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Makuhero Planet
Makuhero Planet
A jungle with ogre-like creatures
A crashed rocket with a Brain in the jungle
A desert
A tundra
A volcano
A mountain
An ocean
A seafloor with a sea creature and an electrified rocket used by a Brain
A kelp forest
A Brain in the kelp forest
Dragon Bolt's cave
Makuhero City
Makuhero City
A postcard-like picture of Makuhero City
Makuhero City and the Hero Factory
Makuhero City and the Hero Factory
Makuhero City and the Hero Factory
Makuhero City in the comics
Cityscape of Makuhero City
Cityscape of Makuhero City
Stormer's billboard being destroyed
A view of the Hero Factory from a Makuhero City street
A plaza in Makuhero City
The plaza damaged
Aerial view of Makuhero City
The map of Makuhero City in the Brain Attack game
Core Hunter in Makuhero City
Core Hunter being pursued by Dunkan Bulk
Bulk in Makuhero City
Bulk pursuing Core Hunter
Brain-possessed beasts surrounding five members of the Alpha 1 Team
An explosion on a street caused by a Flaming Fire Sword used by Furno XL
Citizens of Makuhero City
Citizens surrounding Furno
Makuhero City reporters
Furno and Daniela Capricorn
Furno being filmed by Capricorn's camera robot
The symbol of Hero News Wire
Hero Factory
The Hero Factory
Hero Factory in the center on Makuhero City
An entrance to the Hero Factory
The Hero Factory
A hallway in the Hero Factory
A sliding staircase connected to the hallway
Elevators in the Hero Factory
Bridges in the Hero Factory
Daniela Capricorn reporting in the Hero Factory's patio
Capricorn scolding at her camera robot
Capricorn being filmed by her camera robot
Capricorn interviewing Preston Stormer and Dunkan Bulk
Capricorn and five members of the Alpha 1 Team
Capricorn grabbing her camera robot
A Motion Sensor
The Assembly Tower
Nathan Evo using a panel to deactivate a lock in the tower
A Drop Ship flying near the Assembly Tower
The Furnace
An entrance to the Hero Factory
Management Stations
A Mission Control computer
A Training Sphere
The inside of the Training Sphere
A doorway to the Training Sphere
The Training Sphere in its holographic form that is based on Merak 9
The Training Sphere in the comics
A doorway to a Training Sphere
The three newly upgraded Alpha 1 Team members in Virtual Training while Virtual Training is in its holographic form that is based on Penitentiary 1331
The three newly upgraded Alpha 1 Team members coming out of the doorway to Virtual Training
Hero Factory staff members in Virtual Training
Akiyama Makuro shown in a holographic screen in Virtual Training
The Call Center
The computer console in the Call Center, used for's "Media Center"
A doorway to the Call Center
A Call Center worker working in the Call Center
A doorway to the Research and Development room
A Hero Pod launching from the Hero Factory
William Furno recharging in the Quaza Chamber
Black Phantom in the Assembly Tower
Black Phantom being pursued by Daniel Rocka
Rocka in the Assembly Tower
Rocka pursuing Black Phantom
The Black Hole Orb Staff in an isolation cell in the Hero Factory
Villain Storage
An empty cell in Village Storage
The doorway to Villain Storage
A mechanism and a screen in Villain Storage
A hole in Villain Storage
The Black Hole Orb Staff in Villain Storage
A black hole in Villain Storage created by the Black Hole Orb Staff
Roboball room
The Fail-Safe Shield covering the Hero Factory
Fireworks created by Mark Surge 2.0 through his Ice Spear Blaster
The staircase and door to Makuro's office
The puzzle on the Makuro's office's door being completed
Makuro's office
A computer console in Makuro's office
Rocka in the Hero Factory's storage bay
Rocka in a room in the storage bay
Hero Factory damaged during the Attack on Makuhero City
A hole in the storage bay created by Dragon Bolt
Hero Factory workers being filmed by Daniela Capricorn's camera robot in Episode 4
A crane carrying two Hero Factory miners in the storage bay's hole
Close up of the two Hero Factory miners carried by the crane and in the storage bay's hole
The Hero Factory miners in the storage bay's hole
Concept art for the Assembly Tower
Concept art for the Assembly Tower
Concept art for the exterior of the Hero Factory
Concept art for the Assembly Tower
Concept render in the television episodes
Recon Team Control Room
Merrick Fortis in the Recon Team Control Room
Fortis making an announcement in the Control Room
Antropolis City
Antropolis City
Close up of Antropolis City
A Drop Ship flying above Antropolis City
Damaged streets of Antropolis City
A drill in Antropolis City
Tunneling in Antropolis City
Construction workers in Antropolis City
The workers investigating a tunnel in a construction site in Antropolis City
A construction worker in the tunnel
Five members of the Alpha 1 Team in the construction cite
The Alpha 1 Team entering the tunnel
The tunnel being closed
The construction site in Antropolis City
People of Antropolis City
Drop Ships leaving Antropolis City
Underground caverns
The caverns under Antropolis City
The rocky cavern
The rocky cavern
A sealed entrance to the Jumpers' underground lair
A monolith with cravings in the underground lair
Cravings on the monolith
Cravings on the monolith
A craving depicting the Queen Beast, Cocoons, and her cavern
Two Battle Machines and Bulk hanging in the rocky cavern
The magnetic cavern
Two Battle Machines floating in the magnetic cavern
Mark Surge floating in the magnetic cavern
An electric bolt in the magnetic cavern
The entrance to the crystal cavern
Crystals on the crystal cavern's walls
The crystal cavern
The drill in the crystal cavern
A crystal bridge in the crystal cavern
The crystal bridge surrounded by acid streams
A leaning crystal with the Breez Flea Machine on it in the crystal cavern
The crystal bridge near the exit of the crystal cavern
The crystal cavern
A tunnel to the Queen Beast's cavern
The Queen Beast's cavern
The central column containing Cocoons in the Queen Beast's cavern
One of web strands that kept the column in place
A lake of acid in the Queen Beast's cavern
The pit in the Queen Beast's cavern
The Brains' Planet
The Brains' planet
A Brain in a tank
The factory that created the Brains
A mechanical claw grabbing a Brain's tank
The tanks being placed in rockets
The rockets being placed in slots
Hatches in the planet
Thornraxx's Hive Planet
Thornraxx in his hive planet
Thornraxx being pursued by Natalie Breez
Breez in the hive planet
Breez pursuing Thornraxx
Kollix IV
Kollix IV
Kollix IV's landscape
Speeda Demon on Kollix IV
Speeda Demon riding the Nitro Rocket Motorbike while being pursued by Preston Stormer XL
Stormer XL on Kollix IV
Stormer XL pursuing Speeda Demon on his Nitro Rocket Motorbike
Stormer XL riding his Ultra Mach Speed Cycle
Lemus 2
Lemus 2
The explosives plant
Lemus 2's landscape
Lunar Tratix
The surface of Lunar Tratix
Lunar Tratix
XT4 on Mechna
XT4 being pursued by Julius Nex
Nex in Mechna
Nex pursuing XT4
Mekron City
Mekron City
Mekron City Police Headquarters
The lobby of the Police Headquarters, with statues of police robots
Merak 9
The landscape of Merak 9
A cargo of C-4000 explosives on Merak 9
A mining center
The cargo having landed on the mining center
A mine on Merak 9
A Drop Ship floating above the mining center
New Stellac City
New Stellac City
A monument for Stormer, built from Silver
A meteor crash in the city caused by Von Nebula
A plaque on the monument dedicated to Stormer
Quatros in its normal form, before being damaged and after being healed
Quatros in the comics
Quatros after being damaged
Quatros after being damaged
A Quatros jungle
Quatros' landscape
Quatros' landscape
Quatros' landscape
Quatros' landscape
A tree branch in Quatros glowing after getting hit by William Furno
A hole in Quatros
A Drop Ship arriving at Quatros
Two Drop Ships landed on a spot in Quatros
The temple in Quatros
The temple in the comics
A transporter in Quatros
A transporter in Quatros in use
Quatros almost dying
The temple glowing
Quatros' landscape glowing
Quatros healing
Quatros' landscape restored
Scylla's landscape
Jawblade on Scylla
Jawblade being pursued by William Furno
Furno in Scylla
Furno pursuing Jawblade
Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite
The Sigma Sigma system and Sigma Sigma communications satellite
The satellite's force field activating
Splitface in the Sigma Sigma system
Hero Factory workers on the satellite
Splitface being pursued by Mark Surge
Surge in the Sigma Sigma system
Surge pursuing Splitface
Tanker Station 22
Tanker Station 22
Close up of the refueling station
A worker carrying a fuel cell
Workers at the refueling station
The refueling station getting invaded by the Fire Villains
A Hero Factory alarm
Surge aiming at fuel cells
The Fire Villains surrounding Surge
The refueling station being damaged
Close up of another angle of the refueling station
A landing pad on the refueling station
Tanker Station 22 on fire
Tantalus 5
Tantalus 5
Penitentiary 1331
Tansari VI
Tansari VI
Tansari VI's landscape
The Energy Collection Array
Voltix in Tansari VI
Voltix being pursued by Jimi Stringer
Stringer on Tansari VI
Stringer pursuing Voltix
Voltix stealing energy cells from a container in Tansari VI
Voltix absorbing energy from the Energy Collection Array
Z'chaya's landscape
Toxic Reapa on Z'chaya
Toxic Reapa being pursued by Nathan Evo
Evo in Z'chaya
Evo pursuing Toxic Reapa
Evo in Z'chaya
Toxic Reapa heading to a group of cocoons
Black Hole
A black hole Von Nebula created with the Black Hole Orb Staff
The black hole on New Stellac City
The black hole's vortex
The black hole's vortex superheating
The black hole superheating
An Unknown Planet
Von Nebula's hand in an unknown place in Episode 9
Von Nebula's laptop in the unknown place, which has the Hero Factory's schematics stolen by Black Phantom in Episode 9