From HEROsector01
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Villains jailed in the Hero Factory's Storage Facility
The villains escaping the Storage Facility during the Breakout
Concept art of villains for the 2010 story arc
Von Nebula's Gang
Von Nebula
Von Ness
Von Ness
Von Ness with Thresher
Preston Stormer facing Von Ness
Stormer fighting Von Ness
Von Nebula
Von Nebula
Von Nebula
Von Nebula
Von Nebula in action
Set 7145 Von Nebula
The front side of the set's box
Von Nebula
Von Nebula as depicted in the television episodes
Von Nebula in his black hole base
Von Nebula through his black hole base
Close up of Von Nebula
Von Nebula facing Furno
Von Nebula in the game Mission: Von Nebula
Von Nebula in Comic 3: The Enemy Within
Stormer absorbing Von Nebula into the Black Hole Orb Staff
Von Nebula facing Furno and Stormer
Von Nebula's hand in Episode 9
Von Nebula in a promotional animation
Von Nebula on the cover of a Polish activity book
A colorless picture of Von Nebula, Stormer, Furno, Breez, and Surge illustrated by Pop Mhan
Concept art of Furno facing Von Nebula
A page of Makuhero Star that shows the Von Nebula set's prototype's helmet
Von Nebula's symbol
Four criminals in Episode 4
Four captured criminals watched by Jimi Stringer and Dunkan Bulk
The team capturing the criminals
The criminals struggling to escape
Set 7147 XPlode
The front side of the set's box
XPlode firing his Meteor Blaster
XPlode in the game Mission: Von Nebula
XPlode in Trials of Furno
XPlode in Episode 1
XPlode fighting Stormer
XPlode and Stormer
XPlode pushing his spiked club against Stormer's Multifunctional Ice Weapon
XPlode using his Explosive Spikes
Close up of XPlode
XPlode in prison
XPlode's symbol
Set 7148 Meltdown
The front side of the set's box
Meltdown firing his Meteor Blaster
Meltdown in Comic 3: The Enemy Within
Meltdown attacking Stormer
Meltdown as depicted in the television episodes
Meltdown using his Radioactive Sludge Shooter
Meltdown using his Radioactive Sludge Shooter
Meltdown in Mekron City
Close up of Meltdown
Meltdown's "Wanted" poster in Mekron City
Meltdown in a promo animation
Meltdown in the game Mission: Von Nebula
Meltdown's symbol
Set 7156 Corroder
The front side of the set's box
Corroder firing his Meteor Blaster
Corroder in Comic 2: Core Crisis
Corroder as depicted in the television episodes
Close up of Corroder
Corroder using his Acid Blasters
Corroder using his Acid Blasters
Corroder facing Furno
Furno's small Hero Pod having hit Corroder
Corroder creating a smokescreen
Corroder in the game Mission: Von Nebula
Corroder's symbol
Thunder firing his Meteor Blaster
Set 7157 Thunder
The front side of the set's box
Thunder in Episode 4
Thunder in New Stellac City
Thunder using his Nebula Gas Cannon
Thunder in the comics
Thunder in the game Mission: Von Nebula
Thunder's symbol
The front side of the set's box
Set 7162 Rotor
Rotor in Comic 1: Trials of Furno
Rotor in Episode 1
Close up of Rotor
Rotor shooting his Biohazard Gas Shooter
Rotor using his Meteor Blaster
Furno pinning Rotor down
Rotor in Hero Cuffs
Rotor's symbol
Vapor in combat with Dunkan Bulk
Bulk in combat with Bulk
Set 7179 Bulk & Vapour
Bulk and Vapor
Vapor's "Wanted" poster in Mekron City
Vapor's symbol
"Silver" in Episode 4: Von Nebula
"Silver" in Von Nebula Rising
Preston Stormer freezing "Silver"
Stormer attacking "Silver"
"Silver" being defeated
The original model of the drone
Fire Villains
The Fire Villains invading Tanker Station 22
The criminals surrounding their foes
The criminals surrounding Surge
Fire Lord and his minions battling Alpha 1 Team
Art of Fire Lord and Nitroblast in action
Fire Lord and his minions
The Fire Villains in the European Promotional Comic
Fire Lord and Drilldozer in Episode 5
Nitroblast and Drilldozer in Episode 5
Fire Lord and Jetbug in the Hero Factory jail
Fire Lord
Fire Lord
Fire Lord absorbing energy
Fire Lord creating an energy blast from the enrgy he absorbed
Fire Lord
Fire Lord
Fire Lord versus Stormer 2.0 and Evo 2.0
Fire Lord in action
Fire Lord
Set 2235 Fire Lord
Fire Lord in the game Mission: Ordeal of Fire
Fire Lord
Fire Lord
Fire Lord fighting Stormer
Fire Lord
Drilldozer in Episode 5
Drilldozer in an animation
Drilldozer versus Nex 2.0
Drilldozer in action
Set 2192 Drilldozer
Drilldozer in the game Mission: Ordeal of Fire
Drilldozer absorbing blasts
Drilldozer approaching Natalie Breez and William Furno
Drilldozer posturing
Jetbug in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire
Jetbug in Episode 5
Close up of Jetbug
Jetbug versus Furno 2.0
Jetbug in action
Set 2193 Jetbug
Jetbug in the game Mission: Ordeal of Fire
Nitroblast in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire
Nitroblast in Episode 5
Nitroblast holding a fuel cell
Nitroblast versus Breez 2.0
Nitroblast in action
Set 2194 Nitroblast
Nitroblast in the game Mission: Ordeal of Fire
Witch Doctor
Aldous Witch
Aldous Witch
Witch trying to implant a Hero Core on himself
Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor fighting Furno 3.0
Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor in the Issue 3 2011/June-July-August 2011 issue of the UK LEGO Club Magazine
Witch Doctor in the jungles of Quatros
Witch Doctor in the Witch Doctor battles Rocka XL video
Witch Doctor versus Rocka XL
Witch Doctor firing his blaster
Witch Doctor watching Rocka and Furno
Set 2283 Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor in the online game, Mission: Savage Planet
Witch Doctor in the television episodes
Close up of Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor and his corrupted Fangz
Witch Doctor facing Furno
Witch Doctor using the Skull Staff to watch Jimi Stringer
Witch Doctor and a corrupted Raw-Jaw
Witch Doctor fighting a Scorpio
Witch Doctor using the corrupted Quaza in the staff
Witch Doctor fighting Rocka XL
Stormer stealing the Skull Staff from Witch Doctor
The Alpha 1 Team arresting Witch Doctor
Witch Doctor's skull symbol
Witch Doctor's logo
Legion of Darkness
Five of the members
Black Phantom
Black Phantom in the Assembly Tower
Black Phantom being pursued by Daniel Rocka
6203 Black Phantom
Black Phantom in action
Black Phantom facing Rocka
Black Phantom in the Storage Facility
Promotional image of Black Phantom
Black Phantom facing Rocka
Black Phantom using Arachnix
Black Phantom battling Rocka
Black Phantom escaping from Rocka
Rocka cuffing Black Phantom
Rocka capturing Black Phantom
Black Phantom in the Television Episodes
Black Phantom using Anti-Quaza
Black Phantom facing five members of the Alpha 1 Team
Black Phantom plugged into the Assembly Tower
Rocka inserting cables to Black Phantom
Rocka overloading Black Phantom
Toxic Reapa
Toxic Reapa on Z'chaya
Toxic Reapa being pursued by Nathan Evo
Toxic Reapa
Toxic Reapa
Toxic Reapa battling Evo
Toxic Reapa in the Storage Facility
Toxic Reapa in the comics
Toxic Reapa in the Television Episodes
Toxic Reapa using his Toxic Jet
Toxic Reapa heading to a group of cocoons
Jawblade on Scylla
Jawblade being pursued by William Furno
Jawblade facing Furno
Jawblade facing Furno
Jawblade in the Storage Facility
Jawblade in the Television Episodes
Jawblade using the Magma Blades
Splitface in the Sigma Sigma system
Splitface being pursued by Mark Surge
Splitface firing his Poison Plasma Gun
Splitface battling Surge
Splitface in the Storage Facility
Splitface in Episode 8
Splitface in Episode 9
Splitface being snuck up on by Surge
Splitface's left side
Splitface's right side
Splitface fighting Surge
Splitface about to throw a rock at Surge
Surge shocking Splitface
Thornraxx in his hive planet
Thornraxx being pursued by Natalie Breez
Thornraxx in action
Thornaxx in the Storage Facility
XT4 on Mechna
XT4 being pursued by Julius Nex
XT4 in set form
XT4 in the Storage Facility
Voltix in Tansari VI
Voltix being pursued by Jimi Stringer
Voltix in set form
Voltix battling Stringer
Voltix in the Storage Facility
Voltix in the Comics
Voltix escaping in the mass breakout
Voltix creating a projection
Voltix attacking Rocka
Voltix in Tansari VI
Voltix stealing energy cells from a container in Tansari VI
Voltix stealing energy cells from a container in Tansari VI
Voltix shooting electricity from his horn-like devices
Voltix using his Shooting Volt Blaster to absorb electricity from Tansari VI's Energy Collection Array
Voltic using the Shooting Volt Blaster to absorb electricity from the Energy Collection Array
Voltix aiming the Shooting Volt Blaster
Voltix without his voltage booster switch
Voltix shocked when his red wires are removed by Stringer
Voltix in the Hero Factory
Speeda Demon
Speeda Demon in Kollix IV
Speeda Demon riding the Nitro Rocket Motorbike while being pursued by Preston Stormer XL
Speeda Demon
Speeda Demon battling Stormer
Speeda Demon in the Storage Facility
Speeda Demon in the Television Episodes
Stormer XL using the Ultra Mach Speed Cycle to chase Speeda Demon on the Nitro Rocket Motorbike
Speeda Demon using one of his Wing Blades
Speeda Demon being chased by Stormer's Scout Drones
Speeda Demon having been defeated by Stormer XL
Core Hunter
Core Hunter in Makuhero City
Core Hunter being pursued by Dunkan Bulk
Core Hunter in set form
Core Hunter in the Storage Facility
A Brain
Frost Beast's Brain
A black Brain, used to promote promotional set 40084 Accessory Pack
The black Brain in set form
Brains in tanks
A Brain in a tank
The Brains traveling through space
The Brains traveling through space
The Brains arriving on the Makuhero Planet
A Brain's rocket openedp
A Brain as it appears in Episode 10
A Brain in the kelp forest in the Makuhero Planet
Brain-possessed creatures invading Makuhero City
A Brain attacking Daniela Capricorn's camera robot
Capricorn hitting the Brain on the camera robot
A Brain attacking Surge
A swarm of Brains surrounding Surge
A swarm of Brains
40084 Accessory Pack
40084 Accessory Pack
CGI Brain. This is shown in the January-February 2013 Lego Magazine
A 3D concept work named "Trouble waiting to hatch", shown by Christian Faber, of the Brains in tanks. It was also shown as a preview in the January-February 2013 Lego Club Magazine
The Brains' creator
An unknown villain who created the Brains
The unknown villain managing a factory that created the Brains
The unknown villain managing the factory
The unknown villain managing the factory
The unknown villain managing the factory
The unknown villain managing the factory
Close up of the unknown villain
The unknown villain launching the Brains
Mutated Creatures
Unnamed Villain
An unnamed villain
The unnamed villain battling an unnamed rookie from the Alpha 1 Team