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This article is about the villain. You may be looking for the robot class.

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Employer Black Phantom (formerly)
Weapons Razor Disc Slicer
Striking Blades
Laser Slicer
Status Functional
Set number 6229 XT4 (instructions)

XT4 is a four-armed industrial robot, who was reprogrammed by Black Phantom to be a villain and formerly worked in the Legion of Darkness. He was later among many criminals who escaped during the Breakout, but is recaptured.


Legion of Darkness

XT4 was a member of the XT4 series of industrial robots, who were created in a Makuro Industries factory in Mechna. XT4 and 23 other XT4 units went inside a shipment. When a hover vehicle was carrying the shipment, Thornraxx, a member of the Legion of Darkness, hijacked the vehicle. His two fellow members of the Legion, Splitface and Speeda Demon, smash the vehicle to make it look like it crashed. The leader of the Legion, Black Phantom, stole and reprogrammed the XT4 robots. He made 23 of them go in different directions. He had the last one be a villain and his personal servant, XT4. XT4 joined the Legion, who plotted to destroy Hero Factory.

XT4 was subsequently given commands to pretend to act as a new member of the Alpha 1 Team and assist Preston Stormer and Jimi Stringer during a mission that involved dozens of reprogrammed Mining Robots and had been set up by the Legion. XT4 defeated some of the mining robots while the Heroes defeated the rest. After the mission was complete and when XT4 told Stormer and Stringer that he was a new member of Alpha 1, the two Heroes were suspicious of him because they never heard of any new Heroes being created, but they took XT4 back to the Hero Factory. Stormer, Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, and Von Ness left XT4 in a secure room while Stormer went to look up a list of new Heroes. During the time, XT4 hacked into the Hero Factory security system and turned it against Alpha 1 by using the Hero Factory's stun beam to knock them unconscious. XT4 also stole data from the Hero Factory. While they were incapacitated, XT4 stole a Drop Ship and traveled to a prison in Asteroid J-54. When he got there, he damaged and defeated several security guards when he was finding Toxic Reapa and Voltix's cells. After XT4 found the two villains, he released them from containment. However, they were cornered by Bulk and Von Ness, causing XT4 to release the rest of the prison's prisoners. After climbing to the roof with Toxic Reapa and Voltix, they met Von Ness, who wanted to stop them, but he was outnumbered. Voltix convinced Von Ness to let the three villains pass. Von Ness did what he said. XT4 let the two villains into his Drop Ship and they left, later meeting with the rest of the Legion.

The Legion watched the news about the Hero Factory closing down. XT4 warned his fellow villains to be cautious about the Hero Factory, as stated by Speeda Demon, but Voltix shot an electric bolt at XT4, stating that he does not do caution, but Black Phantom stopped them. Black Phantom later organized a takeover attempt of the Hero Factory, which had reportedly been abandoned. XT4's information of the Hero Factory gave the villains complete knowledge of the Factory's systems. This allowed a member of them, Jawblade, to swim into the systems and deactivate the external power. XT4 and Splitface then went into the Factory's Mission Control Room, where XT4 hacked into one of the room's main consoles to try to control the Hero Factory's systems by closing and locking all of the factory's external doors to prevent its security robtos from going back in, allowing XT4 and the Legion to get ready to destroy the factory. However, Stormer stopped XT4 by removing him from the console, and then fought him as payback for tricking him. However, Splitface and Black Phantom in his scout ship came to help XT4 fight Stormer, overwhelming Stormer. Stormer went to the Hero Factory's Mission Control Fail-Safe Room and used Nathaniel Zib's dangerous and untested prototype security systems to distract XT4 with metal tendrils. However, Black Phantom saved XT4, and told Stormer his plan was to escape with XT4, but abandon the rest and destroy the building. Bulk, Von Ness, and Stringer then showed up and began to attack. XT4 wounded Bulk, but Von Ness greatly increased the gravity around XT4, who became so heavy the ground buckled underneath him, and he vanished. XT4 was collected by the Hero Factory and then sent to be imprisoned in Asteroid J-54 for his crimes.[SM2]

At some point, XT4 escaped from prison, but the Legion was disbanded during the time.[SM2, p. 136] XT4 was later imprisoned by Hero Factory in their new prison inside their building called the Villain Storage Unit.


Black Phantom recently engineered a breakout, and XT4 escaped the prison along with many other villains. He returned to his home planet of Mechna, pursued by a Hero named Julius Nex. XT4 was still on the loose when Mission: The Doom Box happened.[SM1] XT4 planned to convert other XT4 robots in the very manufacturing plant where he was created into villains, and he would use them as an army to attack the occupied worlds. XT4 had converted a legion of them when Nex finally arrived. After Nex defeated these reprogrammed XT4 robots and then reached the first XT4 robot, XT4 knocked Nex unconscious. However, Nex was faking unconsciousness and apprehended XT4 with two pairs of Hero Cuffs while the villain had his back on him. XT4 was then returned to the Hero Factory.[FO:MSG][SM4]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

XT4 was never a member of the Legion of Darkness. After the Legion destroyed the Hero Facotry during its early days, Von Nebula reprogrammed one of the captured Akiyama Makuro's XT4 robots to become the villain, XT4, and had him be a member of his crime syndicate called the Citadel, in their inner circle. XT4 had jet boots.

Recently, when the mysterious Alpha Team began committing thefts for three days, XT4 was instructed to run a brazen theft in the center of the city to attract them. Alpha Team did respond, and he told them that Von Nebula had a desire to negotiate with them, and Stormer set the terms of negotiation. XT4 ran a search and found they did not exist on records. He was present when Alpha Team was negotiating with some of the inner circle members. Von Nebula had XT4 tell the inner circle members about his search, and Core Hunter used it to try to make Alpha Team explain themselves about it. Later, the Brains killed XT4 when they were invading and defeating the Citadel.[SM5]

Abilities and Traits

XT4 is a small four-armed one-eyed robot, as he is around the size of Nex's Breakout form. He lacks any emotions or sophisticated social skills, due to his processor not being designed to function in such a manner, and does not react well to insults. He speaks very mechanically, as he has a flat, monotone voice, and his criminal tendencies are due to being reprogrammed by Black Phantom, as he has no personality other than what he was programmed with. His traits, however, make him a feisty villain, and he is incapable of any compassion or mercy. He can calculate the possibilities of situations.[SM2][FO:MSG]

XT4 is skilled in stealing data from a high-tech facility by downlading it into himself, so he can use the information to do his evil deeds. He can hack into the facility's systems by putting his arm into it, which is how he can steal the data. His programming can be changed by signals, and he has two layers of programming. XT4 can also play prerecorded messages by opening his mouth.[SM2]


XT4 wielded four weapons: two Striking Blades, a Laser Slicer, and a Razor Disc Slicer. The Laser Slicer has two claws. The Razor Disc Slicer can be used as both a weapon and a shield. XT4 has two black tubes that connected the Laser Slicer and Razor Disc Slicer to his chest armor. All of the weapons are confiscated when XT4 was recaptured.

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

6229 XT4

Set 6229 XT4, which is small, was released in the summer of 2012, as part of Hero Factory's continued "Breakout" line. The set contained a Hero Core not used in the construction, but which contained a code that could be entered for points to use in an online game called Breakout. Parts from XT4 can be combined with parts from set 6221 NEX to make a larger non-canon combiner model using instructions from HeroFactory.com.



See also

External links

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb