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"The heroes created here may be made of metal and powered by Hero Cores, but their bravery and skill are second to none. Regardless of the danger, they go forth to do battle with the villains that would bring destruction to innocent worlds. They are the last barrier that stands between the universe and the chaos that threatens to engulf it."
Akiyama Makuro, HeroFactory.com

Parent Page: Characters

Robot Class
Function Maintain order
Power(s) Various
Location(s) Makuhero City
Status Active

Heroes, or Hero Factory Heroes,(Hero Factory FM) designed and created by the Hero Factory, are cybernetic warriors used to maintain law and order in the universe.


More than a hundred years ago,[Media Center in 2010-2011] the first batch of heroes was created by Akiyama Makuro, with the intent of stopping crime and terror throughout the universe. Since then, the Heroes have become a widely accepted symbol of peace and prosperity, have been despised by criminals and villains everywhere, and have saved countless lives. Heroes are manufactured in the Hero Factory, and dispatched to areas that are in need. Thresher and Merrick Fortis are among the first Heroes in existence. The Alpha 1 Team is the first active Hero team to be formed. A number of more Heroes were made.[SM2][FO:MSG] When Hero Factory suffered a massive failure at an Asteroid J-54 break-in, Makuro responded to bad press by shutting down Hero Factory and turning it into a deep space research station. However, after a team of eight villains called the Legion of Darkness, who was responsible for the failure, was defeated by Alpha 1, Makuro reopened the Hero Factory, and built it into a symbol of safety across the galaxy. The Factory created more Heroes since its reopening.[SM2]

A special division of Heroes, the Hero Recon Team, was also created by Makuro in order to gather intelligence on villain activity in the universe, with Fortis being appointed leader of the team.

There are several rookie Heroes that went rogue. They include Von Ness and Core Hunter, who became villains who are rebuilt to have different forms. Von Ness became a villain called Von Nebula. Core Hunter fought the Heroes, but he was arrested and imprisoned by the Hero Factory.[SM1]

Recently, many Heroes got interviewed by Mak Megahertz in his radio talk show called Hero Factory FM, in his segment of it called Mak in the Morning.

Von Nebula assembled a gang of six villains to fight the Hero Factory, but his gang was defeated and imprisoned by the Alpha 1 Team while he was imprisoned in his own staff called the Black Hole Orb Staff by Preston Stormer.[Episode 1][C1][Episode 4][C4][FO:MSG]

The first five 2.0 heroes

After a lengthy time working on the process, Makuro debuted the 2.0 Upgrade, a new larger, flexible, and stronger Hero design. At a press conference, Makuro presented Julius Nex and Nathan Evo, two new heroes built with the 2.0 design.

The Alpha 1 Team in 2.0 form

Then, Preston Stormer, William Furno, Natalie Breez, and Mark Surge got the upgrade. The six Heroes' 2.0 forms featured fire-resistant armor, as well as other enhancements, like more powerful Hero Cores and improved vision across multiple wavelengths. The process took Makuro many months to perfect, and the upgrade was applied to other 1.0 Heroes, and future Heroes will be born with the upgrade.[Episode 5]

Six members of the Alpha 1 Team were equipped with the disguise of animals in their 3.0 forms to do their mission on Quatros.[C6][Episode 6] During the mission, Rocka got an XL form by attaching ancient armor pieces from a temple in Quatros to his body to fight the Witch Doctor. After the six Heroes saved Quatros from dying, Rocka changed back to his 3.0 form.[Episode 7][C7] At least the other five Heroes reverted back to 2.0 armor. Rocka got a new armor set from Zib,[Episode 8] but it is unknown if he got changed his 3.0 armor to his 2.0 armor before he got changed with the new armor set.

After Hero Factory had a massive breakout where every villain escaped containment, the Heroes were refitted specifically to go on solo missions and recapture the villains.[Episode 8][Episode 9](Omega Recon Reports)[SM1][SM2][Episode 10][FO:MSG] Alpha 1 Team saved the Hero Factory itself from its destruction after defeating Black Phantom, but before his defeat, he sent the structural plans to another villain or villains, allowing them to discover the blueprints of the building. Von Nebula seems to be on the loose, hiding in an unknown location.[Episode 9]

At some point, William Furno became the Commander of the Hero teams.[Episode 10]

When the Brains were heading to Makuhero City to attack it, the Alpha 1 Team - excluding Jimi Stringer and Julius Nex - were outfitted with new Hero Core Locking Clamps and Visors, along with unique equipment for each Hero, in order to fend off the invading Brains and the animals they transformed and possessed. When Surge got possessed by a Brain, he created an army of blank Heroes to try to destroy the Hero Factory from the inside. The Heroes defeated all of the Brains in the city, freed the animals and Surge from them, and cured the animals, even though there are many more Brains hiding in a large hole, created by a Brain-possessed Dragon Bolt, in the Hero Factory building.[Episode 10]

By the time the Heroes have recaptured all major Breakout escapees, six members of the Alpha 1 Team fought another swarm Brains in a space ship called the Valiant.[SM3] Later, the Heroes in general recaptured all of the Breakout escapees, but many robots in the galaxy lost their trust in the Hero Factory because of the Breakout. The Alpha 1 Team fought another swarm Brains in Tranquis VII. They also encountered members of the Galactic Conspiracy.[SM4] One of the members of the conspiracy, Karter, unintentionally sent four members of the Alpha 1 Team to an alternate universe, thinking that he destroyed them, but the Heroes eventually came back to the prime reality. They encountered his associate named Perjast and then found Karter, who was using his communication device to contact the conspiracy's overall leader. Since Stormer threatened the leader of the conspiracy, the leader destroyed Karter from afar to prevent the Heroes from finding the conspiracy.[SM5]

The seven members of the Alpha 1 Team fought the Jumpers in Antropolis City using Battle Machines. When Stormer and Furno were captured by giant mutated Jumpers, Natalie Breez called many Heroes to take care of the Jumpers on the surface while she and the other four members of the Alpha 1 Team went to rescue Stormer and Furno underground. After Stormer and Furno were rescued, and then all of the Jumpers disappeared, all of the Heroes in the city are going home, but they do not notice that they are bringing a Jumper, who is in an unhatched cocoon, with them.[Episode 11]

Abilities and Traits

The Heroes are built in the Hero Factory building's Assembly Tower. It takes 1-2 minutes for the tower to build a 1.0 Hero.(Hero Factory FM) The Heroes are made of top-grade alloys. Delicate internal nano-chips and servos are installed into the Heroes.[HFPM][FO:MSG] Every Hero is built from an original blueprint of parts and programming, giving each one a distinct personality and set of specialized skills. The Heroes wear various armor, which are made with solid fiber carbide plating.(shown in Assembly Tower Animation) Instead of clockwork or other types of machinery, each of the Heroes, who is completely built, is given a small, disk-shaped device called a Hero Core, which contains a tiny piece of a type of stone called Quaza, and after the Core is placed in the Hero's chest through his or her chest armor, it brings the Hero to life.[HFPM] After the Heroes are built, they start off as colorless,[Episode 1] but they will get colors.

The Heroes are dedicated to be heroes, as they are good, noble, usually brave, dutiful, and self-sacrificing. They do justice, solve mysteries, fight crime, and protect innocents. The Hero Cores make the Heroes who they are and make them good. The Heroes know what is the right thing to do. They also work as police officers. The Heroes would even have to be prepared to give their lives for justice.[SM3] They are known to have a slogan, which is "Heroes to the Core". They say it when they tell others to remember who and what they really are. The Heroes raise their weapons near each other's to say that slogan. The Alpha 1 Team is known to say it.[Episode 1][Episode 3] The Heroes have first and last names, like humans do, but they usually go by their last names. The Heroes have the word "Hero" as their title, like saying "Hero Stormer".[Episode 3] Being a Hero by title is a tough job, but the Heroes are proud to do it.[MtH]

When the Hero Factory's Mission Managers let the Heroes know of an emergency, the Heroes will get ready for the mission and solve the problem. The Heroes usually capture a villain who is responsible for it, After solving the problem, the Heroes bring the villain to jail. The Heroes used to put villains in a prison in Asteroid J-54, but when the Hero Factory built its own prison called Villain Storage inside the Hero Factory building, the Heroes put the villains in there instead.

The Heroes record mission log notes when they do missions.[C1][C2][C3][C4][C6][C7][SM1]

The Heroes also have great fighting skills, and they can fight their enemies with or without their weapons and gadgets. They can swim.[Episode 4][Episode 8][Episode 9][Episode 10]

Right after the Heroes are created, they start off as rookies, also called Heroes-in-training.[HiA] The rookies first get educated by teachers in the Hero Factory.[C6][Episode 6] They train with their fighting skills and equipment before they go do their missions. They do many hours of difficult training before they become full Heroes.[MtH] Heroes operate in teams, typically of three members, though more members are known to join when needed. They understand the value of teamwork. Some teams take on rookies to train and guide while they work toward becoming fully-fledged and veteran Heroes. Usually, the rookies come with their veteran Hero superiors, but there are times when the rookies have to do missions alone,[C6][Episode 6] as they did their own parts of Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em to recapture their assigned villains, like all other Heroes. The teams go by the Greek Alphabet and at least two extra words, which are Sierra, a code word that represents the letter "S", and Zed, a British pronunciation of the letter "Z". Many teams that have the same names have numbers that distinguish them from the others. Those with the number 1 can be shortened as the name without the number because they are the first team to have the name, as the Alpha 1 Team is sometimes called "Alpha Team" or simply "Alpha".[SM4] The Greek letters represent how good a Hero team is compared to others when the teams with the first letters, like the Alpha 1 Team, are higher by hierarchy than the Upsilon Team and the other ones.[SM3] The Sierra and Zed teams could also apply to this hierarchy, despite the words, Sierra and Zed, not being Greek letters. Rookies who fail to live up to their high-ranking teams' leaders' expectations could end up being transferred to the Upsilon Team or lower teams.[SM3] For example, Preston Stormer is known to have transferred rookies to other teams. Sometimes, Heroes from some teams are assigned to go help other teams if they are needed.(Hero Factory FM)[Episode 2]

A Hero would be promoted to be a leader of a team. Each of most teams is led by one leader, but there are teams where each is led by two leaders. Whenever the leaders notice their fellow members of their teams having a fight with each other, they would want to teach them discipline.[SM1] The leaders would also give mild punishments to their fellow members of their teams for their incompetence or telling a secret to a rookie, but the leaders would excuse them if they have reasons to.[SM2] The leaders would not tolerate their fellow members of their team disobeying their orders unless there is a good reason why the fellow members did that.[Episode 4][C4][SM3] The leaders record missions in files.[SM2][SM3] The teams can also have acting team leaders to substitute for the official leaders.(Hero Factory FM)[SM3] Also, when the official leaders and veteran members of a Hero team are absent, the team's Mission Managers tell the team's rookies to elect their own as a temporary substitute for the official leader.[Episode 4] A team's rookie division can also have a leader. A team's overall leader can be called "team leader",[Episode 4][SM4] even by people not from the team,[SM1] or "chief",[SM5] and they can be nicknamed after their team, like calling Stormer "Alpha Team Leader"[SM3] or "Alpha Team leader"[SM4] or simply "Alpha Leader" after the Alpha 1 Team.[C1][Episode 2][Episode 4] A Hero can be promoted to have the rank of "team commander", who is in charge of leading many Hero teams in a large battle. William Furno is a team commander, and he led many teams during the Brains' attack on Makuhero City.[Episode 10][FO:MSG]

Whether the Heroes are rookies or veterans, they still train hard to prepare themselves for missions. They learn how to use different weapons and develop new battle tactics.[Episode 5][SM1][TBW]

The Hero Recon Team is a special team that is different from the other teams in some ways, as they are secret agents who observe and study missions.

The Alpha 1 Team and the HRT are the best of the Hero teams in general.[Episode 9][SM1] The Alpha 1 Team is also the most famous of the Hero teams.[HiA]

Heroes have Codes, which represent certain kinds of danger, and the Heroes and Mission Managers say these to other Heroes to let them know if there is a certain kind of danger. They have at least 13 Codes. Only three of them are known:

  • Code 4 means innocent civilians are under attack.[Episode 2]
  • Code 7 means that a Hero gets kidnapped by an enemy.[Episode 11]
  • Code 13 means that Heroes have to investigate something that looks okay, but suspicious, which could lead to trouble later on.[Episode 3]

The Heroes also have a strategy called "Hero Link", where they grab each other's forearms to prevent themselves from being dragged in by a situation in order to save themselves.[Episode 4][C4]

The Heroes are also friendly to others. They are very loyal to the Hero Factory staff members and each other, though their main priority is to listen to the Mission Managers. The Mission Managers tell what they know to the Heroes, so the Heroes will know what to do when they encounter certain situations in their missions. When the Mission Managers are not guiding the Heroes on their missions, the Heroes' leading fellows will take in charge, though some veterans, like Dunkan Bulk and William Furno, and rookies, like Julius Nex and Nathan Evo, run the missions when needed.[SM1][SM3] The Heroes do not want to leave their imperiled fellows behind.[Episode 2][Episode 5][SM1][SM5] Despite the Heroes protecting both organic and inorganic people, at least Rocka and Breez would find any organic lifeform disgusting.[SM3]

The Heroes usually do not want to kill their enemies because they are not supposed to.[SM2][SM4][SM5] They also do not want to hurt the Makuhero Planet beasts, even when the animals were possessed by Brains.[Episode 10] When mindless drones are used by evil beings against the Heroes, the Heroes have no qualms in destroying the drones.[Episode 3][C3][Episode 10]

The Heroes are just and merciful, as they do not torture their prisoners.[SM2] The Heroes are kind enough to treat prisoners in their prison well,[SM4] and let prisoners in their prisons have visitors. The Heroes want to learn about what the prisoners and their visitors are talking in order to get answers from the prisoners.[SM5]

The Heroes clean up damage caused during a mission.[Episode 2][Episode 10] They also do public affairs with Makuhero City's people, and it is an important task that they do. They get to know the people that the Heroes are built to protect. The Heroes spend time with the people. They sign autographs, answer questions, and show off some of their skills. The people praise the Heroes, and can thank them for keeping them safe when the people meet them in this event. The Heroes have hand-written signatures, and a Hero can put his hand on a Makuhero City citizen's electronic tablet called a Datapad's screen to project an image of the Hero and the signature on it.[Episode 10][TBW]

The Heroes like to relax with their friends[MtH] and play a game called Roboball when they do not have missions to do.[Episode 6] They also play the game with Makuhero City's citizens.[Episode 10] The Heroes can use their Roboball skills to help with their missions.[Episode 7] They also celebrate their birthdays, which are called "Activation Days".(shown in a Lego Club Inside Scoop article called "Stormer's Birthday Giveaway" on October 3, 2012)

The Heroes live in the Hero Factory building, but some are stationed in a number of other areas in the galaxy because they do assignments there.

The Heroes would want to give up their titles of being Heroes if they either retire or quit. When a Hero Team's only leader retires, he or she would have one of his or her team's members as his or her successor. The retired Heroes would go protect somewhere. The Heroes would quit when they would feel bad about disobeying their leaders' orders, and Makuro has to be notified of this. However, the leaders would convince the Heroes to keep their jobs if they have a good reason why they disobeyed the orders.[SM2][SM3] The Heroes would also think about quitting keeping their jobs when something bad happens to their fellow Heroes.[Episode 2]

There are several rookie Heroes who turned evil, betrayed their fellows, and became villains. Usually, they have defects that caused them to think this way, and they have their own reasons why they did this. They usually think that they were not good enough to live up to their teams' leaders' expectations. Two rookie Heroes, Von Ness and Core Hunter, were such Heroes, and they rebuilt themselves to look different. They became taller than normal-sized Heroes. Mark Surge is known to believe that he might turn evil someday, and this worries him. When he was offered by the Doom Box-enhanced Core Hunter to join his empire, part of him felt tempted to do the wrong thing at first, but in his conscious, he ultimately knew that if he would accept the offer, he would become no better than the villains that he and his team fought, so he declined Core Hunter's offer and fought him.[SM1][SM3]

Heroes are unusually strong and agile for their stature. They can also jump very high.[Episode 1] Each Hero also has more than one vital power unit. If a Hero gets hits by a certain impact, his or her vital power unit gets dislocated, shutting the Hero down. When one relocates the power unit, the Hero will be reactivated.[Episode 1] Each Hero has a built-in tracking chip, which can be used by the Hero Factory organization to find the Hero.[Episode 3] Each Hero's armor has an automatic cooling system that responds to hot temperatures through the Hero's internal sensors, even in Geb's hot desert criminal planet.[SM1] The Heroes can increase the range and sensitivity of their audio receptors.[SM3, p. 52][SM4, p. 100] They have internal heating units that help them adapt to cold places when the Heroes switch them on.[SM4] They have fuel oil in their bodies.(shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)[SM5]

The Hero Cores allow the Heroes to live as other beings do. Without the Cores, the Heroes will die if they are not given a new Core right away.[SM1][FO:MSG] Since no known beings other than the Heroes possess Hero Cores, it often takes more time to develop and test cures for ailing Heroes. When the Heroes have low energy in their Hero Cores after doing and completing missions, the Mission Managers tell the Heroes to go recharge their Hero Cores to get ready for missions, and they do not let the Heroes go do the missions without recharging first.[HFPM][Episode 1][Episode 2] The Heroes can use their Cores' energy to do various functions, though it would drain the Cores of their energy when they do this. The Heroes would need to do a Core transplant if their Core's energy is completely drained, though this could replace the Hero's personality with a new one.[Episode 2][Episode 6][Episode 7][Episode 9] When Von Ness and Core Hunter rebuilt themselves to have their villain forms, their Hero Cores are no longer shown, and it is unknown what happened to them when the two rogue Heroes rebuilt themselves.

Each and every Hero's design is different, and so do their emotional capacitors and logic circuits that help make up their neural net. This causes the Heroes to have different personalities and different sets of skills.[FO:MSG] Although all Heroes are pre-programmed with unique abilities, like Natalie Breez's ability to communicate with animals, they all contain sensors and machinery that allow them to fight crime effectively.


Furno getting refitted with acid-resistant armor

Heroes know how to use Hero Factory technology. They are armed with various high-tech weapons and gadgets. The equipment is made of alloys.[Episode 5][Episode 8] The Heroes are refitted with new parts and gadgets routinely in order to stay on top of recent criminal technological advances. The refitting process can take a few minutes or less.[HFPM]

The Heroes can carry their weapons on their backs,[Episode 5][Episode 8][SM3] arms, and armor.

The Heroes wear high-tech helmets that scan things that they see.[Episode 3][Episode 7] Each of the helmets has a camera and a communications headset,[HFPM] and together, they make the MissionCam. Mission Managers use the Mission Management Stations to contact the Heroes through their helmets. Even Heroes can use their helmets to contact others. The helmets' communicators have a "Talk" button, which allows communications to happen.[SM1] The helmets can also be used to contact people that are not Hero Factory[SM1] and those who are in their non-Hero Factory locations, like the Valiant.[SM3] The Mission Managers make the helmets' eyeline parts flash red and make the helmets use the words "Hero Code Red" to let the Heroes know that they are needed for an emergency.[Episode 6][Episode 10] When a Hero gets mind-controlled by a Brain, the Mission Managers will lose his or her signal, but the signal will reappear when the Hero gets inside the Hero Factory building.[Episode 10]

Many of the gadgets can be stored on the Heroes' belts. The belts also have lights.[SM1] The gadgets include:

  • The first model of Hero Cuffs. Each Hero usually carries one set of Hero Cuffs. The Heroes carry them on their belts.
  • Particle Separator[Episode 4]
  • Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings. Each ring could be built into a 1.0 Hero's boot. When the Hero had two rings built into his or her boots, he or she could use the rings to float.[Episode 4][C4]
  • An old, small, black device that is a communicator. The device has two buttons, one for activating the device and one that is the "Send" button. Heroes use these devices to contact other members of their teams. These devices were made during the Hero Factory's early days. Enemies would confuse the devices as old pieces of junk.[SM5]
  • Sensor Pack,[SM1][SM4] or Portable Sensor Unit or Scanner,[SM3] which is a device with orange rims that can scan and get one's signal, and show a map of the user's location.[Episode 6][Episode 8][SM1] The Heroes carry the Sensor Units on their belts. There is a gray version of a Sensor Pack with a rectangular head can scan something inside of something else, as it can scan robots imprisoned in the Jumpers' cocoons.[Episode 11]
  • A welding tool-like device that can enhance the Sensor Packs to boost other Heroes' signals. Julius Nex has such a device.[Episode 6]
  • A grappling device that allows the Heroes to descend down to a lower level of a place. The Heroes carry these devises on their belts.[Episode 1][Episode 3][Episode 7]
  • Small, silver, spherical bombs on their belts, and they have lines around their centers that glow red when they are activated, and they detonate in several seconds. Each Hero usually carries three bombs. The Heroes carry these bombs on their belts.[Episode 1]
  • A small silver device that can scan a Hero's Hero Core and measure how much energy does the Core have. The device shapes like a rectangular prism with a round part on its top part. The top part glows red, green, and blue when it is in use, but when it is not, it is white. The device has three small red rectangle lights lined up horizontally in the center, and they light up when a Hero's Hero Core is so drained that the Hero needs to get recharged.[Episode 1][Episode 2] This device can also get a distress beacon and communications from a near distance. The device beeps and has its top part flash red when it gets the distress beacon. The Heroes carry these devices on their belts.[Episode 5]
  • A small device that can use their Hero Cores' energy to generate force fields called a Hero Cell,[Episode 2] re-activate deactivated Heroes,[Episode 6] and rewire long-disused teleportation tunnels in Quatros.[Episode 7][C7] The Heroes have holes under their Hero Cores that allow the device's cords to attach to them in order for the device to work.
  • Levitation Unit, which is a clamping device that can slightly telekinetically lift heavy objects, like a pile of girders, by grabbing onto one of the objects, and this function can use red energy to extend to some others touching the object. The device's two clamps glow red when in use.[Episode 2]
  • A pair of binoculars that can scan an area. There are two types of them. One is circular,[Episode 5] and the other is rectangular prism-shaped. The rectangular prism-shaped ones can take a picture of what their user sees and tell its user information about it.[Episode 11]
  • Long-Distance Thermo-Scope, which is used for reconnaissance. It looks like a smaller version of the circular binoculars.[Episode 5]
  • An electronic tablet called a Datapad, or a Hero Pad, which shows the Heroes information,[SM2] as they use an encyclopedic website called Heropedia to learn about something.[Episode 6] The Heroes also use datapads to write their letters of resignation, and these datapads are called "Resignation Datapads" that way. The Heroes can use a lot of their Hero Core energy when they do this. The Heroes' team leaders will read the letters to decide if they want to accept their resignations or not.[SM3]
  • An electronic tablet similar to a Datapad, but with an orange holographic screen that makes it look somewhat like an X-Bot Scanner. It can scan objects through the ground[Episode 3] and find trails.[Episode 4]
  • A small kit called a Triage Kit that can contain small devices, like Hero Cell generators. Heroes who are very skilled in technology, like Nex, are known to use the Triage Kits.[Episode 6] The Kits can also be used to connect ancient armor pieces from Quatros to 3.0 Heroes to turn them into XL 3.0 Heroes.[Episode 7][C7] It is possible to apply this to 2.0, Breakout, and Brain Attack Heroes because of their similar structures.
  • Translator - A device that can translate languages, so its Hero user can understand people who only speak the language. It has a mechanical voice that speaks the Hero's language in order for the Hero to become able to understand the person that he or she is talking to.[SM1]
  • An equipment port, or pack,[SM2] which can contain small devices. (NOTE: It is evident that these equipment ports are on the Heroes' belts in the Television Episodes) The devices include:
    • Laser Torch, which can be used to make a hole though a metal surface.[SM3]
  • Wrist Chronometer, which is a wrist device that functions like a wrist watch.[SM3]
  • Portable Stasis Chamber, which can put a Brain in stasis.[SM4]

The Heroes drive many high-tech vehicles made by the Hero Factory, which are Drop Ships, Hero Pods, and many kinds of motorcycles,[Episode 9] like the Furno Bike and the Ultra Mach Speed Cycle.

The 1.0 Heroes could also attach jetpacks to their back armor.[Episode 3][C3][S!] There were 1.0 Heroes who usually use a one-Hero Drop Ship to fight, and these Heroes have armor that looks somewhat different from other 1.0 Heroes'. Bulk 1.0 was known to have added a breathing apparatus to his armor at one time.[S!]

When the Heroes got the 2.0 Upgrade, they became stronger and slightly taller. They look very different from their 1.0 forms. They got new armor and body structure design, including new heads. Each 2.0 Hero's armor has one white, silver, or gunmetal gray limb armor piece that has the Hero's name on it. The piece is located on either the Hero's upper arm, forearm, or thigh. The 2.0 Heroes also got new helmets and chest armor pieces that look the same, but the helmets have unique silver or gunmetal gray headgear around the rims. The headgear has various tools, but they all have cameras and antennas. The headgear is also ocular enhancements that provide visual data across multiple wavelengths.(shown in the March-April 2011 issue of the Lego Magazine) The 2.0 Heroes' Hero Cores look different from the 1.0 Heroes'. The Cores are compact and deliver 40% more power.(shown in the March-April 2011 issue of the Lego Magazine) Some of the 2.0 Heroes were once 1.0 Heroes. Others are born that way. Apparently, the 2.0 forms are permanent.[Episode 8] The Heroes use new weapons, which were top secret during Mission: Ordeal of Fire. Stormer, Furno, Breez, Nex, Evo, and Surge got heat-resistant servos that deliver improved performance, and armor that is resilient against lava and plasma weapons.(shown in the March-April 2011 issue of the Lego Magazine)

When the Heroes got the 3.0 upgrade, each Hero gets armor that is based on a different Earth animal. The armor's helmet look like the Hero's animal. The armor also gives its Hero wearer the ability of such animal. This armor is made to adapt to a jungle. Like the 2.0 armor, each 3.0 Hero's armor has one transparent green limb armor piece that has the Hero's name and picture of his or her animal on it. The piece is located on either the Hero's bicep arm, forearm, or thigh. The 3.0 Heroes can switch back to their 2.0 forms.[Episode 8] They have various bladed weapons, and some of them shoot various kinds of blasts.

When the 2.0 Heroes got the Breakout upgrade, they look very different. They have new heads that look like their 1.0 ones, and wear new helmets that look like their 1.0 ones. The Heroes get a new chest armor piece, and each Hero also gets various new armor pieces. Their Hero Cores look different from the 2.0 ones, as they are perfectly circular. All Breakout Hero Cores are white. There are unqiue markings on the chest armor, on both sides of where the Hero Core is. The Heroes get equipment that allows them to adapt to different environments. Some of the Breakout Heroes are slightly taller than others. The short Breakout Heroes are as short as the 2.0 Heroes while the others are taller than the 2.0 Heroes. Apparently, the Breakout forms are permanent, like the 2.0 forms.[Episode 10] The Breakout Heroes are known to be armed with Plasma Guns of various kinds. They also got a new kind of Hero Cuffs that can fly and seek out their target. The Cuffs can be clipped onto the Heroes' armor for storage. Each of some of the Heroes' armor has a pincer-like clip that can attach the Cuffs, but Dunkan Bulk's armor did not have a clip.

When the Breakout Heroes got the Brain Attack upgrade, they look different. The Heroes got new heads. They wear new helmets that look somewhat like their 1.0 and Breakout ones, but with high-tech visors with various functions. The Heroes got a new chest armor piece, which has four Hero Core Locking Clamps that can enhance the power of and protect their Hero Cores. Some chest armor pieces are silver while others are gunmetal gray. Like the Breakout upgrade, the Heroes have various new armor pieces, and some of the Heroes were slightly taller than the others, but at different heights. The shorter Brain Attack Heroes are slightly taller than the short Breakout ones, and the taller Brain Attack Heroes are in between the the short ones and the tall Breakout ones. The Heroes are known to slightly change their heights between the shorter and taller heights, as Rocka, Bulk, and Breez became shorter when he switched from their Breakout forms to their Brain Attack forms, and Evo and Surge became taller when they switched from their Breakout forms to their Brain Attack forms. The short Brain Attack Heroes are known to not have armor on their forearms while the tall ones do. The short Heroes are known to carry one of their handheld weapons on their backs. The tall ones are known to have visors that have decorative markings. The Brain Attack Heroes are equipped with weapons that are based on medieval ones, and some are armed with various guns that shoot small missiles. It is unknown if the Heroes could change back to their Breakout forms.

The 3.0, Breakout, and Brain Attack Heroes are known to be able to have special forms called XL forms, with "XL" standing for "Extra Large". The XL forms are taller and stronger versions of the Heroes' such forms that have bulkier and stronger armor. All of them can look different and be at different sizes, as an XL 3.0 Hero is slightly taller than an XL Breakout Hero, who is also slightly taller than an XL Brain Attack Hero. An XL Breakout Hero is large enough to drive a large Drop Ship.[Episode 9] A 3.0 Hero can get his or her XL form by being fused to the ancient armor pieces from Quatros when another Hero uses a Triage Kit to do this. The Heroes can change from their XL forms back to their regular forms. It is possible to apply the XL forms to 2.0 forms due to the 2.0 forms being similar to the 3.0, Breakout, and Brain Attack forms. It is also possible to apply the anicent armor pieces to the 2.0, Breakout, and Brain Attack forms due to these forms being similar to the 3.0 forms. It is possible for the tower to give the Heroes XL versions of their 2.0 and 3.0 forms due to these forms being similar to the Breakout and Brain Attack forms.

The Brain Attack Heroes can also use Rocka's large jetpack. It is possible for the 2.0, 3.0, and Breakout Heroes to wear the jetpack due to similarities between them and the Brain Attack forms.

When the Heroes got the Battle Machine pilot upgrade, they look different. The Heroes got new heads. They all have new compact armor(Mini-Robots & Massive Mechs!) that do not have special features or secondary colors, and the Heroes look exactly like each other with the armor. The armor has a new dark gray chest piece. The Heroes' Hero Cores look different from the Breakout ones. They wear new helmets that look much like their 1.0 and Breakout ones. The helmets have flashlights built into them. The armor allows the Heroes to fit into their Battle Machines' cockpits. Each Hero's left forearm armor piece has a built-in communication device. It can also record a being's words through a coding language. It can get other Heroes' signals, and when the Heroes get closer to their fellows, the signals get stronger. The Heroes are around as tall as the tall Breakout Heroes. They are equipped with a device called a Remote Builder, which can be used to build a Battle Machine. Each Hero is also equipped with a laser gun,[Episode 11] and the Heroes are equipped with various weapons and equipment. It is unknown if the Heroes could change back to their Breakout forms or Brain Attack forms.

There are featureless and generic drones that look like Brain Attack Heroes, which Heroes call "Blank Heroes".[Episode 10]

Known Heroes

Alpha 1 Team


Thresher and his team

Rookies (Rookie 1)

Former Members

  • Thresher (original leader, retired)
  • Von Ness (original member, former rookie, rogue)
The senior three of Alpha 1


Delta 9 Team


Lucas Valor


Epsilon 4 Team


  • Lanford Puck (leader)
  • Azar Wright
  • Gil Driver (acting team leader for Epsilon 1)(Hero Factory FM)


Mu 19 Team


  • Emma Sage (leader)


  • Geneva Mills
  • Neko Scott
  • Nate Slick


Rho 3 Team


  • Eric Zeal (leader)
  • Kelly Deep
  • Rosalie Brisk
  • Michael Crisp


Rho 14 Team


  • Matthew Flash (leader)
  • Maddison Swift
  • Hailey Quick


Zed 4 Team


  • Rachael Dodge (leader)
  • Matthew Flare
  • Lily Fox
  • Ian Grey


Carter and Flint's Team

  • Deuce Carter (current leader)
  • Oscar Flint (current leader)
  • Thelonious Fox (former leader; rumored to now be a member of Hero Recon)(Hero Factory FM)

Sierra Team

Hero Recon Team

The Hero Recon Team


  • Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em

Other Heroes

  • Virginia Wake (veteran)(Hero Factory FM)
  • Emmilene Blast (veteran)(Hero Factory FM)
  • Janey Zero (team leader)(Hero Factory FM)
  • Sam Mercury (team leader)(Hero Factory FM)
  • Veronica Sprint (team leader)(Hero Factory FM)
  • Jackson[Episode 2]
  • Maximus/"Max"[Episode 2]
  • A Drop Ship pilot who helped Dunkan Bulk and William Furno fight Vapor[S!]
  • A Hero who chased Von Nebula at one time, but Von Nebula escaped from this Hero[Black Hole Orb Staff]
  • A whole squad of Heroes who got injured by Drilldozer and were taken to the Hero Factory's medical wing at one time (shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)
  • Several rookie Heroes that went rogue[SM1][SM3][SM4]
  • Many Heroes whose Hero Cores were stolen by Core Hunter[SM1]
    • A rookie that Stormer worked with. Stormer saved the rookie by giving the rookie a replacement Hero Core[SM1]
  • A Hero who sabotaged Core Hunter's getaway vehicle at one time and then whose Drop Ship got destroyed by him[SM1]
  • Many Heroes who used twelve Drop Ships to fight the Brains who were controlling the Valiant[SM3]
  • A dozen Heroes who helped eight members of the Alpha 1 Team clean up the mess in Tranquis VII[SM4]

Other Teams

Set Information

All of the Hero sets in the toy line expect one depict members of the Alpha 1 Team.

The first seven Heroes were released in mid-2010, who are Preston Stormer, Natalie Breez, William Furno, Dunkan Bulk, Mark Surge, Jimi Stringer, and an unnamed Drop Ship Pilot. Each of the first six Heroes' canister represents a Hero Pod, and these Heroes are from the Alpha 1 Team. The pilot is included in a large box set called 7160 Drop Ship. They are all around six inches tall. A second version of Furno was released in another large box set called 7158 Furno Bike. This version of Furno is slightly different from the canister version. This version is questionable in the canon because it was never seen in the story for an unknown reason while Furno had driven the Furno Bike in the story with his normal 1.0 armor. A second version of Bulk was also released together with the villain Vapor in a limited edition large box set called 7179 Bulk & Vapour. Parts from Stormer, Breez, and Furno can be combined to create a combination model representing Lucas Valor. Valor's physical appearance in the model is questionable in the canon because it is taller than an average Hero 1.0 set figure and looks different from the other Hero 1.0 set figures. It is unknown why Stringer, Bulk, and Surge never had their own combination model.

In early 2011, six new "Heroes 2.0" were released, comprised of Furno 2.0, Stormer 2.0, Surge 2.0, Breez 2.0, Evo 2.0, and Nex 2.0, members of the Alpha 1 Team. Unlike their earlier counterparts, the 2.0 heroes featured a new building system that relies on ball and socket joints as opposed to axles and pegs. The 2.0 Heroes are slightly taller than the 1.0 Heroes. Stormer 2.0 is also slighty taller than his fellow 2.0 Heroes because of his forelegs, and some of the 2.0 Heroes have broader shoulders than the others'. Parts from each two of the 2.0 Heroes can be combined to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. All six of the Heroes' pieces can be used to build a combination model representing a villainous robot called Makuro-X1. Each of the 2.0 Heroes' canister's lid has a printed code underneath it that could be entered to unlock a part of an online game called Creep Crushers in the HeroPad section of the Hero Factory website. The 2.0 Heroes were the first 2011 Hero canister sets to have this feature.

Later that year, six new "Heroes 3.0" were released, comprising of Rocka 3.0, Stormer 3.0, Nex 3.0, Furno 3.0, Bulk 3.0, and Stringer 3.0, members of the Alpha 1 Team. They came with the same overall design as the 2.0 Heroes, but they came with new "Animal Powers", which gave them the traits of the animal powers they had. Also tied with each of the Heroes' Animal Power was his new armor, which looks like the animal the Hero was assigned to. Rocka 3.0 is slightly taller than the other 3.0 Heroes and is as tall as Stormer 2.0 because of his forelegs. Stormer 3.0 is slightly shorter than his 2.0 counterpart, as he is as short as the other 2.0 sets, Furno 3.0, Nex 3.0, Bulk 3.0, and Stringer 3.0. Some of the 3.0 Heroes also have broader shoulders than the others'. A second version of Rocka was released in a large box set called Rocka XL, with "XL" meaning "Extra Large" because he is a large set. Like the 2.0 Hero sets, parts from each two of the 3.0 Heroes can be combined to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. Each of the 3.0 Heroes' canister's lid has a printed code underneath it that could be entered to unlock a part of a version of Creep Crushers called Jungle Crushers.

In 2012, Heroes were released as part of the Breakout line over the course of the year. These are Evo, Rocka, Furno, Surge, Breez, Nex, Bulk, Stringer, and Stormer XL, members of the Alpha 1 Team. These heroes have special new Hero Cores with printed codes that provide various amounts of points for an online game called Breakout in the Hero Factory website. Each of the Alpha 1 Team Heroes has a Plasma Gun. They had special Hero Cuffs, which they use to capture their respective villains also released in the Breakout wave. Evo, Surge, Nex, and Stringer are small sets, who are as tall as Stormer 2.0's fellow 2.0 Heroes, while Rocka, Furno, Breez, and Bulk are medium-sized sets, as they are taller than Stormer 2.0 and Rocka 3.0, and as tall as the medium-sized villain sets from the past years because of their legs. Some of the regular Hero sets have broader shoulders than the others'. Parts from each of the Heroes can be combined with parts from his or her particular villain to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. Parts from Furno, Surge, and Evo can be combined to form a combination model that represents the unnamed rookie of the Alpha 1 Team. This model's look is questionable in the canon because it looks different from the other normal Breakout Hero set figures. It is unknown why Rocka, Breez, Nex, Bulk, Stringer, and Stormer never had their own combination models. Also, unlike Rocka XL, Stormer XL does not have a normal set counterpart for an unknown reason.

In 2013, seven of the Alpha 1 Team Heroes were released as part of the Brain Attack line across the entire year. These are Rocka, Breez, Bulk, Stormer, Evo, Surge, and Furno XL. They have the same Hero Cores from the Breakout wave, but with codes for an online game called Brain Attack. The Heroes also possess new versions of their 1.0 and Breakout helmets that have visors covering them, and locking clamps around the Hero Cores. The visors have axle holes on the top that can attach a Brain to it to represent the Brain controlling the visor's Hero wearer. Rocka, Bulk, Breez, and Evo are small sets, who are as short as Stormer 2.0 and Rocka 3.0, making them slightly taller than the small Breakout Hero sets. Stormer and Surge are the medium-sized Heroes, who are in between the small Brain Attack Heroes and the medium-sized Breakout Heroes because of their legs. Stormer has broader shoulders than his fellow regular Brain Attack Heroes'. The short Brain Attack Heroes have short forearms that do not have armor while the medium-sized ones have longer forearms that do have armor. Like the Breakout sets, parts from each of the Heroes can be combined with parts from his or her Brain-possessed beast counterpart to create a non-canon combination model using instructions from HeroFactory.com. A second version of Rocka was released in the Jet Rocka set, where he is taller than Stormer and Surge, but slightly shorter than Furno XL because of his legs. He uses a jetpack with various weapons. This version of Rocka is questionable in the canon because it never appeared in the story for an unknown reason while Rocka had driven the jetpack in the story in his normal Brain Attack form. Like Stormer XL, Furno XL does not have a normal set counterpart for an unknown reason.

In 2014, the same Heroes from the 2013 sets, Stormer, Furno, Rocka, Evo, Breez, Bulk, and Surge, were released as mini-figures in all 2014 sets. Their figures represent their pilot forms, which have pins on the backs of their torso armor pieces that allow them to be attached to the holes in the centers of their Battle Machines' cockpits, which have visors that have the same names as the Heroes. The Heroes also come with various equipment. In some of the sets, each Hero has a gun, whether it be a one-piece gun or a click shooter, which is made of two pieces and can shoot a stud piece. The guns represent the Heroes' laser guns. Also in some of the sets, each Hero has a communication device on his or her left forearm.


"We were made to be heroes. It's our job to help anyone in the known worlds that needs it. We weren't built to fail."
― Preston Stormer, Trials of Furno


  • Hero Maddison Swift, of Rho 14 Team, was named after BZPower Forum Assistant Nukaya.
  • According to the 2010 set commercials, a 1.0 Hero was around the size of an average human man.
  • In the first ten television episodes, the Heroes have belts that contain their gadgets, their Brain Attack weapons retract, and their helmets have retractable mouth guards. In Episode 11: Invasion From Below, the Heroes' heads match the primary colors of their armors, and they all have blue eyes with pupils.
  • Despite the Heroes being robots, they do not like the word much because it sounds too simple and crude. This is also because they are people.[SM1, p. 8]
  • Since the Furno Bike was a success with Furno, Hero Factory has been considering a cycle-based team for the future.[HFPM, p. 13] In Episode 9: Breakout Part 2, there are three Heroes who drive the same kind of motorcycles as the Furno Bike.
  • According to Stormer in Secret Mission 5: Mirror World, there are beings that desperately want to be Heroes by title, despite them not being Heroes by physical nature. He also looks at Akiyama Makuro as the greatest Hero of all by title since Makuro has the heart of a Hero. According to Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook, Stormer considers Nathaniel Zib to be an honorary Hero by title.
    • In Episode 9, Daniela Capricorn called herself an "honorary Hero" by title because she helped Stormer, Furno, Surge, and Evo get into the Hero Factory building.
  • Although Heroes usually do not kill their enemies, members of the Alpha 1 Team are known to be somewhat rough on animals outside of the Makuhero Planet. For example, after Furno freed a Scorpio from the Witch Doctor's control, and then the Scorpio accidentally threw Furno off his back, Furno told three fellow Alpha 1 Team members to help him get the Scorpio and two more fellow Alpha 1 Team members to get a possessed Raw-Jaw. When the Heroes noticed the Scorpio and Raw-Jaw fighting each other, Bulk suggested that the two animals would finish each other off, but the Raw-Jaw defeated the Scorpio (the Scorpio probably survived[C7]) and went to fight the Heroes.[Episode 7] Also, seven members of the Alpha 1 Team fought the Jumpers roughly, and when Stormer destroyed the Jumpers' nest, it is unknown if the Jumpers got killed by this or escaped to other parts of their underground lair to save themselves.[Episode 11]
  • There are two extra codes that the Heroes said in non-canon media:
    • In Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire, Stormer said "Code Ultra-Red", which means needing immediate reinforcement.
    • In the March-April 2014 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine, someone said "Omega-1 Emergency", which means fighting giant monsters like mutated Jumpers.

See also

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)