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Parent Page: Characters

Employer Brains
Weapons Wrecking Mace
Vine fingers
Root claw feet
Status Reverted
Set number 44007 OGRUM (instructions)

Ogrum is a male jungle creature that was mutated into a poisonous plant beast by the Brain.


Ogrum was once an ogre living in a jungle outside of Makuhero City, along with the rest of his species.

Ogrum near the Hero Factory

He was picking up some mushroom-like fungi when the Brains arrived at the jungle with their small rocket ships. Ogrum heard a sound from the ships' impact on the jungle's ground, but dismissed it and went back to collecting fungi. He was about to eat a fungus when he was possessed and mutated into a plant beast by one of the Brains. Ogrum was one of the Brains' first victims.[TBW, p. 14] He and his fellow Brain-possessed members of his kind joined with other Brain-possessed creatures in going to Makuhero City to destroy Hero Factory.

Ogrum and his fellow Brain-possessed members of his species fought Heroes who were defending the city from them, as he and his fellow Brain-possessed members of his species fought Natalie Breez.[TBW, p. 28] His Brain was eventually removed by the Heroes, freeing him from the Brain's control and changing him back to normal. He returned to his jungle.[Episode 10]

Abilities and Traits

Like Ogrum's kind, before he was possessed by a Brain, he was peaceful and friendly. He has two large fangs on his lower jaw. He likes to spend time in a smelly swamp.[] He and his kind are taller than Natalie Breez's Brain Attack form. Ogrum would cautiously sniff something suspicious.[BA!, p. 14] He can jump very high.[Episode 10]

Ogrum was vicious and poisonous under the control of the Brains. He gained large brown hands, shoulder armor, and root claw feet. His right hand had three vine-like fingers, which could create six vines that can extend, grab, and attack enemies. Ogrum also gained a brown vine on each of his thighs. After Ogrum's Brain got removed, he changed back to his normal form and behavior.


Ogrum carried a swinging Wrecking Mace, which appeared when he was mutated. After his mutation is undone, the mace disappeared.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

Ogrum Set
Set 44007 Ogrum

44007 OGRUM, which is medium-sized, was released in early 2013, in the Hero Factory's Brain Attack line. It contains 59 pieces. The set contains a light green Brain that can be attached on top of its head, and a mace that can be swung. It includes a Hero Core, which is not used in the set, for 600 game points used in an online game called Brain Attack. Parts from the set can be combined with parts from 44006 BREEZ to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.


  • Ogrum and his species were voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in Episode 10: Brain Attack.
  • According to Brain Attack!, Ogrum was enjoying his time in a smelly swamp right before a Brain possessed him. However, it did not happen in Episode 10: Brain Attack, as Ogrum was collecting fungi instead. However, in Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook, "Ogrum" is a codename given by the Hero Factory to distinguish mutated members of his species to normal ones. Thus, it is possible that Brain Attack! is referring to the ogre with the smelly swamp, and Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook was referring to the ogre with the fungi.


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Online Games

See also

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoids
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb