Battle Machine

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Parent Page: Technology

Battle Machine
Class Hero Factory Technology
User(s) Heroes
Functionality Combat Beasts
Status Out of Use

The Battle Machines are large new mechs used by the Heroes to fight hostile beasts, like the Jumpers.


After the Brain attacks, the Hero Factory, including Professor Nathaniel Zib, created Remote Builders, designs for Battle Machines, and new forms for the Heroes that allow them to pilot the new machines.(Mini-Robots & Massive Mechs!)

During an excavation project in Antropolis City that involved digging a tunnel below the city, the workers accidentally disturbed the Jumpers. The Jumpers abducted several of the workers, forcing the remaining crew to call the Hero Factory. Nathan Evo was set to investigate, debuting the Evo Walker. While examining the tunnel where the workers disappeared, the Evo Walker was overwhelmed by a few Jumpers, forcing Evo to bail out of the machine and call for reinforcements.

Six more members of the Alpha 1 Team, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Daniel Rocka, Dunkan Bulk, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge, traveled to Antropolis to back up Evo, bringing in a Remote Builder to develop more Battle Machines. Using the Remote Builder, Rocka constructed the Stormer Freeze Machine and Furno Jet Machine, as well as his own Rocka Stealth Machine. Leaving Evo to develop his own Machine, the Heroes went to engage the Jumpers in battle. However, the Battle Machines were all eventually defeated by the beasts; Furno was taken from his Jet Machine by a Jaw Beast, but Rocka used his Stealth Machine to defeat the Jaw Beast, saving Furno. Preston Stormer was taken from his Freeze Machine by a Jaw Beast. Using the Stealth Machine, Rocka was able to capture a single Jumper for examination, but the beast escaped confinement and forced Rocka to eject.

Evo eventually finished constructing a new Battle Machine, the Evo XL Machine, in time to combat the Splitter Beast that was chasing Furno. Together, they defeated the beast, but did not realize that it was actually comprised of two different creatures, and Furno was taken by one.

Evo, Rocka, Breez, Bulk, and Surge went inside the tunnel to rescue their friends. The five Heroes dismantled the XL Machine and then built five new Battle Machines, the Rocka Crawler, Breez Flea Machine, Bulk Drill Machine, Evo Spider Machine, and Surge & Rocka Combat Machine, to adapt to underground. During the Heroes' journey in the Jumpers' underground lair, all of these Battle Machines except the Spider Machine were lost while Surge got kidnapped by a Tunneler Beast. After the four remaining Heroes saved their three friends, and then all of the Jumpers disappeared, all of the Heroes used the Spider Machine to get out of the lair and return to the surface.


The Heroes use a new device called a Remote Builder to build and customize a Battle Machine. The Heroes can also dismantle the Battle Machines.

Each of the Heroes was upgraded with a new featureless tall form that allows him or her to fit into a Battle Machine's cockpit.

A Battle Machine is named after its pilot, and shares the same primary color as him or her. Each Battle Machine has an armor piece or two that has the Hero Factory symbol and an arrow sign on them. Each Machine has unique functions from the others. Some Battle Machines are larger than others. The Evo XL Machine was similar to a Hero's XL form. The Surge & Rocka Combat Machine was two Battle Machines in one. Both machines were the largest of the machines. Some Battle Machines are bipedal and have two arms while others are crawlers that have 3, 4, or 6 legs. The Battle Machines' armor can hold the Heroes' weapons and other equipment for storage while the Heroes are piloting the Battle Machines. Some Battle Machines have large cannons called Goo Shooters, which are larger versions of the Plasma Gun that shoot plasma goo. Some Battle Machines are where each has a large transparent canister, which looks like the one from the Remote Builder and is located on the Battle Machine's back. After a small being, like a normal Jumper, is placed in the canister, the canister's Battle Machine can be used to analyze the being. The Battle Machines' cockpits can be either orange or lime green. They can eject. Each cockpit has two handles on both sides that can be used to control its Battle Machine. The cockpits have lights that can be used to see through underground. Most known Battle Machines' cockpits have bulletproof visors that can protect them and scan targets. The visors have their pilots' names on them. They can be either blue or gray. The XL Machine could have four more arms with weapons from other smaller bipedal Battle Machines and even smaller crawler ones, like the Evo Walker. The Combat Machine can replace its mini-jet part with a gadget from one of other smaller crawler Battle Machines that are larger than such Battle Machines like the Evo Walker. The Battle Machines have a voice that tells their pilots about their captured specimen's activity level and the Machines' conditions.

A Battle Machine is capable enough to take on a small swarm of Jumpers or a mutated Jumper Beast.

A small Battle Machine like the Evo Walker can be carried by a new kind of Drop Ship that was used in Mission: Invasion From Below.

Known Battle Machines

Set Information

All ten of the known Battle Machines were released in 2014. Each of the sets has 1-3 Jumpers.

Sets 44015 EVO Walker, 44017 STORMER Freeze Machine, 44018 FURNO Jet Machine, 44019 ROCKA Stealth Machine, and 44022 EVO XL Machine were released in the early half of 2014, though they were released on March in North America for an unknown reason. The Walker is the only small Battle Machine set. The Freeze, Jet, and Stealth Machines are medium-sized sets. The XL Machine is the only large set, similar to the XL Hero sets in 2011-2013. There are instructions on combining the Walker and Jet Machine into a new Battle Machine. There are instructions on combining the Freeze and Stealth Machines into another new Battle Machine. The XL Machine can attach four more arms, each coming from one of the other four Battle Machines. The combo models were not shown in the canon, but the XL Machine is said to be able to attach four more arms in the canon.

Sets 44023 ROCKA Crawler, 44025 BULK Drill Machine, 44027 BREEZ Flea Machine, and 44028 SURGE & ROCKA Combat Machine were released in the late half of 2014. The Crawler is the only small Battle Machine set. The Flea and Drill Machines are the only medium-sized sets. The Combat Machine is a large set, similar to the Evo XL Machine, but as two machines combined as one. The Evo Spider Machine is featured in a large set called 44029 QUEEN Beast vs. FURNO, EVO & STORMER in the late half of 2014. The top part of the Combat Machine can be switched out with the Flea and Drill Machines' main gadgets. It is also possible to switch out the top part of the Combat Machine witn the Spider Machine's canister, despite this not being advertised. There are instructions on combining the Crawler, Flea, and Drill Machines into a new Battle Machine, but the combo model was not shown in the canon.

A promotional set called 40116 HF Hero Minimodel comes with a non-canon Battle Machine that is smaller than the small set Battle Machines.



  • The Battle Machines can have extra names, as some names do not have the word "Machine" in them, like the Evo Walker (also called the "Turret Machine")[Episode 11] and the Rocka Crawler (also called the "Rocka Crawler Machine").(shown in the Invasion From Below game)
  • In Episode 11: Invasion From Below, the handles are removable and can be magnetically reattached to the cockpits while the Heroes use the handles to control the Battle Machines that they are piloting.
  • In Secret Mission 5: Mirror World, the Brains from Reality 11275.6 planned to have robotic bodies, so they could build "battle machines". This plan never came to fruition when Von Nebula allied with the prime reality's Alpha 1 Team to prevent the Brains from doing their plan, and then the Brains were defeated by the Alpha Team from the prime reality and the Heroes from the alternate reality.


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