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Parent Page: Characters

Known locations Quatros
Weapons Tusks
Conservation status Active
Set number 2232 Raw-Jaw (instructions)

Raw-Jaws are powerful, ape-like beasts with tusks on Quatros.


At some point, the Raw-Jaws were created. They live in Quatros.

Recently, when Aldous Witch arrived on Quatros intent on stealing the planet's reserve of Quaza and then became a villain called the Witch Doctor, he captured several Raw-Jaws, had corrupted Quaza spikes implanted on them, and used the Skull Staff to mind-control the Raw-Jaws through the spikes. Witch Doctor tasked the Raw-Jaws with mining Quaza.

A male possessed Raw-Jaw, along with a female possessed Waspix and a male possessed Scorpio, confronted three Heroes William Furno, Jimi Stringer, and Julius Nex, after they had encountered Witch Doctor. However, Witch Doctor recalled the three creatures to perform other tasks.

Despite pleading with the Witch Doctor many times to cease mining the mineral, the enslaved Raw-Jaw was continually forced to work[Episode 6] until he had removed the last of the Quaza from the core of Quatros. When Witch Doctor was attacked by the freed Scorpio, he commanded the Raw-Jaw to fight the creature. The Raw-Jaw eventually defeated the scorpion, throwing him over the edge of the mining site. The Raw-Jaw went after Furno and Nex, but the two Heroes went inside a temple through a hole so small that the Raw-Jaw could not fit through there. Stringer jumped from the top of the temple and landed on the Raw-Jaw. The Raw-Jaw tried to smash Stringer, but Stringer freed the Raw-Jaw from Witch Doctor's control. The Raw-Jaw thanked the Hero before running off into the jungle. The rest of the Raw-Jaws were also freed when the Skull Staff was taken from the Witch Doctor.[Episode 7][C7]

Abilities and Traits

Raw-Jaws use their great strength and agility to protect themselves from other predators, as a Raw-Jaw has the agility and speed of a gorilla.(shown in the September-October 2011 issue of the LEGO Magazine) They have armor plating.[FO:MSG] A Raw-Jaw is so strong that it can lift and throw a Scorpio over a great distance. The Raw-Jaws can also scale on Quatros' trees. Their physical appearance resembles that of a gorilla with the tusks of an elephant (which is why Furno called a Raw-Jaw a "Gorillaphant"[Episode 7]), which can be used to impale prey or battle intruders in their territory. The tusks are so strong that they can be used to penerate any known armor.[FO:MSG] Raw-Jaws are highly intelligent, and are capable of speech. They are larger than 2.0 Heroes. With the Quaza spikes implanted, Raw-Jaws were far more aggressive than normal and unwillingly served Witch Doctor. Since the Witch Doctor's Skull Staff was taken from him, the Raw-Jaws are freed from his control.

Set Information

Raw-Jaw Set
Set 2232 Raw-Jaw

2232 Raw-Jaw was released as a box set in mid-2011. It includes 52 pieces, including a printed armor piece and a dual-colored Quaza spike.



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Online Games

See also

External links

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoids
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon