Legion of Darkness

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This article is about the villain team. You may be looking for the novel.

"We beat Hero Factory with their own tricks. They have their Alpha Team ... we will be a Legion of Darkness."
Black Phantom, Legion of Darkness

Legion of Darkness

Five members of the Legion
Villain Team
Headquarters/Base A refueling station
Leader(s) Black Phantom
Status Disbanded
Goal(s) Destroy Hero Factory

The Legion of Darkness was a team of some of the greatest villains in the galaxy more than a hundred years ago. They were formed by Black Phantom to destroy the Hero Factory during its early days.


Seven villains, Black Phantom, Thornraxx, Speeda Demon, Jawblade, Splitface, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa, are looked at as the top criminals, thieves, and smugglers of the galaxy during Hero Factory's early days, more than a hundred years ago.[Media Center in 2010-2011] They had competition with each other, so they somewhat disliked each other and did not get along, though they did work together to do some crimes.

After the newly-formed Hero Factory arrested Voltix and Toxic Reapa and then had became a major presence in the galaxy, endangering the criminal activities of the villains across the galaxy, Black Phantom planned to form the Legion of Darkness with the other six villains and an XT4 industrial robot. He visited Thornraxx, Speeda Demon, Jawblade, and Splitface at a robot repair shop frequented by criminals, where he informed them about his plan to take down Hero Factory. Black Phantom convinced them to join the Legion of Darkness with him. Interested, the four villains joined his ranks. Black Phantom planned an attack upon one of hover transport ships that carried twenty-four recently created XT4 industrial robots from a Makuro Industries plant in planet Mechna. Thornraxx took control of the cargo ship and landed behind a hill. Black Phantom stole the industrial robots, and then had Splitface and Speeda Demon smash the ship to make it look like it crashed. Black Phantom reprogrammed all but one of the robots to wander around the area without any purpose, while the last was reprogrammed to work as Black Phantom's assistant, going under the name XT4. XT4 joined the Legion.

Black Phantom reprogrammed XT4 to believe that he is a newly-created member of the Alpha 1 Team. Black Phantom hacked into the Hero Factory system to post a false mission instructing Jimi Stringer and Preston Stormer to travel to a worksite of the Aird Mining Company to oversee the relocation of many mining robots from one region to another on the Company's planet. Speeda Demon learned how to reprogram from Black Phantom's reprogramming on the XT4 robots, and then quickly reprogrammed the robots to wait for the Heroes to come to their planet and attack them. When the two Heroes arrived at the planet, they were attacked by the mining robots, but XT4 saved the Heroes from them and helped the Heroes defeat them. The Heroes brought XT4 to Hero Factory's building. Black Phantom watched the whole moment.

Splitface and Speeda Demon stole an old space ore freighter from the Aird Mining Company on the planet. XT4 came to the Hero Factory building, and Splitface, who drove the freighter to Makuhero City, reprogrammed XT4 to do his evil actions. XT4 infiltrated Hero Factory, stole its data, and used the building's security system to stun Stormer, Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, and Von Ness. He stole a Hero craft and used it to go to Asteroid J-54, where he went to break Voltix and Toxic Reapa out of prison there. Black Phantom told Splitface to go to the prison and help XT4 if XT4 needs it. After the Alpha 1 Team Heroes reawakened and arrived in pursuit of XT4, Bulk and Von Ness went after XT4 in the prison while Stormer and Stringer went to investigate the freighter, which was approaching the planet without authorization. XT4 defeated the prison's guards, and then found and saved Voltix and Toxic Reapa. When Bulk and Von Ness attacked the three villains, XT4 initiated a mass prison break to distract the two Heroes. Bulk fought the other prisoners while Von Ness went after XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa. Meanwhile, Splitface and Speeda Demon, felt that Black Phantom's plan was too slow, rigged the freighter's engines to explode, intenting to destroy Stormer and Stringer in their Drop Ship, which Black Phantom did not plan. The two villains used the freighter's transmat beam to teleport in Black Phantom's scout ship. Black Phantom scolded them for using the freighter to try to destroy the Heroes rather than using it to help XT4 because more Heroes would be made and go find the Legion of Darkness to avenge their fallen fellows. Black Phantom then tried to make up for the setback by making Stormer and Stringer hit the freighter to destroy them since Splitface and Speeda Demon ditched a crew of worker robots from the freighter. Black Phantom used his scout ship to fight Stormer and Stringer and announced the Legion of Darkness to them along the way. Black Phantom, Splitface, and Speeda Demon escaped and let the freighter explode near the two Heroes, destroying their Hero craft and having almost killed the Heroes. Meanwhile, Von Ness was outnumbered by XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa. Voltix convinced Von Ness to let them pass. After Bulk defeated the prisoners, he and Von Ness went to chase after XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa, but Toxic Reapa destroyed the two Heroes' Hero craft, preventing the Heroes from chasing them in space and trapping them on the asteroid. Hero Factory was disturbed by the incidents, and Akiyama Makuro made the decision to close Hero Factory.

Voltix and Toxic Reapa joined the Legion of Darkness. The eight villains heard the news of the Hero Factory closing down. Black Phantom convinced the villains they would take Hero Factory as their own base of operations, but secretly wanted to use the elite criminals as tools and them captured, leaving him the sole destroyer of Hero Factory without any more competition, though he would keep XT4, and he would plan to form a new Legion. The villains assaulted the Factory, with Jawblade taking down the Factory's external power, though this shocked him to become unconscious. The villains used their two scout ships to crash through the roof of the Factory's Mission Control. XT4 and Splitface went to the room, where XT4 used it to close and lock all exterior doors in the building. Speeda Demon piloted his scout ship with Voltix, Toxic Reapa, and Thornraxx to the Assembly Tower. Toxic Reapa got so annoyed with Thornraxx that he ejected him from the scout ship, hurting Thornraxx so much that he went unconscious. After the other three villains got inside the Tower while their scout ship was destroyed along the way, they fought Alpha Team leader Thresher. They overwhelmed him, so they defeated and captured him, threatening to use a machine in the Tower to destroy him. Meanwhile, Splitface and XT4 dueled Stormer while Black Phantom used his scout ship to fight him, despite Splitface and XT4 unintentionally got in Black Pahntom's range. Stormer trapped XT4 and defeated Splitface. He was going to rescue Thresher, but Black Phantom was about to defeat Stormer. Black Phantom told Stormer about his plan with the villains. However, when the rest of Alpha 1 arrived, Von Ness defeated XT4. After Black Phantom went to the tower, he told the remaining members of the Legion to destroy Thresher immediately, but the four Heroes arrived and saved Thresher. Black Phantom's treachery was exposed by Stormer, angering the remaining Legion members and causing them to attack and defeat Black Phantom. The Alpha 1 Team defeated the remaining members of the Legion. All of the members were arrested and imprisoned in Asteroid J-54. The villains disbanded.[SM2]

At some point, the villains escaped from prison, but went on their own.[SM2, p. 136]

All of the members except the Black Phantom and Voltix were imprisoned in the Hero Factory's Villain Storage while the two other villains were on the loose. When Black Phantom and Voltix caused the Breakout, all of the imprisoned members and Voltix escaped from the prison.[Episode 8] The Alpha 1 Team recaptured the villains and defeated and arrested the Black Phantom.[Episode 9][SM3][SM4][SM5][FO:MSG]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

Black Phantom received schematics of Hero Factory from a traitorous Hero, Von Ness, during the Hero Factory's early days. He formed the Legion of Darkness, though he did not recruit XT4. Black Phantom and the Legion destroyed the Factory. Von Ness rebuilt himself to Von Nebula, and started the Citadel crime syndicate, who ruled much of the galaxy. The Legion became part of the inner circle along with XT4 and Core Hunter. Black Phantom served as a second-in-command for Von Nebula, as he gave jobs to Von Nebula's fellow inner circle members.

Recently, after the main reality Alpha Team arrived in the alternate universe, they encountered the Legion of Darkness and XT4. The Brains killed the Legion and XT4 when they were invading and defeating the Citadel.[SM5]

Reality 37834.1

The Legion of Darkness was reformed when Von Ness took over the Hero Factory after his mission in New Stellac City, Mission: New Stellac City. The Legion attacked him, and he got killed when he tried to repel the attack.

Former Members


"Given all that happened, I'm surprised that they all broke out of jail together this time around."
"They broke out . . . just not together.
William Furno and Preston Stormer, Legion of Darkness



Books Comics Online Multimedia

Secret Mission

DK Readers


Promotional Newspapers






Online Games

See also

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb