In Episode 10, the Brains are red and pink without their hosts, but when they got their hosts, they changed colors, depending on their host, matching the sets. When the Brains are removed from their hosts, they changed back to their red and pink colors. Other media show the host-less Brains as green. One medium showed a picture of a black host-less Brain.
- In the front pictures of the sets' bags, when the Brains possessed the Makuhero Planet animals, their tails are flailing when the creatures move, but in all other media, the tails are grabbing the Brains' hosts' backs.
- In the episode, the Brains have lower jaws and teeth.
- In the episode, the Brains' creator looks very much like Black Phantom, but with different horns and blade-like spikes on his shoulder armor. It is possible that both villains are connected, as the Brains' creator has the Hero Factory's schematics in Episode 9: Breakout Part 2. According to Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook, the Brains want to destroy the Hero Factory, so their masters could use the Hero Factory building to make villains.
- In the prime reality, the Brains describe themselves as "brains without bodies."[SM4] In Secret Mission 5: Mirror World, it is possible that the Brains from the alternate reality used to have their own bodies when the Brains called themselves "disembodied". If that were true, then it is unknown how they became Brains.
- When the Brains attacked Makuhero City, they possessed animals that are counterparts to the Alpha 1 Team's seven members, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Daniel Rocka, Dunkan Bulk, Mark Surge, Natalie Breez, and Nathan Evo. Frost Beast and the Ice Creatures are Stormer's icy and white counterparts. Pyrox and the Bull Creatures are Furno's fiery and red counterparts. Scarox and the Dune Crawlers are Rocka's gold counterparts. Bruzier and the Rock Giants are Bulk's strong, gray, and silver counterparts. Dragon Bolt is Surge's electric and blue counterpart. Ogrum and the Ogres are Breez's green counterparts. Aquagon and the Sea Creatures are Evo's water-related and yellow counterparts. It is unknown if Jimi Stringer and Julius Nex have their own Brain-controlled animal counterparts.
- When the Makuhero Planet animals were mutated by the Brains, their new forms were based on various medieval mythological monsters that medieval knights fight.
- In Secret Mission 3: Collision Course, the Brain that possessed Kirch referred to its swarm as its "brothers".
- According to Xera, if one tries to remove the Brain from its robotic host by grabbing the Brain from it, the host would get damaged.[SM3]
- In Secret Mission 4: Robot Rampage, the Brain that possessed Stringer told Furno that the Brains are creations. The Brain that possessed Dumacc told Bulk and Karter the same fact. The Hero Factory later became aware of the fact.
- In a TTV Messageboards interview in 2013, Greg Farshtey, the author of the Secret Mission chapter books in 2012-2013, stated that he was not allowed to explain where the Brains actually came from.
- The Brains are very much like the Krana and Kraata from Bionicle 2001-2010/Generation 1. They are like the Krana when they mind-control people by attaching themselves to their heads. They are like the Kraata when they are small evil creatures made to destroy their evil creators' enemies. The Brains are also like the Kraang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series in 2012.
- According to one of Christian Faber's Instagram posts in early 2024, after the Brains possessed the Makuhero Planet animals, they would have tried to steal the Heroes' Hero Cores to defeat the Heroes. This idea was made to illustrate the 2013 story arc's heart-vs.-brain theme. However, the idea never came to fruition.
Books | Comics | Online | Multimedia |
Secret Mission
DK Readers Guides |
Promotional |
Stories Animations |
Television Online Games
See also
Villains | ||
Von Nebula's Gang | Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor | |
Fire Villains | Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast | |
Legion of Darkness | Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon | |
Brains | Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted) | |
Galactic Conspiracy | Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast | |
The Doom Box's Creators | Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb | |
Other | Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Early 2013 | |||||
Small | 44002 Rocka | 44003 Scarox | 44004 Bulk | 44006 Breez | ||||
Medium | 44001 Pyrox | 44005 Bruizer | 44007 Ogrum | ||||
Large | 44000 Furno XL | ||||
see full list |
HERO FACTORY Sets of Mid-2013 | |||||
Small | 44012 Evo | 44013 Aquagon | ||||
Medium | 44008 Surge | 44010 Stormer | 44011 Frost Beast | ||||
Large | 44009 Dragon Bolt | 44014 Jet Rocka | ||||
see full list |