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There are many Locations in the Hero Factory storyline, ranging from planets and stars to cities and villages. They are all in the Milky Way Galaxy.(Hero Factory FM) For alternate realities, see Alternate Universes.

Nebulae and Solar Systems

Makuhero Asteroid Belt

The Makuhero Asteroid Belt,[SM3] or simply the Makuhero Belt,[HFPM] is a planetary nebula in the galaxy. It possesses one star and asteroids with meteoroids with much metal that can disrupt electronic signals,[SM3] as well as a small asteroid-like planet where Makuhero City and the Hero Factory were founded.

Makuhero Planet

The planet is very much like the planet Earth, but with some differences.[Episode 10]

Makuhero City
Makuhero City

Built around Hero Factory, Makuhero City is a bustling and prosperous city.

Hero Factory

Hero Factory is based in a giant structure of the same name—the Hero Factory. It is one of the most famous buildings in the galaxy, and is instantly recognizable.

Faraday Belt

The Faraday Belt was where Preston Stormer, Jimi Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge chased fuel smugglers at one time, two months before Natalie Breez did her first interview with Mak Megahertz in his radio talk show called Hero Factory FM, in his segment called Mak in the Morning. The team survived and completed the mission.


Mak Megahertz got a letter about his radio talk show, Hero Factory FM, from Crixian from the Eto system.


The Omega system is located somewhere in the galaxy. It has a planet that houses short, blue humanoid-looking robots. They have antennae attached to the tops of their heads that flash bright light to communicate with people rather than speaking. A Hero has to use a device called a Translator, which has a mechanical voice that speaks, to translate what the people are saying. The people are polite. The planet contains a main city, which has a large bank with a large government vault underneath it, underground, and the main power plant, which is also large. A trio of local officials called We Who Serve manages the bank. Man other people use personal rocket packs to fly above the city's streets.

The bank has security that is designed to keep people from getting in, but not getting out. The security has ultra-sensitive alarms, bars made of what are said to be some of the toughest metals in the universe, and anti-tampering devices on every lock. The plant had two main and large dynamos. There is a Duradium mine in the north of the plant. The mine is in the side of a mountain. Its entrance was closed with a high-density plastic barrier that was not affected by Duradium and was strong enough to keep most intruders out. After the mine was abandoned years ago, there is still Duradium in it, but it is too expensive and difficult for the locals to get the Durandium out. There are also still tools, equipment, fuel cells, and other valuable items scattered around, in the mine. The inside of the mine is so dark that it is pitch-black. The planet makes much more money than one more mining planet.

The first of the three Doom Box fragments was held in the vault.

Seven years ago, Core Hunter had someone disassemble him, pack him in a crate, and get him stored in the vault, making the people confuse him as valuable machine parts. After Core Hunter reassembled himself, he found and stole the piece, and then broke out of the vault. The vault had a small amount of precious gems during the time. Dunkan Bulk visited the city to find Core Hunter. Core Hunter used a power net to trap Bulk in the plant, but Bulk freed himself from the net by slamming right into one of the dynamos to destroy it in order to destroy the net. The destruction of the dynamo probably caused a blackout in half the city. Core Hunter sabotaged the second dynamo by ripping wiring out from its insides, making the dynamo explode in order to distract Bulk. Bulk had everyone in the dynamo, who are workers in there, get out of there, and then he also got out of there right before it exploded. Core Hunter hid the first piece of the Doom Box in the mine and then stole a ship to get out of the planet. Since the robbery, people in the society were embarrassed by it, so they extremely improved their security, as they have an automated security system that shoots bright blue bolts of energy and missiles at visiting space craft, including Drop Ships piloted by Heroes. There are security robots called Sentinel Mechanoids. They are armed with weapons. Six of the robots are patrolling the mine, which they consider their restricted area. They can mentally get information from their home base. Their optic sensors can scan their target beings in a few seconds, and transmit their images and specifications before the security robots can say their response, where they confirm the targets' identities. The people of the city do not care if the visitors that they are attacking are good or bad unless they get clarification.

Recently, Preston Stormer and William Furno went to the planet to find the Doom Box piece there, but the city's people used their new weapons to attack the Heroes when the Heroes arrived at the planet, though the Heroes survived. They went to the mine to try to find the Doom Box, but Core Hunter got away with the piece before they could find it. Core Hunter used artificial dust in the mine to cover his tracks, leading the two Heroes to a trap. During the search, Stormer, who did not ask for official permission to open the barrier because he was on the rush in the mission, used a small metal square device to destroy the mine's barrier like glass, so the Heroes could enter the mine. After the Heroes escaped from the Duradium in the mine while destroying its private property in there, they were confronted by Sentinel Mechanoids, who politely threatened to arrest them for trespassing in the mine and destruction of the private property, as they raised their weapons on the Heroes. Stormer, exhausted and fed up, tried to convince the robots to let them pass because he and Furno were on an important mission, but the robots did not listen, as one of the Sentinel Mechanoids called Sentinel Mechanoid 411 persisted in saying the security robots' warning to the Heroes. Stormer damaged the robot, and then Furno aimed his Plasma Gun at the robots to convince them to let him and Stormer pass. The robots recognized the Heroes and announced to send a formal complaint about damaging unit 411 to the Hero Factory. The robots let the Heroes pass.[SM1]

Sigma Sigma

The Sigma Sigma system, also called the Sigma Sigma Sector,[Episode 8] is located somewhere in the galaxy. It contains a communications satellite called the Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite, which is owned and used by the Hero Factory, as there are Hero Factory workers working and living there. The satellite is located in an asteroid field, where there is no gravity.

It was at some point recently attacked by Splitface. However, Mark Surge protected the satellite from him.[Episode 8][Episode 9][SM1]

Tarantula Nebula

A planet in the Tarantula Nebula has a plasmoid manufacturing plant in the nebula's outer fringes.(shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)


The Tarek system has a planet that contained a village briefly ravaged by mutant pandas, and a Hero team was displaced to deal with the problem.(Hero Factory FM)


The Taygeta system has at least six planets. The sixth planet is a deserted planet with a wasteland.

XPlode and Rotor arrived there to use a machine called an energy drainer to drain Heroes' Hero Cores' energy, as assigned by Von Nebula. The villains tricked the Hero Factory into thinking that the planet has a "thieves bank" that it has been looking looking for for years, so the Hero Factory would send Heroes to the planet. Rotor buried the machine in a spot. Six hours after the villains landed, Jimi Stringer and Dunkan Bulk came to arrest the villains. When the Heroes fought them, the villains used the device to drain the Heroes' cores while pretending to lose the fight. However, Rotor was frustrated with his and XPlode's plan, so he tried to defeat the Heroes immediately, but he unintentionally ruined the plan by exposing the device to the Heroes. Stringer destroyed the device. The Heroes got recharged by the incident, so the Heroes defeated and arrested the villains.(Galaxy's Most Wanted - Evil to the Core)

Planets and Planetoids

Alpha Gamma IV

Alpha Gamma IV is a blue planet that has many cities with thousands of shining silver towers, which are built above an ocean. It is an important center for scientific research. It has rich mineral deposits and docks.

At some point in the past, the planet was not very different from other worlds, but a climate catastrophe caused the sea level to rise by several meters. The planet's inventive inhabitants raised their cities above the water level with giant platforms supported by thousands of metal poles.

At one time, Preston Stormer and William Furno arrived at Aqua Gamma IV to stop Meltdown and Corroder from attacking its largest city.(To Serve and to Protect - Measure of Heroism)

Arkoula 116

Arkoula 116 is a planet that was the site of a successful Epsilon Team/Epsilon 1 Team mission.(Hero Factory FM)

The Brains' Planet

A rocky gray planet with many craters in a far corner of the galaxy[BA!][TBW] where an unknown villain created the Brains and launched them to the Makuhero Planet.[Episode 10]

Cerrazon 8

Cerrazon 8 is a planet where Natalie Breez once beat Preston Stormer in a foot race.(Hero Factory FM)

Cherith 9

Cherith 9 is a planet once attacked by Arcadian Sand Snakes.(Hero Factory FM)


Cygnia is a planet that is known for having a place called a "Thermo-Dam". A villain named Corroder sabotaged the Cygnia Thermo-Dam.[HFPM][C2]


Deltari has a peaceful region called the Deltari Quadrant. The region was where Von Nebula and five members of his gang, XPlode, Rotor, Corroder, Meltdown, and Thunder, recently attacked and stole its precious gems called Palamino Diamonds at one time.(Hero Factory FM)

Earth's Solar System


The planet Mercury is known to have Mercurian mice.[Episode 1]


The planet Venus is used by a vacation robot company called Electric-Dream Holidays as a vacation resort. They consider Venus' atmosphere with sulphuric acid as delightful for relaxing, and the atmosphere is used to clean robots and make them shine.(shown in Makuhero Star)



The planet Earth is inhabited by a completely organic species known as humans. A dragon was spotted at a North American high school after an alert, and the Epsilon 4 team contained the dragon. It has one satellite, the Moon or Luna.

The Hero Factory once teamed up with an Earth company called LEGO to create Hero action figures. Stormer thought the figures are too small.(Hero Factory FM)


The planet Saturn has a king.(Hero Factory FM)


An evil gorgon is from the planet Neptune.(Hero Factory FM)

Epsilon Gamma IV

Epsilon Gamma IV is the fourth planet in the Epsilon Gamma system. It was where Splitface and Voltix were doing a robbery in a city during nighttime and where Stormer and Thresher arrested Voltix.[SM2]

Etamin II

The planet Etamin II briefly banned Hero teams on the planet after cleaning bots attempted to be Heroes and caused serious damage. However, the Rho 3 Hero team proved the Heroes were not at fault, and the bans were subsequently reversed.

Fabulox 18

Fabulox 18 is a desert planet.(Hero Factory FM)


Gronnd is a planet in the far reaches of the galaxy, where the Valiant was made.[SM3]

Hive Planets

Thornraxx's Hive Planet

A hive planet that is home to Thornraxx and the irritable insects of his breed.

Kollix IV

Kollix IV is an ice planet. After breaking out of the Hero Factory's Villain Storage Unit, the villain Speeda Demon went here.[Episode 8][Episode 9]

Lemus 2

Lemus 2 is a planetoid known for producing explosives. XPlode and Rotor attempted to raid a factory there, but were stopped by Preston Stormer and William Furno's rookie team.[Episode 1][C1]


Mechna is the planet where XT4 robots are produced. It is also the home planet of the criminal known simply as XT4.[SM2][FO:MSG]

Prima Giedi System

Almaak IV

When the planet Almaak IV mysteriously disappeared, the Alpha 1 Team was called in to investigate. They discovered that officials of Almaak V had cloaked Almaak IV in order to provoke a war with the worlds of the Prima Giedi system.

Almaak V

Alpha 1 Team was called to Almaak V for the investigation of Almaak IV's disappearance.



Quatros is a protected techno-organic planet teeming with wildlife that possesses Quaza. Aldous Witch arrived there and became a villain called the Witch Doctor. He drained the planet's core of its Quaza, and the Alpha 1 Team was sent to intervene. The Alpha 1 Team saved the planet from dying by depositing all of its core's lost Quaza back to it.[C6][Episode 6][Episode 7][C7]


A backwards planet that a letter was delivered from to Mak Megahertz.(Hero Factory FM)



Scylla is a water planet, home to the villain Jawblade and of the naturally occurring rusting agent Oxidium.[Episode 8][Episode 9]


Zed 4 was sent to Seguins to help the new Suzerain, their ruler, as she toured war-torn lands that were under her rule. The Heroes set up an avalanche and made it seem the Suzerain saved the Heroes, bolstering her public image.

Sigma Pi III

Sigma Pi III is a planet containing a museum. The entrances to the museum are all heavily guarded by security robots. The museum has samples of precious metals, which are looked at by Jawblade as the most valuable in the galaxy. It also has large aquariums[FO:MSG] that contain huge water tanks. One of the aquariums has a tank that contains a Viper Squid. There is a huge pipe connecting the museum that recycles the aquariums' water. The pipe had an iron grille at the end. After the grille, the pipe gets so narrow that either Jawblade or Toxic Reapa would have to travel in a line. The planet also has the largest robot-made river on itself. The river is famous for its warmth and the abundance of fish and plant life. The museum sits right on the river's northern shore.

During the Hero Factory's early days, people from the museum were hosting an exhibition of the precious metals. Jawblade and Toxic Reapa tried to steal the metals, which were not guarded, from the museum by using the pipe to get inside the museum, but they were stopped by Stringer and Bulk. Toxic Reapa was captured by the Heroes while Jawblade got away. Bulk torn off a piece of the museum's metal flooring to tie up Toxic Reapa, though Stringer was worried that the people from the museum would not like this. The museum was soemwhat damaged during the incident.[SM2]


Sleewa is a planet where Tito Box lives.(Hero Factory FM)

Tallos 5

Tallos 5 is a mining planet. Stormer met Fire Lord here before the mining robot and three others malfunctioned.[Episode 5]

Tansari VI

Tansari VI is a planet filled with naturally occurring energy cells. Voltix traveled here after escaping from Hero Factory.[Episode 8][Episode 9]

Tantalus 5

Tantalus 5

Penitentiary 1331

Penitentiary 1331 is a prison under construction on Tantalus 5. When Corroder attacked the construction site, Heroes Dunkan Bulk, Jimi Stringer, Mark Surge and later William Furno attempted to apprehend him, but Corroder managed to escape.[Episode 2][C2]

Tranquis VII

Tranquis VII is a planet where the Galactic Conspiracy was working on their super-weapon called Project Sunstorm, which caused a devastating disaster there.[SM4]


Tranquis is a city in the planet that is inhabited by robots. Two Galactic Conspiracy members, Dumacc and Karter, were working on Project Sunstorm there. The city was attacked by a swarm of Brains, who possessed many inhabitants, though the inhabitants had partial immunity to the Brains' control. The Brains used the robots to largely destroy the city. Furno, Bulk, and Stringer defeated the Brains and Karter,[SM4] and then all of the Brains' hosts are freed.[SM5]

Tyral 9

A Hero team was sent to Tyral 9 to rescue a robotic pilot who was stranded there with his broke-down transport pod and surrounded by a pack of hungry Canabots.[Episode 1]


A planet where the Sierra Team was looking for a giant Acid Snake. Zed Clickstart accompanied the team there.(Hero Factory FM)


Zarron is a planet covered in bamboo.(Hero Factory FM)


Z'chaya is a jungle planet. Various insect species, as well as Toxic Reapa's race, are native to the planet.[Episode 8][Episode 9]

Other Planets

  • Rotor's home planet.[HFPM]
  • A swamp planet where a hostile giant mechanical insect and a population of people live. It has sticky mud.(shown in Stuck On A Problem!)
  • A planet where Black Phantom's ally or allies got the Hero Factory schematics.[Episode 9][HiA]
  • A planet where Arctur and Deneb's group of four villains lived. It has a stone underground complex, which is a maze with almost pitch-black tunnels and has central a chamber with a well of flame and a stone pedestal. The Doom Box was created by the villains here 5,000 years ago, and could only be used here when it is reassembled. The complex also has a basement. Deneb carved a map of the Doom Box's pieces' locations on a stone wall. A thousand years ago, treasure hunters rediscovered the chamber and noticed the map, but did not understand the map. One of the explorers discovered what it is, so they used lasers to cut the map out of the wall and took it away, despite not knowing why the map was made. Great geysers of flame erupt from a surface studded with craters and ruined buildings, and the planet is deserted. It is like this because of the second of Arctur's two mistakes, the first being the Doom Box.[SM1]
  • A small criminal desert world without a name in a backwater part of the galaxy. It is hot. It has a year-round population of only a few hundred to a thousand or more robots. The planet is used by criminals who are on the run or in between jobs, and the criminals use the planet to hide, rest, refit, and sell their stolen goods. Here, Geb ran a refueling station for criminals in the heart of a town. A vault in a secret room in the refueling center was where Core Hunter had his duplicate hide the second of the three fragments of the Doom Box. Recently, when Bulk and Breez went looking for the Doom Box piece, Core Hunter had three dozen robotic criminals fight them. During the battle and when Bulk and Breez defeated the criminals, the refueling station got destroyed by the battle.[SM1]
  • An unknown planet where Core Hunter got the third and final piece of the Doom Box from.[SM1]
  • A planet with a ship graveyard somewhere in the center of the galaxy where an old cargo freighter was abandoned in. The freighter had a crew of six robots. A large deaf mechanical creature was contained and was being shipped in a crate in the way back of the ship's central cargo bay while the ship was drifting in space long ago. However, the creature eventually got out of its crate, damaged the room, and shocked the robots to sleep mode. Core Hunter and Stringer fought the creature. Core Hunter hid the third of the fragments of the Doom Box in the cargo bay. After Core Hunter, Stringer, and the creature left the freighter, the robots in there were reawakened, and the freighter was emptied before being placed in the ship graveyard, though the Doom Box piece was still hidden. The ship graveyard is a very bad place for the Heroes to contact Hero Factory from there. Recently, a team of security robots from the company that managed the ship graveyard was guarding it for Stringer and Surge. However, the security robots got deactivated by Core Hunter's mercenaries.[SM1]
  • A world from the outer rim of the galaxy where the large deaf mechanical creature that Stringer and Core Hunter fought in the cargo freighter lived.[SM1]
  • A mining planet on a galactic rim far from the Makuhero Planet. It is where Aird Mining Company works. The planet used to have trees and other natural features, but all of them had been blasted away or plowed under long ago. It has Mining Robots and ore freighters.[SM2]
  • A planet where Bulk and Von Ness had to escort a freight convoy.[SM2]
  • An uncharted planet where Thresher now works in after retiring from the Hero Factory.[SM2]
  • A frontier planet where Stormer was captured by smugglers, but rescued by Aquax, during the Hero Factory's early days.[SM3]
  • A planet where the leader of the Galactic Conspiracy lives.[SM5]
  • A hundred worlds that the Galactic Conspiracy has influence over.[SM5]
  • Many planets neighboring the Makuhero Planet.[SM5]
  • A frontier planet where Meltdown was built.[FO:MSG]

Asteroids and Satellites

Asteroid J-54

Asteroid J-54 is a prison asteroid that has a prison that was created before Hero Factory did.

Lunar Tratix

The moon known as Lunar Tratix is home to the Tratix Reptoids. It was once ventured to by several Alpha 1 members to help find a cure for Stormer's nanobot infection.[Episode 3][C3]

Merak 9

Merak 9 is a mining asteroid that XPlode and Rotor attempted to steal a shipment of C-4000 from. Their attempt was thwarted by Alpha 1.[Episode 1][C1]

Cities and Structures

These cities and structures belong to various locations in the galaxy, with most of the locations being unknown.

Android Relaxation Grounds Castle

A vacation ground, the Android Relaxation Grounds Castle was once attacked by Fire Sprites. The Rho 14 Hero team was dispatched, and contained the menace.

Antropolis City

Antropolis City is a city on a planet, where a species of creatures called Jumpers lived. Robotic people from the city tried to make a tunnel under the city, but this awakened the Jumpers and made them mistakenly think that they were under attack, so the Jumpers attacked the city in retaliation. The Alpha 1 Team came to stop the threat with their Battle Machines. After the Jumpers were stopped, Alpha 1 had the city's people build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it.

Jupiter Valley

Jupiter Valley is where a woman named Patrinka and at least some of Megahertz' family live.(Hero Factory FM)

Mekron City

Mekron City

Mekron City is a city on an asteroid in the Mekronite Planetoid Belt, where Vapor and Meltdown were once spotted. The city has a police department run by chief Drax. Drax was infected by nanobots by Meltdown, and attacked his ally Stormer when he arrived. Drax was defeated, though Stormer was infected here as well.

Stellac City

A city, called Stellac City, that has art place called the Stellac City National Gallery. This place got recently robbed by a thief named Interpolar Bear, a cat burglar who wears a panda suit. Mak Megahertz from Hero Factory FM later got a letter from Zeldeen from the city.

New Stellac City

Two famous Hero Factory missions occurred in New Stellac City. The first was the face-off against a giant drone where Stormer saved the day and his team leader Thresher, while Von Ness fled.

Much later, the second mission was where Alpha 1 was sent to investigate a disturbance, and found Thunder, Corroder, XPlode, and Meltdown.

Space Station Regular 1

Delta 9, led by Lucas Valor, responded to a hostage situation involving Captain Dark Horrendous at Space Station Regular 1. The Heroes succeeded in rescuing the hostages.

Tanker Station 22

Tanker Station 22 was once attacked by Fire Lord and his minions, who easily managed to defeat Alpha 1. The team upgraded and returned, defeating Fire Lord and his gang.

Other Cities and Structures

  • A major city that Meltdown destroyed.[HFPM]
  • An iridium mine that Meltdown sabotaged.[HFPM]
  • A city that was attacked by Cornelius Zo and his army of Tiger Ants at one time a year before Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk did their first interview with Mak Megahertz in Hero Factory FM. The three Heroes fought and defeated Zo and his army.
  • Von Nebula's lair, which is on a barren place with several dark structures, in a dark building.[C2][C3]
  • A prison asteroid with at least one on-screen cell. Meltdown was imprisoned by Stormer and Furno there, in the cell, but Metldown later escaped before he and Corroder attacked Alpha Gamma IV's largest city.(To Serve and to Protect - Measure of Heroism)
  • A prison where XPlode and Rotor were imprisoned in by Jimi Stringer and Dunkan Bulk after failing to use an energy drainer to defeat them. Von Nebula sent Thunder to break XPlode and Rotor out.(Galaxy's Most Wanted - Evil to the Core)
  • A city where Dunkan Bulk, William Furno, and a Drop Ship Pilot fought Vapor.[S!]
  • Hero Factory's refueling stations besides Tanker Station 22.[FO:MSG, p. 34]
  • A refueling station on one of the many planets that let robotic criminals recharge for a large fee. That is where Splitface talked to Jawblade about his encounter with Heroes during the Hero Factory's early days.[SM2]
  • Splitface's favorite robot repair shops. It is usually a haven for the villains when they come back from their rough jobs. One of them was where Black Phantom met Splitface, Jawblade, Speeda Demon, and Thornraxx and formed the Legion of Darkness with them.[SM2]
  • A refueling station where Black Phantom announced to the Legion that they will use the Hero Factory as their new headquarters.[SM2]
  • Many hideouts that the criminals use.[SM2]
    • Core Hunter's hideouts.[FO:MSG]

Other Celestial Objects

Von Nebula's Black Hole Base

The black hole

Von Nebula created a gigantic black hole-like place with his Black Hole Orb Staff as his base of operations. Stormer and Furno became sucked within it, and resisted the pull of the black hole. Furno dropped four Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings into the hole, and it began to implode. The black hole completely imploded, so it is now non-existent.[Episode 4][C4]

Yequee Gas Clouds

The notorious Yequee Gas Clouds are a 14-million mile long stretch of Yeq particles, that eat steel and metal and provide trouble for travelers. Mu 19 removed many Yeq particles.


See also

Planets and Planetoids Makuhero Planet | Lemus 2 | Tantalus 5 | Tallos 5 | Quatros | Z'chaya | Scylla | Thornraxx's Hive Planet | Mechna | Kollix IV | Tansari VI | Brains' Planet | Tranquis VII
Asteroids and Satellites Lunar Tratix | Merak 9 | Asteroid J-54
Cities and Structures Makuhero City (Hero Factory) | New Stellac City | Mekron City | Tanker Station 22 | Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite | Antropolis City
Alternate Universes Reality 09091.5 | Reality 11275.6 | Reality 37834.1 | Reality 45098.3 | Reality 50678.2