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The Society of the Hero Factory universe is complex, with numerous different practices on various planets. It is much like planet Earth's United States of America's, and is done by robots. Many known robots have first and last names, like humans do. The Heroes check elapsed time.[Episode 1][SM3]
Sports and Contests
There are a number of sporting activities played by Heroes, known collectively as "Robo-Sports".(Hero Factory FM)
There are foot races in Cerrazon 8 (Hero Factory FM) and Makuhero City's Makuhero Stadium.[SM5]

The sport of Roboball involves the serving and hitting of a type of ball called Roboball and eliminating other players. The ball is mechanical one and has eight line-shaped lights that flash green and blue. It floats after being thrown, and emits green and blue energy rays when it flies fast. The ball can also float to another direction when getting near a surface in the room rather than bouncing off the surface. The game usually is played in teams,[Episode 6] but players can compete solo if they please.[Episode 10] The game can be played in a room in the Hero Factory,[Episode 6] though it can also be played outside.[Episode 10] The Hero Factory corporation has designed training dummies that are simulated by computers,[Episode 6] but Heroes also play the game with others, like Makuhero City's citizens.[Episode 10] The virtual players are known to look like Dunkan Bulk's 1.0 form, but all silver and have yellow eyes. The Hero can use his or her helmet to command the Roboball room to upload a certain number of holographic players.

The game is like a combination of football and basketball. In the room, the Heroes have to throw the ball to others when the holograms surround him or her. When a player is knocked from the playing field and hit the lower floor of the room, the player loses, and the one who beats it earns 100 points. When a player throws the ball at the opposing team's goal in the field, its team wins. Two Heroes would compete against five dummies, and four Heroes against ten or twenty dummies.[Episode 6]
Heroes also know different moves for the game, and the Heroes use them in their missions. Known moves are Roboball Hyper Punch and Roboball Dunk.[Episode 7]
There are many occupations in the galaxy, and many involve law enforcement. Law enforcement careers include those as Heroes, as well as general police forces on many other planets, who handle criminal justice without the presence of Heroes. The police department on Mekron City is headed by Chief Drax; an associate of Stormer's.[Episode 3] Aquax, another associate of Stormer's, was also once a police officer who did undercover.
Usually, a normal bridge in a space battle cruiser, like the Valiant, would have ten to twelve robot crew members on there at any one time. Also, a battle cruiser's auxiliary control is usually around the midlevel of the ship, and it is a sensitive area that is guarded by security guards. A battle cruiser also has damage control teams. When Aquax became captain of a space ship called the Valiant, his head of security was Commander Kirch.[SM3]
There are robots who work as news reporters.(Hero Factory FM)[Episode 3][Episode 4][Episode 5][Episode 8][Episode 9][Episode 10] News reporters in Makuhero City have robotic assistants that work as camera people. The camera robots are small and white, and look like round screen projectors. They have two dark gray antennae-like parts on the sides, and a dark gray appendage on the bottom. They have three black scopes for a camera lens and eyes on the front of their white parts. They have a red lightblub on top of the white parts. The camera robots can float in the air. They can use their eyes to make a recording for the reporters' news channel. They can stop and resume the recording. They can activate their lightblubs to show that the reporter they are working for is acting up on the air. The camera robots can swivel their antennae-like parts up and down, as they turn the parts down to show that they are sad. They have batteries, which they need to stay active. They do not talk. Makuhero City has at least two news companies, "Hero News Wire" and "Hero News Network". The former is in the news channel HFX. Daniela Capricorn and her camera robot, who runs in batteries, work for Hero News Wire.[Episode 4] A male news reporter named Zed Clickstart and a female news anchor work for Hero News Network.(Hero Factory FM)[Episode 10](shown in the Brain Attack game)
Many places, including the Hero Factory and the Valiant, have various security systems.[SM1][SM2][SM3][SM4]
There are robots who work as miners and construction workers, as they are called "worker robots" and who are made and used for industrial purposes. The mining robots and XT4 robots are such robots.[SM2]
There are robots who work as security guards. They can be called "security robots".[SM1][SM2][SM3][SM4] There were those that were a part of the Hero Factory's external security system, which was powered by its central power core, during the Hero Factory's early days. If the power was cut off, the robots would be deactivated, but the system's backup power would be activated in around 60 seconds. The robots were destroyed by Black Phantom during Mission: Legion of Darkness.[SM2] The Hero Factory still has security robots when Mak Megahertz was hosting his radio talk show called Hero Factory FM, in his segment called Mak in the Morning.[Episode 3][SM5] The Galactic Conspiracy has security robots in Tranquis VII called S-12 units, who are dedicated to their jobs.
There are robots who work as cleaners, as they are called "cleaning robots".[ Mission List, Imposters][SM1][SM2] There are those that polish others' armor.[SM1, p. 66] The Heroes would get punished into cleaning the floors if they failed or disobeyed their leaders' orders.[SM2] There are robots who can have unwashed athletic components in their lockers, and the components smell as bad as Z'chaya.(Omega Recon Reports)
There is a club called the AutoPod Club, who helps robots with their transport pods that broke down. The Hero Factory's Call Center do not look at problems that the club faces as emergencies. When one of the Call Center employees, Lucy, talked with a robot who was trying to get help from the Hero Factory when his transport pod crash-landed, Lucy initially thought the robot was calling the AutoPod Club, but the robot clarified that he was attacked by hostile robots called Canabots.[Episode 1]
There are robots called MediBots, who are medical doctors who treat wounded robots.[Episode 2][Episode 3] There are repair stations,[SM1] including MediBot stations.[Episode 2] Hero Factory has its own MediBots[Episode 3] and repair bay.[Episode 3][SM5]
There are robots who work as scientists. They can be called "science robots."[SM3][SM4]
There are robots who work as technicians.[Episode 2][SM4][SM5] There are also damage control teams and repair techs, as there was at least one repair tech in the Valiant.[SM3]
There are robots who work as right-hand people, as they are called "right-hand robots".[SM4]
There are robots called B-1 robots, who are bureaucrats and administators usually employed by local governments. They have blue-and-red coloring, thin frame, and lack of factory-issue weapons attachments. Karter was a B-1 robot, but he was also a villain working for the Galactic Conspiracy.[SM4]
There are robots called L-model robots, who are clerks in Makuhero University in Makuhero City.[SM5] (NOTE: An alternate reality called Reality 11275.6 has two characters, L-22 and L-23, but it can assumed that, since Von Nebula City is very much like Makuhero City, the prime reality has its own L-model robots. They are called this to be consistent with the other types of robots in this wiki since they did not show the real name of their type of robot.)
Robotic people use money, as they use credits.[SM5]
There are robots called business-bots, and they pay robots.[FO:MSG, p. 59]
There are robot reclaimation piles.[SM4]
Hero Factory
Many of the inhabitants of Makuhero City are employed in the Hero Factory. They serve in a myriad of different capacities, all supporting the law-enforcing Heroes. In addition to specific positions, there are also a number of general workers, who operate at the discretion of their managers.
List of Occupations in Hero Factory
- Professor - Educators in charge of teaching rookie Heroes are known as "Professors"
- Call Center operatives - The Call Center employs many workers to field incoming calls to the Hero Factory, and see that they receive the right amount of attention. The Call Center manager is Sherman Lennard.
- Mission Manager - Mission Managers delegate crises to Hero teams, and assist them during the operations. The Chief Mission Manager is Nathaniel Zib.
- MediBots - Robots that work as medical doctors.
- Scientists - Robot scientists.
- Technicians - Robot technicians.
The Hero Factory have security robots from other groups and police forces run by robots as allies.[Episode 3][C3][SM1][SM3]
Criminal activity is severely prohibited in the universe, but there are many who turn to the lifestyle. The crimes that are committed include sabotage, theft, energy absorption, murder, destruction, and extortion, among many others. In order to house the growing criminal population, Hero Factory is involved with several different incarceration facilities, such as Asteroid J-54 and Penitentiary 1331, in addition to their own Villain Storage Unit. According to Stormer, prison planetoids usually have maximum-security compounds with heavily-armed forces.[Episode 2] The Hero Factory usually deals with robot villains.[SM2] When criminals are arrested, they will face charges.[SM4] The villains are allowed to talk to visitors in their prisons' visiting areas.[SM1][SM5] There are punishments where robot villains get dismantled.[HFPM][SM1][SM2]
Some villains, like XPlode and Splitface, want to get paid. XPlode was known to get paid by Von Nebula to help him fight the Hero Factory.(Galaxy's Most Wanted - Evil to the Core) Splitface was a powerful enforcer, usually forcing business-bots to pay him for "protection", and if they do not pay, he destroyed their business.[FO:MSG, p. 59]
Mining is a popular occupation throughout the universe; many natural resources can only be acquired by mining a planet. Some of the mining places are where mining robots work.
Aird Mining Company
The Aird Mining Company is a mining group working on a planet on a galactic rim far from the Makuhero Planet during the early days of Hero Factory. The Legion of Darkness, as part of a scheme to eliminate Hero Factory, sabotaged a number of their mining robots, then tricked two Alpha 1 Team members, Preston Stormer and Jimi Stringer, into investigating. When the Heroes got there, the robots went berserk, and started attacking them, who eventually quelled the Legion's activities. The Aird Mining Company later claimed damages for the incident.[SM2]
The planet Quatros was one of the last reserves of Quaza on the planet, and was frequently mined for the material until it was discovered that the planet can no longer sustain having the Quaza extracted. Thus, the Hero Factory made the planet a nature reserve, making mining there illegal.[Episode 6]
Tallos 5
The planet Tallos 5 is the site of frequent mining, so much that it is often referred to as the "mining planet"; Tallos 5 has mining robots help with the mining, though four of them later went insane due to a faulty upgrade, forming a criminal group.
Merak 9
Merak 9 is also a mining asteroid, using the explosive C-4000 in the miners' activities. They put the explosives in a large crate, which is carried by a hover ship.
Furno had the miners hide while their crate of C-4000 was guarded by Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk. The three veteran Heroes guarded the explosives from XPlode and Rotor, who tried to steal the explosives. The Heroes succeeded in stopping the villains, so the villains got away.[Episode 1][C1]
Antropolis City
Antropolis City's people planned to dig a tunnel below it, and they wanted it for decades. When three construction workers from a new company called the Antropolis Metro Line used a drill to try to make a tunnel, this awakened the Jumpers, and the Jumpers thought that they were being attacked by the people, they attacked the people. However, seven members of the Alpha 1 Team defeated the Jumpers. They convinced the city's people to close up the tunnel and build a bridge over the city rather than a tunnel below it.[Episode 11]
Inventions and Communication
Many robot civilizations use various high-tech. Some civilizations use the same kind of devices.
Hero Factory and the Aird Mining Company use various electronic tablets called Datapads, which can record information.[Episode 1][Episode 3][Episode 5][SM2][Episode 10][SM3] The construction workers from Antropolis City use a version of a Datapad with a transparent center and opaque rim as well.[Episode 11] People in Makuhero City use similar devices that can scan a Hero's autograph when the Hero puts his or her hand on the device's screen. There are similar devices that are very much like normal Earth electronic tablets, as they can take pictures.[Episode 10]
Robots in some interplanetary civilizations drive various space ships. People in some robot civilizations are known to use Transport Pods,[Episode 1] also called Hover Pods.(Hero Factory FM) People in Makuhero City drive cars and trucks of their design.[Episode 10] People in Antropolis City have similar vehicles as well.[Episode 11] People in Tranquis VII's only city called Tranquis also drive vehicles that can be used as springboards.[SM4, p. 2]
There are space freighters that can carry passengers and cargo from planet to planet.[SM3] The Aird Mining Company and Makuhero City have freighters. An old ore freighter from Aird got destroyed by the Legion of Darkness to try to destroy Stormer and Stringer during the Hero Factory's early days, but Stormer and Stringer survived.[SM2] There is an old cargo freighter that once contained a large winged creature in its central cargo hold. The creature slightly damaged the freighter. After the creature left the freighter, the freighter's crew left it, and it was emptied. It was placed in a ship graveyard somewhere in the center of the galaxy.[SM1]
Robotic people use video programs called Vids, which are like planet Earth's own video programs. There are News Vids, which are news reports.[Episode 4][Episode 5][Episode 8][Episode 9][Episode 10][SM3] The Vids can be seen in devices with screens called Vid Screens, which are like Earth's own devices with screens.[SM2]
When the Hero Factory makes top secret projects, like a generator used to test a new source of energy for the Hero Factory technology, they have to let the governments of neighboring worlds know about it, just in case something goes wrong.[SM5]
Robotic people use holograms of any kind by using devices to activate them. Villains use holograms for sabotage. The holograms are commanded by their devices' user. After they do the user's command, they disappear out of existence. Using normal holograms for sabotage is not practical. Images made of light can be detected by the heat they give up, and they cannot hold any physical object. They make good decoys since they look real. Solid-light holograms are a different type of holograms created by a small device. They look like robots made all of smooth silver, with no facial features or other distinguishing features. They look blank. They have enough mass to be able to hold a tool or a weapon, but not so much they set off alarms. They do not give off heat. They can even bend light around them, making them invisible for very short periods of time. The technology is extremely expensive and is illegal on some worlds, but very little is beyond the Galactic Conspiracy's leaders.[SM5]
There are spaceports, or space docks,[SM3] on many planets, like We Who Serve's planet in the Omega system, while allow space ships, like Drop Ships, to land.[SM1] The Hero Factory also has spaceports.
Robots have fuel oil in their bodies.(shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)[Arachnix Drone][SM5] They also like to drink oil,[SM2] including hot oil, which is like hot coffee to them.(Hero Factory FM)
Robots use recharging stations to recharge themselves. The Hero Factory has the Quaza Chamber, which can recharge the Heroes putting energy to their Hero Cores. The city of Tranquis is known to have at least one building that has a recharging station. This building also has a roll of good, strong electrical cable. It was abandoned and damaged by a swarm of Brains when they largely destroyed the city. The building was used by Bulk and Furno to hide by camping out on the roof at night before a group of Brain-possessed robots found them and made them escape to another building during Mission: Robot Rampage. The Heroes used the cable to make a makeshift zip line to do their escape. Furno then used his Flaming Fire Sword to cut the cable in two to prevent the Brain-possessed robots from coming after him and Bulk. Karter and Dumacc had an underground laboratory complex that has rechaging stations.[SM4]
Villain robots like to hang out in their refueling stations.[SM2]
Most robots speak the same basic language in the galaxy, which is English. There are exceptions, such as animal-based languages, including one spoken by Tratix Reptoids.[Episode 3][C3] Robots from many inhabited worlds that the Hero Factory is involved with interact with it and each other. There are inhabited worlds, like planet Earth, that do not interact with the Hero Factory or the other robot-inhabited planets, but they call the Hero Factory for help.
Natalie Breez is programmed to communicate with about 1,800 species.[Episode 3]
Short, blue humanoid-looking robots on a banking planet in the Omega system, like We Who Serve, communicate via flashing lights on their antennae, and are able to translate electrical impulses from robotic beings.[SM1]
A Hero has to use a device called a Translator, which has a mechanical voice that speaks, to translate what the people saying through their language.[SM1]
Hero Factory is said to have a spacecast.[SM1, p. 122]
Hero Factory usually uses the Roman alphabet. They also use a coding language.[Episode 1][Episode 11]
There were people in planet Quatros before they left it long ago. They revered the planet's Quaza. They carved hieroglyphics on a temple on the planet. The hieroglyphics probably tells about the planet's core's Quaza pieces are vital to the planet's health. The hieroglyphics also probably state that if the Quaza is taken out of the core, one should return enough of the Quaza to save the planet from dying. Nathaniel Zib and Quadal tried their best to decipher the hieroglyphics.[Episode 7]
Quatros also have beasts that are highly intelligent and capable of speech.[Episode 6][Episode 7][C7]
The Jumpers are animalistic people who bellow like animals, but can communicate telepathically. The Heroes in their Battle Machine pilot forms can use their built-in devices in their left forearm armor piece to decipher beasts' communication.[Episode 11]
Long ago, explorers who had been in the Jumpers' underground lair below Antropolis City made cravings on a stone pillar that warn future explorers not to go any further in the lair.[Episode 11]
There is an electronic encyclopedia called Heropedia.[Episode 6][Episode 7] It does not exactly have the Quatros hieroglyphics. Popular social networking media include HeroFeed and HeroBook,[Episode 5] and much of their news media is delivered through the news channel HFX. Daniela Capricorn and her male camera robot, who runs in batteries, work in a news company called "Hero News Wire" in the channel.[Episode 4] There is also the "Hero News Network",(Hero Factory FM) or "HNN" for short.[Episode 10](shown in the Brain Attack game) Makuhero City also has a newspaper company called the Intergalactic Hero Tribune.(Hero Factory FM)
Many robots have a slang, where they say the word "bot" or "'bot" to describe a robot.[C1][Episode 1][Episode 2][Episode 3][SM1][SM2][SM4] These words are:
- School-Bot - A robot who studies in a school[HFPM]
- Bot Scout - A robot who works as a child scout[Von Nebula's Bio in Hero]
- Cleaner Bot[ Mission List, Imposters] or Maintenance Mech[SM1] - A robot who works as a cleaner
- MediBot - A robot that works as a medical doctor[C2][Episode 2][Episode 3][C3]
- Mining and Construction Bot - Refers to a mining robot who does mining and construction[Episode 5]
- Forebot - A robot who works as a foreman[SM2]
- Law-Bot - A robot who works as a police officer[SM2]
- Crewbot - A robot who is a member of a crew in a ship[SM3]
- Science Bot - A robot who works as a scientist[SM3]
- Security Bot, or simply Sec-Bot[SM4], or Guard Robot[SM1] - A robot who works as a security guard[SM1][SM3][SM4]
- Henchbot - A robot who works as a henchman (shown in the 2010 sets' descriptions)[SM5][FO:MSG]
- Business-Bot - A robot who works as a business person[FO:MSG]
- "Hero fans" - at least fans of Hero Factory FM.(Hero Factory FM)
- "Galactic clown" - Means a person who acts ridiculous.(Hero Factory FM)
- "Acid-tongued bad bot" - An insult to Corroder.[Episode 2]
- "Lizard-head", "Lizard-lips", or "Snake-breath" - An insult to a Tratix Reptoid.[Episode 3]
- "Von Whatever-He-Calls-Himself" - A nickname that Stormer used to call Von Nebula right after Von Nebula announced his name during a battle in New Stellac City during Mission: Von Nebula.[Episode 4]
- "Von Nutcase" - An insult to Von Nebula.[Episode 4]
- "Piece of scrap metal", "Glorified hat rack", or "Mechanical menace" - An insult to scatterbrained robots that neither talk nor do their jobs right. Daniela Capricorn called her camera robot these names at one time.[Episode 4]
- "Gold Team" - A nickname that William Furno used to call Daniel Rocka's group of Heroes during Mission: Savage Planet.[Episode 6]
- "Robo-Bugs" - A nickname given by Rocka to Arachnix and his duplicates because he did not know their true name.[Episode 9]
- "Robot hero" - Means a Hero Factory Hero.[MtH][TBW]
- "Hero Depot" or "Hero Warehouse" - Nicknames that Splitface mistakenly used to call the Hero Factory when he was having a hard time remembering its name right after first meeting it.[SM2, p. 20]
- "Robot-breaker" - A nickname for Black Phantom.[SM2, p. 23]
- "Two-faced amataer" - An insult to Splitface.[SM2, p. 25]
- "Walking pollution factory" - An nickname for Toxic Reapa.[SM2, p. 26]
- "Tinhead" - Means a robot who speaks with vivid vocabulary.[SM2]
- "Rust-for-brains" - An insult that means a stupid robot.[SM2]
- "Sludge-for-brains" - An insult to Toxic Reapa that calls him stupid.[SM2]
- "Camera" - Refers to a camera robot.[Episode 10]
- "Brainy" - Refers to a Brain.[Episode 10]
- "Blobbo" - An insult to a Brain.[Episode 10]
- "Big bug" - Refers to Thornraxx. Breez called Thornraxx that after recapturing him.[SM3]
- "Breez Factory" - A nickname that Natalie Breez would jokingly call the Hero Factory when she completed a mission.[SM3]
- "Wind" or "Gust" - Nicknames that one of the non-Brain-possessed Valiant crew members, who is a reapir tech, mistakenly used to call Breez when he was having a hard time remembering her name right after first meeting her.[SM2]
- "Bodiless pile of tissue" - An insult to a Brain.[SM3]
- "Piece of space garbage" - An insult to a villain.[SM4]
- "Metal thing" - A nickname that a Brain-possessed being used to call a robot that he or she is talking to.[SM4]
- "Pile of space junk" - An insult to an intergalactic robotic villain.[SM5]
- "Fish-face" - An insult to Jawblade.[SM5]
- "Miserable insect" - An insult to Thornraxx.[SM5]
- "Metal mistake" - A creator's insult to his or her robotic creation.[SM5]
There are known nicknames for villains that are not insults, as they are used to shorten the villains' names or give them initials based on their names:
- "The Doctor",[Episode 6][Episode 7] or simply "The Doc" or "Doc" - Refers to the Witch Doctor.[Episode 7]
- "Speeda" - Refers to Speeda Demon.[Episode 8]
- "CH" - Refers to Core Hunter.[SM1]
- "Hunter" - Refers to Core Hunter.[SM1]
- "BP" - Refers to Black Phantom.[SM2]
- "Reapa" - Refers to Toxic Reapa.[SM2]
- "Phantom" - Refers to Black Phantom.[SM2, p. 64]
- "TR" - Refers to Toxic Reapa.[SM2]
- "SD" - Refers to Speeda Demon.[SM2]
Verbal expressions
- "Semi-Quasar" - Means two robots working together to be a duet at a musical performance.(Hero Factory FM)
- "Hero Factory designer" - Refers to designers from Hero Factory.(Hero Factory FM)
- "Hero gadgets" - Refers to gadgets that Heroes use.(Hero Factory FM)
- "Gadget Design" - Refers to the Hero Factory's Gadget Design Team.(Hero Factory FM)
- "...that blows my circuits" - Means that the robot is surprised about something.(Hero Factory FM)
- "...quiet as Mercurian Mice" - Means that someone is very quiet.[Episode 1]
- "To Hero-Cuff" - Means to use Hero Cuffs to capture a criminal.[C1][Episode 1][C3][Episode 3] There was a similar expression, "to catch and cuff", which is named after Mission: Catch 'Em and Cuff 'Em. This experession was where Heroes went to find their assigned villains who escaped from the Hero Factory's prison and use new sets of Hero Cuffs to capture them.[Episode 9](Mentioned in the Breakout Animations)
- "Hero Alert" - Means an emergency that the Hero has to go deal with.[Episode 2]
- "To mission-brief" - Means that Mission Managers and Heroes talk about a mission.[Episode 2]
- "Last one back washes the Hero Craft" - Means that a Hero wants to race the others in his or her team to somewhere.[C4]
- "Are your audio receptors broken?" - Means if the robot is not listening.(shown in Comic 5: Ordeal of Fire)
- "No Hero's useless while his/her Quaza Core still glows" - A way to encourage the Hero to not think about him or her being useless.[Episode 5]
- "A core charge" - Means that a robot's core is charged.[Episode 9]
- "Whatever rat hole he's hiding in" - Means a villain is hiding somewhere.[SM1]
- "The ones with a working brain" - Means smart robots. It is used as a way to insult stupid robots. Core Hunter once said this to Bulk to insult him.[SM1]
- "...not unless Zib is building robot dune dragons now" - Means if Zib is building robot dune dragons, which can track down items that the Heroes cannot find.[SM1]
- "You don't have the core to . . ." - Means if a robot does not really want to do a certain action.[SM1, p. 120]
- "computer brain"[SM2][SM5] or "computer mind"[SM5] - Means a robot's brain.
- "robot-sitting" - Means that the Heroes have to take care of a robot or group of robots.[SM2]
- " moving at a space snail's pace" - Means that something is moving very slow.[SM2]
- "My Hero Core may burst from pride." - Means that a Hero is happy and proud. When used sarcastically, it means that the Hero feels the opposite.[SM2, p. 91]
- " just crying Arcturian Dragon-Wolf here" - Means that someone is doubting the other about an emergency, and the first person would not want to deal with the emergency if the second is lying about it existing.[SM2]
- "To sizzle" - To fry something. Toxic Reapa uses this verb to describe Voltix's electrical attack.[SM2]
- "To sludge" - Toxic Reapa states that he will use his toxic sludge on his target.[SM2]
- "Last one to (a place) is a rotten rust bucket!" - Means that a robot wants to foot race the others in his or her group to somewhere.[Episode 10]
- "To brain-attack",[SM3] or simply "to brain"[SM3][SM4] - Means a Brain is possessing a being.
- "This robot has blown a circuit." - Means that the robot is insane.[SM3]
- "host bodies" - Means beings that are possessed by Brains. The Brains use this expression to call their hosts.[SM3]
- "Thank the stars!" - Means that someone is safe.[SM4]
- " quiet as a robot reclaimation pile." - Means that an abandoned and damaged building is very quiet.[SM4]
- "laser-happy" - An adjective describing robots who shoot lasers to attack.[SM4]
- "Out of the smelter and into the recycling forge." - Means that the problem is coming back.[SM4]
- " my last Hero Core that..." - Means that the Hero is using his or her conscious to make a good guess on something suspicious.[SM4]
- "We weren't looking to leave a trail of oil" - Means that robots do not want to hurt or destroy others or make them leak oil.[SM4]
- "I don't give a broken bolt about..." - Means that the robot does not care about another's intention.[SM4]
- "Hauling your metal frame out of the furnace." - Means getting a robot out of a dangerous situation.[SM4]
- "robot-power" - The amount of robots needed to do a certain task.[SM4]
- "To turn one's inner mechanisms cold"[SM4] or "To make one's core go cold"[SM5] - Means a robot is feeling scared.
- "robothole" - Refers to a manhole used by robots. Von Nebula City from Reality 11275.6 has robotholes.[SM5]
- " tossing mice into a wild Rhalos pen" - Means that one doubts the other's idea that he or she finds insane.[SM5]
- "gravity gag" - Refers to Von Nebula usually using the Black Hole Orb Staff.[SM5]
- "You have a computer in your head, (someone's name), use it." - Means telling some robot to use their brain to think carefully about a situation.[SM5]
- "That is if you happen to be carrying (an object) on you that half of the galaxy would give their logic circuits for." - Means that many robots would not be reasonable in giving something to you.[SM5]
People in the society praise the Heroes for their heroic actions, and the Heroes are famous because of this. Makuhero City's people do a community event, where they meet the Alpha 1 Team at the park while the Heroes get to know the people. The Heroes do this as an important assignment. The Heroes sign electronic autographs by putting their hand on a person's electronic tablet, answer questions, and show off some of their skills.[TBW] The electronic autograph has the Hero's current appearance and signature. The people also play Roboball with the Heroes and take pictures with them. The people made statues of six of the Alpha 1 Team's members in their Breakout forms in the center of the city's plaza to honor the team.[Episode 10]
- In the Hero Factory Promotional Magazine, Hero Factory uses an alphabet system comprised of circles within squares, the circles having lines cutting into fourths. The circles and the squares are either colored a shade of green or blue.[HFPM] These codes were only used for the LEGO Club Magazines in late 2010 to unlock online posters of Preston Stormer, William Furno, and Mark Surge. Lenny7092 (talk) remembers this.
- Two Hero Factory magazines in UK issues of the LEGO Club Magazine, Makuhero Star and Makuhero Times, were made in Makuhero City, though these magazines have non-canon content. Both show elapsed time and names of days and months. Makuhero Star has various word terms, characters, and vehicles that were not used in other media:
- Von Nebula's Earth Invasion Plan Thwarted (Pages 1 and 2)
- It is a story that is edited by A. Scribbler, a Galactic Affairs Editor.
- Von Nebula had an army of invaders, including an airborn strike force and robotic ground forces. They have transporter ships.
- "Hero Factory Special Forces Robots", "Hero Factory Agents", and "Hero Factory Robots", meaning Hero Factory Heroes.
- A senior African official named Nwandu Umbandi.
- The British Prime Minister, who announced that Hero Factory forces were given special Earth citizenship.
- Hero Factory star cruisers.
- A Hero Factory spokesrobot, with "spokesrobots" meaning a robot that is a spokesperson.
- Special Hero Factory robotic builders.
- Page 2
- Preston Stormer to receive Bravery Award for Services to People of Earth.
- Stormer is called "Hero Factory Special Operations Team Leader".
- A high Earth official called the Queen, who lives in a place called Buckingham Palace. She will give Stormer the Bravery Award.
- The President of the United States.
- Makuhero City Worker reports Monster Beetles: Hero Factory Called in as Panic Spreads.
- A city engineer called Mr. RZ 320T Grinder, who does routine duty in Makuhero City's sewage system, which has a small access tunnel.
- His boss.
- "I thought I was scrap metal", which means being destroyed.
- Beetle-like creatures that are estimated to be 10 meters tall, are fierce, and have huge jaws.
- "Hero Factory Special Agents", meaning Hero Factory Heroes.
- A Hero Factory spokesrobot.
- Preston Stormer to receive Bravery Award for Services to People of Earth.
- Page 3 - Makuhero Classified - has classified ads.
- Proton Stormer and Sons - Bio-Engineers - The Space Pod Extensions and Conversion Experts no job to microscopic. Plutonium required.
- Vintage Fordium Escortus, 7.2 XL for Sale
- A company called TLCorp.
- A company called Interface Robo-Motors. These three companies work together.
- Cash 4 Plastic - cash paid at a company called Recycloplast LTD.
- Free to Collector
- Atomicast Lawn Mower - Good working order although needs a new deuterium fuel rod. The "Auto" mode can get stuck on, hence free to collector.
- Location: Kumatori District.
- Holiday on Venus - Used by a vacation company called Electric-Dream Holidays, who uses planet Venus as a vacation resort. They consider Venus' atmosphere with sulphuric acid as delightful for relaxing, and the atmosphere is used to clean robots and make them shine.
- Cash-4-Scrap! - Cash-4-Scrap is a company that deals with robots who got recently upgraded and no longer need parts.
- An ad for the Hero Factory
- Page 4 - Sport Makuhero Star
- Makuhero City and other associated robot-inhabited cities have soccer.
- The city's soccer team called Makuhero FC, who are nicknamed the "Mak's". It includes a player named Brian Blaster. The team has a manager named Sir Alex Ferrous. Furno plays for the team.
- Furno says a quote, "Future is with the Maks." (could be a grammatical error, as it shoud say "Mak's")
- A soccer team called Nagashi Raiders. They include a player named Leighton Threat.
- Each of the soccer teams has a dressing room.
- Von Nebula's Earth Invasion Plan Thwarted (Pages 1 and 2)
- Makuhero Times called Toxic Reapa a "walking waste disposal unit".
- In Comic 4: Von Nebula Rising, Von Nebula called the Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings "Antigravity Booster Rings", but this is incorrect because he may not have heard their name right.
- There are robots that do a special day called "Energy Conservation Day", where they conserve energy.(shown in the Mission: Ordeal of Fire game)
- According to the Savage Planet commercials, the 3.0 Heroes are called "Animal-Powered Heroes", which refers to the Heroes having Animal Powers from their 3.0 upgrades.
- The Heroes celebrate their birthdays, which are called "Activation Days".[Great Britain version in October 3, 2012]
- Lego Club Inside Scoop once did a two-week event called "Makumas" for the Breakout online game in 2012. On the last weel, the game was temporarily modified with doubling its points called Hero Points. Three codes for the game called Hero Codes had their Hero Points doubled during the time.[Lego Club Inside Scoop page]
- In a three-part series of non-canon online animations, Hero Factory Fox Sports Animations, Makuhero City and other associated robot-inhabited cities have football. There is a football league in Makuhero City called "Makuhero Football League", and it has been running for 34 years. In there, there is a football trophy that is made of 100% Quaza.