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"Even an army couldn't put me down!"
― Scorpio, Savage Planet Part 2

Parent Page: Characters

Known locations Quatros
Weapons Stingers
Ball Shooter
Conservation status Active
Set number 2236 Scorpio (instructions)

Scorpio are large, powerful, scorpion-like techno-organic creatures that live in Quatros.


At some point, the Scorpio were created. They live in Quatros.

The corrupted Scorpio

Scorpio are notoriously hard to find on Quatros, but at least one male Scorpio was found by Witch Doctor, who implanted him with two corrupted Quaza spikes and used the Skull Staff to mind-control him. This Scorpio began serving and protecting Witch Doctor, though he hates doing so.[FO:MSG]

The Scorpio, along with an enslaved female Waspix and an enslaved male Raw-Jaw, found three Alpha 1 Team members, William Furno, Julius Nex, and Jimi Stringer. The enslaved creatures were about to fight them when the Witch Doctor recalled them to do some duties for him, so they retreated.

The Scorpio and the Waspix attacked Furno, Nex, and Stringer when the three Heroes traversed the jungle on the way to the temple serving as Witch Doctor's base of operations.[Episode 6] The Scorpio fought Nex and Stringer on a ravine while Furno fought the Waspix in the air. Nex and Stringer flipped the Scorpio over to the ground to stun him, making him struggle to stand. After the three Heroes freed the Waspix, the Scorpio finally got up and continued attacking the Heroes. He damaged Furno's eagle wing jets, preventing him from flying. The Heroes decided to run to the temple, but the scorpion gave chase, pursuing them all the way there. When Witch Doctor noticed the Heroes and Scorpio, he used the Skull Staff to recharge one of the Scorpio's Quaza spikes, keeping his control over the Scorpio. Furno, with the help of Stringer, was able to remove the the beast's active Quaza spike, freeing the Scorpio. The Scorpio was so happy to be freed that he accidentally knocked Furno off his back. He attacked the Witch Doctor, seeking revenge for his enslavement. Witch Doctor got overwhelmed by the Scorpio, so he directed the Raw-Jaw to fight the scorpion. After a brief battle, the Raw-Jaw eventually dispatched the Scorpio, tossing him off a ledge to the jungle floor.[Episode 7] It is possible that this Scorpio survived.[C7] If there were more posessed Scorpio, then they would also have been freed from the Witch Doctor's control when the Skull Staff was taken from the Witch Doctor.

Abilities and Traits

The Scorpio are around as large as an XL Hero. Despite their large stature, Scorpio are adept at slipping through small spaces. They have a bladed stinger tail and a mounted ball shooter, which functions like a Meteor Blaster, for capturing prey, and utilizes pure Quaza. Scorpio also bear heavy, spiked armor plating, and powerful pincers. They are strong enough to overpower three 3.0 Heroes and fight a Raw-Jaw. Scorpios are highly intelligent, and are capable of speech. They are incredibly fast, and sometimes use pincers on their mandibles to capture prey if close. They can jump from one ledge to another that is far from the other.[Episode 7]

Set Information

Scorpio Set
Set 2236 Scorpio

2236 Scorpio was released in mid-2011. It contains 104 pieces, including a printed armor piece, two dual-colored Quaza spikes on its legs, and a plastic sphere. A launcher built onto the set's tail can fire the sphere when the sides of the launcher are squeezed.



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See also

External links

Lunar Tratix Tratix Reptoids
Quatros Fangz | Raw-Jaws | Scorpio | Waspix
Makuhero Planet Dune Crawlers (Scarox) | Rock Giants (Bruizer) | Bull Creatures (Pyrox) | Ogres (Ogrum) | Sea Creatures (Aquagon) | Ice Creatures (Frost Beast) | Dragons (Dragon Bolt)
Antropolis City Jumpers (Jaw Beasts, Flyer Beasts, Splitter Beasts, Tunneler Beasts, Crystal Beasts, Queen Beast)
Earth A Dragon