Ice Creature

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"Ice Creature" is not an official name.
It may have been referenced in the storyline as such, but has not been officially named. Alternatively, it may be a name popular among fans, but has no official basis.

Parent Page: Characters

Ice Creature
Known locations Makuhero Planet
Conservation status Active

Ice Creatures are yeti-like, ape-like techno-organic[Episode 10][FO:MSG] beasts living on the Makuhero Planet.


The ice creatures made their home live in at least one frosted tundra on the Makuhero Planet.

After the arrival of the Brains, the ice creatures, including Frost Beast, were mutated by them into vicious monsters, and joined a marauding army of other mutated creatures. These creatures then launched an attack on Makuhero City, where they met with defense by the city's local Heroes. During the fight, Frost Beast and many of his fellow Brain-possessed ice creatures fought Preston Stormer.[TBW, p. 25] The Heroes eventually figured out how to disable the Brains, and removed the creatures from their control. The ice creatures returned to their homeland after being liberated from the influence of the Brains.[Episode 10]

Abilities and Traits

The Ice Creatures are peaceful and friendly yeti-like and ape-like creatures. They are powerful. Each of them has sharp frost claws and a powerful ice breath. It can use its spike-like teeth to attack. It can resist its region's cold temperature.[BA!, p. 21][TBW, p. 17] The ice creatures are around as tall as Stormer's Brain Attack form.

After being transformed by the Brains, each ice creature was turned into a dangerous and vicious enemy for Hero Factory, bearing tough ice armor with small red spikes and large white ones. After the ice creature's Brain was removed, the ice creature changed back to its normal form and behavior.


After each ice creature was possessed and mutated by a Brain, it possessed a massive Fanged Frost Blade, which appeared when the ice creature was mutated. After the ice creature's mutation is undone, the blade disappeared.


Books Multimedia

DK Readers


See also

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoids
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon