"The planet has evolved... It's alive. You take the Quaza away and you hurt it. That's why the mining was stopped, so as not to 'kill' the place."
― Jimi Stringer, Savage Planet
Parent Page: Locations
Quatros | ||||
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Quatros is a techno-organic jungle paradise planet that houses the rare mineral Quaza.

The planet Quatros is one of the last few natural sources of Quaza in the galaxy. Long ago, it was originally inhabited by a race who revered the Quaza, and the power it possessed. The people built a large temple in one spot of the planet, where the planet's core's Quaza can be mined. When civilization disappeared, they left behind artifacts and ruins.[FO:MSG]
Decades ago, Quatros was once mined by the Hero Factory for the Quaza it possessed. However, it was discovered that the mining was detrimental to the planet, so it was designated as a protected planet and established as a wildlife preserve. A force field was erected around the planet, accessible only to Hero Factory personnel, though the Hero Factory left their mining equipment and teleportation tunnels.[FO:MSG]
Some time later, the scientist Aldous Witch went there to illegally mine the planet's Quaza while the planet has a small amount of Quaza. He successfully deactivated the force field, but crashed his ship. While mining, Witch discovered a staff and a skull in an ancient temple. Witch combined the two relics with a sliver of Quaza to create the Skull Staff, and was mutated into Witch Doctor. Witch Doctor eventually began to implant corrupted Quaza spikes into native animals to control them, and help him mine Quaza.
To acquire a new ship, Witch Doctor sent a distress signal out, which was picked up by the Hero Factory. The Factory sent out the jungle-adapted Alpha 1 Team, who used two Drop Ships to get to Quatros. They quickly discovered that the distress signal was a ruse, and that Witch Doctor was aiming to mine every bit of Quaza from the planet.[Episode 6][C6]
Witch successfully mined the planet's last reserves of Quaza, triggering a reaction that set about the destruction of the planet. Before the planet could be completely obliterated, William Furno was able to disable Witch's blimp, which contained the Quaza, and return the Quaza to the planet, saving it and returning it to its former glory. The Heroes arrested the Witch Doctor,[Episode 7][C7] and all seven people left the planet. The Hero Factory restored its force field, the planet went back to being peaceful.
The Hero Factory has increased patrols in the area to prevent another such crisis from happening. The Hero Factory's chairman, Akiyama Makuro, vowed to make the planet stay protected.[FO:MSG] Many members of the Hero Recon Team, including Merrick Fortis, went to explore the planet to see if the Witch Doctor had contacted other villains. A Hero Recon Team member, "Omega", and a number of other members went to clean up the mess on the planet.(Omega Recon Reports)

Quatros is a techno-organic jungle paradise planet, and reacts to external sources and stimuli. The mining of the Quaza within the planet altered the very shape and features of the planet, and affected the way the life on the planet, both animals and plants, behaved. When the planet is healthy, it is green, but when it becomes unhealthy because of all of the planet's core's slivers of red Quaza being taken out of it, it will slowly turn gray, make a large red hole in the planet, make energy sparks from the hole, cause mild earthquakes, red spots to appear in some of the planet's giant holes, and clouds to quickly twirl, lose its density and form, and make rocks break themselves from the planet and float in space, slowly making the planet look disturbing and shake, and then leading it to break apart. However, if one returns all of the Quaza back to the core before the planet will completely break apart, the planet will change back to its normal form and behavior, and the damage in there will be reversed. This can also create a flash of bright and blinding light from the planet that lasts for a moment while the planet heals. However, rocks fall down and branches fall out from the trees during the planet's dying situation.
The planet is filled with vast expanses of jungles and forests, and various forms of vegetation. Some of the trees and some of the stones in the planet have blue lines. The trees' lines make bursts of blue energy when the trees get hit by something. The planet also has giant holes and continents. The climate is mostly tropical, with high heat and humidity. There are also micro-organisms on the planet that corrode electronics and reduce hydraulic efficiency.(shown in the July-August 2011 issue of the LEGO Magazine)
There are two different kinds of Quaza in the planet. One is a corrupted kind of Quaza that are black spike-like rocks with red tips. This type of Quaza can be used to possess Quatros' animals. The other type is cylindrical red Quaza. The planet's core's Quaza is from the second type.

The ancient civilization that lived in Quatros built a large temple with stone and a tree in one spot, and left behind artifacts and ruins.[FO:MSG] At the very focal point of the planet's Quaza source is the temple, which leads to the planet's core, where the Quaza is located and substaining the planet. The stone front of the temple has the ancient civilization's hieroglyphics carved on it, and has a stone patio around it. The patio has blue lines on one side that is not touching the temple. The hieroglyphics say that one would have to bring the Quaza back to the planet's core to save it. Heropedia does not exactly have the hieroglyphics, and Professor Nathaniel Zib and Quadal did their best to decipher it.[Episode 7] There are also powerful ancient armor pieces placed in the temple. There is a cracked hole on the front left of the temple, which led to a cave-like stone room that contained the pieces. The hole is so small that a 2.0 or 3.0 Hero can enter the room. The pieces were later used by Daniel Rocka, with the help of Julius Nex and William Furno, to fight the Witch Doctor, but he discarded the pieces after Quatros was saved from destruction.[Episode 7]
There is another anicent temple where a mysterious stone skull was buried in, and the skull used by Aldous Witch as a part for the Skull Staff.
There is also mining equipment, left behind by the Hero Factory, including teleportation units, which are tunnels capable of taking someone from one part of the planet to another and disassembling and reconstituting molecular structures when it happens. The equipment has since run out of energy when the Hero Factory stopped mining.[FO:MSG] According to Julius Nex, since each of the tunnels is not active anymore after a long time of not being used, it might have become unstable, so it could not take more than three Heroes in a charge, and it could take days for the tunnel to recharge. When the Heroes use the tunnel to get to their destination, the tunnel shrinks them to a small size.[Episode 6] After two normal-sized Heroes use the Hero Cell device to rewire the tunnel, the shrunken Heroes can use the tunnel to restore their normal size.[Episode 7][C7]
The Hero Factory protects Quatros with a force field. Hero Factory personnel can use disarm passwords to disable the force field, so they can enter the planet.[Episode 6]
All of the local lifeforms on Quatros are techno-organic, a blend of technological and biological components. They react to the Quaza in the planet, much like the plant life does, and can be controlled when implanted with corrupted Quaza. The animals are usually friendly without being controlled by a villain using the corrupted Quaza. Some of the species are highly intelligent and capable of speech.[Episode 6][Episode 7][C7]
The planet was once inhabited by an ancient civilization, who believed that Quaza was imperative to the planet's health. This race has since disappeared, leaving only ruins and artifacts behind.
Known beasts of the planet include:
- According to Episode 6: Savage Planet Part 1, the transporter to the temple that leads to the planet's core is located in Sector Y in Quatros. The temple has its own sector in Quatros.
- In the background of set 2231 Waspix's front box art, there are trees with spikes that have glowing red tips.
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See also
Locations | ||
Planets and Planetoids | Makuhero Planet | Lemus 2 | Tantalus 5 | Tallos 5 | Quatros | Z'chaya | Scylla | Thornraxx's Hive Planet | Mechna | Kollix IV | Tansari VI | Brains' Planet | Tranquis VII | |
Asteroids and Satellites | Lunar Tratix | Merak 9 | Asteroid J-54 | |
Cities and Structures | Makuhero City (Hero Factory) | New Stellac City | Mekron City | Tanker Station 22 | Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite | Antropolis City | |
Alternate Universes | Reality 09091.5 | Reality 11275.6 | Reality 37834.1 | Reality 45098.3 | Reality 50678.2 |