Breakout (Game)

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This article is about the game. For other uses, see Breakout (Disambiguation).

Parent Page: Online Games

Breakout (Game)
Game Information
Availability Unavailable
Platform Online, iOS platform
Controls Mouse, spacebar, arrow keys, touchscreen

Breakout is an online game on It was released on January 6, 2012.[Hero Factory and Other LEGO Sites Updated] It was later released in the iTunes App Store for free on February 28, 2012,[Hero Factory: Breakout on iTunes] utilizing similar gameplay and controls. Hero Cores included with all of the 2012 sets contain game codes, which can be entered for Hero Points. Several other codes have been released elsewhere, which are flyers and promotions, as well.

The online version of the game was removed from the website when the website was updated with its early 2014 version. The app version also became unavailable when this happened.


Online version

The game starts out with Zib introducing himself to the Hero/Daniel Rocka and welcomes him to the Hero Factory Control Room (also called "Mission Control" in a game guide in the March-April 2012 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine). He tells him about submitting codes. After submitting a code of his own, he tells the Rocka to celebrate with a drink. Then, the alarms go off and Zib tells the Rocka that all of the villains have escaped and that the Hero should go investigate the Villain Storage Unit.

Level 1: Villain Storage

Also called "Villain Storage Area" in the game guide. The Hero/Rocka is told how to pick up points, fire his gun, climb walls, upgrade a weapon, and about secrets. During that, he must defeat hordes of Arachnix Drones and henchmen to move on. Eventually, Rocka comes to Black Phantom, fighting him three times until Black Phantom becomes weak. Rocka throw his Hero Cuffs at Black Phantom to try to capture him, but Black Phantom avoids getting caught by the Cuffs, making Rocka come after him, but Black Phantom knocks him unconscious, Black Phantom escapes, and Rocka returns to the Control Room. Zib teaches the player to customize one of the Alpha 1 Team Heroes, using William Furno as an example.

Level 2: Planet Scylla

The Hero/Furno goes down a sea sentry-guarded path in planet Scylla, specifically in Deep Sea Trench 675 according to the game guide, using an Aquajet Pack until he comes to a fork in the path. After choosing a path, Furno faces more sea sentries and finds Jawblade (either path will take Furno to him) and to defeat him, Furno must shoot him, his water bombs, and three cliffs to stun him. After Furno cuffs Jawblade, he returns to the Hero Factory.

Level 3: Planet Z'chaya

The Hero/Nathan Evo starts out on a jungle path in planet Z'chaya, specifically in Z'chaya Temple Ruins according to the game guide. He encounters three different paths. If he goes backwards, he will find a rock pile that needs an upgraded gun to smash. If he goes to the right, he will fall off a cliff and find a group of pillars that can be jumped to find a blueprint. If he goes straight, he walks until he comes to a fork in the path. If he goes left, he gets an award. If he goes right, he does not. If he continues down the left path, he will find a few rock piles that need an upgraded gun to blast through. However, if he continues down the right path, he will come to a rock pile that needs an upgraded gun to destroy. Continuing down the left path, he will find a bridge that is raised, he then shoots it, making it fall and he crosses it after defeating the henchman on the walkways. He will come to a clearing were he sees Toxic Reapa, who runs off while his henchmen and arachnids attack. After defeating them, Evo follows Toxic Reapa through some ruins, he stands on a platform to make the gate that lead to Toxic Reapa raise. He follows the paths and goes through a waterfall to find Toxic Reapa, who unleashes another barrage of arachnids. After defeating them, Toxic Reapa is faced. He shoots out toxic acids in puddles around him that can drain Evo's health bar. Evo defeats and then cuffs Toxic Reapa. He returns to the Hero Factory.

Level 4: Sigma Sigma Satellite

The Hero/Mark Surge starts out on a meteor. Walking down a rocky path, he can jump to another meteor if he has upgraded boots. He then comes to a teleportation unit that brings him to a secret part of the satellite. If he continues straight, he comes to many groups of henchmen. After defeating them, he advances to a teleport unit. After being teleported to the Satellite, he defeats many more groups of Henchmen, and goes to another unit. He then battles and cuffs Splitface, bringing him back to Hero Factory.

Level 5: Hive Planet

The Hero/Natalie Breez starts out in a Hive in System TQ46, according to the game guide, and she walks until she finds a group of henchmen. After defeating them, she goes through many passageways that lead to different caverns, until she finds one that has three levers. She flips them, and runs to Thornraxx's cavern. After defeating and cuffing Thornraxx, she brings him back to the Hero Factory.

Level 6: Tansari

The Hero/Jimi Stringer starts out in the midst of a fog, where he follows a power cable that leads to computers that will shut off electricity gates, after shutting off all of the gates, he confronts, defeats, and cuffs Voltix, bringing him back to the Hero Factory.

Level 7: Kollix IV

The Hero/Preston Stormer is on an Ultra Mach Speed Cycle chasing Speeda Demon, who is driving the Nitro Rocket Motorbike, Stormer then races up to him, firing blasts while dodging stalactites that fall from the roof of tunnels at the same time. Eventually, he cuffs Speeda Demon and brings him back to the Hero Factory.

Level 8: Makuhero City

The Hero/Dunkan Bulk starts out in the alleyways of Makuhero City. After he starts walking, arachnids start popping out of trash cans, walls, holes, etc.. After, defeating them, Core Hunter is seen. Following him, Bulk goes in circles until he has drained Core Hunter's health bar. Then, Core Hunter shoots open a gate, and runs through it, Bulk follows him and battles more waves of arachnids, he sees a tunnel and goes inside, where Bulk follows him again, draining Core Hunter's health bar as he goes. Core Hunter then uses a mechanism that opens a door. After going through it, he destroys the mechanism, opening another door, Bulk then goes through it, finding more mechanisms, he then opens the main door and continues. He then comes to a path that leads above ground. After defeating more arachnids, he follows Core Hunter, finds him, depletes his health bar, and cuffs Core Hunter, bringing him back to the Hero Factory.

Mobile version

The iOS app icon

The plot of this version of the game is where Rocka fights against a wave of Black Phantom's henchmen in the Village Storage Unit.


The online version of the game relies mostly on keyboard controls. However, the mouse can be used to proceed through dialogue boxes or navigate various menus.

  • Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, and Right Arrow - These keys are used to move your hero forward, backward, left, or right relative to the camera. Some narrow pathways can be followed using only the up and down arrow keys. The arrow keys can also be used to navigate some menus.
  • W, A, S, and D - These keys can be used as alternatives to the arrow keys to move your hero or navigate some menus.
  • Space Bar - The space bar is used to fire your gun when the cursor is on a distant enemy or object, or to use a melee attack when your cursor is on an adjacent enemy or object.
  • Enter/Return - The return key is used to throw your Hero-Cuffs at a stage's villain after reducing their health completely. It can also be used as an alternative to the mouse to proceed through a dialogue box or navigate some menus.
Basic gameplay on an iPhone

The iOS version of the game uses touch controls.

  • Control Sticks - There are two control sticks rendered on the screen. The first is used to rotate your hero's position, and the second is used to move the hero around.
  • Tap - You can tap the screen in different areas to attack other objects. When you are close to an object or enemy, tapping on them triggers a melee attack, while if you are farther away from the object or enemy, tapping on them fires your gun.
  • Tap and Hold - After you defeat a stage's villain, you can tap and hold your finger on them to use your hero cuffs after their health has been fully reduced.


In the online version, there is a menu with six buttons, with Zib asking you which one do you want to press. Each button takes you to a certain part of the Control Room:

  • Code Entry (also called "Hero Code Entry" in the game guide) - the player can submit a Hero Code to gain points.
  • Levels (also called "Launch Mission" in the game guide) - the player can choose a level to play in.
  • Hero Select (also called "Hero Manager" in the game guide) - the player can choose of the nine Alpha 1 Team heroes to play as. Each Hero has various stats depending on his or her weapons and armor pieces. The player can customize the Hero by switching their weapons, armor pieces, and colors, and rotating their armor pieces.
  • Research - the player can upgrade their Hero's weapon or armor piece, and "research" (buy) them. When the player chooses one of the objects, they are given one of two options of how to research or upgrade the object. One of the options takes a certain amount of time to do so while the point is done instantly. The first option costs less Hero Points than the second one. Each object's options have their own prices. Only three objects will be bought or upgraded at a time.
  • Statistics - shows the statistics and achievements of the player's performance in the game. After the players press the button, they start with "Statistics", which it gives them the overall statastics of their performance in the game and statastics of their performance in each level. The players can switch to "Achievements", which shows them overall achievements in the game and achievements in each level.
  • Close - closes the menu, allowing the player to go anymore in the room.

You collect various props, which are Blueprints and Secrets, in each level. Each Blueprint provides a new weapon or armor piece. Each Secret is a random object, like a disguise glasses. Some of the objects can be collected when the player upgrades their Hero's weapon or jumping ability. Here is the list of the objects in each level:

  • Villain Storage - 6 Blueprints and 10 Secrets
  • Planet Scylla - 2 Blueprints and 6 Secrets
  • Planet Z'chaya - 4 Blueprints and 9 Secrets
  • Sigma Sigma Satellite - 6 Blueprints and 6 Secrets
  • Hive Planet - 5 Blueprints and 7 Secrets
  • Kollix IV - 2 Blueprints and 5 Secrets
  • Tansari - 2 Blueprints and 6 Secrets
  • Makuhero City - 2 Blueprints and 4 Secrets

Coming soon

When the online version of the game came out on early 2012, you were limited to having Rocka, Furno, Evo, Surge, and Breez, and their respective levels. When the online version was updated in August 2, 2012, Stringer, Stormer, Bulk, and Nex were featured. Stringer, Stormer, and Bulk's levels were also featured, but Nex did not have his own level for an unknown reason.

Hero Codes and Hero Points

Hero Cores included in all of the 2012 sets contain game codes, or Hero Codes, which can be entered for Hero Points. Several other codes have been released elsewhere as well. Each of the small sets provides 200 points, each of the medium-sized sets provides 300 points, each of the large sets provides 500 points, and the Speeda Demon set provides 900 points.

Hero Points can be earned in the online game by collecting blue objects that have the Hero Factory symbol on them. They can also be earned by defeating enemies or collecting a certain amount of CCBS bone pieces with various colors.

In the beginning of the game, Zib will provide the player a Hero Code, F3LTMP6-71, allowing them to earn 24 Hero Points before the player will start playing in the first level.

There is a poster, which shows a fight between Rocka and Black Phantom, has a Hero Code, H6VKCVR-51.

There is a guidebook in the March-April 2012 issue of the Lego Club Magazine that provides information on four of the first five levels. In the first page of the guidebook, there is a Hero Code, F308C9B-51, that provides 50 points. In the last page of the guidebook, there is a Lego Club Code, MOBILE, that provides another Hero Code that provides 100 points.

There is a code in the May-June 2012 issue of the Lego Club Magazine, which provides a Club Code, HERO, which also functions as a Hero Code, and can provide you 100 Hero Points.

From May 31 to June 21, the game was temporarily modified, where any Hero Code you entered would give you double game points. described this feature as this: "Breakout Double-Up Weeks! Right now and until 21st June, the HERO Manager at in Mission Control at working on 200% efficiency, which means any HERO Core input will give you DOUBLE Game Points!" A Lego Club Inside Scoop page in June 9 provided a code, F4D6K9W-72, which provides 50 points when not doubled, for the game. It provided another code a week later, in June 16.[Lego Club Inside Scoop page]

From October 1 to 7, the game was temporarily modified with double game points again.[BREAKOUT Double-Up weeks are back!]

Meanwhile, on October 3, a two-week event from Lego Club Inside Scoop called "Stormer's Birthday Giveaway" happened. In there, Stormer's birthday, called "Activation Day", was celebrated, and you were provided with a Hero Code, F3388BB-00, which normally provides 50 Hero Points, and a game guide to his level by Lego Club Inside Scoop. The code's points were doubled during the time.[Great Britain version in October 3, 2012]

On October 10, you were provided with a Hero Code, H629ZHB-49, which normally provides 100 Hero Points, and a game guide to Stringer's level by Lego Club Inside Scoop. This was a part of "Stormer's Birthday Giveway". The code's points were doubled during the time.[LEGO Club Inside Scoop in October 16, 2012]

On November 14, a Hero Code, F3G226J-63, which provides 50 points, and a game guide to Bulk's level were provided. It was during an event called "Makumas".

From November 21 to November 25, the game was temporarily modified with doubling the points again, as notified by Lego Club Inside Scoop, during an event called "Last week of Makumas". A page in Lego Club Inside Scoop provided the player a new code, H673DTJ-11, which provides 100 points, and doubled these points. The Hero Codes from the past week and Stormer's Birthday Giveaway had their points doubled as well. The game guides to Stromer's, Stringer's, and Bulk's levels were provided again.[Lego Club Inside Scoop page]

You could save your progress by using your account.

In the mobile app version, you are only limited to playing a version of Rocka's level, where you could only play as Rocka and earn codes for the online version of the game. In the app version. you have Rocka travel around the Villain Storage Unit and fight Black Phantom's henchmen. You would have to do a number of challenges in order to earn the codes. The player can earn points by defeating the henchmen and collecting CCBS bone pieces with various colors.



In the online version, you fight the following enemies:

  • Henchmen: Henchmen are all modeled upon the same design (excluding the henchmen in the hive, which feature a more insectoid model, similar to Thornraxx), with the henchmen on each level having different colors based upon the colors of their respective villain. Henchmen fire at the player. They may have varying health, and larger variants of henchmen exist as well, with more health.
  • Arachnids: Although they are modeled different depending on level (some modeled with Toxic Reapa's head, some look like Black Phantom's Arachnix), both are functionally the same. They always attack in swarms and try to attack the player at close range, dealing minimal damage.
  • Sea Sentries: Sea sentries appear only on planet Scylla, and are the only enemies on the level. They cannot move, only firing rapidly at the player until destroyed.

In the app version, you only fight Black Phantom's Henchmen.


  • Black Phantom: Black Phantom will summon Arachnix at first to attack the player, and then personally confronts them with his mace and energy blasts. His health must be depleted 3 times to end the fight, with him fleeing after each health depletion.
  • Jawblade: Jawblade weaves in and out of the arena through holes. He utilizes mines that must be destroyed before they explode. Although normally invincible, he will periodically stop at a position where a rock is above him, this rock must be destroyed to damage him. This must occur 3 times.
  • Toxic Reapa: Toxic Reapa begins the fight by summoning arachnids. He will walk around and spray toxic clouds around him.
  • Splitface: Splitface will quickly run around, charging the player, firing boulders and lightning as he goes. He can also swipe his blade very quickly, destroying health at a fast pace. His health must be depleted 3 times before his defeat.
  • Thornraxx: Thornraxx will fly in circles around the player until he charges head on at the player. To defeat him the player must use a melee attack to "swat" him.
  • Voltix: Arguably the most complicated boss fight, Voltix will stand directly in the center of 5 computers, firing at the player. He is charged by 5 pillars, rendering him completely invincible. The player must run up to each of these computers, deactivating them. After every one is deactivated, Voltix will become vulnerable, though he will still attack the player. After his health is depleted, the pillars will recharge and the player must repeat twice, with his attacks becoming more powerful each time. During the second phase, he will charge up and use a stream of lightning, and in his third, he will charge up and jump, with lightning lacing out in all directions when he collides with the ground. Notably, the computers can be used as shields for all of his attacks, and hiding behind them is the only way to avoid his third phase attack.
  • Speeda Demon: He will ride on his motorcycle around the area until his health is depleted entirely. He never attacks the player.
  • Core Hunter: He will run around in circles, utilizing arachnids and mines as he goes. Like Black Phantom, his health must be depleted 3 times before his defeat, with him fleeing after every time his health is depleted.


  • The game is made by the Unity engine, the same company who created a trilogy of BIONICLE online games called "Glatorian Arena" in 2009.
  • Quadal can be seen floating around the Control Room.
  • Surge's level is not in the game guide in the LEGO Club Magazine for an unknown reason.
  • Kollix IV is misspelled as "Koollix IV".
  • Zib's animation model is used in Brain Attack game in 2013, making it apparent that the Breakout game is made by Amuzo, the company who made the Brain Attack game and the Invasion From Below game in 2014.
  • All small set Heroes have longer forearms with armor, like all medium-sized set Heroes.
  • All 2012 sets that have tubes do not have them in the game for an unknown reason.
  • You can come back to any level as any player, as long as the default character has beaten that level and the character you want to use has beaten his/her level. For example, for Evo to play in the 2nd level, Furno must have beaten it first, and Evo must have beaten his level.
  • Nex is the only Hero without a level for an unknown reason. If he had one, it would be on the planet Mechna, battling XT4.
  • Black Phantom is the only villain to not be captured, despite you having thrown your Hero Cuffs at him. He escapes instead.
  • Furno and Stormer's levels are the only levels where you do not go on foot for unknown reasons.
  • It was reported that there were interactive hide-and-seek Breakout ads on One could get three codes each time they totally complete it. However, the website was taken down.[BZPower - New(er) Levels]
  • It is possible that Lego Club Inside Story repeated some of the Hero Codes.
  • The game guides to Stormer's, Stringer's, and Bulk's levels are probably lost.


See also

Online Games
2010 Mission: Von Nebula
2011 Comic Builder | Creep Crushers | Mission: Ordeal of Fire | Mission: Savage Planet
2012 Breakout
2013 Brain Attack | Brainify
2014 Invasion From Below