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"First, it smells of unwashed athletic components left in someone's locker. It's as hot as an oven and muggy as anything, like someone's left the steam cleaner running all night. The moisture condenses on your armor so you're constantly dribbling all over the place. Everything is sticky, or acidic, or tries to sting you or eat you...and it's YUCKY!"
Omega, Omega Recon Reports

Parent Page: Locations

Inhabitants Toxic Reapa's species, insects
Class Planet

Z'chaya is a planet which is the homeworld of Toxic Reapa's species.


The villain Toxic Reapa was known for having been born in Z'chaya.

After Voltix caused the massive Breakout from the Hero Factory prison, Toxic Reapa escaped back to his home planet in an attempt to hatch more individuals of his species to form an army.

Nathan Evo in Z'chaya

Rookie Hero Nathan Evo was sent to chase after the villain, with "Omega" and his team following him for investigation. Upon landing on Z'chaya, Evo located various eggs of Toxic Reapa's species. After Evo contacted William Furno in order to know what to do with the eggs, Toxic Reapa appeared and attacked the rookie. The villain then disappeared into Z'chaya's landscape, which confused the Hero.

After various brief assaults from Toxic Reapa, Evo contacted Furno once again. On advice from Furno, Evo managed to knock the villain off his feet, then proceeded to cuff him and returned to Hero Factory.


Z'chaya's landscape are mostly swamps and dense jungle-like environments. The planet has thick trees and secret caves.[HiA] The climate is known to be rather hot, with the planet also being muggy, and the surroundings being sticky, or acidic. The planet is also known to have a high level of moisture. There are also temple ruins.(shown in the Breakout game)


Toxic Reapa and his deadly species were born on this planet. It is also home to various insects that plague its jungle. There are transparent orange cocoons containing young members of Toxic Reapa's species, and groups of tons of cocoons are on some trees. There are metal pipes that attach the cocoons to their trees.[Episode 8][FO:MSG]



See also

Planets and Planetoids Makuhero Planet | Lemus 2 | Tantalus 5 | Tallos 5 | Quatros | Z'chaya | Scylla | Thornraxx's Hive Planet | Mechna | Kollix IV | Tansari VI | Brains' Planet | Tranquis VII
Asteroids and Satellites Lunar Tratix | Merak 9 | Asteroid J-54
Cities and Structures Makuhero City (Hero Factory) | New Stellac City | Mekron City | Tanker Station 22 | Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite | Antropolis City
Alternate Universes Reality 09091.5 | Reality 11275.6 | Reality 37834.1 | Reality 45098.3 | Reality 50678.2