Black Phantom

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"What do I want? I want Hero Factory in ruins. I want this whole experiment of Makuro's to end in such utter failure that no one will try it again for at least a few centuries."
― Black Phantom, Legion of Darkness

Parent Page: Characters

Black Phantom
Weapons Razor Sabre Mace Staff
Sabre strikers
Status Functional
Set number 6203

The Black Phantom is a powerful villain who founded and led the Legion of Darkness in the early days of the Hero Factory. He later helped mastermind a mass breakout of the Hero Factory Storage Facility prison.


Legion of Darkness

At some point, Black Phantom was built. His life before he became a villain and how he did so are unknown.

Black Phantom was a notorious criminal before the Hero Factory established a presence in the galaxy. However, shortly after they began to operate, he disappeared for over a month, using the time to spy on the organization. During the time, Jawblade wanted to have Black Phantom help him with stealing precious metals from a museum in planet Sigma Phi III, but Black Phantom was absent for weeks, so Jawblade recruited Toxic Reapa instead. Black Phantom noticed that the Hero Factory was not sneaky yet. After Black Phantom was done with his task, he developed a plan to defeat the Hero Factory. When Black Phantom noticed Jawblade, Splitface, Speeda Demon, and Thornraxx thinking about finding a way to defeat the Hero Factory or find another line of work, he finally appeared and spoke with them. He recruited the villains as the first members of his organization called the Legion of Darkness, which he planned to use to destroy Hero Factory.

His first mission as leader of the Legion was to steal an XT4 industrial robot from one of Akiyama Makuro's Makuro Industries manufacturing plants in Mechna. Black Phantom set his optic sensors to night vision to see through the darkness in the plant in past midnight. He had Thornraxx hijack a hover vehicle containing a shipment of 24 XT4 industrial robots. After Black Phantom stole the industrial robots, he had Splitface and Speeda Demon smash the ship to make it look like it crashed. He reprogrammed 23 of the industrial robots to go in different directions in the area, and he reprogrammed the last one to act as his personal servant, XT4, and had him join the Legion.

Black Phantom

In preparation for his next strike, Black Phantom hacked into the Hero Factory system to post a false mission instructing Jimi Stringer and Preston Stormer to travel to a worksite of the Aird Mining Company to oversee the relocation of mining robots from one region to another. At the worksite, Black Phantom made a pre-recorded message inviting Toxic Reapa and Voltix to join the Legion of Darkness, and installed the message into XT4. He also programmed him to think he was a new member of Alpha 1 Team until he received radio commands on a specific frequency. Speeda Demon followed Black Phantom's example to program sleeper commands into dozens of the mining robots. When Stringer and Stormer arrived at the worksite, Black Phantom jammed their communications. The mining robots attacked the two Heroes, but XT4 rescued Stormer and Stringer with his laser slicer, and then XT4 and the two Heroes defeated the mining robots. Although the Heroes were suspicious, they took him aboard their Hero Craft. Black Phantom watched the whole moment while hiding. Black Phantom had Splitface and Speeda Demon hijack an old ore freighter from the Company. Once the Heroes arrived back at Hero Factory and XT4 was transported by them to a secure room, Splitface, who was piloting the freighter to Makuhero City, sent the frequency that activated XT4's secondary layer of programming. Following the new commands, XT4 hijacked the Factory's security system and disabled Alpha 1 Team with stun beams from the Hero Factory. He then stole a Hero Craft and traveled to Asteroid J-54. Black Phantom ordered Splitface to use the freighter to go to the asteroid to help XT4 if XT4 needs it. After XT4 got to the asteroid, he found Voltix and Toxic Reapa at their cells and played them Black Phantom's message. After Voltix and Toxic Reapa agreed to join the Legion, XT4 released them from their cells.

When Alpha 1 Team arrived at the asteroid in two Hero Craft, Black Phantom discovered that the freighter, where its engines were rigged to explode by Splitface and Speeda Demon, was heading to the asteroid, and then set on a collision course with Stringer and Stormer's Hero Craft. After Splitface and Speeda Demon used the freighter's transmat beam to teleport themselves inside Black Phantom's scout ship, he chastised them for compromising his plan, while they argued that his plan was too slow. To compensate for the setback, Black Phantom fired upon the Hero Craft, intentionally revealing his scout ship's presence. Stormer opened communications with the scout ship, and Black Phantom told him about the Legion of Darkness. Black Phantom tried to force Stormer and Stringer to head towards the freighter, but Stormer and Stringer blocked Black Phantom. However, Black Phantom activated controls that separated the cockpit of his ship from the wings and tail. Then, he and his two henchmen sped away at an incredible speed before the Heroes could react, leaving them in the path of the freighter. The freighter exploded, destroying the Hero Craft, though the Heroes survived. Black Phantom recruited Toxic Reapa and Voltix into the Legion of Darkness.

A few days later, in the back room of a refueling station, the eight villains celebrated the closing of the Hero Factory itself. Black Phantom announcing his intent to move the Legion of Darkness into the now-vacant factory and establish it as their new headquarters.

Black Phantom, Splitface, and XT4 were in a scout ship, with Black Phantom piloting, while Speeda Demon, Jawblade, Thornraxx, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix were flying another in Makuhero City, with Speeda Demon piloting. Black Phantom sent Jawblade into the Makuhero Reservoir, from which Jawblade found cables to the Hero Factory's external security systems and cut the power to the systems. The other villains piloted the scout ships through the roof of the factory. However, when they were met by Stormer, Black Phantom ordered Speeda Demon, Voltix, Thornraxx, and Toxic Reapa to secure the Assembly Tower while he assisted XT4 and Splitface against Stormer in his scout ship. During the fight, Black Phantom defeated security robots that were trying to get back inside the factory, and he was shooting at the Hero Factory's Mission Control's floor, even if his henchmen would unintentionally get in the way. Stormer activated a number of untested prototype security systems, one of which severely damaged Black Phantom's scout ship, forcing Black Phantom to escape the ship before it was completely destroyed by the system. After Stormer defeated Splitface, Black Phantom saved XT4, who was entangled with metal coils used by Stormer, and caught Stormer. Black Phantom revealed to Stormer that the mission to capture the Hero Factory was never meant to succeed in the way they think, and that the scheme had been a ruse to use the elite criminals of the Legion of Darkness as tools and then get them captured, eliminating the competition they presented to him and giving him an unmatched reputation within the criminal underworld. However, he planned to keep XT4 as his servant, and he would plan to form a new Legion. Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, and Von Ness arrived, defeating XT4 and forcing Black Phantom to escape. He arrived at the Assembly Tower to find the other villains slowly lowering Thresher by a crane towards a disassembly machine. Alpha 1 managed to rescue their team leader, and Stormer played a recording of Black Phantom's intent to betray the Legion. Speeda Demon, Toxic Reapa, and Voltix got enraged, so together, they took Black Phantom down. After the three villains were defeated by the Heroes, all four villains were captured by the five heroes and sent (with Jawblade, Splitface, Thornraxx, and XT4) to Asteroid J-54.[SM2]

At some point, Black Phantom escaped from prison, but the Legion was disbanded during the time.[SM2, p. 136]

Black Phantom firing his Arachnix at Rocka


More than a hundred years later,[Media Center in 2010-2011] Black Phantom was part of a conspiracy to orchestrate a massive prison break from the secure Hero Factory holding cells in order to steal the building's structural plans. He got a sliver of a corrupt counterpart to Quaza called Anti-Quaza from somewhere and put it in his chest, and created a drone called Arachnix.

At some time, Black Phantom made a sworn enemy with a mutated industrial robot villain.(questionable canonicity)

Black Phantom made an alliance with Voltix. He wanted Von Nebula's Black Hole Orb Staff to be placed in Hero Factory's Villain Storage, where the holding cells are.[Episode 9] After Voltix tricked two Heroes, William Furno and Daniel Rocka into capturing him and then triggered the staff, the staff created a massive vortex that blew apart the ceiling of the Factory. Every prisoner escaped into the vortex during the chaos, and all Heroes were recalled to be sent on individualized missions to recapture the criminals.

While the prison was abandoned, Black Phantom secretly infiltrated the Factory through the hole in the ceiling, and set Arachnix loose in the building. When all Heroes had been dispatched on their missions, Arachnix captured and immobilized the Mission Managers and Quadal. After Black Phantom appeared in the Mission Control room, Chief Mission Manager Nathaniel Zib met him for the first time, and Black Phantom identified himself and Arachnix. Black Phantom activated the Factory's force field called the Fail-Safe Shield, cutting off all contact with the outside. However, Daniel Rocka, on a covert mission for the Hero Recon Team and had disobeyed orders from Zib, remained behind in the Factory.[Episode 8]

Black Phantom became aware that Rocka was trapped in Villain Storage, so he forced Zib to lie to Rocka about the situation. Black Phantom used Zib's equipment to modify the Hero Assembly Tower. When Rocka later contacted Zib while being in one of the Hero Factory's elevator shafts, Zib secretly sounded a fake alarm to make Black Phantom leave his spot to check it out, so Zib could talk to Rocka without getting detected. After Black Phantom returned to his spot, he was alarmed by a motion sensor alarm in the factory that Rocka is in one of the elevator shafts while Zib pretended to not have contacted Rocka. In an attempt to halt the Hero's progress through the Factory, Black Phantom activated the elevator shaft to try to crush Rocka, and then sent Arachnix out to attack him. Later, Black Phantom heard Rocka's scream caused by the Arachnix drones, making Black Phantom believe that Rocka is defeated. So, Black Phantom went to steal the structural plans for the Hero Factory, but Zib asked him what was he doing. Black Phantom told him his intention and his plan to use the structural plans to make his own army, and use the army to destroy the Factory to get them out of their way. Zib doubted Black Phantom because he believed that the robots Black Phantom will make would recognize his villainy because of the Quaza in them, but Black Phantom countered by implying that he will use Anti-Quaza to make the robots, so the robots would not oppose him. Black Phantom used his sliver of Anti-Quaza's energy to shut down the Mission Managers and Quadal. Black Phantom used his new access to the Hero Factory server to copy and transmit the structural plans for the Factory to an ally. Meanwhile, Rocka was able to gain access to Akiyama Makuro's office and disable the shield, allowing his returning allies, Preston Stormer, Mark Surge, Nathan Evo, and William Furno, to enter the Factory and regroup as a team.

Black Phantom facing Rocka

Black Phantom installed himself in the Assembly Tower, hoping to absorb enough energy from it and use his sliver's energy to obliterate the Factory. When confronted by the five members of the Alpha 1 Team, Black Phantom sent Arachnix to slow them down while he increased his power level. While the rest of the team took on the Arachnix drones, Rocka confronted Black Phantom, though in his powered-up state, the villain easily gained the upper hand in their fight. However, at Evo's suggestion and encouraged by Stormer, Rocka continued plugged Black Phantom into the tower, overloading his systems and defeating him in the process. Rocka used his Hero Cuffs to capture Black Phantom.[Episode 9] Black Phantom is imprisoned, but he refuses to reveal to the Hero Factory who he sent the Hero Factory schematics to.[FO:MSG]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

Black Phantom received schematics of Hero Factory from a traitorous Hero, Von Ness, during the Hero Factory's early days. He formed the Legion of Darkness, though he did not recruit XT4. Black Phantom and the Legion destroyed the factory. Von Ness rebuilt himself to Von Nebula and started the Citadel crime syndicate, and Black Phantom became part of the inner circle along with the other Legion of Darkness members, XT4, and Core Hunter. He served as a second-in-command for Von Nebula, as he gave jobs to Von Nebula's fellow inner circle members.

Recently, he was present when the main reality Alpha Team confronted Von Nebula. The Brains killed Black Phantom when they were invading and defeating the Citadel.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

Black Phantom

Black Phantom is an extremely intelligent and cunning villain, organizing the Legion of Darkness and later helping to organize and take advantage of an unprecedented breakout. He is also very ruthless, and does not hesitate to put his allies in danger of capture or injury for the sake of his own self-interest. He is also skilled in manipulating other villains. He often looks for an angle that will benefit him.[FO:MSG] He is also a master thief.[SM2][SM5] When Black Phantom gets upset, he would speak a bad language quietly.[SM2]

Black Phantom possesses great strength, enough to wield the massive staff that he carries.[Razor Sabre Mace Staff] He is tougher than most other villains in the Breakout.[HiA] His impressive size also lends to his fearsome reputation. Jawblade looks at Black Phantom as someone who breaks robots. Black Phantom can set his optic sensors to night vision.[SM2]

Weapons and Armor

Black Phantom wielded the heavy Razor Sabre Mace Staff. He had a custom-built male drone called Arachnix for a pet. Arachnix could multiply himself and target Black Phantom's enemies. Arachnix also had a handle on his stomach, so Black Phantom could hold him like a gun. Black Phantom was also equipped with two blades called Saber Strikers, which were carried by two small arm-like appendages on his back. Each of the appendages' tip is connected to Black Phantom's back by a green tube. He also has a piece of Anti-Quaza in his chest, which he uses to create a laser that can go from one Hero Factory employee robot to another, and the laser can shut the robots down. His weapons are confiscated, as Rocka took the Mace Staff from Black Phantom, while Arachnix and all of his duplicates were destroyed by Rocka's four fellow members of the Alpha 1 Team.[Episode 9]

Black Phantom also had a grappling cord.[Episode 8]

His helmet looks like the ones that Voltix, Speeda Demon, and the Brain maker wear. It has horns that look like corrupted Quaza spikes from the jungle planet Quatros.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

6203 Black Phantom

Set 6203 BLACK PHANTOM was released in the first half of 2012 as the largest set of the "Breakout" line, and the only boxed set for that wave. The set contains 124 pieces, including a Hero Core printed with a 500-point code for use in the online game Breakout on However, the Hero Core is not used in the construction of the set. Arachnix can fire a spherical ammunition piece when its mandibles are squeezed. Parts from Black Phantom and Arachnix can be combined with parts from set 6202 ROCKA to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from the Hero Factory website.


"Everyone has been too busy saying, 'Who are those robots?' That's the difference — I don't care who you are, what you stand for, or where you're from — I only care about where you're going."
― Black Phantom, Legion of Darkness



See also

External links

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb